Redeemer no longer on WYNE-LP

Redeemer Broadcasting has been blessed to serve the area of Wayne, NJ, and surrounds, via an affiliate signal owned by Preakness Valley United Reformed Church, since September 2016. 

Regrettably, our affiliate relationship ended when our contract was cancelled by Preakness starting December 30 at 12 Noon.  The radio committee at Preakness Valley United Reformed Church cancelled our contract and provided another highly-restrictive and very costly revised version of it. We would have had to sign that contract in order to continue into 2023.  It was impossible for us to sign the revised contract as it would have jeopardized the ministry financially, program-wise and possibly legally.    

Therefore, in order to continue broadcasting over WYNE-LP, we modified their revised contract such that it was workable and realistic. We then submitted it to the radio committee with the hope to continue. However, our counter proposal was rejected.  That left us with no other option than to accept the December 30 cancellation notice. 

Redeemer will no longer be heard on 95.9 FM via WYNE-LP, but not by our own choice.   

For more information on how to continue receiving us, please email us at: 

If you are depending on this ministry for spiritual food, we have a solution for you that gives crystal clear reception of Redeemer Broadcasting in your home.  Please contact us using our email address of:

You may also be able to listen online at:

Listen on your smartphone using the app "Redeemer Broadcasting."  If you do it this way, it’s ideal to have your phone plugged in either at home or in the car.

If you used to listen to WYNE-LP and are a regular supporter of Redeemer, we can provide you a Grace Digital Audio Mondo Elite internet receiver at no charge to you.  This table radio uses the wireless signal of the router in your home. It gives a nice sound and is perfectly clear.  It will restore the programming that you are used to. Just ask.

Finally, pray for us that arrangements can be made to secure a new terrestrial signal in your area.  We have a substantive lead with a seller who is ready, but alas, it is too much presently. 

If you need more information, please email us.