Holding All Things Together

"He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent."

- Colossians 1:15-18

Below are the recent broadcasts of Holding All Things Together.

A complete list of the stations that carry this program can be found here.

Holding All Things Together: This Administration's Medicare Shock for Seniors, Jesus is Prophet, Priest, and King, Election Day Sermons
Air Date: 10/26/2024
This Administration's Medicare Shock for Seniors, Jesus is Prophet, Priest, and King, Election Day Sermons

False advertising seen on TV, claims that Republicans are “taking away Medicare.” Untrue. The facts tell another story. Changes made to Medicare’s prescription drug coverage by this Administration and congressional Democrats – with not a single Republican vote – as part of the “inflation Reduction Act” are sending premiums sky-high, eliminating plans for at least 3 million seniors, and making it harder to access medications. The data shows that under four years of Biden-Harris administration policies (i.e., plan years 2022 through 2025) the national average monthly premium paid by Medicare beneficiaries for stand-alone Part D prescription drug plans has increased by 57%. This was reported in an article by the Daily Signal, along with charts detailing each state, and how the average number of plans are dropping as a result. Here to discuss the situation is Elizabeth Troutman Mitchell, reporting fellow. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that the Lord Jesus is our Prophet, Priest and King. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reminds us that during the founding years of our republic, the Pastors felt it their obligation to preach election day sermons. They persuaded the congregation to exercise their godly duty to vote in accordance with God’s law, especially so because we live in a Constitutional Republic heavily influenced by Christianity. Jesus is Lord – and yes, over politics as well as everything else. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. All this, just ahead, on Holding All Things Together.

Holding All Things Together: Lessons Learned - Hurricane Helene and Failure of FEMA and our Administration - Tony Kinnett, How God Became Man, Public Trinitarian Prayers
Air Date: 10/19/2024
Lessons Learned - Hurricane Helene and Failure of FEMA and our Administration - Tony Kinnett, How God Became Man, Public Trinitarian Prayers

In the discipline of Project Management, you hear of the practice of conducting a “lessons learned.” Let’s step back for a moment to the North Carolina hurricane Helene – the deadliest to strike the mainland US since Katrina in 2005. Have we learned anything? We heard about the fact that FEMA was out of money. Was it wise for FEMA to spend as much of their budget as they did on supporting illegal aliens? What about the citizens working their way out of the disaster in Western North Carolina? Well, one lesson is that FEMA while guilty, is not the only game in town. If we had a president who was able to comprehend his proper role and would take the bull by the horns, do you know that he could have quickly and easily mobilized the military to help? Its legal and has been done before. It would have provided logistics beyond your wildest imagination. But no, the Biden/Harris team miserably failed the people. Another lesson is that Congress has the power to reallocate funds to provide help to North Carolina, or Florida for that matter. Speaker Johnson is culpable here. Funds that are allocated to overseas conflicts that we don’t really need to be part of, could have been re-directed to our own people who are in trouble. Shouldn’t our own tax-paying families take priority? Here to discuss the response to the hurricane in North Carolina, is Tony Kinnett, Investigative Columnist for the Daily Signal, and radio host at WIBC Indianapolis. Pastor Bill Shishko discusses how God became man, in the Lord Jesus Christ. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz tackles the question of whether public prayers in America have to be so watered down as to appease secularists, such that they cease to be trinitarian Christian prayers. History is on the side of the orthodox Christian praying in public and beseeching the Triune God of the Scriptures for the spiritual health of this nation. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Fact Checking the Haitian Migrant Claims - Virginia Allen, Christ is the Redeemer of God's Elect, Yom Kippur and What it Points to
Air Date: 10/12/2024
Fact Checking the Haitian Migrant Claims - Virginia Allen, Christ is the Redeemer of God's Elect, Yom Kippur and What it Points to

Days ago, during the VP candidates’ debate, you heard the moderator claim that the tens of thousands of Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio, have “legal status or temporary protected status.” Fact is, the Haitians in Springfield, Ohio, are in various immigration statuses. They certainly are not persons coming in, applying for a green card! They are either - 1. Recipients of Temporary Protected Status, which the president can assign to nationals of designated countries for (supposedly) temporary periods of wars, natural disasters, or other one-off events (not the Haitian case). Or, 2. Those who arrived illegally between ports of entry but are soon released with a Notice to Appear in immigration court in a lengthy process to deport them. Or 3, Those paroled in, via the Biden administration’s highly disputed, and arguably unconstitutional, (parole for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans) or CBP One programs. Fact is, most of these are here as economic migrants! Perhaps not so legal or protected after all. Joining us to discuss this aspect of the debate is Senior News Producer for The Daily Signal, Virginia Allen. Pastor Bill Shishko discusses how Christ is the Redeemer of God’s Elect. Later in the program writer Gerry Wisz joins us to take a look at Yom Kippur. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Parents Rights to Raise Their Child - Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox, God Chose Us in Christ, Abraham's Last Lie About His Wife
Air Date: 10/5/2024
Parents Rights to Raise Their Child - Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox, God Chose Us in Christ, Abraham's Last Lie About His Wife

Power in elected office can be tempting. It’s important to always keep an eye on any politicians who try to undermine our constitutional rights. In New York State, they want to change the state constitution to include a laundry list of things that will ultimately abolish many of the resident’s rights. The so-called Proposal One, or Prop One, is a kind of Trojan Horse. If passed, it would strip you of your parental rights and give the government control of your children. It would also make New York a permanent sanctuary state, where illegals, including criminals can’t be deported! It further would open the door for illegals to claim taxpayer funded benefits. It would abolish girls’ sports, and women’s spaces like locker rooms, bathrooms, dormitories, and it would abolish single sex schools, clubs, and organizations. Proposition One is deceptively named the “Equal Rights Amendment.” But It should be named the “Abolition of your Rights” amendment. The proposition will appear on the ballot next time you vote. A “no” vote will help protect your rights and your family. Beware of Prop One. If you live outside of New York State, take this as a warning to keep an eye out for similar proposals. As a Christian, get involved. Be aware. Here to discuss the troubling details of Prop One is Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that God chose us in Christ. He cites Ephesians 1:4 which speaks of God choosing us in Him before the foundation of the world. He also cites the passage in Romans 9. Later in the program, Gerry Wisz reviews the final time that Abraham lies about Sarah being his wife, claiming she is his sister. The lesson for us is that we are far better off speaking the truth. God will take care of us if we do. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Flawed Secret Service Protection - Lora Ries, The Misery of our Fallen Estate, Abraham in Genesis 20
Air Date: 9/28/2024
Flawed Secret Service Protection - Lora Ries, The Misery of our Fallen Estate, Abraham in Genesis 20

The US Secret Service has shown itself to be incapable of protecting Donald Trump. They cling to old rules, such as, only a current president gets sufficient protection, while the protection paradigm should instead be based on risk, and not status. The Secret Service is poorly managed with wrong priorities and is DEI infested. Our guest today explains that they need to shed some of their functions like counterfeit money, and cyber security investigations. They also need to shed protection for the UN General Assembly. Trump is an international target with Iran also having an interest in killing him. Considering the recent assassination attempts against former President Trump, today we talk with an expert who has 30 years’ experience in the immigration and homeland security arena. She was recently Homeland Security Acting Deputy Chief of Staff. Pastor Bill Shishko discusses the misery of that estate into which mankind fell. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to continue looking at Genesis, this week chapter 20. At this juncture, Abimelech, ruler of the Philistines, has taken Sarah from Abraham, just as Pharoah of Egypt had years before. Sarah is no longer a young woman at this point, and yet Abraham lies and feels compelled to say that she is his sister, and not his wife. The Lord watches over Sarah and ensures that she is returned to Abraham unharmed. She will live to the age of 127. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: What Fuels America's Fentanyl Crisis - Robert Greenway, The Corruption of our Whole Nature, WPATH lack of Transparency
Air Date: 9/21/2024
What Fuels America's Fentanyl Crisis - Robert Greenway, The Corruption of our Whole Nature, WPATH lack of Transparency

People are dying from America’s fentanyl crisis. Just think – if you take a two-year span - 2021 to 2023, more Americans died from opioids than from World War 1, and the Korean and Vietnam Wars combined. 70,000 Americans are dead due to this crisis! That’s about the size of Passaic, New Jersey. We must confront this problem, for the sake of American lives. The three realities that play into this problem are - the Chinese Communist Party which provides – and the Mexican Cartels which receive the financial and production resources to expand their fentanyl market. Then the obvious factor – our completely open southern border. Today we talk with Heritage Director of the Allison Center for National Security, Robert Greenway. Pastor Bill Shishko discusses the corruption of our whole nature due to original sin. Later in the program, write Gerry Wisz continues to cover the secrecy of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, or WPATH. Mental health distress is often the case with youth wanting to transition to the opposite gender, and Dr. Hillary Cass of the UK, calls for therapy instead of transgender drugs. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Additional information here: https://www.heritage.org/heritage-unveils-critical-report-exposing-chinas-role-fueling-americas-fentanyl-crisis Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together - When Propaganda Starts Failing - Robert H. Knight, Born Into a State of Sin and Misery, Withholding of Medical Results
Air Date: 9/14/2024
When Propaganda Starts Failing - Robert H. Knight, Born Into a State of Sin and Misery, Withholding of Medical Results

More and more Americans are sensing that something has gone terribly wrong in our country and that we need a sea change in leadership. We have been fed daily a diet of propaganda from our media. Fortunately, a lot of people are waking up to the lies and pushing back now. One major party and their sycophantic media are pretending to be all-American moderates instead of what they really are: hard-left enthusiasts for socialism, sexual anarchy, illegal immigration, climate extremism, COVID-19 shot mandates, higher taxes, and a feckless foreign policy. Today we talk about this increasing failure of mainstream propaganda with a writer with the Washington Times, Robert H. Knight. Pastor Bill Shishko reiterates the fact of the guilt of Adam’s first sin, and how that we are born into a state of sin and misery. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz discusses the withholding of results from medical reviews of transgender procedures. John’s Hopkin’s Evidence Based Practice Center (or EPC) as it has worked with the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, or WPATH. EPC was hired by WPATH to conduct systematic reviews of transgender medical procedures. Since 2018, the EPC has produced 6 such reviews. And yet none has been made available to the public. Why? Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Some Christian Values Without the New Birth - Dr. John Vance, How Mankind Fell in Adam's First Transgression, Neighborliness
Air Date: 9/7/2024
Some Christian Values Without the New Birth - Dr. John Vance, How Mankind Fell in Adam's First Transgression, Neighborliness

It’s hard not to notice that there are people who love living in a country that Christianity has produced – its safety, health, prosperity, freedom, education, and yet they have not yet come to saving faith themselves. It’s a common phenomenon. People enjoy and seek after the secondary results of Christianity, and yet many have not embraced the Savior personally. As a Christian ministry, it is our hope and prayer that someday they will indeed enter into a saving relationship with Jesus and know the profound sense of sins forgiven and true peace with the Triune God of the Scriptures. Jesus said: “for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Today we consider this interesting dynamic of people enjoying the benefits of Christianity, and yet still in need of salvation. Our guest today is Pastor John Vance of West Virginia. Pastor Bill Shishko discusses how all mankind fell in Adam’s first transgression. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to look at what the Bible has to say about being neighborly. He contrasts the biblical position of voluntary neighborliness … with socialism, which leads to societal slavery. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Border Disaster - Simon Hankinson, The Sin Whereby Our First Parents Fell, Labor Day
Air Date: 8/31/2024
The Border Disaster - Simon Hankinson, The Sin Whereby Our First Parents Fell, Labor Day

The United States faces an unprecedented border crisis. Looking back, two weeks into Biden’s term, he handed off a major task to VP Harris, that is: ”leading the administration’s diplomatic efforts to address the root causes of migration from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.” News outlets rightly deemed VP Harris the “Border Czar.” Yet under Harris’ watch, illegal immigration increased exponentially. This Biden-Harris problem is so bad that some communities are being destroyed across the country. The problem has morphed in complexity to allow countries outside of South America to come in. Unvetted. In Springfield Ohio, a town of 60,000 residents, nearly 20,000 Haitians have resettled in Springfield and the town is seeing an uptick in violence and a full-blown housing crisis. Americans are not opposed to LEGAL immigration. Our forefathers were immigrants. But the difference is, they came here legally, and at a rate that was sustainable. They came to work hard, integrate, and immediately start earning a living. Today we talk with a former Foreign Service Officer who worked at the state department. He understands how our system works and, in the past, has handed out many visas in his past roll. Our guest is Simon Hankinson. Pastor Bill Shishko discusses the sin whereby our first parents fell, based on the Shorter Catechism. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to take a look at the origin and meaning of Labor Day. He considers labor relations, unions, and what the scriptures have to say about the ethics involved in working as a Christian to the glory of God. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Big Tech's Power to Shape Public Discourse - Daniel Cochrane, What is Sin?, Lot's offspring are divorced from God’s redemptive plan in history
Air Date: 8/24/2024
Big Tech's Power to Shape Public Discourse - Daniel Cochrane, What is Sin?, Lot's offspring are divorced from God’s redemptive plan in history

Did you know that there are at least 3 ways that Tech giants are shaping our elections? Alphabet, Meta, TikTok and X wield enormous power over what we see and say online. Facebook and Instagram control about 74 percent of the global social media market. Google commands 90.68 percent of the global search market. The three ways in which companies shape elections and political information are via: Reactive Methods of Manipulation, Proactive Methods of Manipulation, and Cooperative Methods of Manipulation. These three areas were recently highlighted in testimony provided to the Texas State Senate by our guest in late May of this year. Today, we are joined by Daniel Cochrane, Senior Research Associate for the Tech Policy Center at Heritage. Pastor Bill Shishko answers the question, “What is sin?” Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz recounts the life of Lot after he and his daughters escape Sodom. Lot and his family flee Sodom and take refuge in the city of Zoar. He does not stay there but moves into the hills, where the angels originally told him to go. Gerry reminds us that while Lot’s line continues, his offspring are divorced from God’s redemptive plan in history. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Current Financial Crisis and How to Cope - Joel Griffith, Our First Parents Fell, For All Have Sinned
Air Date: 8/17/2024
Current Financial Crisis and How to Cope - Joel Griffith, Our First Parents Fell, For All Have Sinned

How’s your financial stability doing? Most families in America, have experienced increased prices in real goods, and wages that have not kept pace with the cost of living. Most families are hurting. The debt load has increased for most of our families, and for many younger ones, the hope of acquiring a home is no longer a realistic goal in many parts of the country. Today we talk economics with an expert who is a Research Fellow in the Thomas A. Roe Institute for economic policy studies at The Heritage Foundation. Our guest is Joel Griffith. Pastor Bill Shishko discusses our first parents and how they fell from the estate wherein they were created, by sinning against God. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz discusses the sin that was evident in Sodom and Gomorrah, which resulted in its utter destruction. And yet, there are other sins listed in 1 Cor 6:9-11 which also result in eternal separation from God. Only Christ can make us righteous and fit for heaven. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Legacy media Often Lacks Honesty - Tony Kinnett, The Covenant of Life, The Life of Lot in Sodom
Air Date: 8/10/2024
Legacy media Often Lacks Honesty - Tony Kinnett, The Covenant of Life, The Life of Lot in Sodom

Perhaps you’ve noticed that legacy media today is not necessarily honest. Long gone are the days when we could tune into a major network and get a dose of reasonably accurate news from say, a David Brinkley or a Walter Cronkite. Just consider the recent example of the very serious Trump assassination attempt. CNN reported “Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after he falls at rally. The Washington Post wrote: Trump taken away after loud noises at rally. The Indy Star and other USA Today outlets said: “Trump removed from stage by Secret Service after loud noises startle former president.” No wonder that Christians are increasingly getting their news from other sources now. The platform X has proven helpful now that Elon Musk has taken it over. The canceling filters have been greatly diminished. Gab has proven to be a faithful Christian platform. Joining us today to discuss the disparity, is investigative columnist for the Daily Signal, and radio host for WIBC Indianapolis. Our guest today is Tony Kinnett. Pastor Bill Shishko reviews what is meant by the Covenant of Life. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together - Oklahoma Schools - Positive Corrections - Ryan Walters, God's Works of Providence, Sodom's Stubborn Wickedness
Air Date: 8/3/2024
Oklahoma Schools - Positive Corrections - Ryan Walters, God's Works of Providence, Sodom's Stubborn Wickedness

Something is happening in the Oklahoma public schools that is encouraging. Due to new leadership by their State Superintendent, 117 out of 191 schools have come off the failing school list. Some of the positive changes made include getting teacher’s unions out of their schools and putting parents in charge. Also eliminating woke ideology and DEI from the schools. Further, students are now learning full orbed American history and exceptionalism. All history is being taught, not just select pieces. Oklahoma embraces school choice – including private and homeschool. The money follows the child. Our guest today is Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters. Pastor Bill Shishko reviews the Shorter Catechism Question 11, which asks “What are God's works of providence?” Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz returns to the account of Lot in Sodom and his rescue before God's judgment is poured out on the city. The men of Sodom show their wickedness when Lot asks them to desist from acting wickedly. Instead of ceasing, they double down, and threaten Lot directly. This is contrasted with the way God’s people act. Finally, We'll take another look at this week in history. All this and more, on Holding All Things Together!

Holding All Things Together: How to Accomplish Deportation of Illegal Aliens - Virginia Allen, Made in God's Image, Sodom and Lessons for Others
Air Date: 7/27/2024
How to Accomplish Deportation of Illegal Aliens - Virginia Allen, Made in God's Image, Sodom and Lessons for Others

When approximately 8 and a half million people cross our borders and stay here without permission, its right to say that an invasion has taken place by illegal aliens on our southern border. A conservative estimate is that 10 Million illegals have been encountered and about 85% of them are still in the United States. Associated with this is a rise in murders, sex trafficking, an overwhelming uptick in fentanyl cases, theft, squatters, and kidnapping. The list goes on and on. Could be just a matter of time before terrorists amongst these illegals strike at America from within. Also disturbing is that the left wants to give these criminals welfare, and the right to vote! Today we talk with a senior news producer at The Daily Signal, who has been tracking this invasion. She recently talked with Mark Morgan, the acting commissioner of US Customs and Border Protection during the Trump administration. Our guest today, is Virginia Allen. , Pastor Bill Shishko explains that God created man in his own image - male and female. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz returns to the account of Lot in Sodom. He reminds us of historically biblical examples where the wicked – when warned – do not repent, but double down, preferring their own counsel, leading to their own destruction. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Anti-Racism and the Department of HHS and other News: Jake Novak, God's Creation, Judgment of God on Sodom
Air Date: 7/20/2024
Anti-Racism and the Department of HHS and other News: Jake Novak, God's Creation, Judgment of God on Sodom

The Department of Health and Human Services has received multiple recommendations to implement “anti-racism” in policies, based on the premise that America suffers from “systemic racism,” -- and yet -- the HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra publicly denied having any “anti-racism policies.” Today we have a short discussion on this denial by HHS, and then extend our discussion to several current events items. Our guest was a television news executive producer for 30 years, and then served as a diplomat for a time. He is now a political and economic columnist. He points out, that at root, all people are religious, and that some people are substituting the religion of politics for the biblical faith. Our guest is Jake Novak. Pastor Bill Shishko covers God’s creation in the space of six days of ordinary length - as the history of Genesis shows us. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz discusses the judgement of God on Sodom. It is emblematic of the wrath of God against shameless sin. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history.

Holding All Things Together: Totalitarian Governance Scheme Advanced by the WHO - Reggie Littlejohn, Creation, Supreme Court Decisions
Air Date: 7/13/2024
Totalitarian Governance Scheme Advanced by the WHO - Reggie Littlejohn, Creation, Supreme Court Decisions

The World Health Organization is pushing for Digital IDs that could be used for the same platform as the China Social Credit System. This is part of the totalitarian global governance scheme being advanced by the WHO. The Who’s goal is for power to mandate not only human health policies but also animal health. Mind you, the World Health Organization does not have a good track record as we observed with their overreach during the recent COVID pandemic. Our guest today helps us unpack the newly amended International Health Regulations and the proposed Pandemic Treaty of the WHO. She recently participated in an historic International Lawyers Press Conference in Geneva Switzerland. Today we are joined by attorney Reggie Littlejohn. Pastor Bill Shishko talks to us about God’s work of creation. He made all things of nothing, by His powerful word, and in the space of 6 days. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to review some of the recent decisions by the Supreme court which rebuff regulatory agencies for interpreting law, when creating and enforcing rules on business. These agencies were reaching way beyond their mandates. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Parental Rights and Protecting Children - Tyler O'Neil, Independence Day and Prayer, Abraham Petitions for the Wicked City of Sodom
Air Date: 7/6/2024
Parental Rights and Protecting Children - Tyler O'Neil, Independence Day and Prayer, Abraham Petitions for the Wicked City of Sodom

A real estate agent in Georgia spoke up about a sexually explicit book that appeared in the children’s section of her local public library. She wanted the library to move the book to the adult section. In a normal world, such a request would be more than reasonable. Children are impressionable and their minds should be spared from such moral filth. However, transgender activists tried to hound this real estate agent out of business because of her request! Today we talk with the managing editor of the Daily Signal as he shares some of the details of this case, and the lawsuit that has followed. It is high time that moral people speak up and defend their parental rights. Our guest today is Tyler O’Neil. Pastor Bill Shishko considers our Independence day with some suggestions on what to pray for as we consider our nation. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reviews the lessons from Genesis 18, where Abraham petitions the Lord for the life of the wicked city of Sodom. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: An Update on Pro-Life Issues - Brad Mattes, God executes his decrees in the works of Creation and Providence, Vladimir Lenin's Death - 100 Years
Air Date: 6/29/2024
An Update on Pro-Life Issues - Brad Mattes, God executes his decrees in the works of Creation and Providence, Vladimir Lenin's Death - 100 Years

Today we talk about the educational aspects of abortion, as well as legislative and political victories, to protect the lives of babies. On a related note, of great concern is the fact that many countries are reporting a fertility rate that is below the replacement rate. We discuss the recent Supreme Court ruling on the chemical abortion issue, which resulted in the suit being thrown out because there was no standing to bring the lawsuit. But it should be noted that this was not a reflection on the merits of the case. So, this issue will likely be back before the courts in no time. The current administration also wants to force onto states the draconian requirement that our Emergency Rooms be made into abortion facilities! This pro-death strategy is not popular with a majority of our citizens. Our guest today is the President of Life Issues Institute, Brad Mattes. Pastor Bill Shishko discusses how God executes his decrees in the works of Creation and Providence. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz notes that 2024 is the centennial of the death of Vladimir Lenin in 1924. He presided over a revolutionary upheaval that resulted in the torture, maiming and murder of millions of his own countrymen. Gerry points out that Marxism counts on atheism and envy to achieve its goals. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Birds and God's Care - Pastor Mark Diedrich, The Decrees of God, Faith and Works
Air Date: 6/22/2024
Birds and God's Care - Pastor Mark Diedrich, The Decrees of God, Faith and Works

Today we look at the subject of birds. Yes, birds. We talk with an experienced bird watcher who sometimes leads hikes for the purpose of spotting birds. He understands birds and their habitat and how they act. One particular bird that we talk about is the Eastern Phoebe (“fee’-bee”). Our guest calls us to spend some time thinking about God’s creation. Also mentioned in the conversation are Swallows. Our guest references the sermon on the mount and the birds that are mentioned. Our Lord said: "Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?" We also discuss robins and hummingbirds. Our guest makes the comparison to one of our modern marvels – the helicopter. And we also touch briefly on drones. God’s creation of the birds is a vivid reminder of how much he cares for us. Our guest today is Pastor Mark Diedrich. Pastor Bill Shishko discusses the biblical teaching of the decrees of God. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz covers the relationship between- and interaction of- faith and works. The saving faith the New Testament emphasizes is true faith that is demonstrated through action and good works. We are saved by faith through grace alone. Yet if godly actions are not evident, its questionable that true faith exists. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history.

Holding All Things Together: Surviving a Failing Economy - Joel Griffith, How Many Persons in the Godhead, Father's Day
Air Date: 6/15/2024
Surviving a Failing Economy - Joel Griffith, How Many Persons in the Godhead, Father's Day

The American people are pretty sour on their own financial future as they consider the economy. The inflation rate is 3.5 to 4% annualized, and this rate has come down. But while this rate is coming down, that does nothing to repair the damage done over the past several years, where real wages have fallen by $5000 on average. It also does not mean that prices are coming down, month over month. Don’t let anyone fool you-It simply means that the rate of increase has moderated. So, we still see that gap between what people are earning now, compared to a few years ago. Then on top of this is the rising mortgage cost, which has nearly tripled for a typical home. It also does not account for interest payments on revolving debt. If you are a typical family with $12000 of revolving debt, your interest costs have increased by another $1000 per year. Especially hit hard are young families who had hoped to someday get a home of their own. Joining us today to take an objective look at the economy is Joel Griffith, research fellow in the Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at Heritage. Pastor Bill Shishko discusses the question: How many persons are there in the Godhead? Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz discusses Fatherhood. He points out that there are many fathers who are not at home, having absconded and shirked their responsibility. Godly Fathers by contrast, love their wives and bring up their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: ADF Protecting Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers - Attorney Lincoln Wilson, Are There More Gods than One?, Abraham Blessing All Nations
Air Date: 6/8/2024
ADF Protecting Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers - Attorney Lincoln Wilson, Are There More Gods than One?, Abraham Blessing All Nations

The New York attorney general is using her power to censor pro-life pregnancy centers because they tell women about the option of using progesterone for abortion pill reversal, in the early stages. She is unlawfully targeting pro-life pregnancy centers, threatening punishment for promoting and offering a service that gives women the option of changing their mind and attempting to save their baby’s life. In response, a lawsuit has been filed on behalf of two pro-life pregnancy centers and one nonprofit network of affiliated centers. Here to discuss this case and its status is Senior Counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom, attorney Lincoln Wilson. Pastor Bill Shishko discusses the question, “Are there more Gods than One?” Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reminds us that by God’s grace, Abraham's seed would become a mighty nation and a blessing to all the nations of the earth by a faith that is worked out in Abraham’s obedience. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Toward a Christian View of Government: Dr. Joe Boot, What is God?, Abraham and the Promise by Faith
Air Date: 6/1/2024
Toward a Christian View of Government: Dr. Joe Boot, What is God?, Abraham and the Promise by Faith

We need a decisively Christian response to the so-called “era of the cult of the expert.” That cult enables the increasing encroachment of civil government into areas of cultural and societal life where it does not belong. This growing problem is addressed in the book entitled “Ruler of Kings: Toward a Christian Vision of Government.” The ideas in the book are not new, but timely. Based in the Scriptures we also see historical examples such as in the early days of our Republic. It's time again to think through a Christian view of authority. What is the relation of the church and the state? What is meant by sphere sovereignty? And what is our Christian response to a Utopian Social Vision? Today, we are joined by the author of the book – Dr. Joe Boot. Pastor Bill Shishko discusses the basic question: “what is God?” Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz returns to Genesis. We see that Abraham expressed faith in the Triune God, as he received God’s promise. Recall that God told him “I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great. Abraham indeed would be a blessing. In Abraham, all the families of the earth would be blessed. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The CCP is now the Green OPEC - Ken Rapoza, God's Word is the Rule, Letter to the American Church
Air Date: 5/25/2024
The CCP is now the Green OPEC - Ken Rapoza, God's Word is the Rule, Letter to the American Church

Recently, an article appeared in Discourse Magazine with the title “Like It or Not, China Is the Green OPEC.” We’re all familiar with the multinational group known as OPEC – the acronym stands for Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. They seek to regulate oil supply and set prices on the global market. But there’s been a shift. Now, with so called green energy being pushed, what once was a group of players producing oil, has now become a consortium of One- China. Here in America our politicians are forcing Americans to embrace Electric Vehicles (EVs) whether we want to or not. Fact is that the entire green energy push is owned and operated predominantly by China. One country will now set the price for solar, wind power, EVs and batteries. China now produces an Electric Vehicle that costs about $12,000. There is no American company that can compete. Not even close. Today we talk about these dynamics with an industry analyst who works for Coalition For a Prosperous America – Ken Rapoza. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that the Word of God is our only rule to guide us on how to glorify and enjoy God. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reviews a new book by Erix Metaxas. The title is, Letter to the American Church. Metaxas points out the parallels to the West today, and Nazi Germany in the 1930’s. While there is a cost for standing against public evil, sadly, a large majority of our religious leaders remain silent. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Dark Money and the Department of the Interior - Tyler O'Neil, God's Word - Our Rule, A Meal in Abraham's Day and a Meal Today
Air Date: 5/18/2024
Dark Money and the Department of the Interior - Tyler O'Neil, God's Word - Our Rule, A Meal in Abraham's Day and a Meal Today

I’m sure you’re familiar with the Department of the Interior. It’s a powerful administrative agency that oversees more than one-fifth of America’s land area and much of its mineral and ocean resources. Unfortunately, dark money has wielded influence on this massive agency to undermine oil and gas production and advance less reliable wind energy. Radical environmental groups have sought to force the Department of the Interior to restrict the approval process for oil and gas projects and to mark certain areas of the Gulf of Mexico off-limits for oil and gas leases. The current administration has used a process called “sue-and-settle” to foist such regulations on the American people without the approval of Congress. The representatives of we the people, have almost no say in the matter. Here to discuss this fiasco is Managing Editor of the Daily Signal, Tyler O’Neil. Pastor Bill Shishko discusses how the Word of God is our only rule to direct us how we may glorify and enjoy God. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz discusses the divine visitors which come to Abraham telling of Isaac’s birth. The visitors, representing God Himself, are given a meal and partake as Abraham stands apart. Later in biblical history, we see another meal – where Jesus Himself breaks bread with his disciples, who all eat with Him. The Savior is finally among us and partakes with us, His people. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. All this and more, on Holding All Things Together!

Holding All Things Together: Squatter's Rights - Attorney Mark Miller, Man's Chief End, Mother's Day
Air Date: 5/11/2024
Squatter's Rights - Attorney Mark Miller, Man's Chief End, Mother's Day

What are Squatter’s rights? “Squatting” describes moving into a property without any legal claim or title to the property. Such a person is “squatting”—living on—someone else’s property without consent from the owner. Many cities and states give squatters “rights” in the sense that they treat a squatter as though they are a tenant in a landlord-tenant dispute, thus protecting the squatter from being quickly removed from the property. Why, you may ask, should a squatter- someone illegally occupying someone else’s property- be entitled to this? Today we talk with an attorney who is an expert in property rights and who works with the Pacific Legal Foundation. Our guest is Mark Miller. Also ahead, Pastor Bill Shishko talks with us about man’s chief end. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reviews mothers who are mentioned in the Bible. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: 60 Billion Ukraine Aid Bill while Our Border is Wide Open - Rob Bluey, Faithful Teaching, Circumcision and Baptism
Air Date: 5/4/2024
60 Billion Ukraine Aid Bill while Our Border is Wide Open - Rob Bluey, Faithful Teaching, Circumcision and Baptism

Two weeks ago, another $60 Billion dollars was approved for aid to Ukraine. That’s Billion, with a “B.” Speaker Mike Johnson and some Republicans, pushed for and approved this bill, yet there were 112 votes against it. Prior to this, we had already sent Ukraine $114 Billion. All of these funds are borrowed. We don’t have the money to send, and yet it is happening. Our own Social Security system is nearly bankrupt. You may ask where does the money come from? – well, the government just prints more, further devaluing the dollar. But an even larger catastrophe is our porous border. Crossing our border is a hoard of people that cannot possibly be contained, many of which are fighting-aged men. Many of them expect handouts and some are bringing in disease and are largely unvetted. Left unsaid by the media, these aliens had to break our laws to come here. Because they crossed our border without permission, they are criminal illegal aliens. Yet, Congress will not use its bargaining power to close our border, while we spend another $60 Billion to defend Ukraine’s border – 5000 miles away. This via a proxy war with Russia that a majority of American people do not want. Our guest today is Rob Bluey, Executive Editor of The Daily Signal. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz considers Genesis 17 and how circumcision was a sign and seal given to Abraham. And very much like baptism to come, this sign and seal of God’s gracious covenant promise extended to the recipient who received the promise by faith. In our day, the sign of baptism has expanded to all families of the earth and not just to males. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: A Godly Inheritance - Chuck Bentley, What Kind of House, More on Luxury Beliefs
Air Date: 4/27/2024
A Godly Inheritance - Chuck Bentley, What Kind of House, More on Luxury Beliefs

As we think about the stewardship of our resources and passing on an inheritance to our children and other causes, our guest today encourages us to pass on something else of value- wisdom. We often think first of the financial, and yet passing on wisdom, and passing on a good name is especially priceless. We pass on to our children the principles of how we treat others. And how did we forgive others that hurt us? How have we managed conflict? How did we display mercy? We do also look at the financial side and we cover the case of the son or daughter who may have turned their back on God. How to handle that? We close our interview with a brief look at the life of Larry Burkett, and how he lived out humility. Our guest today is Crown CEO, Chuck Bentley. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us of the question of Jesus of what kind of house are we building? The wise person listens to Jesus and does what He says. That’s how we build our house on the rock of Christ. Later in the program, Gerry Wisz continues with Rob Henderson’s article, “Luxury Belief’s that only the privileged can afford.” Hypocrisy is frequently exhibited by the elite class – yet the biblical values that the elite disparage for others, are often practiced by these same elites. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thannks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Election Integrity Affects All Parties - Mark Finchem, Scary Words of Jesus, Do as I Say - Not as I Do
Air Date: 4/20/2024
Election Integrity Affects All Parties - Mark Finchem, Scary Words of Jesus, Do as I Say - Not as I Do

It’s safe to say that the average American wants secure and transparent elections. You should be able to vote in these United States and have complete confidence that your vote will be recorded and counted accurately, regardless of what party you are a part of. The future of our nation depends on honest elections. Today we talk with the director of The Election Fairness Institute. This 501(c)(3) non-profit public interest research organization is engaged in election process analysis, and publication of research for the purpose of advancing transparent, secure and fair elections, free of special interest influence. Our guest is Mark Finchem. Also ahead, Pastor Bill Shishko talks to us about the scariest words in the Bible. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to shine a spotlight on the common attitude of the so-called elites who seem to be saying “do as I say, not as I do.” By contrast, we are called to be an example in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, and in purity. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Taxes - Chuck Bentley, Healthy Tree, More on Taxes
Air Date: 4/13/2024
Taxes - Chuck Bentley, Healthy Tree, More on Taxes

Tax Day is just around the corner. This coming Monday is April 15. Everyone would like to save money on income taxes. One exercise is to determine if the standard deduction provides the greater benefit, as opposed to an itemized deduction. It will take time and patience to itemize, and you do need to have your receipts, but it could still be an advantage. Also, this year, the IRS has raised the standard deduction by 7%. An oft-misunderstood dynamic is the resultant return. You certainly want to get the most that you can coming back in your return. However, it’s always better if the money was not taken from you in the first place. Any return coming to you, represents an interest-free loan to the government. And speaking of that return, what are some suggestions on how to use your return that may bring the most glory to God and result in blessing His Kingdom expansion? Our guest today, is CEO of Crown Financial Ministries, Chuck Bentley. Pastor Bill Shishko looks at Jesus’ question of what kind of a “tree” are we? A healthy tree or a diseased tree? Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz picks up the earlier theme of taxes and helps us look at the common misapplied phrase of people “paying their fair share.” That in essence, becomes code language, describing something that is basically unfair! Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Do Illegals Know they are Breaking the Law - Virginia Allen, False Teachers, Kingdom Growth in Long Island NY
Air Date: 4/6/2024
Do Illegals Know they are Breaking the Law - Virginia Allen, False Teachers, Kingdom Growth in Long Island NY

The invasion of illegal aliens at our southern border continues, unabated. Cities are being overwhelmed. Resources intended for tax-paying citizens are being used up. Hospitals are stressed out. Crime is on the rise, including murders in the streets. The flow of fentanyl continues to take many innocent lives. Soon these illegals will be given the right to vote, and meanwhile they are given tremendous amounts of money in places such as NY City. This is insanity. Today we talk with a reporter who took the time to go to a border area and talk with the illegals. You may wonder if they understand that they are breaking our laws? -- Is that simple fact even clear to them? And how are they managing to get in here from places all over the world? Our guest today is Virginia Allen, Senior News Producer for the Daily Signal. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us to beware of false teachers. They bring in destructive heresies. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to share a story about a very encouraging situation that is developing on Long Island, NY. God is working. He is answering the prayers of His people and building His kingdom. People are coming into a church to be fed His word. The church is growing. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Our National Financial Picture - Dr. E.J. Antoni, False Teachers, The Resurrection of Christ
Air Date: 3/30/2024
Our National Financial Picture - Dr. E.J. Antoni, False Teachers, The Resurrection of Christ

A recent article in the Daily Signal says: “Imagine being in so much credit card debt that the finance charges alone are the third-largest item in your monthly budget. That’s precisely where the federal government is today because the spendthrifts in Congress and the White House have put $34.4 trillion dollars on the nation’s credit card. And whether you know it or not, you’re already paying for this. After the explosion of federal debt in the last several years, the Treasury is now paying over $1 trillion dollars per year just to service the debt. That doesn’t pay off the debt; it just covers the interest, which exceeds how much the government spends on military programs.” Today we talk about our soaring national debt, The true inflation rate, how the US dollar is being gutted and why the problem with food prices is not the grocery stores, but another culprit. Our guest today is Dr. E.J. Antoni. Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to discuss what the Bible says about false teachers In Matthew Chapter 7. God calls us to be discerning of those who are ravenous wolves. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz brings us an Easter meditation. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: A Law that Could have Prevented Killings by Illegals - Tyler O'Neil, The Narrow Gate, Signs and Seals of the Covenant
Air Date: 3/23/2024
A Law that Could have Prevented Killings by Illegals - Tyler O'Neil, The Narrow Gate, Signs and Seals of the Covenant

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has repeatedly opposed Georgia bills that would require local law enforcement to report illegal aliens to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement if they are charged with or convicted of other crimes. In other words, illegal aliens who have committed crimes. The SPLC opposed SB 452, a bill that would have required courts to check whether, when sentencing a defendant convicted of a felony, that person is also an illegal alien. Presumably if this bill had not been opposed and had passed, then it conceivably would have saved the life of Laken Riley, a nursing student killed at the hands of Jose Antonio Ibarra, an illegal alien from Venezuela. Our guest today, is Tyler O’Neil, the managing editor of the Daily Signal. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us to enter by the narrow gate. This is the “hard way” that leads to life. This also reminds us of Psalm 1. We must choose either the kingdom of Satan or the Kingdom of God. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz continues in Genesis Chapter 17. Abraham was given a sign and seal of the covenant – circumcision. It is a sign and seal of a spiritual reality, though not the reality itself. It is much like baptism in the new covenant; a “circumcision made without hands, by putting off the body of the sins of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ, buried with Him in baptism, in which you also were raised with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead.” Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Remedy for a Culture Which has become Coarse - Jerry Newcombe, Putting Others First, St. Patrick
Air Date: 3/16/2024
Remedy for a Culture Which has become Coarse - Jerry Newcombe, Putting Others First, St. Patrick

Our culture has become so coarse in its interactions. People readily take the route of being uncivil. We have become crass. Today, we look at George Washington and others. George Washington used to like reading a little book called “Rules of Civility.” It contained biblical principles and helped guide his life. Fact is, there is a link between manners and morals. Today, we are joined by Jerry Newcombe. He urges us to treat others as we would like to be treated. Pastor Bill Shishko continuing our theme, covers Matthew 7:12 – the Golden Rule. God gives the Holy Spirit to us, and the Spirit helps us to love others. We must think about others – putting ourselves in their shoes. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz discusses St. Patrick. Tomorrow, Sunday the 17th is St. Patrick’s Day, and today, Gerry takes a look at the man who preached the gospel to the pagan Irish. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: America's Porous Border and its Consequences - Cheryl Chumley, Ministry of the Holy Spirit, The Covenant with Abram
Air Date: 3/9/2024
America's Porous Border and its Consequences - Cheryl Chumley, Ministry of the Holy Spirit, The Covenant with Abram

We recently heard the story of a Venezuelan migrant who illegally entered these United States through our porous border. He was 15 years old, and he was caught on camera, shooting a woman in New York City. He was shoplifting at the time and was stopped by a security guard. He opened fire and hit the woman with a round to the leg. Then, while he was fleeing the scene, he proceeded to open fire on the officers. Fortunately, he did not hit them. Sadly, this is just one of many accounts of illegal aliens involved in violent crime around the country. Today we talk with a journalist who works for the Washington Times. She fills in more of the facts of the story. Then, we segue to the area of education, and discuss how to protect our sons and daughters from assaults to both their minds and their morals. Our guest today is Cheryl Chumley. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us to ask, seek and knock as we ask for the Holy Spirit. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz looks at Genesis 17 and notes the faithful response of Abram. He is given a new name, Abraham, which signals his fruitfulness – the promise to be worked out. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Lent - Pastor Duane Garner, Asking for the Work of the Holy Spirit, Theologian R.L. Dabney
Air Date: 3/2/2024
Lent - Pastor Duane Garner, Asking for the Work of the Holy Spirit, Theologian R.L. Dabney

We are in the period that the church calls “Lent.” How can we look at this 40-day period and not fall into the trap of superstition, or abuse? Historically, the practice was for new converts to be baptized on Lent. They would be taught, or catechized prior to the baptism, so that they were ready for baptism. Today we talk with a pastor from North Carolina. He encourages us to use this as a time of spiritual formation. That we kill old harmful habits, and start new, good habits. That we spend time in the Scriptures. Perhaps even read a good theological book. Or maybe work through a confession of faith like the Westminster Confession of Faith and its catechisms, or the Heidelberg Catechism. If you fast, do so, in private, without advertising it. Our guest today is Pastor Duane Garner. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us to ask for the work of the Holy Spirit. He explains what this means and what it doesn’t mean. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz notes that March 5th is the birthday of Robert Lewis Dabney. R.L. Dabney was an American Christian theologian, a farmer, a pastor, an army chaplain, an architect, a revered seminary professor, and a prolific man of letters. He was among America's greatest Christian scholars, yet also a man of action, and his work in recent years has enjoyed a resurgence of interest. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Overpopulation - Fact or Fiction? Brad Mattes, Keep Asking-Seeking-Knocking, Abram and Covenant Faithfulness
Air Date: 2/24/2024
Overpopulation - Fact or Fiction? Brad Mattes, Keep Asking-Seeking-Knocking, Abram and Covenant Faithfulness

If you do a Google search on whether or not the earth is overpopulated, you’ll come across the narrative that we have: “immense and unprecedented numbers of human beings. Because there are too many of us to share the Earth fairly with other species and with future human generations, Earth is overpopulated.” But did you know that this a false sentiment? The earth is not overpopulated. We actually need families to reproduce. Badly. The United States has a growth rate of 0.47%. Germany has a growth rate of -0.09%. China, after years of a one child policy has a -0.02% growth rate. Today we talk with the president of Life Issues Institute, Brad Mattes. Pastor Bill Shishko encourages us to keep asking, seeking, and knocking. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reminds us that Abram walked blamelessly before God because of the righteousness that God had credited to him. As he so walked, God Himself responded. In this we see that there are two sides to a covenant, while God alone is the initiator. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Armor of God - Dr. Uri Brito, Wisdom in Judging, George Washington
Air Date: 2/17/2024
The Armor of God - Dr. Uri Brito, Wisdom in Judging, George Washington

Have you heard of the armor of God, mentioned in Ephesians 6? We often imagine a Roman suit of armor when we read it, but in fact it’s a lot more likely that it ties back to a picture of the war of the priesthood that predates Rome. There is a more comprehensive way of understanding this imagery. Today, we interview the author of a new book, titled The War of the Priesthood, An exposition of the Armor of God. If we think carefully, we must consider this armor of God image as rooted in the Hebraic world. The priestly garment. His ordination. The turban, and down to the shoes on the feet. The colors. All the particular purposes as mentioned in Exodus 28. We are in a battle with Satan himself – against principalities, powers, and rulers of darkness of this age. We also talk about the role of music in the church. Finally, we touch upon the priesthood of believers joined in community. Today we are joined by Dr. Uri Brito. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that we can go too far in not judging – sometimes clear and present dangers need to be judged. Picture wild animals that can attack us. If a house is unworthy, Jesus told us, we may have to shake off the dust of our feet and go elsewhere. Later in the program, we reflect on this coming President’s Day. Our first president of these United States, would preside over a Republic. Pressured to become king, yet taking the role of a servant leader of a representative government, George Washington would often side with Alexander Hamilton for the overall good of the nation. Today Zach Wisz joins us to discuss the history and legacy of President George Washington. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Texas and It's Border - Lora Ries, Remove the Log from our own eyes, True son of promise
Air Date: 2/10/2024
Texas and It's Border - Lora Ries, Remove the Log from our own eyes, True son of promise

Recently, Gov. Gregg Abbot of Texas wrote: "The Executive Branch of the United States has a constitutional duty to enforce federal laws protecting States, including immigration laws on the books right now". He went on to say "President Biden has instructed his agencies to ignore federal statutes that mandate the detention of illegal immigrants. The failure of the Biden Administration to fulfill the duties imposed by Article IV, Section 4 has triggered Article I, Section 10, Clause 3, which reserves to this State the right of self-defense. For these reasons, I have already declared an invasion under Article I, Section 10, Clause 3 to invoke Texas’s constitutional authority to defend and protect itself. That authority is the supreme law of the land and supersedes any federal statutes to the contrary." Today we talk about this situation with Lora Ries (“Reese”), Director of the Border Security and Immigration Center at The Heritage Foundation. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us to "remove the log from our own eye first." Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz recounts the history of Abram and how God worked though the doubts, delays, sin and yet, honored His promise to the patriarch. Eventually, a true son of promise would be born to Abram and Sarai. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Young People in Home, Courtship, Dating and Dads - Dr. Uri Brito, Judge Not, A True Son of Promise
Air Date: 2/3/2024
Young People in Home, Courtship, Dating and Dads - Dr. Uri Brito, Judge Not, A True Son of Promise

Today we interview a pastor who talks about the area of dating and courtship for our young adults. He encourages especially the father of the home, to be involved in their son or daughter’s life at this crucial phase. He wrote an article about this, and in it, he says “the general principle for our young people is that as long as they are under your physical and economic roof, they must be under your tutelage and in constant communion in word and deed with the father and mother concerning any relationship with the opposing sex.” Our pastor friend describes this whole area, in terms of covenantal relationship. He feels that a biblical ideal is “a group of engaged human beings--parents and churches--invested in the well-being of two young people seeking marriage as their end goal.” What really counts is the purity of our children and the integrity of their hearts as they prepare to give themselves to another. Our guest today is Pastor Dr. Uri Brito. Also ahead, Pastor Bill Shishko explains what Jesus meant when He said, “judge not, that you be not judged.” Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz recounts the history of Abram and how God worked though the doubts, delays, sin and yet, honored His promise to the patriarch. Eventually, a true son of promise would be born to Abram and Sarai. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Election Integrity and Corporate Standards - Joe Hoft, Seek God's Kingdom, DEI Analyzed
Air Date: 1/27/2024
Election Integrity and Corporate Standards - Joe Hoft, Seek God's Kingdom, DEI Analyzed

Election Integrity. Do we have it currently, in our American system? What if we subjected our system and its data to the same strict standards that are used in exacting, high-powered, corporate audits? Take for example, the 2020 election. Our guest today, is an author and former International Corporate Executive who served in Hong Kong – having worked there for some 10 years. He was deeply engaged in finance and audits. He knows how audits are done, and the kind of scrutiny that data must endure, and the transparency that is needed to secure a clean report. He explains the many red flags that he saw in the 2020 election, using information from our own government. Our guest is Radio Host Joe Hoft. Joe is a writer for the Gateway Pundit. The opinions expressed in this interview are those of the participants. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us to seek the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz looks at the terms: diversity, equity, and inclusion. He notes that these originate from the Bible and come as fruit of Christian belief, as opposed to appropriating them for their own sake. We are to seek the Triune God of the Scriptures as we embrace the real meanings of the terms. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Influx of Illegal Aliens Continues - Virginia Allen, Practice a Grace Walk, The Children of Promise
Air Date: 1/20/2024
Influx of Illegal Aliens Continues - Virginia Allen, Practice a Grace Walk, The Children of Promise

The influx of illegal aliens on our southern border continues unabated. This is an issue that adversely affects all people, independent of political affiliation. On A Plain Answer we recently covered the risk of infectious diseases due to this veritable invasion by aliens who are unvetted. American taxpayers are not being given the protection the need and deserve. There is a very real danger of Yellow Fever. Just this last week we heard of New York City kicking students out of a Brooklyn school so they could make room for illegal aliens to replace the students, because housing was needed. All this because New York City is deemed a sanctuary city. Now the chickens are coming home to roost. And the citizens of New York are not happy. Today, we talk about the recent admission by Secretary Mayorkas, that over 85% of Illegal Aliens are released into the US interior! This is maddening. Joining us today to discuss this, is the Senior News Producer for The Daily Signal, Virginia Allen. Pastor Bill Shishko urges us to do a “grace walk,” as we consider the birds of the air and the lilies. We know that we are more than birds and flowers, and there is no reason to be anxious. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz discusses the descendants of Abraham – and who God considers to be the children of promise. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Federal Reserve and its Mismanagement of Our Economy - Dr. E.J. Antoni, Our Heavenly Father, Toward a Christian Vision of Government
Air Date: 1/13/2024
The Federal Reserve and its Mismanagement of Our Economy - Dr. E.J. Antoni, Our Heavenly Father, Toward a Christian Vision of Government

Why do we need the Federal Reserve? Our guest today discusses some of the history and facts related to this Central Bank. Fact is that the fed has swung our economy between inflation and recession. Politicians created a fully government-run institution to bail out government and bad banks alike. Yet, since its founding, the Fed has stolen 98% of the value of the dollar! It has used those profits to repetitively launch boom-bust cycles. All this makes you wonder how the American public can be so naïve as to tolerate the Fed. We also discuss some practical advice for families who are trying to navigate and survive our current financial storm. Our guest today is Dr. E.J. Antoni, Research Fellow at Heritage. To look up the article that prompted this interview, see: https://www.dailysignal.com/2023/09/28/time-to-end-the-fed-and-its-mismanagement-of-our-economy/ Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that we have a Heavenly Father. To those who are in Christ, the Son, we are an adopted child of God, and He knows our needs! Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz continues his review of the Rev. Dr. Joe Boot’s book, “Ruler of Kings: Toward a Christian Vision of Government.” Boot observes that some Christians have bought into the invisible sacred-secular divide, which in effect has pushed Christ out of the public square. And yet, the cultural sphere carries spiritual significance. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The New Year and God's Providence - Dr. John Vance, Do Not be Anxious about Life, God's Wisdom for Kings is in our Hands
Air Date: 1/6/2024
The New Year and God's Providence - Dr. John Vance, Do Not be Anxious about Life, God's Wisdom for Kings is in our Hands

As we enter a New Year, We look to God’s word. A straightforward admonition comes from Proverbs 3:5,6: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." With this admonition comes the promise that the Lord will direct our paths. This is great comfort for the people of God. We don’t know what exactly is coming our way, but in the process, we have the sure confidence that the Lord’s providence is for our good and the advance of His kingdom in this world. He orders all things, whatsoever come to pass. Our guest today is Dr. John Vance. Pastor Bill Shishko encourages us to not be anxious about our life. We are to be people in whom heaven dwells. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz continues his review of the book, Ruler of Kings – Toward a Christian Vision of Government, by Dr. Joe Boot. Of special importance is the admonition to not outsource wisdom to posturing experts who oppose God’s Kingdom, when we have God’s wisdom for the nations readily at hand. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Incarnational Life - Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin, Three News Year's Suggestions, Nicodemus and no longer Living in the Shadows
Air Date: 12/30/2023
The Incarnational Life - Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin, Three News Year's Suggestions, Nicodemus and no longer Living in the Shadows

With Christmas, we celebrate the incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ. That means He took on human flesh. Jesus was born in a barn essentially. This stuff really happened, and it really matters. But there is a dynamic in some circles, where increasingly, Christian belief is treated as primarily an intellectual, propositional set of beliefs. Wherein the embodied, visceral, tactile, communal, and ritual aspects of worship – kind of drop out. You get this sort of, “excarnational” form of Christianity that frankly does not fit the real incarnation account of our Lord’s birth. By contrast, we need biblical Christianity! Jesus is Lord over every area of life, not just intellectually, but in every aspect of our lives. Our guest today is Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin. Pastor Bill Shishko suggests three News Year’s resolutions: 1. Read your Bible more, 2. Sing Psalms and Hymns, and 3. practice giving thanks to God. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to take a look at Nicodemus, who is mentioned in the pages of the New Testament. He is curious and comes to Jesus, and yet after talking with the Savior, Nicodemus seems to stay in the shadows. The crux of the matter is that mankind must be born again of the Spirit of God. After spiritual new birth, we must boldly proclaim our allegiance to the Lord Jesus Christ. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Advent to Christmas - Dr. Uri Brito, God’s Christmas gift given to us in Old Testament wrapping, the virgin shall conceive
Air Date: 12/23/2023
Advent to Christmas - Dr. Uri Brito, God’s Christmas gift given to us in Old Testament wrapping, the virgin shall conceive

As we draw to the close of Advent and anticipate Christmas, we reflect on time and mood. This entire season has been a time of expectation. The mood of advent is sometimes somber, but above all, the church is praying both for the second coming, and, of great importance, that Christ comes now to our hearts and transforms us and conforms us to His image. We have a hopeful expectation, because of the first advent. Christ has come, and we are already living in His joyful kingdom. We need to embrace this kingdom motif, as we look forward to the final eschaton. Finally, we talk about our children in view of Advent and Christmas. Our guest today, is Pastor Uri Brito. Pastor Bill Shishko discusses God’s Christmas gift given to us in Old Testament wrapping, namely Isaiah 9:6, and how a Great Light comes – the Mighty God, in the person of Jesus. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz also looks at Isaiah and his prophesy to King Ahaz, that the virgin "shall conceive and bear a son." Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Lord of Creation Has Come - Pastor Joel Ellis, Historical God-Man, Ruler of Kings
Air Date: 12/16/2023
The Lord of Creation Has Come - Pastor Joel Ellis, Historical God-Man, Ruler of Kings

Pastor Joel Ellis, in an Advent article he wrote titled “The Lord of Creation has Come” writes, “The Son of God became Man in order to redeem and elevate men so that we might become the sons of God. Many Christians think of the Incarnation only as a solution to a problem, a means of addressing and rectifying sin. But there is a larger context to the first Advent than just correction of a problem. The God-Man came to bring creation to its intended fullness and glory.” Pastor Ellis joins us today. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us, that it is God Himself who comes into history as the God-Man. Jesus is fully God and fully Man, in two distinct natures and one person forever. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz gives us a quick review of the reflections of Dr. Joe Boot, found in the book “Ruler of Kings – Towards a Christian Vision of Government.” Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Truth in History and Reporting - Jarrett Stepman, Meaning of Merry Christmas, The Israel of God and the Covenant Promise
Air Date: 12/9/2023
Truth in History and Reporting - Jarrett Stepman, Meaning of Merry Christmas, The Israel of God and the Covenant Promise

Elite Western institutions are not passing on our history and traditions. In fact, in many cases, they seem to be intentionally trying to tear them down. Generations of Americans entirely untethered from their past is not a good thing. History as handled by modern universities, and especially corporate media, is often boiled down to “oppressors” and “oppressed,” where race and gender mean everything and individual character means nothing. Today we interview a columnist for The Daily Signal. He covers two news stories that illustrate bias and a lack of reading original source documents. Narratives such as racism and transgenderism are trumping truth in reporting. Our guest today is Jarrett Stepman. Pastor Bill Shishko explains what is really meant by the phrase Merry Christmas. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reflects on God’s promise to Abram regarding the land that He gave the patriarch – that it would be his and his offspring's forever. There is a connection here with spiritual reality. The Lord now has shown that He has in view a line of people of faith, and not just blood. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together - A Lesson in Civics and the Department of Defense - Tyler O'Neil, The Reality of Christ's Coming, God Cuts a Covenant with Abram
Air Date: 12/2/2023
A Lesson in Civics and the Department of Defense - Tyler O'Neil, The Reality of Christ's Coming, God Cuts a Covenant with Abram

As a Constitutional Republic, all legislative power is vested in Congress. A President, or DOD official, or even a Supreme Court Justice is not allowed to make their own laws, imposing them upon the populace. The Executive Branch is charged with only implementing and enforcing the law. And so, last month, twenty-seven Senators sent a letter to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, demanding that he rescind an abortion travel policy which they claim, violates U.S. law by circumventing Congress. Secretary Lloyd sent a memorandum to senior leaders at the DOD directing them to pay for official travel for active-duty personnel to receive abortions outside the state in which they are stationed. The irony is that Secretary Austin had promised not to politicize the military, and yet as the senators put it: “your actions have harmed and threaten to harm institutional norms within our democracy.” His policy was not sanctioned by Congress and is expending taxpayer money. Not to mention it violates the wishes of a majority of taxpayers- many of whom have deeply-held religious and moral objections to abortions. Here to discuss this development is the managing editor of the Daily Signal, Tyler O’Neil. Also ahead, Pastor Bill Shishko discusses the birth of Christ and that it was a real event which really happened in history. Later in the program Gerry Wisz discusses Abram and the covenant that God cut with him. As the writer to Hebrews later tells us: “When God made his promise to Abraham, since there was no one greater for him to swear by, he swore by himself, saying, “I will surely bless you and give you many descendants.”” Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together - Ohio's vote for Abortion - Pastor Andrew Isker, Good to Give Thanks to the Lord, The Patience of our Covenant Keeping God
Air Date: 11/25/2023
Ohio's vote for Abortion - Pastor Andrew Isker, Good to Give Thanks to the Lord, The Patience of our Covenant Keeping God

Earlier this month, on election day, Ohio voters approved a state constitutional amendment that ensures access to abortion. It was a shock to some Christians to see this happen, seeing that Ohio is one of the more conservative red states. Yet in some ways, we should not be surprised. The moral fabric of America has been deteriorating over the past generation, at least. By contrast, the order that God created for humanity - to have marriage, family, and children – the very necessities for a civilization to flourish and perpetuate itself, has become a consumer lifestyle choice. There is no longer a “thus saith the Lord,” mandate for many folks. Some women feel that they are unshackled from the role of bearing and rearing children. Now they have become bare economic units consuming whatever they produce and free to pursue whatever way of life they desire. The heightened need to realize the Lordship of Christ over every area of life is dire. Today, we talk with a pastor who has written about this in the Gab Newsletter. Joining us is Pastor Andrew Isker. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that it is good to give thanks to the Lord. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz returns to a study in Genesis. He notes the numerous times that God appears to Abram announcing the covenant promise. From this we are reminded of the patience of God and that His revealing is one that typically is progressive. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history.

Holding All Things Together: Financial Reality Check for America - Dr. EJ Antoni, You Cannot Serve Two Masters, Thanksgiving
Air Date: 11/18/2023
Financial Reality Check for America - Dr. EJ Antoni, You Cannot Serve Two Masters, Thanksgiving

Our government is spending way too much money, consistently spending more than it is taking in! Anyone who’s ever managed a household budget knows that’s a recipe for disaster. The government does not have any money of its own. It derives its money from taxing you the taxpayer, and selling bonds, borrowing, and-the hidden tax of inflation. If you think the “Fed” is a good thing, realize that since the Fed was created, more than 90% of the value of the dollar has been lost. Our country needs a wake-up call to learn how to live within its means. Today we talk with an economic expert, Dr. E. J. Antoni, a public finance economist and a research fellow at Heritage. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reviews thankfulness and though it certainly can be commemorated on a special day, it is much more: it’s a way of life that arises from understanding that we have received a gift beyond any other. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Reflecting on UN COP27 - Alex Newman, Have a Single Eye, Governments Need to Stick to Their Knitting
Air Date: 11/11/2023
Reflecting on UN COP27 - Alex Newman, Have a Single Eye, Governments Need to Stick to Their Knitting

On the 20th of November last year, a two-week climate conference concluded in Egypt, titled, the 27th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, or COP27. The conference outlined a cultish agenda to bring the world in line with the UN Agenda 2030 goals, and more. COP27 was attended by 125 prime ministers, kings, dictators, and presidents, including President Joe Biden. There were very strong religious overtones to the conference, but not true Christianity. It was in fact, idolatrous. The conference was pushing a one world religious 10 commandments they had created. Mention was constantly made regarding “climate hell.” There was a clear attempt to bring all religions together and create an “alliance of virtue.” They conducted a climate repentance ceremony – they prayed to a false god, asking forgiveness for their climate sins of carbon dioxide emissions. Americans were kept in the dark about the actions and goals of COP27. Our guest today has been attending these UN climate summits since 2009. Today we welcome international journalist Alex Newman. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that the beatitudes focus on our hearts. Today he challenges us to have a “good eye” that comes from a heart of faith. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz discusses the proper role of civil government. As it punishes evil and encourages the good, this results in peace, order and a general prosperity for all. However, problems arise when the government takes on responsibilities that it was never designed to take on. Today, Gerry reminds us that governments need to “return to its knitting,” as it were. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Christian Persecution - Todd Nettleton, Heart Treasure Principle, Election Day Sermons
Air Date: 11/4/2023
Christian Persecution - Todd Nettleton, Heart Treasure Principle, Election Day Sermons

Persecution against Christians seems to be on the rise. Part of the reason for this is due to church growth, and overall, that’s a positive story. But, Church growth creates more targets for persecution. The Voice of the Martyrs is a missionary organization that serves persecuted Christians in the world’s most difficult and dangerous places to be a Christian. Our guest today is Todd Nettleton. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us of the words of Jesus: “lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to contemplate an interesting question, and that is, why don't we hear of many election day sermons anymore? You know, where the minister explains to his congregation the biblical requirements for godly leaders, consistent with the description and prescription contained in Romans Chapter 13? Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: US Military Readiness Assessment - Dakota Wood, Pray and Fast for Election Day, Reformation of the Church
Air Date: 10/28/2023
US Military Readiness Assessment - Dakota Wood, Pray and Fast for Election Day, Reformation of the Church

Our world is in turmoil right now. Its increasingly likely that America will get drawn into yet another major war, if things keep going the way they are. While we hope against it, it very well may happen. The United States has found itself at war every 15 to 20 years since its founding. A question that should be asked is – just how ready is the US military should the inevitable become a reality? What about the metrics used to measure readiness? What is our military readiness if we really want to be honest about it? For example, how are we doing in terms of Air Force pilots’ average training flights each week? And what is the average age of our aircrafts? How about the number of Navy ships available? And what about being able to replace parts that break on equipment that is now older? Here to discuss these practical, yet uncomfortable questions, is former US Marine Corps Strategist -Special Operations Command, and now Senior Research Fellow for Defense Programs, Dakota Wood, of Heritage. Pastor Bill Shishko wraps up some comments about fasting. He then applies his insights to the soon-coming election day, stressing the importance of remembering that day and its outcome in prayer. Writer Gerry Wisz Looks at Reformation Day and the need for Reformation in our Churches. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Biden Administration Now Wants to Ban Many Furnaces - Jack Spencer, Fasting, Abrahamic Covenant
Air Date: 10/21/2023
Biden Administration Now Wants to Ban Many Furnaces - Jack Spencer, Fasting, Abrahamic Covenant

The Department of Energy is banning a whole class of popular heating furnaces, eventually raising heating costs and reducing product choices for families and businesses alike. The DOE is using an outdated law to give itself the authority to do this. This outdated congressional authority doesn’t require the department to tighten standards for gas furnaces. There is no good reason for it to do so, and yet they are! Here to discuss this draconian measure, is senior research fellow of energy and environmental policy at Heritage, Jack Spencer. Pastor Bill Shishko discusses the rationale for fasting. One advantage is that we gain mental clarity and time for prayer. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz returns to a study in Genesis. After a brief review of the person of Melchizedek, Gerry looks at a subsequent visit to Abraham in a vision and how God gives him a firm promise of an offspring, leading to many descendants. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Climate Change Dissent Muffled By Top Institutions - John Murawski, Fasting, Climate Catastrophism
Air Date: 10/14/2023
Climate Change Dissent Muffled By Top Institutions - John Murawski, Fasting, Climate Catastrophism

You probably know that there is dissent over climate change, but are you aware that you are not hearing about much of that dissent? America’s top institutions are muffling debate and canceling prominent people who don’t accept the politically popular narratives of climate change, promoted by tax-payer funded NPR and PBS, and nearly all Corporate media. There are many highly intelligent and credentialed people who don’t accept the idea that CO2 is bad for us. Certainly, our trees and gardens don’t agree! Despite the massive commitment to decarbonize our economy, many folks are waking up to this huge scam. Last month more than 1600 scientists, among them two Nobel physics laureates, signed a declaration stating there is no climate emergency! Here to discuss this is John Murawski. Pastor Bill Shishko talks to us about fasting. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz continues his look at climate change catastrophism. We are told we must have a complete shifting over from greenhouse gas producing fossil fuels, to less than reliable alternative energy. The quick abandonment of conventional transportation is a formula for disaster. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Our Southern Border - Virginia Allen, Forgiveness in Matthew 6, Climate Change Part III
Air Date: 10/7/2023
Our Southern Border - Virginia Allen, Forgiveness in Matthew 6, Climate Change Part III

Customs and Border Protection encountered more illegal aliens on America’s borders and at U.S. ports of entry in August than any other single month on record. CBP released the latest numbers two weeks ago, reporting 304,162 illegal aliens encountered in the month of August, surpassing the previous record high in December 2022 by nearly 2,000. That means in one month alone, the number of illegals coming in was 12 times the census population of Kingston, NY! We have a major disaster on our southern border, and it is now affecting the whole country. Many of these folks coming in, are fighting-age men, completely unvetted, yet given IDs and a generous supply of your tax money. According to Texas Representative August Pfluger, “President Biden and his administration have completely abandoned our Border Patrol agents and the security of the American people.” Today we talk about this invasion of American soil with Senior News Producer of the Daily Signal, Virginia Allen. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that forgiveness comes from the cross of Christ. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. All this and more, on Holding All Things Together!

Holding All Things Together: Financial Realities in America -Dr. EJ Antoni, Lord's Prayer Conclusion, Climate Change - Part II
Air Date: 9/30/2023
Financial Realities in America -Dr. EJ Antoni, Lord's Prayer Conclusion, Climate Change - Part II

If our economic growth in America seems too good to be true, that’s because it is. The average American is dealing with the hidden tax of inflation, and as of June, we are $7,200 poorer than in January 2021. The US Treasury data shows that we are on an unsustainable path. Our national debt just hit 33 Trillion dollars! Interest on our debt was more than all spending on veteran’s benefits and services, education, and transportation combined! Back in June, interest costs were one quarter of our deficit. Unsustainable indeed. Fact is, America is in deep financial trouble. Here to discuss our latest financial picture is Research Fellow and Public Finance Economist with Heritage, Dr. EJ Antoni. EJ can be found on X (or Twitter) at the address @RealEJAntoni Pastor Bill Shishko considers the conclusion of the Lord’s Prayer. We are taught to enforce our petitions with arguments that come from God alone. Later in the program, Gerry Wisz continues considering so-called Climate Change. The assumption among climate alarmists is that temperatures are rising at an unbridled, torrid pace. But are they really? Fact is, looking at climate data that goes back to 1979, there is a slight increase, yet, given that the 19th century was one of the coldest in thousands of years, we would actually expect an increase in the 20th and 21st centuries. Today, Gerry Wisz considers this subject. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All things Together: Social Security Goes Broke in 10 Years - Rachel Greszler, The 6th Petition of the Lord's Prayer, Yom Kippur
Air Date: 9/23/2023
Social Security Goes Broke in 10 Years - Rachel Greszler, The 6th Petition of the Lord's Prayer, Yom Kippur

The Trustees of Social Security have some bad news for us. Following years of rampant dipping by congress into the so-called locked box, they forecast a significant deterioration coming soon. They are estimating 23% cuts in benefits just 10 years from now. In other words, Social Security will be broke, within a decade. Further, politicians on both sides, have no credible plan to fix it. The Congressional budget Office estimates that Social Security would require an immediate 4.9 percentage-point tax hike, from 12.4% to 17.3% to preserve the current benefits. Today we discuss what to do if you are a young person, and also, we comment on what seniors can expect from this. Our guest is Rachel Greszler. Pastor Bill Shishko considers petition number 6 of the Lord’s Prayer: “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” Later in the program writer Gerry Wisz joins us to take a look at Yom Kippur. Are there continuities between these older observances and the New Covenant realities as found in Christ? Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: COVID-19 and Opposition to Future Lockdowns and Mandates - Mary Margaret Olohan, Fifth Petition of Lord's Prayer, Climate Change
Air Date: 9/16/2023
COVID-19 and Opposition to Future Lockdowns and Mandates - Mary Margaret Olohan, Fifth Petition of Lord's Prayer, Climate Change

The White House website says regarding COVID-19: “The Administration will work with Congress to secure the necessary funding to: Launch an effort to vaccinate America’s youngest children, then they list 11 other highlights, including outreach, a new website and combating misinformation. Newscasters talk of the administration planning to make the vaccination mandatory. However, not all leaders march in lockstep to the plans of this administration. Far from it. Many presidential candidates are vowing neither to allow future lockdowns nor forced mandates. Our guest today talks about 2024 candidates who are opposed to such tyranny. Joining us today, is Senior Reporter for the Daily Signal, Mary Margaret Olohan. Pastor Bill Shishko discusses the fifth petition of the Lord’s prayer, which is forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz takes a fresh look at so-called climate change. He notes that the earth is warming, but it’s not at all clear that it’s doing so at a catastrophic pace. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Project 2025 - Paul Dans, The Fourth Petition of the Lord's Prayer, Melchizedek and Jesus
Air Date: 9/4/2023
Project 2025 - Paul Dans, The Fourth Petition of the Lord's Prayer, Melchizedek and Jesus

Suppose you were on the team to help the next president quickly transition into his job in 2025. Would you wait until after the election to start working on it? The answer, I think, is obvious. You would start working now, on policies, and a personnel database from which the president can choose his appointees. You would set up a training academy with playbooks, so that your team would do an excellent job of supporting our Constitution, eliminating waste, and assuring that we have three branches of government, and not four. Our guest today discusses his work as he heads up Project 2025. Joining us today is Paul Dans. Pastor Bill Shishko considers the fourth petition of the Lord’s prayer. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz helps us appreciate the figure of Melchizedek from Genesis 14, and the typological connections to Christ. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: When Parents are Viewed as Enemies by School Boards: Tyler O'Neil, More on the Lord's Prayer, Labor Day
Air Date: 9/2/2023
When Parents are Viewed as Enemies by School Boards: Tyler O'Neil, More on the Lord's Prayer, Labor Day

Not towing the line at a school board can get you arrested. Have you heard of Jeremy Story? Jeremy’s 7 children attend a school in Round Rock Texas. He claimed that his constitutional rights were violated when the school board forcibly removed him and prevented him from attending school board meetings in 2021. With much pushback, finally a district court judge has upheld the father’s claims. Across the country, Moms and Dads are increasingly becoming sick and tired of being treated as the enemy. Joining us today to explain, is Tyler O’Neil, managing editor of The Daily Signal. Also ahead, Pastor Bill Shishko reviews how we recite the Lord's Prayer, but do we know what it means and what we are really praying when we use it? That's what we'll be exploring in the Visit to the Pastor's Study portion of Holding All Things Together in the month of September. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to take a look at the origin and meaning of Labor Day. He considers labor relations, unions, and what the scriptures have to say about the ethics involved in working as a Christian to the glory of God. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Fire Devastation in Maui - Jarrett Stepman, The Third Petition in the Lord's Prayer, In but not of the World - examples from Abram
Air Date: 8/26/2023
The Fire Devastation in Maui - Jarrett Stepman, The Third Petition in the Lord's Prayer, In but not of the World - examples from Abram

Parts of Hawaii have been devastated recently by wildfires in Maui. The affected area looks like a war zone. Even some boats in the harbor caught on fire. The scenes are jarring. Objective fire cause discovery is not nearly complete, yet, without batting an eye, many in the media and politicians, sensing an opportunity to promote their ideology, claimed “climate change” must be the root cause of the fires. Fact is, destructive fires often are the product of poor forest management, both in the U.S. and Canada. Local residents eager to help, have been turned back from going into the area where only FEMA and the Red Cross are allowed. Dire needs on the ground, massive property loss on the order of $6 Billion, it is the fifth-deadliest fire in American history. The folks in Hawaii are in immediate need. Our president, when asked by a Bloomberg reporter what he thought about the situation in Hawaii, responded with the tone-deaf remark of “no comment!” Meanwhile, it appears more pressing to our government to authorize another $200 Million to Ukraine to help with the apparent proxy war with Russia. Today we talk with Jarrett Stepman, columnist for the Daily Signal. Pastor Bill Shishko considers the 3rd petition in the Lord’s Prayer, “Your will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven.” Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz shares how Abram lived in the world, and yet was not of it. He is contrasted with Lot, who gave in to the world. Gerry reminds us to be more like Abram and less like Lot. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Digital Currencies and the Fight for Freedom - Robert Knight, The Second Petition of the Lord's Prayer, Yoga and the Back Story
Air Date: 8/19/2023
Digital Currencies and the Fight for Freedom - Robert Knight, The Second Petition of the Lord's Prayer, Yoga and the Back Story

Have you followed the push towards a Central Bank Digital Currency System (CBDC)? This is not the same as our current credit card, or debit card systems. This CBDC system would replace all dollar bills. President Biden has issued an executive order to facilitate research and development of a CBDC. Inherent in the concept is to set things up so that the Federal government would track literally every penny you spend. The central bank would have absolute control as they determine that expression of central bank liability and have the technology to enforce it. Under this proposed system, not just every expenditure is tracked, but permission to purchase certain items or services can be given or denied. It would be very similar to the power we see in the Chinese Communist Party’s social credit system. Our guest today is Robert Knight, writer for the Washington Times. Pastor Bill Shishko considers the second petition of the Lord’s Prayer. The larger Catechism explains it in most encouraging terms. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz discusses International Yoga Day, that occurred this past June 21st. While Yoga has the potential benefit of relieving stress, there is a troublesome backstory. Gerry Explains. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: A Plea Deal Falls Apart and IRS Whistleblower’s testimony - John Malcolm, The First Petition of the Lord's Prayer, Avoid Wicked Situations
Air Date: 8/12/2023
A Plea Deal Falls Apart and IRS Whistleblower’s testimony - John Malcolm, The First Petition of the Lord's Prayer, Avoid Wicked Situations

A plea agreement between Hunter Biden and the Department of Justice recently fell apart. It covered two facets of crime – a plea agreement to two misdemeanor tax charges, and a diversionary agreement for a federal gun charge of lying in order to obtain a firearm. He lied that he did not use illegal drugs, and all the while he was a crack cocaine addict. Hunter’s lawyers had constructed this deal so that Hunter could not be prosecuted for anything related to tax charges. The details of how this was constructed- and why it fell apart- is explained to us today by John Malcolm. John also shares some information about the recent IRS Whistleblower’s testimony. Pastor Bill Shishko explains what we pray for in the first petition of the Lord’s Prayer. Later in the program, Gerry Wisz reminds us that if we purposely put ourselves into wicked situations that we know mitigate against our faith, we place ourselves in danger, and he reminds us, too, that Abram, our father in faith, was also a man of action when he needed to be. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Culture and the Church - Alex Newman, The Preface to the Lord's Prayer, Stay Covenantally Faithful
Air Date: 8/5/2023
Culture and the Church - Alex Newman, The Preface to the Lord's Prayer, Stay Covenantally Faithful

What issues come to mind when you consider today’s culture? How do we deal with transgenderism? Or what about globalism? What is the purpose of government? From the personal to the national, these issues and many more impact our lives. We are tolerating government redefinition of marriage, and in many states, the ongoing wholesale slaughter of the unborn. One of our Supreme Court Justices was asked what a woman is. Either she didn’t know, or was unwilling to speak the truth. Praise God, one of the functions of the church is to equip the saints. We want to be faithful to our churches as they help us engage the culture. Good pastors preach the whole counsel of God. But we must be discerning. If the pastor is from the average seminary today, he may not be aware of these battles, or worse, he may be woke. Our guest today is Alex Newman. Pastor Bill Shishko begins a new consideration of the Lord’s Prayer as expressed in the Sermon on the Mount – today he covers the preface to the Lord’s Prayer. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz looks at Genesis Chapter 14, and Abraham and Lot. Gerry challenges us to not distance ourselves from God and His people to only pursue prosperity. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: EPA Regulatory Crusade - Mario Loyola, No Empty Phrases in Prayer, No Regrets - Behavioral Change by the Spirit
Air Date: 7/29/2023
EPA Regulatory Crusade - Mario Loyola, No Empty Phrases in Prayer, No Regrets - Behavioral Change by the Spirit

A new proposed EPA rule, if finalized, will require 60 percent of new vehicle sales to be electric by 2030. Such a rule would interfere with and displace market forces on a massive and unprecedented scale. Also, while the EPA is trying to force us to more expensive electric vehicles, they are also imposing draconian measures on power producers. Such measures will make the cost of electricity skyrocket. We have seen the adverse effects of the war on fossil fuels since the beginning of this administration in 2021. The cost of everything has gone up, and the quality of life has gone down. Today we talk with Senior Fellow of Environmental Policy and Regulation at Heritage, and additionally, Research Assistant Professor at Florida International University, Mario Loyola. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us not to heap up empty phrases when we pray. We don’t need many words -our Father in Heaven knows what we need before we ask. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz continues to review Daniel H. Pink’s book, The power of Regret - How Looking Backward Moves Us Forward. We may deny our regret or wallow in it, but neither emotional action is helpful. Behavioral change is what’s needed, and this happens most significantly by the power and work of the Holy Spirit. We all have previous sins and mistakes – yet, the Lord helps us to repent, make positive changes, and helps us mend relationships. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history.

Holding All Things Together: Supreme Court Decisions and Religious Liberty - Michael P. Farris, Don't Pray Like a Hypocrite, Moving Past Regret
Air Date: 7/22/2023
Supreme Court Decisions and Religious Liberty - Michael P. Farris, Don't Pray Like a Hypocrite, Moving Past Regret

Can people be forced to deliver messages that they don’t want to deliver? The Supreme Court has come down favorably with a free speech case that is applauded by Christians. By a 6 to 3 vote, the Court held that Colorado could not use its public accommodation laws to force Lorie Smith, owner of 303 Creative (a web design firm) to create websites for same-sex weddings if she began designing websites for other weddings. This ruling has positive implications for broadcasters. Our guest today is General Counsel of the National Religious Broadcasters, Michael P. Farris. He also comments on three other important cases that have been favorably decided as well. Pastor Bill Shishko discusses how we are to pray – we are not to be hypocrites, seeking the praise of men. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz discusses what to do when we experience regrets, as he reviews a book written by author Daniel H. Pink, The Power of Regret. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: New England Fisherman Being Regulated Out of Business - Virginia Allen, Don't Seek the Praise of Men, God's Covenant with Abraham
Air Date: 7/15/2023
New England Fisherman Being Regulated Out of Business - Virginia Allen, Don't Seek the Praise of Men, God's Covenant with Abraham

It’s a fact that excess government regulations can make our lives downright miserable. Today we take a look at the fishing industry in New England. What was once a staple of the New England food supply, thriving business, and healthy land and ocean use, has become a haven for government bureaucrats and unelected regulators. Coupled with the Green New Deal excesses, they are robbing the life out of communities, and instilling policies that have a negative ripple effect on locally-harvested food supplies. Our guest today is Senior News Producer for the Daily Signal, Virginia Allen. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us to check our motives. We must not seek the praise from men. Rather, God, who sees in secret, will reward us. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz explores the covenant that God made with Abraham and how it affects us today. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Something Smells Rotten Here - John G. Malcom, Be Perfect as Our Heavenly Father, Abram Trusted Gods Provision
Air Date: 7/8/2023
Something Smells Rotten Here - John G. Malcom, Be Perfect as Our Heavenly Father, Abram Trusted Gods Provision

Remember the depiction of Lady Justice? She is blindfolded because justice is unbiased and should not be based on a person's appearance or other outside influences. Lady Justice holds scales to represent the impartiality of the court's decisions and a sword as a symbol of the power of justice. Yet in our day, it appears that we have a two-tiered justice system, with the “Elites” given special treatment. Case in point, the Justice Department recently reached a plea deal with Hunter Biden. Hunter had failed to pay his income taxes – having earned over $1.5 Million and owing over $100K in taxes, each year, for a period of two years. Hunter also had a serious gun charge that took place when he was a drug addict on Crack Cocaine. What ordinarily would have been a five-year felony got turned into a “slap on the wrist,” and became two misdemeanor counts. Here to discuss this case with us, is former Federal Prosecutor, John G. Malcolm, Vice president, Institute for Constitutional Government, and Director of the Meese Center at Heritage. Pastor Bill Shishko explores the Sermon on the Mount statement, that we must be perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect. We are to live out our identity of being a child of God, and be thoroughly committed to the Lord. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz considers how Abram left Egypt, trusted God, and sojourned with Lot, in Bethel. He also experienced a needed separation with Lot. Their herdsman fought over available resources, and Abram decided to give the choice to Lot of where to go. Abram was willing to relinquish his choice - his first dibs. Abram leaned not on his own understanding, but on God’s provision. Finally, we’ll take a look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The War for Independence and Bunker Hill - Patrick K. O'Donnell, Pray for Enemies to be Converted, Independence Day
Air Date: 7/1/2023
The War for Independence and Bunker Hill - Patrick K. O'Donnell, Pray for Enemies to be Converted, Independence Day

This coming Tuesday, is Independence Day. Today we take a look at an important piece of our Revolutionary War past - The Battle of Bunker Hill, fought on June 17, 1775. Our guest is Historian and author Patrick K. O’Donnell. Pastor Bill Shishko explains that we must pray for our enemies’ conversion. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reviews some of our nation's history. Man's liberty is circumscribed by law - the question is, "whose law?" Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Moral Failings and God's Judgment - Alex Newman, No Private Vengeance, Subsidizing Poor Credit Forced Upon You
Air Date: 6/24/2023
Moral Failings and God's Judgment - Alex Newman, No Private Vengeance, Subsidizing Poor Credit Forced Upon You

Are we now seeing the judgment of God on our society? The Apostle Paul wrote to the Romans: “For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.” This is but one of our nation’s besetting sins. Our nation will not survive if we don’t repent of our many sins, turn towards God, and seek His forgiveness. There is hope – abundant hope, but without sincere repentance and changing of our ways, we are going down a dangerous path leading to God’s judgment. Our guest today, is Alex Newman. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that on a personal level, God does not allow us to exercise private vengeance. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz brings to our attention a recent move by the Federal Housing Commission that essentially divorces risk from pricing. Now, folks with good credit scores will be paying extra, to cover for irresponsible borrowers. Gerry asks the question, why should good credit-rated borrowers subsidize poorly rated ones? Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Embracing Fidelity Month - Tyler O’Neil, Speaking the Truth, Father's Day
Air Date: 6/17/2023
Embracing Fidelity Month - Tyler O’Neil, Speaking the Truth, Father's Day

There are those amongst us who want us to celebrate so-called “Pride Month,” during this month of June. Yet, the rush to celebrate the LGBTQ+ lifestyle is both exclusionary and offensive to conservative Jews and Christians who follow the Bible’s teaching that God created human beings male and female, that marriage is between one man and one woman, and that pride is a major sin, not a virtue. As a positive replacement, Princeton Professor Robert P. George has suggested that we dedicate the month of June not to a specific interest group, but rather to a moral virtue, FIDELITY. Here to discuss this movement with us, is the managing editor of the Daily Signal, Tyler O’Neil. Pastor Bill Shishko urges us to be truthful and to not take oaths that are clever lies. We must not take God’s name in vain. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to take a deeper dive into families and in particular the Father of the family. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Socialism and Childbirths Don't Mix - Dr. Catherine Pakaluk, One Ground for Divorce, Abram and God's Promise
Air Date: 6/10/2023
Socialism and Childbirths Don't Mix - Dr. Catherine Pakaluk, One Ground for Divorce, Abram and God's Promise

What if we got the government to pay for all childbirths, making them free to all? Would this be a good idea? Would it reduce abortions? No, it wouldn’t. Our guest today, explains that like other forms of socialism, this proposal has serious flaws. Fact is, “free birth” doesn’t prevent abortion among poor women, who already have births paid for. There is one pro-life group that wrongly believes that socializing birth costs will reduce abortions. They want to compensate hospitals directly from a national fund for any birth, at any time, under any conditions. While this group’s plan may be well-intentioned, it would socialize the costs of childbirth. The government would cover the cost of good things that marriage and the family are meant to provide directly. Today we talk with the Director of Social Research and Associate Professor of the Busch School of Business – our guest is Dr. Catherine Pakaluk. Pastor Bill Shishko discusses one other ground for divorce that’s given in 1 Corinthians 7:12-16. When the unbelieving partner separates, this is a permission, not a command – the desertion of the unbeliever is allowed. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz discusses the life of Abram. His life in Canaan, then in Egypt. The rocky roads, and his shortcomings regarding lying about Sarai, and yet God’s overriding promises. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Exposing Moral Evil and Defrocking Those who Weaponize the Law - Robert Knight, Divorce, The Faith of Abraham
Air Date: 6/3/2023
Exposing Moral Evil and Defrocking Those who Weaponize the Law - Robert Knight, Divorce, The Faith of Abraham

. In America, it seems we have entered an era of unprecedented lawlessness at the highest levels of our government. Recently, the Durham report came out and it leaves no doubt that the Hillary Clinton campaign facilitated the Russian Hoax to vilify her political opponent. Corrupt FBI Officials validated the scheme. Representative Adam Schiff lied repeatedly to keep the hoax going. Our current Secretary of State orchestrated a letter by 51 national security experts in October 2020, falsely suggesting that Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation. Recently the IRS supervisory agent and his entire investigative team were removed from an inquiry into Hunter’s taxes and gun purchase. And most recently, we saw whistleblowers from within the FBI, testify to how the bureau was weaponized and is intent on punishing ideological foes. There is little doubt the whistleblowers will be mistreated. Here to discuss this unpunished lawlessness is Washington Times columnist Robert Knight. Pastor Bill Shishko takes a look at divorce and one of the grounds for divorce that Jesus gives. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz returns to look at Genesis 11 and the faithful line of Shem. His line led to Abram. It was Abram, whom God called in Genesis 12, and sent him to Canaan. All nations on the earth would be blessed through him – and this, ultimately, because of Christ. Gerry reminds us that Abram acted based on faith in God’s promises; and we too, are to take hold of God and His promises by faith. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Supreme Court is a Separate Branch from Congress - Thomas Jipping, Divorce and Jesus, R2K wrap up
Air Date: 5/27/2023
The Supreme Court is a Separate Branch from Congress - Thomas Jipping, Divorce and Jesus, R2K wrap up

Progressives are pushing for an ethics code for the Supreme Court. This is part of their campaign to undermine the independence of the Judiciary. Hell hath no fury like Progressives denied constitutional protection to kill children in the womb. This comes at a time when they just simply don’t like the objective decisions that are flowing from the court as the majority of the justices follow a strict constructionist approach, which is arguably the very best approach for the Supreme Court to take. What these Progressives fail to recognize, or don’t want you to know, is that a code of conduct already exists for United States Judges that they are currently following. But beyond this, these legislators are wrongly attempting to exercise their influence across the boundaries of the separation of powers between the judiciary and the legislative branches! Here to discuss the harassment of the court by these progressives, is Senior Legal Fellow, of the Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at Heritage, attorney Thomas Jipping. Also ahead, Pastor Bill Shishko discusses Jesus’ take on divorce. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz wraps up a consideration of the writings of Doug Barnes as he critiques R2K theology. Gerry notes that the Protestant Reformation has an illustrious history of ministers of the gospel preaching before kings. The idea is that the Moral Law of God applies to all areas of life, consistent with the claims of the Westminster Confession of Faith, which itself, was based on the Reformation, a century and a half earlier. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: School Choice and its Funding - Virginia Allen, The Mortification of Sin, R2K and its misuse of Common Grace
Air Date: 5/20/2023
School Choice and its Funding - Virginia Allen, The Mortification of Sin, R2K and its misuse of Common Grace

Oklahoma is taking a lead on school choice programs and resisting far-left ideology in classrooms across the state. Ryan Walters, Oklahoma’s state superintendent of public instruction, says “It is amazing how aggressive the Biden administration is with this radical agenda towards our schools.” Today we have a discussion with a senior news producer and podcast host for The Daily Signal. She is the co-host of "The Daily Signal Podcast" and "Problematic Women." Our guest is Virginia Allen. Pastor Bill Shishko discusses the mortification of sin in believers, and the book by that title, by Puritan John Owen. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz returns to a critical look at the Radical Two Kingdom view. Today he looks at Common Grace how this true concept is overused even misused in the R2K view. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: When Faith-Based Organizations Break the Law for Money and Illegal Immigration - Lora Ries, The Reality of Hell, Mother's Day
Air Date: 5/13/2023
When Faith-Based Organizations Break the Law for Money and Illegal Immigration - Lora Ries, The Reality of Hell, Mother's Day

Suppose you were responsible for leading a non-profit organization, and someone came to you suggesting that you break the law, and in exchange, you would receive millions of dollars. Would you do it? Now suppose the story you would spin as you broke the law, was cherry-picked from scripture under the guise of asylum, humanitarianism, and helping alien children. Sounds good, right? … Wrong! Sadly, we have faith-based organizations here in America, that are breaking the law, and shockingly accepting large payouts from the government, funded by our tax dollars! The Biden administration has gleefully encouraged the mass-release of millions of illegal aliens into this country and is relying on these non-governmental organizations to receive, process, transport, and lodge these illegal aliens. Law breaking is encouraged! Is such behavior Christian? We think not. Compounded by the law breaking, we are witnessing immense amounts of asylum fraud, child exploitation, and corruption. We see deaths, sex trafficking, forced child labor, national security threats and a massive influx of the drug fentanyl. Today our guest is Director of the Border Security and Immigration Center at Heritage, Lora Ries. Pastor Bill Shishko addresses the unpopular subject of the reality of hell. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to take a look at mothers that are mentioned in the Bible and their godly actions. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Visible and Invisible Church - Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin, Reconciliation, Applying the Christian Faith to All Areas of Life
Air Date: 5/6/2023
The Visible and Invisible Church - Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin, Reconciliation, Applying the Christian Faith to All Areas of Life

What is the invisible church? The Reformation churches have always taught that membership in the invisible church is through Christ alone, by Grace alone, through faith alone. So far, so good. But have we focused on our inclusion in the invisible church while devaluing the visible church? Perhaps your recognition of the invisible church has devalued your opinion of the visible church. Be careful. If you prefer the invisible over the visible, would you like invisible pastoral visits? Or maybe invisible groceries during your unemployment, or God-forbid, invisible funerals when your relatives die? Today we talk with cultural theologian, Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin, Founder and President of the Center for Cultural Leadership. Pastor Bill Shishko discusses reconciliation, as we work hard to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Writer Gerry Wisz continues to peel the layers of the R2K onion. Is it possible to apply the Christian faith to other areas of life beside the church? Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Woke Alerts - Will Hild, No Corrupt Communication, The Extent of the Lordship of Christ
Air Date: 4/29/2023
Woke Alerts - Will Hild, No Corrupt Communication, The Extent of the Lordship of Christ

Have you noticed that a number of corporations are putting progressive activists and anti-Christian values ahead of consumers? For example, Blackrock, a global investment manager is using investor’s money to wage war on American energy. Meanwhile, consumers and businesses are being crushed by rising energy costs. Also, some beverage companies have decided to feature drag queens, or trans people in their advertising - even in the face of the growing trend of drag queen performances for children that are sexualizing young children. Some woke corporations recently lined up in support of the radical Inflation Reduction Act. While this deceptively named legislation did nothing to help combat inflation, it did, however, support the hiring of 87,000 new IRS agents to audit Americans. Fortunately, as a consumer, you have freedom to decide which product to purchase and who to support with your money. The corporations with woke agendas will only succeed if we look the other way. We can decide to support their competitors with our purchases. We also have the right to contact a company to which we are committed, such as a car company, to register our disapproval of that company’s practices. Today we talk with the Executive Director of Consumers’ Research – a group founded in 1929. They offer a “Woke Alert” service that you can sign up for, for free, which lets you know when a company takes a moral nosedive and is attempting to force their values on you. Woke companies are not deserving of our support with our purchases. Our guest today, is attorney Will Hild, who lives in Maryland along with his family. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that God says to let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth. Later in the program, we return to the concept of the Kingship of Jesus Christ over all the earth. Writer Gerry Wisz helps us discern the extent of Christ’s lordship in our daily lives and over the world that He has made. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The New Cold War and Our Response: Diana Furchtgott-Roth, Our Righteousness Must Exceed that of the Pharisees, R2K Theology Weakness
Air Date: 4/22/2023
The New Cold War and Our Response: Diana Furchtgott-Roth, Our Righteousness Must Exceed that of the Pharisees, R2K Theology Weakness

Whether you know it or not, we are now locked in a new Cold War. This time, our foe is the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in Beijing. Unfortunately we are shooting ourselves in the foot because of foolish policies that promote dependence on the CCP, rather than harvesting our own energy here in America. The rush to green energy enriches China at America’s expense. 70% of solar and 70% of wind technology comes from China. EV batteries come predominantly from China. China has the advantage because of their forced slave labor, cheap energy and the investment of the Communist government in the Chinese energy sector. Meanwhile, China is buying farm land here in the states, and has a monopoly on rare earth materials. America has vast reserves of coal, oil, natural gas – right under our feet - plenty to assure our own energy independence. Yet, under this administration’s policies, we are unable to harvest much of this energy while we are held hostage to other nations that are hostile to America. A number of nations are forging economic ties with our enemies and assuring that the dollar is losing its value worldwide. As the New Cold War with China advances, the CCP boasts it is “ready to fight” after conducting exercises not far from Taiwan. Increasingly we are only steps away from going into a full kinetic war. Our guest on this “Earth Day,” is the Director of the Center for Energy, Climate, and Environment at Heritage, Diana Furchtgott-Roth. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that Jesus said that unless our righteousness exceeds that of the Scribes and Pharisees, we will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz discusses the so-called Radical Two Kingdom, or, R2K view and compares that with what Scripture teaches. Does scripture speak to all of life, or only to a form of Christianity within the four walls of the church? Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Congress and its War Powers - Cully Stimson, Jesus Came to Fulfill the Law, The Reversal of Babel
Air Date: 4/15/2023
Congress and its War Powers - Cully Stimson, Jesus Came to Fulfill the Law, The Reversal of Babel

How does Congress declare war, or authorize the use of military force? Did you know that Congress has declared war only 11 times for five different conflicts? Beyond this, there have been more than 40 times when it created so called “authorized use of military force,” or AUMFs. Each time, war powers are repealed by congress after the mission is complete. However, there are still 2 out of 3 of these AUMFs remaining that need to be cancelled. Our Senate has voted to repeal two of those three- the obsolete 1991 and 2002 Iraq AUMFs, and that is a good thing. The remaining 2001 AUMF was created for the 9/11 attacks and are relied upon today to conduct military operations against al-Qaeda, the Taliban, ISIS and associated forces. But inaction on the part of the House of Representatives on these two AUMFs essentially cedes power from Congress to the Executive office, furthering an imbalance of powers. At a time when the Chinese Communist Party is building military bases in the South China Sea, growing its navy, and eyeing Taiwan, they need to see that Congress is debating, discussing and exercising their war powers consistent with their constitutional duty. Here today to discuss the need for Congress to reclaim its war powers, is Cully Stimson from Heritage. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that Jesus did not come to abolish the law or the prophets but to fulfill. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz returns to Genesis. He notes that the Tower of Babel remained incomplete, because of man’s pride of life and God’s judgment. Part of the judgment was that God confused their language. Yet, with time, Pentecost would come, and people from all tribes and nations would be able to hear the gospel of Christ in their own language. From there, they went back to their own towns and cities, thus helping to spread the good news of the Kingdom. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: DOJ Targeting Parents - No Legitimate Basis - Jarrett Stepman, Light of the World, Easter Meditation
Air Date: 4/8/2023
DOJ Targeting Parents - No Legitimate Basis - Jarrett Stepman, Light of the World, Easter Meditation

A House Committee has found that there was “no Legitimate basis” for the Biden Administration to use the Justice Department to target supposed “threats” to school boards across the country. They found that the administration misused federal law enforcement and counterterrorism resources for political purposes. This is the conclusion of the House Judiciary Committee report. Our guest today is columnist for the Daily Signal, Jerrett Stepman. He notes the current trend to weaponize our government agencies for partisan ends. Pastor Bill Shishko notes that Jesus says we are the light of the world. We are to let our light shine before others so that they may see our good works and glorify our Father which is in Heaven. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz brings us an Easter meditation. He draws our attention 1 Corinthians 15 and other texts. Our position is one of great hope as we look to Christ. We look to His resurrection and our future resurrection as well. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: School Choice - Katrina Trinko, Christians are Salt, Babel and Pentecost Christians to Disciple the Nations
Air Date: 4/1/2023
School Choice - Katrina Trinko, Christians are Salt, Babel and Pentecost Christians to Disciple the Nations

Education. We all want what is best for our children and grandchildren. Many parents feel that they have no say on how their school taxes are used. An encouraging change is taking place around the country in terms of what amounts to a “school choice revolution.” Increasingly, some states have passed massive school choice bills, giving parents access to state education funding for their children. This allows parents to use this funding for public or private schools. Most recently, Iowa, Utah, and Arkansas have passed such bills. In Utah, this amounts to $8000 per student towards private education, including private school tuition and homeschool expenses. Arizona and West Virginia already have programs in place. More states are potentially in the pipeline, including Alabama, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, New Hampshire and Texas which are considering such access to education saving accounts. Our guest today, is the editor-in-chief, of the Daily Signal, Katrina Trinko. Later in the program, Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that the testimony of Christians is absolutely necessary to our rotting culture. We are to be “salt” that retains its savor, with faithfulness to the word of God. Gerry Wisz joins us looking at Genesis 10; he points out that the massive man-centered project of Babel stopped, as God forced them to disperse, confusing their languages. Today, especially on this side of Pentecost, we must obey the Lord, as He uses us to once again, fill the earth and disciple the nations. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. All this and more, on Holding All Things Together! Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: A Civil Rights Group Loses its Way - Tyler O'Neil, Persecuted for Teaching Jesus is the Only Way to God, Nimrod
Air Date: 3/25/2023
A Civil Rights Group Loses its Way - Tyler O'Neil, Persecuted for Teaching Jesus is the Only Way to God, Nimrod

What happens when a once-legitimate civil rights organization starts off with the best of intentions but then drastically changes? They win some important cases, but then over time, they morph into an organization that inflates issues, embraces corruption, tolerates sexual harassment and now focuses their fight against Christian values and social conservatives. Today our guest pulls the curtain back on one such organization and exposes their bigotry that has become the epitome of the hate they claim to oppose. Our guest is the Managing Editor of The Daily Signal, Tyler O’Neil. , Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that we are blessed if we are persecuted for teaching that Jesus is the only Way to God. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz takes a look at the prideful and self-centered line of Nimrod in the book of Genesis. One lesson for us is to not walk in the steps of those who built the tower of Babel. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Central Bank Digital Currency - Dr. EJ Antoni, False Accusations for Jesus, Genealogies Point to Christ
Air Date: 3/18/2023
Central Bank Digital Currency - Dr. EJ Antoni, False Accusations for Jesus, Genealogies Point to Christ

Imagine if there were a “shelf life” placed on the money that you saved. Or imagine the government creating dollars that can only be used for food, or certain types of food. Imagine if every dollar you spent was tracked, logged, and had AI run against it, so that your financial life became an open book to all the bureaucrats in Washington. Dystopian you say? The Communist Chinese Government is already floating trials for a digital Yuan. And you should be aware of the Fed idea to turn your dollars into a digital power grab, as they consider implementing a central bank digital currency, or, CBDC for short. Our guest today is Dr. EJ Antoni. Pastor Bill Shishko discusses the beatitude of being blessed even when falsely accused because of Jesus. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz looks at some of the lessons of the genealogies in scripture. In Genesis, these serve as more than historical records of tribal identity and pride, but a recounting of father and son lineages that, in the case of Shem certainly, offered hints of when and how Messiah would come. Later, in the New Testament, genealogies in both Matthew and Luke, illustrate Christ’s historic legitimacy. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Woke Diversity and Equity Programs Have Failed - Jonathan Butcher, Persecuted for Righteousness Sake, St. Patrick
Air Date: 3/11/2023
Woke Diversity and Equity Programs Have Failed - Jonathan Butcher, Persecuted for Righteousness Sake, St. Patrick

School districts around our nation have established diversity, equity, and inclusion, or DEI offices, as they are colloquially known, to reduce discrimination, and yet nationwide, school officials report a record number of discrimination complaints just last year. It seems that DEI has accomplished little to no good. Our guest today is a Will Skillman Fellow at Heritage and has written a book titled “Splintered – Critical Race Theory and the Progressive War on Truth.” In his book he points out that K-12 instruction has been hijacked by Critical Theorists who are skeptical of representative government and the freedoms we cherish. During our discussion we contrast the DEI approach with Christian love for our neighbor and college admission policies based on ability and skill. Joining us, is Jonathan Butcher. Pastor Bill Shishko talks about being persecuted for righteousness sake. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz discusses St. Patrick. Next Friday the 17th is St. Patrick’s Day, and today, Gerry takes a look at the man who preached the gospel to the pagan Irish. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Electric Grid - Cost and Vulnerabilities - Travis Fisher, Pray for the Persecuted Church, Robert L. Dabney
Air Date: 3/4/2023
The Electric Grid - Cost and Vulnerabilities - Travis Fisher, Pray for the Persecuted Church, Robert L. Dabney

No matter where you live in these United States, most likely, you are fully dependent on our electric grid. You turn on the light switch and the lights come on. For those who live in more rural areas with an abundance of trees, there are times when a storm comes along and the trees fall over the lines, knocking out power for a period of time. For these areas it is wise to have a backup generator properly installed and ready to go at all times. Yet the generator is only a temporary solution. Our critical dependence on the grid becomes more apparent when there are intentional attacks on our infrastructure. Recently in Moore County, North Carolina, two substations were attacked. The outage affected 40,000 residential and business customers. Today we talk with a Senior Research Fellow for energy and environment at Heritage, Travis Fisher. Pastor Bill Shishko urges us to pray for the persecuted church. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz notes that March 5th is the birthday of Robert Lewis Dabney. R.L. Dabney was an American Christian theologian, a farmer, a pastor, an army chaplain, an architect, a revered seminary professor, and a prolific man of letters. He was among America's greatest Christian scholars, yet also a man of action, and his work in recent years has enjoyed a resurgence of interest. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: US Military Readiness Assessment - Dakota Wood, Christ Makes us Peacemakers, Sodomy and our Church Leader's Response
Air Date: 2/25/2023
US Military Readiness Assessment - Dakota Wood, Christ Makes us Peacemakers, Sodomy and our Church Leader's Response

What is the readiness posture of America’s military? A recent reputable assessment of US military power now rates the United States as “weak!” Our equipment is getting old and training is insufficient. One example - the average age of an air force fighting aircraft is 32 years old. We just experienced a Chinese Communist Party surveillance balloon fly over the entire width of the United States. It monitored and took readings and pictures of much of our critical infrastructure, including ICBM sites, apparently gathering intel that is not available via satellites. Almost as importantly, it also tested the resolve of our nation. A test which we failed. The balloon was not dealt with until it crossed the nation and got out over the water on the East Coast! One may assume vast amounts of intel was gathered. The balloon was carrying a payload weighing one ton! It was not easily tracked as it traveled at 60,000 feet above the ground, constructed primarily of balloon materials, and moved relatively slowly, thus evading most radar settings. The air at that elevation is so thin that the F22 Raptor was probably the only fighter plane in our inventory that could shoot it down. It should have been dealt with much earlier, as opposed to waiting a whole week, while collecting and sending critical intel to our long-time adversary, Communist China. Our guest today is Dakota Wood, senior research fellow for Defense Programs, at Heritage. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that Jesus is the great Peacemaker. The Christian has peace with God and becomes an instrument of reconciliation to others. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reviews recent leaders and their unfortunate position on sodomy. Its time that our leaders think through their response to Sodomy and become more like Jesus. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history.

Holding All Things Together: US Monthly Jobs Report - Dr. E.J. Antoni, To Have a Pure Heart, President's Day
Air Date: 2/18/2023
US Monthly Jobs Report - Dr. E.J. Antoni, To Have a Pure Heart, President's Day

Christians place great value in a strong economy, because not only does a strong economy mean that families can earn a living, supporting themselves and their children, it allows us to invest in a godly education for our children and our grandchildren. A good economy also allows us extend that blessing outward, as we support our local church through tithes and offerings. Good jobs in a community makes for a healthy community and also gives us all a sense of well-being. Today we discuss the latest monthly jobs report, and we wonder if it is still a reliable measure of the economy. Our guest Dr. EJ Antoni, is an expert in economics and is also a research fellow involved in the Center for Data Analysis at Heritage. Pastor Bill Shishko discusses what it means to be pure in heart. Later in the program, we reflect on President’s Day. Our first president, of these United States, would preside over a Republic. Pressured to become King, yet taking the role of a servant leader of a representative government, George Washington would often side with Hamilton for the overall good of the nation. Today Zach Wisz joins us to discuss the history and legacy of President George Washington. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: More on the Border Crisis from Former Acting ICE Director, On Being Merciful, Resting in God's Sovereignty
Air Date: 2/11/2023
More on the Border Crisis from Former Acting ICE Director, On Being Merciful, Resting in God's Sovereignty

This week we continue trying to understand our Nation’s border problems. Previously, we spoke with a journalist, and today we talk with a former acting immigration and customs enforcement director. He points out that last month alone we had over a quarter million illegal immigrants cross our border. To put that into perspective for you – that’s 10 times the entire population of Kingston NY. And as I said, that’s in one month alone! We are seeing historic numbers of illegal entries. But on top of these encounters, there are 10’s of thousands that simply got-away. We have a very real challenge on our hands. Before long, this will affect every town in these United States. Our guest today is Tom Homan. Pastor Bill Shishko helps us understand what it means to be merciful towards others. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz comments on Noah - how he was found passed out in his tent, inebriated and naked, and the subsequent curse he pronounced on Canaan, Ham’s son. Future Canaanite nations would be affected, up to a point. Gerry reminds us that today, all nations are to be blessed by the gospel of Jesus Christ. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Border Crisis Worsens - Jerrett Stepman, Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness, A Redemptive Promise but not Sinlessness
Air Date: 2/4/2023
Border Crisis Worsens - Jerrett Stepman, Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness, A Redemptive Promise but not Sinlessness

U.S. Customs and Border Protection data show a huge uptick in illegal immigrant encounters starting in February 2021, within days after President Biden’s inauguration. The problem is huge. So much so, that some experts are comparing this to an invasion. Fact is, in his first 100 days in office, Biden signed a slew of executive orders that intentionally weakened border enforcement. He has generally signaled to would-be illegal immigrants that if they break into the United States, they may be detained, but they won’t be deported. Meanwhile, when border states ship a tiny percentage of their illegal immigrants to a place like Martha’s Vineyard, despite the residents advocating for sanctuary cities in general, when it came time for them to accept the illegals, they were quickly kicked out. We’ve seen similar reactions from mayors of other sanctuary cities, like New York City, for example. We are at a point where we can now conclude that Biden’s border disaster Isn’t merely incompetence. It’s intentional. That’s the title of a recent article in The Daily Signal. The author, Jerrett Stepman, joins us today. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us to hunger and thirst for righteousness. Later in the program, Gerry Wisz considers the patriarch Noah. God's covenant with Noah had a redemptive promise attached to it, but that does not equate to sinlessness among God’s redeemed people. We all break the law of God. Christ’s sacrifice covered Noah’s sin and covers us as well. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Battle Beneath the Battle - Robert Knight, Jesus' Meekness and Self-Control, The Passing of Paul Johnson
Air Date: 1/28/2023
The Battle Beneath the Battle - Robert Knight, Jesus' Meekness and Self-Control, The Passing of Paul Johnson

There is a kind of war going on in America. It is a battle between right versus wrong. The outcome of this battle – you could call it the battle beneath the battle, will determine whether or not we’ll be able to pass on America’s heritage of liberty, Christian freedom and its prosperity to our children and grandchildren. The recent “Born Alive” bill that squeaked by in Congress, mandates medical care for babies who survive abortions. That this bill barely passed should shock any thinking person! There is an addiction to sexual freedom and perversion, so great, that it results in America continuing to abort our future children. Meanwhile, America loves her animals – and would never think of hurting a dog, a cat, and sometimes even a mouse! Break a dog’s leg intentionally, and face the consequences – but kill a little baby in the womb? Well, not a problem. Something is deeply wrong. May God have mercy. Here to discuss this ongoing battle between right and wrong is Washington Times Columnist and Author, Robert Knight. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that Jesus was meek and that he exhibited self-control under immense pressure. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz discusses the recent passing of renowned English journalist, popular historian, speechwriter, and author, Paul Johnson. He notes Johnson's passing was on January 12, and discusses his remarkable contributions. Finally we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Permitting Process - Daren Bakst, Jesus Sent to Bind up the Broken Hearted, Revival, Reformation and Renewal
Air Date: 1/21/2023
The Permitting Process - Daren Bakst, Jesus Sent to Bind up the Broken Hearted, Revival, Reformation and Renewal

Permitting. If you are an entrepreneur and want to build something, nowadays, you better have all your permits lined up or else your project will get the axe. Even if the permitting process seems out of place, with excessive overreach or just plain silly, you must comply, or face the consequences. You want to avoid monumental fines. So it’s helpful for us to think through these issues and be aware of permitting, lest we too easily give more and more of our rights away in a free society. Perhaps we should be on the lookout, pro-actively and be willing to participate more, in our local towns. Because once the proverbial camel of control gets his nose under the tent of freedom, it is way too late. We do wonder at the completion of many large, successful building projects that we take for granted, and that enhance human thriving yet, which would not even be allowed in 2022! Our guest today is an expert at analyzing regulatory policy, trade, environmental policy, and related issues. We are joined by Daren Bakst. Pastor Bill Shishko considers the statement in the Sermon on the Mount which says: “Blessed are they that mourn, for they will be comforted.” Jesus is sent to bind up the broken hearted. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to talk about the new year - revival, resolutions, and a forward look to renew our commitments and rid ourselves of regressive behaviors. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: America's National Security Depends on Critical Rare Earth Minerals - Steven Bucci, A State of Blessing, Zwingli and Covenant Theology
Air Date: 1/14/2023
America's National Security Depends on Critical Rare Earth Minerals - Steven Bucci, A State of Blessing, Zwingli and Covenant Theology

America is becoming increasingly dependent upon critical rare earth minerals for our Electric Vehicles, for both civilian and military applications. The problem is, with the war on fossil fuels imposed by the current administration and some governors, America is being forced to tie its future to EVs while having no capability to provide key elements of the system. The really scary part is that China, controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, produces three-quarters of all lithium-ion batteries in the world. Further, the CCP controlled Chinese manufacturer CATL controls 30% of the global EV battery market. This puts our national security at risk as we are being forced off conventional vehicles. Our guest served three decades as an Army Special Forces officer and a top Pentagon official. Today, we are joined by Steve Bucci. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that being in the Kingdom of God is being in a state of blessing. The smile of God is upon us in the Lord Jesus Christ. Later in the program Gerry Wisz points out that the Reformer Zwingli brought the church’s attention to Covenant Theology. He was a prolific expositor and produced many good works. His reflections on the goodness of God in creation were breathtaking. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The New Year - A Pastoral Perspective - Dr. John Vance, The Kingdom of God and our Hearts, Zwingli
Air Date: 1/7/2023
The New Year - A Pastoral Perspective - Dr. John Vance, The Kingdom of God and our Hearts, Zwingli

It’s the new year! A time for reflection, planning and a renewed sense of increased trust in the Lord. What work does God have for you this year? How can you best continue to be faithful to the unique call that the Lord has given you? What long range hope do you have in the Lord which keeps you going right now? We have the confidence that “He that is in you, is greater than he that is in the world!” Our guest today is a seasoned pastor who, not long ago, retired and moved from the Mid-Hudson Valley of NY, to the rural mountains of West Virginia. He has stayed busy, engaged with culture, and has continued some preaching in a local church. It makes you wonder if we ever really retire? Perhaps not! As we begin the new year, our guest today is Dr. John Vance. Pastor Bill Shishko begins a new series on The Sermon on the Mount. He reminds us that the Kingdom of God is God’s reign beginning with your heart, through Jesus Christ. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz begins a review of the life of Huldrych Zwingli, a leader of the Reformation in Switzerland. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Finances for the New Year - Chuck Bentley, Pastoral Perspective, The New Year and Nicodemus
Air Date: 12/31/2022
Finances for the New Year - Chuck Bentley, Pastoral Perspective, The New Year and Nicodemus

We’ve reached the end of the year 2022. Many of us have experienced very tough circumstances. Roughly 65% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. Our guest today closely watches the economy. He believes that in the coming year, we likely will see some reversal of the severe inflation that has plagued us this year. He talks about just returning from a country that is extremely poor and the contrast has made him approach what he has as a middle income American thoughtfully, being more responsible in terms of generosity and wanting to surrender all to the Lord. God wants us to keep a loose hand on the material goods that we have. He points out that everything we have is temporal. We take nothing with us as we exit this life. The things that last, the real treasures in life, are eternal. Our guest today is the CEO of Crown Financial, Chuck Bentley. Pastor Bill Shishko shares with us some considerations as we enter the New Year. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to take a look at Nicodemus, who is mentioned in the pages of the New Testament. He is curious and comes to Jesus, and yet after talking with the Savior, Nicodemus seems to stay in the shadows. The crux of the matter is that mankind must be born again of the Spirit of God. After spiritual new birth, then we must boldly proclaim our allegiance to the Lord Jesus Christ. Christmas, like Easter, gives believers a chance to do so as our worldly friends focus on merriment. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. All this and more, on Holding All Things Together!

Holding All Things Together: Holding All Things Together: Christmas - Pastor Uri Brito, The Coming of Christ Changed Everything, The Virgin Shall Conceive and Bear a Son
Air Date: 12/24/2022
Holding All Things Together: Christmas - Pastor Uri Brito, The Coming of Christ Changed Everything, The Virgin Shall Conceive and Bear a Son

Today is Christmas Eve Day and, appropriately, we talk about the coming of Jesus into this world. What does it mean that He was sinless? Does it equate to Him not crying? No it doesn’t. Scripture reminds us that Jesus was fully man and fully God. So, Jesus did have all the characteristics of man, yet he did not sin. The Book of Hebrews says “For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.” In Jesus Christ, we have someone unique in the history of the world. He ultimately would die for us so that we could have eternal life. Our guest today is Pastor Uri Brito. Pastor Bill Shishko shares some thoughts from the pastor’s study about how Christ’s birth brought in a whole new world. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz looks at the Prophet Isaiah, who prophesized to King Ahaz, that the virgin "shall conceive and bear a son." Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: COP27 - Alex Newman, Transformed by the Renewing of our Mind, The Christmas Tree
Air Date: 12/17/2022
COP27 - Alex Newman, Transformed by the Renewing of our Mind, The Christmas Tree

On the 20th of November, a two-week climate conference concluded in Egypt, called, the 27th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, or COP27. The conference outlined a cultish agenda to bring the world in line with the UN Agenda 2030 goals, and more. COP27 was attended by 125 prime ministers, kings, dictators, and presidents, including President Joe Biden. One major focus was on wealth distribution – that is, taking money from middle-class and poor Americans and redistributing to the very wealthy, uber elites, and kleptocrats who have kept much of the world impoverished. The conference was clear about using the World Health Organization, and the so-called climate change process. There were very strong religious overtones to the conference, but not true Christianity. It was idolatrous. The conference was pushing a one world religious 10 commandments they had created. Mention was constantly made regarding (quote) “climate hell.” There was a clear attempt to bring all religions together and create an “alliance of virtue.” There were more than 40 religious events held. They walked up to Mt. Sinai, and there they smashed their man-made 10 commandments, because they believe the governments are not doing enough to save us from the gas of life, carbon dioxide. They conducted a climate repentance ceremony – they prayed to a false god, asking forgiveness for their climate sins of carbon dioxide emissions. Americans were kept in the dark about the actions and goals of COP27. Our guest today has been attending these UN climate summits since 2009. Today we welcome international journalist Alex Newman. Pastor Bill Shishko discusses the goal of the mission of the church. He discusses us being transformed by the renewing of our mind, that we may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz explores the background of the Christmas tree. In pre-Christian Europe there was a pagan meaning to it, but now, we see a transformation of a secular practice and custom into a Christian one! Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: A Child Tax Credit that is Bad for Us - Jamie Bryan Hall, Jesus is King, More on Advent and on Living in the Light of Christ and the Blessed Hope
Air Date: 12/10/2022
A Child Tax Credit that is Bad for Us - Jamie Bryan Hall, Jesus is King, More on Advent and on Living in the Light of Christ and the Blessed Hope

Have you heard of the child tax credit? Over the years since its inception in 1997, the purpose of such a credit has expanded. In the past, the credit was paid to people who worked and had children. It provided assistance to working families who needed child care. However, the Biden child tax credit expands dramatically on that. Biden wants a credit for all families, regardless of income. In short, our government would be redistributing wealth. Gone would be the original desire to help solely working families who truly need help with child care. The amount would be increased with no obligation to work at all. This would have a massive impact on social stability. Such unconditional cash aid weakens marriage. Today we talk with Jamie Bryan Hall. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that Jesus is King, and our work is to make followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz shares more thoughts on Advent. Christ has come and we have Him as the light of life. But we don’t always experience the blessing and joy of living in the light of Christ. Our own souls have times of darkness… yet we need to fan into flame, the coals of the gospel. As we look ahead to our blessed hope, let us apply ourselves to serving Christ here and now, both in work and worship. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Illegal Immigration and our Language - Simon Hankinson, The Church, a Chosen Race Called out of Darkness, Advent and Light
Air Date: 12/3/2022
Illegal Immigration and our Language - Simon Hankinson, The Church, a Chosen Race Called out of Darkness, Advent and Light

News organizations and our leaders, especially our leaders, should be accurately communicating the truth in regards to the virtual invasion on our southern border. Immigration and Customs Enforcement couches the massive influx of illegal aliens with euphemistic terms like “officers arrested unlawfully present noncitizens.” But why sugar coat what is going on? These people have no legal right to enter or live in these United States. Undocumented,” suggests they simply left their valid passport and visa at the bus station. We are experiencing a very serious disregard of our laws by this current administration leading to an increase in crime, fentanyl and sex trafficking, and a severely overwhelmed immigration system. Further, it is not fair to those would be legal immigrants who patiently desire to obey our laws, go through the required red tape, and become legitimate United States citizens. Our guest today is Simon Hankinson. Also ahead, Pastor Bill Shishko asks the question “why, is the church in the world?” He reminds us that we are a chosen race, called out of darkness into Christ’s marvelous light. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to discuss the season of Advent which began last Sunday. Sometimes a candle is lit during this season; and it reminds us that the light from God that Israel had long anticipated has indeed dawned upon us. What was once a light seen dimly from afar, has now become a blazing fire as God spreads his good news through the whole earth. We are to repent because the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Energy Trends - Negative and Positive - Robert Bryce, Gathering Together for Worship, Covenant of Creation and Redemption
Air Date: 11/26/2022
Energy Trends - Negative and Positive - Robert Bryce, Gathering Together for Worship, Covenant of Creation and Redemption

As we look at the energy sector in America, there are trends, both positive and negative with respect to the reliability of our energy grid, and costs. Today we talk with an energy expert who has testified before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. He has advised the US to NOT do what Europe is doing - Namely over investing in renewables, and underinvesting in hydrocarbons. Europe closed their coal and nuclear plants, and relied too much on imports. Our guest talks about the trends in the US that spell problems, but also some trends that are encouraging and hopeful. Today we talk with Robert Bryce. Pastor Bill Shishko discusses how important it is, for people to gather together for worship. Later in the program, Gerry Wisz continues with Genesis 9, and we learn that God renews His covenant of Creation after the Flood, not only with mankind, but with all that lives on the earth. God in His vast mercy had set in motion a covenant with fallen, but redeemed, humanity after the flood waters receded. We now have this covenant of both Creation and Redemption. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Thanksgiving - Even When Times are Tough - Chuck Bentley, Church Members in Community, Thanksgiving as a Way of Life
Air Date: 11/19/2022
Thanksgiving - Even When Times are Tough - Chuck Bentley, Church Members in Community, Thanksgiving as a Way of Life

Next week is Thanksgiving. It’s a time to lift up our praise and thanks to God. The first Thanksgiving in America was celebrated by the Pilgrims after their first harvest in the new world, in 1621. Question - Do you find it difficult especially this year, to be truly thankful? Has it become hard to know the peace of God in your heart? Some of us have experienced sickness, many have lost our jobs. Energy prices have skyrocketed. The dollar does not stretch nearly as far as it used to, and scarcity of common goods is on the rise. Crime is also on the rise nationwide. Yet we are called to give thanks. Giving of thanks becomes harder particularly when we are under financial duress. Today we talk with the CEO of Crown, Chuck Bentley. Crown’s mission is to spread the principles and practices of God’s economy throughout the world. Chuck hosts the daily feature, My MoneyLife. Today he shares with us from God’s word, regarding wisdom that will help us this Thanksgiving. Pastor Bill Shishko discusses the corporate responsibility of church members in community. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to look back at the first Thanksgiving and to discuss thanksgiving as a way of life. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Agriculture, Food Prices and Government Involvement - Daren Bakst, The Promise is to You and Your Children, Capital Punishment
Air Date: 11/12/2022
Agriculture, Food Prices and Government Involvement - Daren Bakst, The Promise is to You and Your Children, Capital Punishment

We’ve seen food prices rise about 11% higher in this past year, making it harder on families, especially those with low incomes, to keep themselves afloat. What is behind these skyrocketing food prices? A key reason is energy. The so-called war on fossil fuels is affecting our supply chain and that has a ripple effect into our food prices. The price of diesel is astronomically high now, and agriculture is severely hit by high diesel prices. Farming equipment, and the transport, which moves crops from farms to processing, to grocers, typically runs on diesel. We’ll take a look at this today. We’ll also discuss property rights and government infringement on these rights, as well as so-called Agricultural Imperialism. Our guest today is Daren Bakst, senior research fellow for environmental policy and regulation at The Heritage Foundation. Also ahead, Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that the scriptures teach that God’s promise of the Spirit is to us and to our covenant children. God’s covenants always include families. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz looks at what God means by the statement, “whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed?” Murder, when proven beyond any reasonable doubt, must face a reckoning, as God's Word tells us. Today, Gerry gives us a sober and godly view of capital punishment. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Issues that Matter to Most Americans - Alex Newman, Membership marked by Baptism, Remember Election Day Sermons
Air Date: 11/5/2022
The Issues that Matter to Most Americans - Alex Newman, Membership marked by Baptism, Remember Election Day Sermons

Soon Americans will be going back to the polls. What are some of the key issues that are on your mind? Today we talk with the President of Liberty Sentinel Media. He stays in touch with many people. He has written for The Epoch Times, is a correspondent for Law Enforcement Intelligence Brief, a writer for World Net Daily, and senior editor for The New American Magazine. He has his finger on the pulse of the issues in our nation. He’s co-authored the book “Crimes of the Educators,” with the renowned Dr. Samuel Blumenfeld. His website is: https://libertysentinel.org/ Our guest today, is Alex Newman. Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to talk about churches. In the New Testament, being a part of a church, was marked by baptism. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to discuss the old concept of election day sermons. These sermons helped the Christian to better understand God's claim on morality and how people are to live. This helps us think about our voting, and how it can reflect righteousness in a nation. What happened to this time-honored tradition? Why doesn't this happen today? Finally, we take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Inflation - a Great Threat - Chuck Bentley, Biblical Requirements for Deacons, Kuyper's Birthday
Air Date: 10/29/2022
Inflation - a Great Threat - Chuck Bentley, Biblical Requirements for Deacons, Kuyper's Birthday

Inflation is a global phenomenon right now. It’s been said that outside of nuclear war, inflation is the world’s greatest threat. Some foresee the value of the US dollar tanking to zero in the next 100 years. Inflation is characterized by there being more money than goods. Under inflation, we also experience the loss of purchasing power. It is basically silent theft. When will the government stop their massive spending? When will the supply chain stabilize? Many questions. Today we talk with Chuck Bentley, CEO of Crown. Also ahead, Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to describe the biblical requirements of Deacons. And the list is a long one! Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz picks up on the theme of Kuyper’s birthday and shares with us some details about his life and contribution to the Christian faith. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Big Tech at the Supreme Court - Sarah Parshall Perry, Deacons Wait on Tables, Genesis 9 Nuances
Air Date: 10/22/2022
Big Tech at the Supreme Court - Sarah Parshall Perry, Deacons Wait on Tables, Genesis 9 Nuances

“In what is shaping up to be an action-packed term at the U.S. Supreme Court, the justices upped the ante Tuesday by granting review in another banner case: Gonzalez v. Google. The case centers on interpretation of a law that has plagued social media users, especially conservatives, for some time by allowing tech giants to ban, promote, alter, or recommend content based on the user’s point of view.” So reads the opening words of a commentary on Big Tech’s moment finally arriving at the Supreme Court. We have all seen Big Tech platforms throttling, banning, or de-platforming politically unpopular speech online. Thus far, the large platforms have had the protection of Section 230 - a section of Title 47 of the United States Code enacted as part of the United States Communications Decency Act. Here to discuss this upcoming Supreme Court case, is Senior Fellow at the Meese Center, Sarah Parshall Perry. Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to further explain the New Testament job description of Deacons – that they are able to free up the minister to preach the word, while the Deacons “wait on tables,” with a ministry of mercy. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz helps us understand the Genesis 9:6 passage that says: “Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man, shall his blood be shed.” How does this square with the 6th commandment which forbids murder? Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Deer in Kevlar Vests and the Gun Debate - Amy Swearer, The Great Deacon, Life is in the Blood
Air Date: 10/15/2022
Deer in Kevlar Vests and the Gun Debate - Amy Swearer, The Great Deacon, Life is in the Blood

The Bill of Rights is important to Americans. The 2nd amendment is often attacked, and yet, law-abiding Americans know that exercising this God-given right is essential to our liberties and safety. In fact you can make the case that it safeguards the evangelical pulpits in America, to preach freely. By contrast, the present administration in Washington, by their words and actions, show little respect for gun owners or the Second Amendment. Recently, the President mocked gun owners as quote, “being afraid of deer in Kevlar vests,” simply because they want to defend themselves and their families with the same guns that law enforcement officers use to protect the president and his family. …So reads the opening lines of an article in the Daily Signal by today’s guest. She has testified before Congress and follows the gun debate closely. Our guest is Amy Swearer. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that Deacons are servants who represent the Great Deacon, the Lord Jesus Christ. Writer Gerry Wisz notes that Leviticus 17 says that life is in the blood. The Israelites understood that they were not to eat animals stewed or otherwise prepared in their own blood. This was the point in Genesis nine, before the Mosaic law was even issued. Gerry sorts out what this means for us today - after the fulfillment of the Mosaic law in Christ. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: FBI, Justice Department Twist Federal Law - Hans von Spakovsky, Deacons, More on Evangelism in Philly
Air Date: 10/8/2022
FBI, Justice Department Twist Federal Law - Hans von Spakovsky, Deacons, More on Evangelism in Philly

In a recent early morning raid in Kintnersville, Pennsylvania, about two dozen FBI agents with weapons drawn, pounded on the door of Mark Houck’s home, where he lives with his wife and seven children. Is Mr. Houck a dangerous terrorist, or a child sex trafficker? Perhaps a drug smuggler? No. He is a pro-life Christian who regularly prays outside an abortion clinic and takes his 12 year old son with him. He peacefully talks with clients outside. What’s happening to our Justice Department and FBI? Why are they now targeting political enemies rather than real criminals? Today we talk with a legal expert who at one time worked for the Department of Justice and is now at The Heritage Foundation. Our guest is Hans von Spakovsky. Pastor Bill Shishko explains the origin and the nature of the Deacon. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz describes a Philadelphia outreach over the July 4th weekend that resulted in people coming to Christ. A Muslim was converted and disposed of his Islamic garb. Three police officers and 12 others came to faith, just this year. God is at work in the often dangerous areas of Philadelphia. We have cultural chaos for sure, and yet that is the very environment in which God is opening hearts. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history.

Holding All Things Together: Health Freedom - Twila Brase, What's a Well-Ordered Church?, Philadelphia Freedom Evangelical Outreach adapts to People's Needs
Air Date: 10/1/2022
Health Freedom - Twila Brase, What's a Well-Ordered Church?, Philadelphia Freedom Evangelical Outreach adapts to People's Needs

Have you considered your health freedom? Health freedom is a big subject with multiple facets. We should be concerned about what happens in the doctor’s exam room and hospital. For instance – shouldn’t doctors have the freedom to prescribe FDA-approved medicines for any purpose that they see fit, without penalty? Had such a policy been in place during COVID, one wonders how many lives could have been saved with early, effective treatments. Another aspect of health freedom has to do with government and public health. Just one item on this front: For years now, DNA samples from babies have been stored without parental consent. Many states allow research using newborn DNA without that parental consent. Parents may not know that their newborn’s DNA is stored in a database – and in some states, forever. Today we talk with the president and co-founder of Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom (CCHF), a national patient-centered, privacy-focused, free-market policy organization. Our guest is Twila Brase. Pastor Bill Shishko continues his series on the church. He asks the question: What’s a well-ordered church? Today, Gerry Wisz continues reviewing the evangelism that took place during the July 4th weekend in Philadelphia. The outreach group calls itself CHAIM (pronounced HI-AM), which is an acronym for "Christians Announcing Israel's Messiah." One of the participants of the group is Rev. Rick Anderson, a converted Jewish man, who has a keen interest in witnessing to his fellow Jews and introducing them to Christ. Gerry points out that of late, CHAIM has adapted to more Russian-speaking Jews than what it used to do since Philadelphia has seen an influx of this population. Gerry is a frequent contributor to Holding All Things Together, and is a writer for Christian Renewal Magazine.” Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Latest Labor Department Employment Report has Problems - EJ Antoni, Qualifications of Church Elders, Philly Freedom Campaign Outreach
Air Date: 9/24/2022
Latest Labor Department Employment Report has Problems - EJ Antoni, Qualifications of Church Elders, Philly Freedom Campaign Outreach

The latest Labor Department employment report has some serious problems. Did you know that about a third of the jobs claimed added in August were jobs we thought the economy already had? Did you also know that the survey of businesses allows for double counting of some job-holders, and there is considerable evidence that this double-counting has accelerated recently. Fact is, we have an anemic economy weighed down by inflation, regulation and taxation. Our guest today is Dr. E.J. Antoni. He has been featured on many news outlets and has taught both micro and macro economics at the University level as well as served on many think tanks in America. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us what the qualifications are for elders in Christ’s church. Later in the program, Gerry Wisz continues to cover the Philadelphia Freedom Campaign outreach, and shares a story of a broken women with a gambling problem who was ministered to by a “Chaplain Dennis,” who first listened to her and offered substantial comfort and support. After dealing with her immediate problem, she then was ready to hear the gospel message of hope and forgiveness in Christ. The stories abound, as the Lord works in people’s hearts, to draw them to Himself. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Energy Policies that Don't Work - Robert Bryce, Elders Shepherd the Church that Belongs to Christ, Evangelism and the Philadelphia Freedom Campaign
Air Date: 9/17/2022
Energy Policies that Don't Work - Robert Bryce, Elders Shepherd the Church that Belongs to Christ, Evangelism and the Philadelphia Freedom Campaign

Did you know that Europe right now, has an increasing energy crisis? Energy bills are 10x what they were a year ago. 60 cents per kilowatt hour is now the standard electric price for Britain – this is more than 4x the prices in the US. Natural gas in Europe is about 8x the price of what it is in America. This is resulting in a rapid de-industrialization of Europe. It is absolutely imperative that our United States do not follow Europe’s example. Our policies must be guarded. Otherwise food supply among other things, will be affected. The ripple effect of the energy crisis in Europe is that it affects fertilizer, and that directly causes a food crisis. Fertilizer plants are being shuttered because of the energy crisis. Our guest today is author, journalist and public speaker, Robert Bryce. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that Elders shepherd the church that belongs to Christ. Later in the program we consider the question: Why should God allow you into Heaven? How would you answer that question? The average response may be that we have earned it. The Bible says that by grace we have been saved through faith, and that not of ourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. Today, Gerry Wisz describes the Philadelphia Freedom campaign. This biblical message is resonating with some, as God moves their hearts to receive salvation in Christ. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Intersection of the Christian Life and Politics - Dr. John Vance, Ministers Rule by Word and Teaching, What is the Job of Government?
Air Date: 9/10/2022
Intersection of the Christian Life and Politics - Dr. John Vance, Ministers Rule by Word and Teaching, What is the Job of Government?

Where is the intersection of the Christian life with politics? We know of the distinct spheres of the family, the church and the state. These spheres may overlap in some areas, but often have unique roles. As an individual citizen, a believer may get involved in the civil realm and may even hold political office. He might form associations with organizations which may legitimately become involved in the political realm. The church on the other hand, is charged by God with the administration of the sacraments, and it’s important that it maintains its unique role. The church conducts worship. The state on the other hand, is not to cross over. It does not have the authority to tell the church how to run its worship service, nor to decide when to shut down worship services, etc. A Christian radio ministry too, has some civic freedoms that the church does not. Yet it cannot serve the sacraments. Today we talk about the intersection and distinctions of these various roles with Pastor Dr. John Vance. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that in the church, ministers rule well, as they labor in the word and teaching. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz discusses the proper role of civil government. As it punishes evil and encourages the good, this results in peace, order and a general prosperity for all. However, problems arise when the government takes on responsibilities that it was never designed to take on. Today, Gerry reminds us that governments need to “return to its knitting,” as it were. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. All this and more, on Holding All Things Together!

Holding All Things Together: The Border Goes North and Blue City Mayors Melt Down - Jarrett Stepman, Elders Govern the Church, Labor Day Reflections
Air Date: 9/3/2022
The Border Goes North and Blue City Mayors Melt Down - Jarrett Stepman, Elders Govern the Church, Labor Day Reflections

Are you aware of the massive amount of illegals crossing our southern border? Many of these are simply desperate folks, but some of these are criminals, drug runners, human traffickers, and a number of them are on the terrorist watch list. Fentanyl for example, is one drug that is increasingly being smuggled across the border, and people are dying as a result. Red state governors Greg Abbot of Texas and Doug Ducey of Arizona, have begun busing a small percentage of the illegal border crossers, directly to Washington DC and New York City. After all, these are Sanctuary cities and you can see signs that read “All are welcome, no exceptions!” You might think these cities would be encouraging Texas and Arizona to send them. Yet, when any of these illegals show up in Washington DC or NY City, the mayors complain, and do so loudly! Our guest today is Jarrett Stepman of the Daily Signal. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that elders govern the church and good elders are the essence of the health of the church. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to take a look at the origin and meaning of Labor Day. He considers labor relations, unions, and what the scriptures have to say about the ethics involved in working as a Christian to the glory of God. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Compass Care - Jim Harden, Shepherds of the Flock who Point to Christ Alone, Noah and God's promises After the Flood
Air Date: 8/27/2022
Compass Care - Jim Harden, Shepherds of the Flock who Point to Christ Alone, Noah and God's promises After the Flood

"Christians know abortion is not just another justice issue. Abortion represents society’s fundamental misunderstanding of what it means to be human. If we are all made in the image of God, then all people are equally valuable, without qualification." This blog post is a good intro to our discussion today. Consider situations in which groups of committed and caring people get together to provide free services and support for mothers-to-be -- With special focus on women with unplanned pregnancies. If a woman has no support, not even church support, it can be a scary scenario. Quite often the father is just not around, and the young woman is faced with a potentially difficult life, with little financial support and perhaps no place to live. Compounding her distress is the perceived shame that some in society places on the woman. Consider with us today, a group of caring people in New York called Compass Care. They have offices in Rochester and Buffalo and are planning one for Albany NY. The intentions are very noble and yet, imagine the same group suffering the loss of one of their locations due to their facility being fire-bombed! The left is quick to condemn destruction of abortion facilities, but looks askance at actions against pregnancy care centers, hate filled radicals intentionally destroying the physical infrastructure of the outreach. The left claims to care for women in need, but how can such destruction possibly help women that are in desperate need? Our guest today, is Jim Harden. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that our Pastor-Shepherds represent Christ to us while never crossing the line of thinking that they themselves are Christ. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz continues with Noah in Genesis. After the flood was complete, Noah and his family and all the animals went out from the Ark. God gave promises – one of which was that God would never destroy the earth again by water. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Monkeypox - Doug Blair, Pastors Speaking the Truth in Love, What's Missing in the book
Air Date: 8/20/2022
Monkeypox - Doug Blair, Pastors Speaking the Truth in Love, What's Missing in the book

Monkeypox is the latest medical calamity to hit our shores. New York and California have both declared states of emergency. Yet, the virus is only affecting a small minority of our population, and is uniquely associated with a particular lifestyle. The data indicates that 95 to 98 percent of the people who have contracted the disease are gay men. So why are entire states declaring emergencies? The Biden administration has declared the growing monkeypox outbreak a national health emergency. The message seems to be that while nearly all who are infected participate in dangerous sexual activity, all of us will need to make sacrifices to contain it. Is this appropriate? Our guest today is Doug Blair, of the Daily Signal. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that it’s not enough for pastors to merely tell us the truth. The pastor must speak the truth to us IN LOVE, just like Jesus did. Later in the program, Gerry Wisz concludes his review of the book, “Trans,” by Helen Joyce. Joyce’s concern over men identifying as women with respect to women’s spaces and opportunities is her objection to transgenderism. Yet missing in the book, are other concerns that should get the same attention for similar reasons. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: When Marriage and Truth Get No Respect - Robert Knight, The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth, More on Helen Joyce's Book
Air Date: 8/13/2022
When Marriage and Truth Get No Respect - Robert Knight, The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth, More on Helen Joyce's Book

It’s important to be honest when describing things. You would think that the term “reproductive care,” would entail caring for mother and child. Making sure that a pregnancy is safe and the whole 9 month experience is fulfilling, resulting in the safe arrival of the child and the happiness of the Mother. Sadly, in our times, such is not the case. The Left is fond of changing the meaning of words. Their penchant for altering definitions to suit their ideology knows no bounds. They consider infanticide and/or preventing pregnancy to be reproductive care! Nothing could be further from the truth! Like all terms re-coined by the left, this definition is deceptive and opposite of what it would mean to any normal person. Here to discuss this outright lying, is columnist Robert Knight. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth and that our Pastors must be apt to teach as they proclaim God’s truth. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz continues to review the book- Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality, by Helen Joyce. The book deals with the Transgender movement, and points out that Transgenderism seeks to disembody sex from gender, despite common sense observation. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Baal, Eros, and Christ - Pastor Toby Sumpter, Jesus raises up leaders for His church, Book Review on Transgenderism
Air Date: 8/6/2022
Baal, Eros, and Christ - Pastor Toby Sumpter, Jesus raises up leaders for His church, Book Review on Transgenderism

Since the reversal of Roe v. Wade, we have heard the cries of those who want to continue to get abortions and thus kill their babies. We’ve seen theatrical displays of menstrual blood, taking abortion pills on camera and even a Congress woman protesting and pretending to get handcuffed by police. The whole thing is reminiscent of the prophets of Baal shouting and crying and dancing around their alters. Today we talk with a pastor who interacts with this contemporary behavior and comes to the conclusion that the prophet Elijah’s response to the pagans of his day, finds application for faithful Christians today. Our guest is Pastor Toby Sumpter. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that Jesus raises up leaders for His church – Men who shepherd after God’s own heart. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reviews a book by Helen Joyce. Though not a Christian book per se, it exposes the aggressive attempt by transactivists to normalize psychic disassociation and physical self-deformity for transgenderism to go mainstream. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: GOA Federal Lawsuit in NY - Sam Paredes, Holy-Spirit Formed Leadership, How Noah listened to God, and obeyed -- while working
Air Date: 7/30/2022
GOA Federal Lawsuit in NY - Sam Paredes, Holy-Spirit Formed Leadership, How Noah listened to God, and obeyed -- while working

Recently, in NYSRPA vs Bruen, the Supreme Court Ruled in favor of the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association and the Second Amendment, concluding that the respondents failed to meet their burden to identify an American tradition justifying New York’s proper-cause requirement. In an opinion by Justice Clarence Thomas, the Supreme Court made clear that the Second Amendment right to “keep and bear arms” includes a broad right to carry a handgun in public for self-defense. Unfortunately, the current leadership in NY state pushed back on this 2nd amendment-right decision, and has added subjective requirements for new permits, and has also included many new locations where firearms may not be carried, thus creating many new “soft” targets all across the state. Rather than protecting law abiding citizens, this NY action has effectively created a larger haven for criminals. Accordingly, a lawsuit has been filed against NY State by the Gun Owners of America. Our guest today, is Sam Paredes. Pastor Bill Shishko takes a look at Holy-Spirit formed leadership for Pastors. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz returns to Genesis. We’ve seen how Noah by faith, constructed the Ark - spurred to action by faith in God. Yet, there are lessons for us as we consider Noah’s response to the water filling the earth for 40 days and nights, and then eventually subsiding. As the water gathers to cover the earth, and then finally recedes, we see Noah waiting on God for when to exit the Ark with his family and the animals -- even after he has indications that there's dry land.. Today, Gerry Wisz reflects on how Noah listened to God, and obeyed -- while working, but also while waiting. We should always be in the mode of saying yes to God – for both the actions of building, as well as during the difficult periods of waiting prayerfully on Him. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Lofty Fight Against Godless Modernity - Robert Knight, Characteristics of a Teaching Elder, Noah - Godly Faith Results in Action
Air Date: 7/23/2022
Lofty Fight Against Godless Modernity - Robert Knight, Characteristics of a Teaching Elder, Noah - Godly Faith Results in Action

. Christians are aware of increasing spiritual attacks against our faith. We see mass shootings, the corporate embrace of “Pride Month,” and the severe damage that the current federal government and pop culture are exacting upon America. Contrasted with this deterioration, it’s refreshing to consider the work of writer Francis Schaeffer and his wife in establishing L’Abri. That retreat continues to this day. Since the 1950s it has been a pilgrimage stop for thousands. Attendees are steeped in a thoughtful Christian teaching and atmosphere. Besides L’Abri, we see what may become a modern revival and reformation in our own day. People are waking up – so much so, that some have made reference to another “great awakening.” Our guest today, is Robert Knight, columnist for the Washington Times. Pastor Bill Shishko continues to describe the Pastor and some of his duties: exhorting, encouraging, convincing and comforting. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz looks at Noah and how he found favor in the eyes of the Lord. God provided for the continuance of life on earth in the face of the unique worldwide flood. As Hebrews 11 teaches us, godly faith results in action. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: West Virginia v. EPA - Katie Tubb, Teaching Elders, Reversal of Roe
Air Date: 7/16/2022
West Virginia v. EPA - Katie Tubb, Teaching Elders, Reversal of Roe

The Supreme Court has concluded their session and the next term will convene on the first Monday in October. The rulings that came down recently, were significant. Besides the well-known ruling reversing Roe v. Wade, there was another ruling that may have far-reaching positive consequences regarding freedom to produce reliable and less expensive energy. The case was West Virginia vs. EPA. On the last day of its term, the Court ruled 6–3 that the Clean Air Act does not allow the EPA to move from regulating individual power plants to regulating regional emissions through its interpretation of the Clean Power Plan. A a win for self-government and affordable energy, no longer can the EPA re-engineer Americans’ sources of electricity around a radical climate agenda. To explain the details, we are joined by Katie Tubb. Pastor Bill Shishko discusses the requirement for teaching elders, including knowledge of the original languages of Greek and Hebrew, a thorough knowledge of the Bible, dogmatics, a good grasp of church history, and especially a personal knowledge of Jesus Christ. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz analyzes the reversal of Roe v. Wade. The Court has ruled that there is no constitutional right to an abortion. Gerry Wisz joins us to explain. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Reversal of Roe - Attorney Thomas Jipping, Elders - Faithful Shepherds of the Flock, Genesis 6 the Flood and Salvation
Air Date: 7/9/2022
The Reversal of Roe - Attorney Thomas Jipping, Elders - Faithful Shepherds of the Flock, Genesis 6, the Flood and Salvation

In 1973, the Supreme Court said that the Constitution protects a right to abortion, and that ruling eliminated the pro-life laws of all 50 states. The decision was heavily criticized over the past 49 years because the Constitution says nothing directly about abortion. On June 24th, the Supreme Court corrected this grave constitutional error by overruling Roe, as well as its 1992 progeny, Planned Parenthood v. Casey. The justices rightly recognized that such a right to abortion does not exist in the United States Constitution. That means the American people and their elected representatives have the authority to address this important issue in the State legislatures of America. Essentially, the fate of abortion, and those it harms, now falls to the States. Our guest today is legal expert Thomas Jipping. Pastor Bill Shishko considers the elders of the church. They are to be faithful shepherds of the flock of God. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz returns to Genesis Chapter 6. God instructs Noah on the construction details for the Ark and also has a set amount of time to complete its construction before the worldwide flood would occur. Gerry reminds us that God always gives plans for his people – ultimately to live out a life of faith that is founded upon the Lord Jesus Christ. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Food Prices - Daren Bakst, Four Reminders this Forth of July, Independence Day
Air Date: 7/2/2022
Holding All Things Together: Food Prices - Daren Bakst, Four Reminders this Forth of July, Independence Day

It’s the 4th of July weekend, and we look forward to celebrating our freedoms this time of year, perhaps with a barbeque, going out to eat, and maybe taking in a fireworks display, etc. Sadly, like fireworks, our food prices are going sky high and seemingly exploding! So, what’s going on? And what are some of the “control levers” on our food supply that are being played with and causing our food prices to soar? Today we talk with an expert on government regulation, agriculture, trade, the environment and hunger and food programs, Daren Bakst. Pastor Bill Shishko reflects on the 4th of July and gives us 4 pieces of advice, including thankfulness and prayer. Later in the program, write Gerry Wisz reviews some of our nation's history. He points out that man's liberty is circumscribed by law. Yet the question is "whose law?" Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: A Museum Dedicated to the Victims of Communism - Hans von Spakovsky, The Church Led by Elders, The Holy Spirit Working in the Midst of Corruption and Violence
Air Date: 6/25/2022
A Museum Dedicated to the Victims of Communism - Hans von Spakovsky, The Church Led by Elders, The Holy Spirit Working in the Midst of Corruption and Violence

Communism worldwide, has murdered at least 100 Million people. It is estimated that 60 Million were killed by Chairman Mao in China. Another 20-30 Million were killed in the Soviet Union, 5 Million by North Korean leaders, and 2-3 Million by Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. Essential to Communism, is a disbelief in the Triune God of the Scriptures. Communism does not value life, abhors private property, and always tends towards an elite few running the country. Liberty and freedom do not exist in Communism as compared to a Constitutional Republic, which is informed and heavily influenced by Christianity. In many ways, modern Socialism is not all that far off from Communism. The two are pretty much “joined at the hip,” philosophically. Today we consider a museum recently dedicated to the victims of Communism. The museum is in Washington, DC, and was funded privately, and has been in the making for 30 years. Our guest is Hans von Spakovsky. Pastor Bill Shishko observes that a church is led by elders and governed by precepts from the Bible. The requirements for these Elders are clearly laid out by God. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz looks at Genesis chapter 6 and reminds us that while principles of holiness have existed since Cain and Abel, mankind has turned away from God, and evil has grown precipitously. Only Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. The vast majority of people on earth and most animals were destroyed in the great flood. Yet, today, the restraint of the Holy Spirit works through God’s people, maintaining a witness as salt and light in the midst of corruption and violence. We are to be part of this. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The 2nd Amendment - Amy Swearer, Elders that Rule Well, Godly Fathers
Air Date: 6/18/2022
The 2nd Amendment - Amy Swearer, Elders that Rule Well, Godly Fathers

In America, the 2nd Amendment of our Constitution recognizes the natural right of the individual citizen to keep and bear arms. In a free state, our security depends on the government not interfering with this Constitutionally-guaranteed right. The right to self defense was extremely important to our Founders, as it should be to us today. In the 1930’s, Hitler took guns away in Germany. Heinrich Himmler, a leading member of the Nazi Party and a main architect of the Holocaust, said that “ordinary citizens don’t need guns, as having guns doesn’t serve the State.” This is a lesson for us today. A disarmed populace paves the way for tyranny, totalitarian rule, and massive death. Today we talk with a legal expert on the subject of the 2nd amendment. Our guest is Amy Swearer.

Holding All Things Together: Productive Things Kids Can do for the Summer - Chuck Bentley, A Biblically Governed Church, Trauma and PTSD
Air Date: 6/11/2022
Productive Things Kids Can do for the Summer - Chuck Bentley, A Biblically Governed Church, Trauma and PTSD

The last day of school for most kids is fast approaching. We all remember what summer vacation felt like when we were kids. Typically, we couldn’t wait for it to begin! There’ll be time for fun, but are there productive things that kids can do for the Summer? How about working outside the home? Are internships possible even for younger people? And volunteering – there are any number of good opportunities available. Today we talk with the CEO of Crown Financial Ministries, Chuck Bentley. He suggests a number of healthy options for our kids. Pastor Bill Shishko joins us today to talk about a biblically governed church. He reminds us that 1 Timothy 5:17 says: “Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in the word and doctrine.” Later in the program, write Gerry Wisz considers posttraumatic stress disorder, PTSD, and provides some perspective. PTSD differs from regular stress or trauma in that it’s persistent and ongoing. Each of us are different, yet it’s important that we not get to the point where we obsess over the pain from the trauma we may have experienced. Humans are amazingly resilient and while we can even experience delayed symptoms, overall PTSD-causing events may be far less common than our culture has been leading us to believe. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Carbon Dioxide Border Tax Not Wise - Jack Spencer, All Things Under Christ's Feet, God's Laws - A Blessing
Air Date: 6/4/2022
Carbon Dioxide Border Tax Not Wise - Jack Spencer, All Things Under Christ's Feet, God's Laws - A Blessing

Have you heard of the move to impose a “Carbon Border Tax?” Some in Congress are contemplating an environmental tax on imported foreign goods. Taxing Carbon Dioxide is an idea that the majority of the American public has rejected, independent of party. Besides the basic legitimacy question of such a new border carbon tax, the practical concern is that about 2.5 Trillion dollars of imports would be subject to this tax. And such a tax would do nothing to actually help our environment. Carbon Dioxide tariffs don’t make “green” products less expensive or better performing, they just increase the costs of conventional, more affordable competitors by tacking on a tax. Our guest today is a senior research fellow for energy and the environment at the Heritage Foundation, Jack Spencer. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that God the Father put all things under Christ’s feet, and gave Him as head over all things to the church. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reminds us that just laws that reflect God’s law, which is of a permanent nature, are a blessing to any nation. Recently we were reminded of the wisdom of having a law on the books to prevent justices from being swayed as they make their decisions. The demonstrations in front of the justices' homes in an attempt to pressure them regarding their upcoming decision on abortion, amounts to a mockery of justice. We need such laws in our society upheld with regard to these demonstrations, and also our immigration laws. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Sorting the News With Christian Wisdom - Robert Knight, The Higher Cause is the Kingdom of God, Taking Genesis 6 at Face Value
Air Date: 5/28/2022
Sorting the News With Christian Wisdom - Robert Knight, The Higher Cause is the Kingdom of God, Taking Genesis 6 at Face Value

Do you follow the news? How do you feel about the news sources available to you? Today we talk with a trusted and seasoned journalist who shares with us his views on some of the top news stories. He highlights the fact that major news outlets continue to push “crisis scenarios,” and he names some of these scenarios. He challenges us to look beyond what the mainstream media tries to feed to us. He mentions the severe problems found on our southern border including the sex trafficking, the drugs and other criminal activity. And yet with all that he mentions, there is one single item right now that bothers him the most. Our guest today is journalist Robert H. Knight, a columnist for the Washington Times. Pastor Bill Shishko reflects on the question: Why the Church? After recounting some pop tune lyrics over the years, Pastor Bill explains the higher cause of the Kingdom of God. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz considers the Genesis 6 account of giants in the land. He notes that we have a tendency to either push the reading past its boundaries, or somehow explain it away. Yet, Gerry encourages us to take the text at face value. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: How Digital Media Shape the 'Modern Self' - Clare Morell, Christian Community, Genesis 6 - Intermarriage Between God’s people and the Ungodly
Air Date: 5/21/2022
How Digital Media Shape the 'Modern Self' - Clare Morell, Christian Community, Genesis 6 - Intermarriage Between God’s people and the Ungodly

Have you noticed that social media platforms have deteriorated and become fixated on sexual identity and sexual liberation? We have seen self-expression in the virtual online world present unrealistic versions of people. Those wrapped in their assumed sexual identity have gone from desiring mere tolerance to forcing a full recognition of “legitimacy” of all forms of sexual perversion. Speech has become censored and considered “harmful” whenever ideas are put forth that challenge the world’s psychological notions, no matter how profane the notion might be. The growth of pornography is a major problem, and it is increasingly being foist upon young children. Today we talk about these problems, and identify a path forward, with Clare Morell, policy analyst at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. Pastor Bill Shishko talks with us about Christian community within the household of God. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz discusses Genesis 6, and intermarriage between God’s people and the ungodly. The Covenant line became diluted by such action. This has application for us today – Paul tells us that we are not to marry unbelievers. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Disinformation Governance Board - Lora Ries, God's Word Gives Direction, A Perspective of Human History
Air Date: 5/14/2022
Disinformation Governance Board - Lora Ries, God's Word Gives Direction, A Perspective of Human History

The Department of Homeland Security has inappropriately created what they are calling a Disinformation Governance Board. One can be excused at this point if an assumption can be made that the primary purpose is to screen election information. Once in place, one political party can declare what it believes is mis- or dis-information, with policing power. Problem is, it’s not the role of our government to do any of this! Moreover, this does not fit the mission of the Department of Homeland Security. Rather than securing our border, they have chosen instead, to work towards throttling free speech, especially now that Twitter ownership has changed hands, and an election looms on the horizon. Our guest today, is Lora Ries, director of Heritage’s Border Security and Immigration Center and a senior research fellow for Homeland Security. Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to explain that the church provides us with a sort of “GPS,” which is the word of God. That Word, rightly interpreted, tells us where we came from, where we are, and where we are going. Writer Gerry Wisz points us to the scriptures as providing the big picture perspective of human history. The Scriptures inform us of Creation, mankind’s fall into sin, God’s promise of a Redeemer, the enmity between the two seeds, and God’s prevailing through Christ, in history, and ultimately, in the eschaton to come. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Twitter and Elon Musk, Church and People's Greatest Need, Our Mothers
Air Date: 5/7/2022
Twitter and Elon Musk, Church and People's Greatest Need, Our Mothers

Elon Musk has purchased Twitter. He believes in free speech and is a sort of free speech absolutist. He’s talked about pushing the platform to share their algorithm and making it open-source, and he wants to get rid of bots. He even wants to verify users. These sort of transparency measures are positive, yet has angered those who had hoped to continue the biased cancel culture that had built up on Twitter over the years. How all this will play out is anyone’s guess. Today we discuss Twitter and Elon Musk with Doug Blair, a News Producer and Podcast Co-Host at The Daily Signal. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that God is the center of attention in our churches. Our God-focused churches can minister to the true needs of people. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reviews mothers who are mentioned in the Bible. Finally we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together - America's Need for Energy Independence - Katie Tubb, Don't Miss the Lord's Supper, The Large Hadron Collider
Air Date: 4/30/2022
America's Need for Energy Independence - Katie Tubb, Don't Miss the Lord's Supper, The Large Hadron Collider

Energy, even in the form of fossil fuels, is essential to our country. Everything from the electric grid, to heating our homes, to anything made from plastic to our transportation system, to hospitals, to emergency communications – it all depends upon energy generated through, among other things, fossil fuels. Life in general is dependent upon usable energy. Various forms of energy are an added blessing. A couple years ago, America had reached the desirable position of being energy independent. We no longer had to purchase energy from potential enemies and world terrorists. We could bless others by selling them our excess energy. This allowed our families to enjoy our God-given freedoms and breathe a sigh of relief. But in just over a year, something tragic has happened – what is it, and why? Today we talk with a research fellow for energy and environmental issues at a major think tank. Our guest is Katie Tubb. Pastor Bill Shishko encourages us to attend church so that we don’t miss the meal of the Lord’s Supper, attended with real communion with Christ and His people. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz covers a topic in modern physics. He notes some findings from the Large Hadron Collider. These findings point to something called entropic gravity. Involving space/time, this may be related to something behind the universe itself. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Time to End the COVID Emergency - Doug Badger, Missing Church and Christ's Love, Enoch, Noah and Expectations
Air Date: 4/23/2022
Time to End the COVID Emergency - Doug Badger, Missing Church and Christ's Love, Enoch, Noah and Expectations

And I’m Calvin Carter. Our country is still under three COVID national emergencies - The Public Health Emergency, the Presidential Emergencies Act, and the Stafford Act. Declaring an emergency is totally up to the Executive branch – that is, the President, or the Secretary of HHS. But once we have the emergency, then to end it, also takes Presidential action! Congress simply can’t stop any of these emergency declarations, unless the President is willing to sign a law, or if Congress can override his veto. As long as these emergencies are in effect, then the tens of billions of dollars flow to states, increasing our debt, despite the fact that we are suffering severe, 40 year-high inflation. Additionally, the government can make draconian demands on the populace which undermine our civil liberties. Currently, there is no end in sight! Our guest today, is an expert in public policy, and has worked with the White house, the Senate, HHS and the Social Security Administration. His strong advice is that it’s high time to end the COVID emergencies. Joining us is Doug Badger. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that when we miss church, you gradually lose the love of your spiritual family - you miss the primary means that God uses to bring His love to you. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz looks at Genesis 5 and takes note of Enoch, who is taken away by God in a special situation. The covenant promise is again restated, even though it's not interpreted exactly right by Noah's father. Gerry asks if we can learn something about expectations. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Resurrection and this World Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin, The Benefits of Church, A Resurrection Meditation
Air Date: 4/16/2022
The Resurrection and this World Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin, The Benefits of Church, A Resurrection Meditation

Resurrection Day, is in many ways, the great holy day of the Christian Church. Christ’s resurrection was physical, and Jesus rose again in a body with supernaturally-endowed properties. Since it was physical, it illustrates that the physical body is not evil, and neither is the physical order. John says that we are “not to love the world,” and by this he means the world system under the sway of Satan and his rebellion. John is not referring to the created world, or to the population of the world. We are free to love the created world, which God defined as “very good” in Genesis 1:31, and we are called to love the population, which God loves. Today we think about the resurrection of Jesus and the world He died for. Our guest is Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin. Pastor Bill Shishko highlights some of the essential things that we miss, when we do not go to church. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz brings us an Easter Meditation. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: How Power Corrupted some Public Health Bureaucrats - GianCarlo Canaparo, Attend Church Faithfully, Seth and the Continuation of Covenant Seed
Air Date: 4/9/2022
How Power Corrupted some Public Health Bureaucrats - GianCarlo Canaparo, Attend Church Faithfully, Seth and the Continuation of Covenant Seed

The so-called “15 days to flatten the curve” statement rings hollow, now that some Public Health Bureaucrats have demonstrated that they were corrupted by excessive political power. During the Covid pandemic, some of our health czars issued recommendations that local officials implemented. The problem was, some recommendations clearly disregarded our civil liberties as enshrined in our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Today we talk with a legal expert who clarifies that it’s one thing to temporarily engage in emergency powers for a limited time, say15 days, to mobilize against an unforeseen threat to public safety, while its another to extend them for years even as medical improvements reduced the public danger. Our guest is GianCarlo Canaparo. Pastor Bill Shishko encourages us to attend church faithfully so that we can be God-centered saints instead of self-centered sinners. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz looks at the seed of the woman in Genesis 4 and 5. Seth is named by Eve, as the “appointed one.” He was given as a replacement for the continuation of the covenant seed that God had promised to raise up. Jesus Christ came to destroy the works of the devil. He is doing that now, and will conclude it on the last day. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history.

Holding All Things Together: Our Second Amendment - Amy Swearer, Christ is Building His Church, Refugees from Ukraine and Churches Responding
Air Date: 4/2/2022
Our Second Amendment - Amy Swearer, Christ is Building His Church, Refugees from Ukraine and Churches Responding

America is a Constitutional Republic and we have a Bill of Rights. The Second Amendment of our Bill of Rights states: “A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” This means that, as an American citizen, you have the individual right to arm yourself. The Founding Fathers felt that citizens should be able to protect themselves against the government and any other threat to their wellbeing or personal freedom. The Second Amendment granted citizens that right — giving them the ability to defend themselves and their property. Today we talk with an expert on the 2nd amendment, Amy Swearer, a legal fellow in the Edwin Meese Center for Legal and Judicial Studies. Pastor Bill Shishko continues sharing thoughts about Jesus building His church and how necessary that is, to all of life. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz discusses the deadly situation in Ukraine. He notes that there are many Christian believers in both Ukraine and Russia. Ukrainian refugees are fleeing to Poland, Hungary and other nations. It is a humanitarian crisis and there are Christian churches working hard to minister to these refugees. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Biblical Principles for our Economy - Chuck Bentley, Church is Essential, A Christian Journalist
Air Date: 3/26/2022
Biblical Principles for our Economy - Chuck Bentley, Church is Essential, A Christian Journalist

If you were asked to design an economic system that was biblically-based, what would the core principles of that system be? Some use the notion of scarcity of resources when voicing concerns about population growth. Are these concerns founded on God’s word? Are such worries based on real-world facts? And what about a free market system – does that track with the biblical standard? These questions and more are addressed today by the CEO of Crown Financial Ministries. Our guest is Chuck Bentley. Pastor Bill Shishko continues discussing the theme of “what if there were no church?” Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz considers journalism and how to remain Scripture-focused, while digging for the facts and pursuing current events. Is it possible to look to the Bible first, for general direction and thus write with better wisdom, understanding, and prudence? Gerry highlights an interview he had recently with Russ Pulliam, a Christian journalist. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Federal Government Spending Money that we Don't Have - Preston Brashers, The Uniqueness of the Church, Murderous Boasting vs. Christ
Air Date: 3/19/2022
Federal Government Spending Money that we Don't Have - Preston Brashers, The Uniqueness of the Church, Murderous Boasting vs. Christ

Are budgets good? Should we live within our means? As families, we cut back on spending when we lose a job, or need to save for a larger purchase. When possible, we pay our bills on time and put some money aside for emergencies. Being frugal with your income can help you stay afloat financially. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that Jesus uses the word of God as he builds His church. And if there was no church to preach the gospel, we would be in terrible shape. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz continues looking at the early chapters of Genesis, where we meet a descendant of Cain's, Lamech, who demonstrates his lineage in his murderous boasting that he will avenge anyone who wrongs him seventy times seven. What a stark contrast is found in the Lord's words to Peter, and us, that this is the number of times -- really an unlimited number -- we are to not take vengeance, but forgive. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us! Unlike most of us, our Federal government seems to act like the solution to all our ills is more federal spending. The government budgets, but funds projects and departments with little to no regard to where the funding comes from. Truth be told, we just don’t have the money to spend. Currently, our government spends so much that we always create more by “printing” more dollars. This is a recipe for disaster and at some point, something has to give. The federal government’s already outsized role in society creates far more problems than it solves. People are fed up with our government’s financial irresponsibility. They want to spend more and regulate more, while what most of us want is less taxes and fewer regulations. Washington spends like it’s playing with Monopoly money. Some of these sentiments were expressed recently in a commentary piece on budget and spending, by our guest, Dr. Preston Brashers. He shares information on a budget blueprint for our nation.

Holding All Things Together: An Advisory Council on Homeschooling Being Considered - Jarrett Stepman, What if there was no Church in the World?, The Use of Biblical Phrases in the English Language
Air Date: 3/12/2022
An Advisory Council on Homeschooling Being Considered - Jarrett Stepman, What if there was no Church in the World?, The Use of Biblical Phrases in the English Language

One of the educational models for Christian parents is Homeschooling. The parents are especially keen on seeing that their children do not belong to the state. There is tremendous freedom for the homeschooling family to teach their child the principles of the Christian faith which is literally, the foundation of all knowledge and wisdom. However these freedoms are continually under assault in our current environment. In Maryland, a Baltimore County delegate recently proposed legislation in the Maryland House of Delegates that would create a deeply worrisome “advisory council” to watch over and gather data on homeschool families. Such a law would undermine part of the very reason for homeschooling. Here to discuss the legislation, is Contributor to the Daily Signal, Jarrett Stepman. Pastor Bill Shishko asks us to consider the question of: “What if there was no church in the world?” Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to discuss common phrases that we use in English, many of which find their origins in the Bible. And yet, some in our land are trying to shut down use of such phrases. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Crime on the Rise - Rogue Prosecutors in Large Cities - Zach Smith, Worship Regulated by God's Word, The Birthday of R.L. Dabney
Air Date: 3/5/2022
Crime on the Rise - Rogue Prosecutors in Large Cities - Zach Smith, Worship Regulated by God's Word, The Birthday of R.L. Dabney

Why is crime on the rise in some of the largest cities in America? Our guest today asserts that it has to do, in part, with the rogue prosecutors in these cities. In a fair and just system, law must be enforced fairly and criminals held to account. But if the law is not upheld, it’s the residents that suffer the most. Some of the cities where prosecutors are not adequately upholding the law include NY, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, and Philadelphia. The crime rates in these cities continue to rise while innocent people are being hurt and sometimes killed. Our guest today is attorney Zack Smith. Pastor Bill Shishko explains that worship in our churches must be regulated by the word of God. God speaks to us by His word - and the church, as a body, responds. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz notes that March 5th is the birthday of Robert Lewis Dabney. R.L. Dabney was an American Christian theologian, a farmer, a pastor, an army chaplain, an architect, a revered seminary professor, and a prolific man of letters. He was among America's greatest Christian scholars, yet also a man of action, and his work in recent years has enjoyed a resurgence of interest. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Russia, Ukraine and Borders - James Carafano, The Church and the inspired, inerrant, and sufficient Word of God, Cain and God's Common Grace
Air Date: 2/26/2022
Russia, Ukraine and Borders - James Carafano, The Church and the inspired, inerrant, and sufficient Word of God, Cain and God's Common Grace

This interview was recorded prior to the incursion of Russian into Ukraine. Almost all of our discussion still directly applies. Things have heated up on the Ukraine border with Russia. Yet, some of the news is so intentionally distorted, that it’s hard to get a feel for what is really happening. Certainly, Russia appears to be building up forces on the border, and now, an invasion, but how does the intensity of that issue compare to our own border? If we are upset about a border some 4600 miles away, and yet are allowing unvetted illegals to stream into our own border, is that not a much larger issue? We know that human trafficking is occurring. We know that people are coming in who expect that they have a right to vote, and yet not become citizens. Some of these folks expect handouts. Murderers are coming in. Also some good people. Our lack of a cohesive and defended southern border, allowing the importation of illegal aliens and flying them into our interior, boils down to policies. And these are not merely policies of weakness, rather they are policies of intentionality. This seems a far more pressing issue than Ukraine, and action must begin to correct the situation. So, how does that play out? Our guest shares some common-sense ideas for people who want to get involved. Today we talk with Jim Carafano, a leading expert in national security and foreign policy. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that the church in the world is THE true counter culture, so long as it holds to the complete word of God, the Bible, which is inspired, inerrant and sufficient. An acceptable and true worship service is of great importance. We hold to an unchanging God and His word. Later in the program, we take another look at the line of Cain in the book of Genesis. We see an unmistakable outworking of God’s common grace evident in this. God used Cain’s line in the areas of husbandry, music and building expertise. There’s a lesson here. Without meaning to do so, unbelievers serve God’s purposes. The wealth of a sinner is stored up for the righteous. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thank you for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: A Working Romance - Rev. Ben Miller, The Church in our World, President's Day
Air Date: 2/19/2022
A Working Romance - Rev. Ben Miller, The Church in our World, President's Day

This past Monday, was Valentine's Day. Have you considered the question, What is romance? Is it limited to how we feel about each other and our personal time together, or is it more a vision of what a man and women can do together as they serve the Lord? Certainly children come about as a man and wife are joined together and are fruitful. Yet there are other aspects to deep romance. God has given us a task of subduing the world. We learn today that communities and labor and building together is another very rich dimension of a deeper romance. We consider how working together on a mission enhances romantic relationship. Our guest today is Pastor Ben Miller. Pastor Bill Shishko continues to look at the church in the world. Our nation now has become a mission field itself. Later in the program, we reflect on this past President’s Day. Our first president of these United States, would preside over a Republic. Pressured to become King, yet taking the role of a servant leader of a representative government, George Washington would often side with Hamilton for the overall good of the nation. Today Zach Wisz joins us to discuss the history and legacy of President George Washington. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Cheerful, Faithful Difference Before the World - Shane Morris, The Church and Acceptable True Worship, Two Streams of Humanity
Air Date: 2/12/2022
Cheerful, Faithful Difference Before the World - Shane Morris, The Church and Acceptable True Worship, Two Streams of Humanity

Today’s culture is, in a great many ways, out of step with the Judeo-Christian values that most believers recognize as the building blocks of our nation. Those values come second nature to believers but are no longer shared by a vast number of people in America. But today’s values pressurize us and makes us feel like we always must be on the defensive. Defending our values is important, however it should not be our sole focus. Christians can and must have a distinctive faithfulness to God. We can practice a God-informed, inward intentionality. We’ve all seen some evangelicals who sadly gave in to the world, conforming to the flesh and the devil, and we don’t want to follow in their steps. We are in union with Christ, and with God’s assumptions in our hearts, and His ways lived out - we can make sufficient sense out of God’s revelation. Our guest today challenges us to be comfortable to live out this cheerful, faithful difference before the world. We are joined by Shane Morris of The Colson Center. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that the church in the world is the place of acceptable true worship, and we are to accept none of the counterfeits of false worship. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz continues discussing the early chapters of Genesis. He considers the two streams of humanity - the seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman. The actions of Cain and Abel are instructive to us today, as there is clear antithesis between the two seeds. Finally we’ll take another look at This Week in History. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: International Reformed Theological College - Ralph Boersema, What is Truth?, Another look at Dante's Purgatorio
Air Date: 2/5/2022
International Reformed Theological College - Ralph Boersema, What is Truth?, Another look at Dante's Purgatorio

Jesus said: “…I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” One of the ways that God does this, is through missions. People preach, teach, and reach out in whatever way they can, to help others believe on Christ, and then to help them grow in the faith. God gives teachers to help train others. Today we talk to one such teacher, who by the way, has a physical disability, and yet he joyfully serves the Lord. He leads the International Reformed Theological College - an internet-based teaching ministry that offers bachelor and master’s degrees. They teach in the Portuguese language. Turns out, there are some 250 million native Portuguese speaking people in the world, with the highest population being in Brazil. Our guest today is Ralph Boersema. Pastor Bill Shishko discusses the question of how we meet the challenge of being in a culture which does not know what truth is. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz continues his discussion of Dante’s “Purgatorio.” Gerry directs our focus on the refining fire of God that we experience in this life, as the dross is burned off, so that only the genuine article remains. Later in the program, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: United Airlines Pilot Loses Her Job for Refusing Vaccine for Faith-Based Reasons - Sherry Walker, What is Truth and the Church, Purgatory and Dante'
Air Date: 1/29/2022
United Airlines Pilot Loses Her Job for Refusing Vaccine for Faith-Based Reasons - Sherry Walker, What is Truth and the Church, Purgatory and Dante'

Vaccine Mandates have been the cause for many lost jobs in various sectors of our workforce. One area affected is the airline industry. Today we talk with a United Airlines Pilot, who decided not to take the COVID-19 vaccine. Her reason was because of her Christian faith and conviction regarding the use of aborted fetal tissue used in the research and development of both Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, and in the deployment of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. She was placed on indefinite, unpaid leave from her job, without any benefits - including medical coverage, and no emergency ability to access her retirement savings. In response, she co-founded Airline Employees 4 Health Freedom. Our guest today is Pilot Sherry Walker. Pastor Bill Shishko discusses the question of “what is truth?” The Bible teaches that Jesus is the truth and is made known in the church, which is meant to be a pillar and buttress of the truth. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reflects on the idea of purgatory. While Protestants reject it, strangely, the concept tends to creep in to our thoughts on sanctification. We must commit ourselves totally to salvation by grace through faith alone. Fact is, we can add absolutely nothing to our merit, save in the cross of Christ. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Private Christian Schools - Chapel Field - Bill Spanjer, The Church as Heaven's Full Service Hospital, The Account of Cain and Scriptural Integrity and Style
Air Date: 1/22/2022
Private Christian Schools - Chapel Field - Bill Spanjer, The Church as Heaven's Full Service Hospital, The Account of Cain and Scriptural Integrity and Style

Providing a Christian Education for our children is becoming increasingly relevant and necessary in our nation. Parents are very concerned with some of the material that is being taught our children in the public schools. Material that was not pushed even 20 years ago. So-called “mama bears” are mothers who have been attending school board meetings, objecting to immoral materials being taught to their sons and daughters. They feel that they have no say, and sometimes those intent on foisting their immorality onto our children refer to these well-intentioned moms as “domestic terrorists!” The time is ripe for education choice. Today we look at one of the options, and that is, the private Christian school. We talk with the Head of Schools of Chapel Field Christian School, Bill Spanjer. Pastor Bill Shishko discusses how the church functions as “Heaven’s full service hospital.” Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz continues looking at Genesis. In the context of the life of Cain, Gerry points out that the ancient narrative of biblical history does not include every jot and tittle of events. Rather, the book of Genesis provides an overall theme and selects those details which are necessary in laying out that theme. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Soft on Crime - Rising Violence - Zach Smith, the Church as the household of God, Lessons from Cain
Air Date: 1/15/2022
Soft on Crime - Rising Violence - Zach Smith, the Church as the household of God, Lessons from Cain

Some prosecutors are advocating decriminalization of most misdemeanors in New York City. They have instituted a presumption of non-prosecution. Some assistants are instructed to undercharge violent offenders. Armed robbers who use guns or other deadly weapons to stick up stores and other businesses will be prosecuted only for petty larceny, provided no victims were seriously injured. The trauma to normal innocent people in such a case does not seem to matter. Today we talk with Zack Smith, a former federal prosecutor who now works as legal fellow in the Meese Center for Legal and Judicial Studies. ahead Pastor Bill Shishko talks about the church as the household of God with representatives of Christ who shepherd and serve. Later in the program, Gerry Wisz resumes his study in Genesis. He looks at the sad account of Cain, who murdered his brother. Cain refused God and disobeyed Him. There are lessons in here for us today. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Children in Worship - Rev. Duane Garner, Importance of Church, Living within our Means at the Fed Level
Air Date: 1/8/2022
Children in Worship - Rev. Duane Garner, Importance of Church, Living within our Means at the Fed Level

In the older King James Version, we read a statement of Jesus which says: “Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” How does Jesus’ saying apply to us today? Perhaps you have younger children. You attend church but feel awkward because you sense that the church doesn’t seem to accept your child being in the worship service. When your child is a bit noisy, it causes embarrassment. Today we have a discussion with a pastor who with his wife, has raised two children of their own. He helps us to better appreciate why children should be with their parents in the worship service. Our guest is Pastor Duane Garner, pastor of Christ Church in Cary, North Carolina. Pastor Bill Shishko Encourages us to renew our commitment to the local church in the New Year. Later in the program we reflect on how our federal government has forgotten the basics of how to balance the federal checkbook. Why does our national government justify spending far more than it takes in? And by a large margin. Gerry Wisz looks at the actions of one Senator, Joe Manchin, and his attempts at trying to live within our means. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The New Year - Dr. John Vance, Anno Domini, Revival, Resolutions and a Forward Look
Air Date: 1/1/2022
The New Year - Dr. John Vance, Anno Domini, Revival, Resolutions and a Forward Look

It’s the new year! A time for reflection, planning and a renewed sense of increased trust in the Lord. What work does God have for you this year? How can you best continue to be faithful to the unique call that the Lord has given you? What long range hope do you have in the Lord which keeps you going right now? We have the confidence that “He that is in you, is greater than he that is in the world!” Our guest today is a seasoned pastor who, not long ago, retired and moved from the Mid-Hudson Valley of NY, to the rural mountains of West Virginia. He has stayed busy, engaged with culture, and has continued some preaching in a local church. It makes you wonder if we ever really retire? Perhaps not! As we begin the new year, our guest today is Dr. John Vance. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that world history is inseparably connected with the birth of the God-man Jesus Christ. This is reflected Anno Domini, Latin for "In the year of (Our) Lord. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to talk about the new year - revival, resolutions, and a forward look to renew our commitments and rid ourselves of regressive behaviors. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Christmas - Pastor Uri Brito, The Coming of Christ Changed Everything, The Virgin Shall Conceive and Bear a Son
Air Date: 12/25/2021
Christmas - Pastor Uri Brito, The Coming of Christ Changed Everything, The Virgin Shall Conceive and Bear a Son

Today is Christmas and, appropriately, we talk about the coming of Jesus into this world. What does it mean that He was sinless? Does it equate to Him not crying? No it doesn’t. Scripture reminds us that Jesus was fully man and fully God. So, Jesus did have all the characteristics of man, yet he did not sin. The Book of Hebrews says “For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.” In Jesus Christ, we have someone unique in the history of the world. He ultimately would die for us so that we could have eternal life. Our guest today is Pastor Uri Brito. Pastor Bill Shishko shares some thoughts from the pastor’s study about how Christ’s birth brought in a whole new world. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz looks at the Prophet Isaiah, who prophesized to King Ahaz, that the virgin "shall conceive and bear a son." Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Chose Life - Christina Bennett, God's Law and Christmas, Mary's Magnificat
Air Date: 12/18/2021
Chose Life - Christina Bennett, God's Law and Christmas, Mary's Magnificat

Today we consider the debate over abortion. It is heating up again due to a Supreme Court case and recent laws in Texas. At a high level, the abortion procedure is designed to end a pregnancy, taking the life of the baby in the womb. Fifty years ago while it may have been possible to argue that this was just a “clump of cells, just tissue” yet now, with sonograms and proper explanations, women who are given accurate information, often decide to keep their baby as a result. The sonogram produces a picture of the child in the womb – the mother can see her baby moving. We are able to detect a heartbeat of the child as soon as 5 1/2 to 6 weeks after gestation. Today we talk with a woman whom God rescued. Her mother was scheduled for an abortion, went to the clinic, and at the very last minute, God intervened, using a janitor and circumstances, to change the mind of her mother. Our guest today is Christina Bennett, a Live Action news correspondent. Her website is https://www.christinabennett.com/. Pastor Bill Shishko reflects on the birth of Christ and how that affects us right now. We are reminded of the great joy that Christians experience because of this unique person of Christ. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz considers Mary's song, or Magnificat. Finally, we take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Vaccine Mandate Hurting Trucking and Supply Chain - Fred Lucas, On Being Covetous, God's Kingdom Spreading on Long Island NY
Air Date: 12/11/2021
Vaccine Mandate Hurting Trucking and Supply Chain - Fred Lucas, On Being Covetous, God's Kingdom Spreading on Long Island NY

Supply chain problems continue to plague our nation. This causes prices to rise. It also creates shortages of goods. This past week Audioscience, the tech company that makes audio cards for professional broadcasting systems contacted us. They reported that they have been struggling to obtain electronic components and maintain pricing. And so, on December 1st, 2021, they raised their prices on all products by 20%. As you know, a great many products and parts are delivered around our nation via trucks. Today we talk with the White House Correspondent for the Daily Signal. He has been talking with a major trucking firm. The CEO of that firm says that the vaccine mandate will definitely worsen supply chain problems, making matters much worse. It’s a fact that a large number of people in the trucking industry just simply will not be getting vaccinated, according to this CEO. Some drivers will be retiring early, and others leaving the industry altogether. In a nation that depends upon long haul trucking, the trucking industry could lose up to 40% of its workforce due to the vaccine mandate. As bad as it seems to be getting now, it gives you the feeling, that “we ain't seen nothin yet!” Belt tightening will likely be in our future for a long time, and we’ll will have to do with less. Our guest today is Fred Lucas. Pastor Bill Shishko Shares with us more insights on the 10th commandment, “You shall not covet.” Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to share a story about a very encouraging situation that is developing on Long Island, NY. God is working. He is answering the prayers of His people and building His kingdom. People are coming into a church to be fed His word. The church is growing. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Our Work as Worship - Shane Morris, The 10th Commandment, CRT and Rev. Frank Williams
Air Date: 12/4/2021
Our Work as Worship - Shane Morris, The 10th Commandment, CRT and Pastor Frank Williams

Does your work count? Does God consider your daily work to be worship? What if our daily work is sort of mundane busywork, but yet necessary? Does that count for the kingdom? Today we talk about work as worship. Our guest is Shane Morris of the Colson Center. He reminds us that God is not so interested in us doing “great things” for Him, as He is that we do the next right thing no matter where we are. We can glorify God in everything that we do as we enjoy Him. Our work counts, and the fact is, Christ is restoring and renewing that which was lost in the fall. Pastor Bill Shishko explains what is behind the 10th Commandment which says You Shall Not Covet. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz considers how we react to Critical Race Theory as Christians. He looks into the ministry of an inner city black pastor, Rev. Frank Williams. Instead of running away from race relations, Pastor Williams says “You can either complain about the problem or you can be part of the solution. God has called me to be part of the solution.” Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Fight for Education - Mary Margaret Olohan, The Ninth Commandment, Accepted by God for Christ's Sake
Air Date: 11/27/2021
The Fight for Education - Mary Margaret Olohan, The Ninth Commandment, Accepted by God for Christ's Sake

There’s a lot for American parents to upset about in the public school systems these days. It’s quite a list- radical transgender policies for the classroom, mandatory masks and vaccines for students, and insinuating radical critical race theory into lesson plans - a large swath of parents in America are, indeed, rejecting all that. Some pundits estimate that this group of people may be as large as 2/3rd of our population. Silent in previous years, that’s no longer the case. So why now? Why are they speaking out? It would appear that their fight for education freedom is far from over. Today we talk with a reporter from the Daily Signal. She has been digging down to the sources and talking with people and finding out lots of interesting facts - many of these facts you won’t hear from the giant corporate media outlets. Our guest today is Mary Margaret Olohan. Pastor Bill Shishko discusses the 9th commandment – You Shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz continues his thoughts on Cain and Abel. He notes that “Life is not about finding ways for God to accept us on our terms, but realizing we are accepted by God for Christ’s sake, and living out that good news on God’s terms.” Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Having a Thankful Spirit - Chuck Bentley, You Shall Not Steal, Thanksgiving History and Gospel Basis for Gratitude
Air Date: 11/14/2021
Having a Thankful Spirit - Chuck Bentley, You Shall Not Steal, Thanksgiving History and Gospel Basis for Gratitude

Next week is Thanksgiving. It’s a time to lift up our praise and thanks to God. The first Thanksgiving in America was celebrated by the Pilgrims after their first harvest in the new world, in 1621. Question - Do you find it difficult especially this year, to be truly thankful? Has it become hard to know the peace of God in your heart? Some of us have experienced sickness, many have lost our jobs. Energy prices have skyrocketed. The dollar does not stretch nearly as far as it used to, and scarcity of common goods is on the rise. Crime is also on the rise nationwide. Yet we are called to give thanks. Giving of thanks becomes harder particularly when we are under financial duress. Today we talk with the CEO of Crown, Chuck Bentley. Crown’s mission is to spread the principles and practices of God’s economy throughout the world. Chuck hosts the daily feature, My MoneyLife. Today he shares with us from God’s word, regarding wisdom that will help us this Thanksgiving. Pastor Bill Shishko joins us today to review the 8th commandment – You Shall Not Steal. Pastor Bill recounts how God opened his own eyes years ago and showed him that Communism is antithetical to the Christian faith. Christian conversion affected his whole worldview, and the 10 Commandments acted like road signs for life. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reflects on Thanksgiving. He reviews some Thanksgiving history and he invites our consideration of the gospel basis for our gratitude. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history.

Holding All Things Together: Critical Race Theory - Dr. John Vance, You Shall Not Commit Adultery, Cain and Abel's Offerings
Air Date: 11/13/2021
Critical Race Theory - Dr. John Vance, You Shall Not Commit Adultery, Cain and Abel's Offerings

More and more, we see parents around our nation becoming upset (and rightly so in our opinion) over the education doctrine commonly referred to as “Critical Race Theory.” Some public school settings have outraged parents, as their children are forced to apologize for being of a certain ethnicity. It’s hard to believe that the old issues of the 1960’s have resurfaced with new words and this time, directed at a different ethnicity. The sinful problem has not changed, but the descriptions and targets have. As Christians, we affirm that God has created us in His image, and there is only one race, that is, the human race. Our guest today has been following this topic for a long time, gaining experience in this while teaching college courses in the State University of New York. Today we talk with Pastor and Educator, Dr. John Vance. Pastor Bill Shishko continues exploring the Moral Law of God. Today he covers the seventh commandment, “You Shall Not Commit Adultery.” Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz looks at the two sons of Adam and Eve - Cain and Abel. The two boys had different callings – Cain tended crops while Able took care of sheep. Both brought offerings, but God only accepted Abel’s. Just what was the fundamental difference between these two offerings? Gerry explains in simple terms. Gerry is a frequent contributor to Holding All Things Together, and is a writer for Christian Renewal Magazine. Finally, we'll take a look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Pitfalls of Communism - Dr. Lee Edwards, The Sixth Commandment of You Shall Not Murder, A Solution for Racial Tensions
Air Date: 11/6/2021
The Pitfalls of Communism - Dr. Lee Edwards, The Sixth Commandment of You Shall Not Murder, A Solution for Racial Tensions

Today we are seeing that some people have been fooled into believing that Communism/Socialism is a good thing. At its heart, Communism is a form of theft. Yet the Bible very clearly says “You shall not steal.” If it’s possible to steal, then that means there is such a thing as private property, and that’s something which Communism abhors. The Bible also says “You shall not covet.” That means it is wrong for us to desire the possessions, or wealth, of another individual. And isn’t that what is at play when we take from one person and distribute to another? The Christian approach is to rejoice when our neighbor is blessed with goods that we don’t have. And if we happen to be that person blessed with goods, then it is our joyful Christian privilege to give to God first and then to others, freely, and not by force under the heavy hand of the state. Today we step back and take a look at the pitfalls of Communism. Why is it so bad? Has there ever been a single success story where Communism/Socialism has been implemented in history and a society flourished? Let’s look at the hidden dangers this seemingly benevolent system brings. Here is the website referenced: https://victimsofcommunism.org/ Our guest today is Dr. Lee Edwards. Pastor Bill Shishko joins us today, to look at the sixth commandment – You shall not murder. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reviews the book, No Flesh Shall Glory, Second Edition: How the Bible Destroys the Foundations of Racism. The book deals with racial tension and offers some refreshing insights, including recognizing our commonalities - particularly the fact that we are all part of the human race. In God’s way of thinking, that’s what really counts. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Reformation - Dr. John Vance, Honor Father and Mother, Martin Luther
Air Date: 10/30/2021
The Reformation - Dr. John Vance, Honor Father and Mother, Martin Luther

Once again, we celebrate Reformation Day. This single event changed the world. On October 31, 1517, Brother Martin Luther, a monk and scholar, who struggled with the church’s unprecedented indulgence sale, posted The Ninety-Five Theses. This was in response to Bishop Albert of Mainz, who with papal blessing, was selling indulgences for past, present, and future sins! This sickened monk Luther. Can we buy our way into heaven? Luther, in typical scholar fashion of the day, felt that he had to speak out. To spark debate and stir some soul-searching among his fellow brothers in the church, he posted The Ninety-Five Theses. In parallel, the printing of the Bible and the work of translating God’s word into the language of the laity was taking place. God used these various means to reform the church. This Reformation had far-reaching effects worldwide, eventually heavily influencing the formation of the United States of America. Today we talk with the former pastor of Westminster church, Dr. John Vance. Later in the program, Pastor Bill Shishko discusses the 5th Commandment: “Honor your father and your mother. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reviews the history of Martin Luther, and how the church returned to a gospel-based theology; one that teaches redemption through Christ alone. Finally, we’ll take another look at This Week in History. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Advent is Coming - Dr. Uri Brito, Remember the Sabbath, The Tree of Life and God's Covenant
Air Date: 10/23/2021
Advent is Coming - Dr. Uri Brito, Remember the Sabbath, The Tree of Life and God's Covenant

Before too long, the Christian church will again be celebrating the time we call Advent. The start of the season is yet 5 weeks ahead - but already, our minds are thinking about preparing for it, along with special church services, family gatherings, gifts, and good food. All this, as we are reminded afresh of the coming of Christ. There are detractors however. In a recent interview, the director of the NIAID, Dr. Fauci, commented that he is not sure we should celebrate Christmas together, as is our natural inclination. Gathering with friends and family to celebrate the coming of Christ is an integral part of life to most of us. It seems that Dr. Fauci marches to a the beat of a different drummer. He seems quite reluctant to accept that such gatherings can be beneficial. The Christian Calendar reminds us that Advent is coming, full throttle. Independent of the naysayers. Independent of wars and cataclysmic events, and independent of sickness and disease. We know that Jesus Christ has come, and we celebrate His rule and reign, and look forward to the day He returns. Today we talk with Pastor Uri Brito of Providence Church in Pensacola, Florida. Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to talk about the second aspect of the 4th Commandment: Remember the Sabbath. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz looks at the Tree of Life that is mentioned in Genesis 2. Did you know that originally, Adam and Eve were allowed to eat of it? After the fall of mankind into sin, the first couple were no longer given access to it. They had broken covenant with God. Now they needed a Savior, and we do too. Gerry helps us think about this special tree and its connection to God’s covenantal workings. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The $3.5 Trillion Spending Spree Would be Hazardous to Medicare's Financial Health - Dr. Robert Moffit, Six Days Shall You Labor, The Work of Anthony Comstock
Air Date: 10/16/2021
The $3.5 Trillion Spending Spree Would be Hazardous to Medicare's Financial Health - Dr. Robert Moffit, Six Days Shall You Labor, The Work of Anthony Comstock

Seniors are concerned about Social Security and Medicare. The tax rate for social security is 6.2% for the employer and 6.2% for the employee, or 12.4% total. If you are an independent business you pay the full 12.4% yourself. On top of this, the rate for Medicare is 1.45% for the employer and 1.45% for the employee, or 2.9% total. That means a total of 15.3 percent of your wages go to programs that you have no say over. Further, the politicians have mismanaged the Medicare program so badly, that it faces insolvency in 5 years. So, if that happens, in 2026, seniors’ access to health services as paid by Medicare, will be rapidly curtailed. Is there a solution? Some of our leaders want to spend even more money that our government does not have, driving us further into debt. If they are allowed to proceed, it will be hazardous to Medicare’s financial health. Today we talk with an expert who specializes in health care and entitlement programs, especially Medicare. Our guest is Robert E. Moffit. Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to discuss one aspect of the 4th commandment of God’s Moral Law – that is, six days shall you labor. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reviews the cultural work of Puritan-influenced Anthony Comstock. Mr. Comstock opposed obscene literature, abortion, contraception, gambling, and prostitution. Perhaps a shocking figure for many today who have embraced a libertine lifestyle, Comstock successfully lobbied the United States Congress to pass the Comstock Act, which forbade using the U.S. mail for obscene materials. Gerry is a frequent contributor to Holding All Things Together, and is a writer for Christian Renewal Magazine. Finally, we take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Afghanistan Now That the US Has Left - Dr. Jim Carafano, The Third Commandment, Writings of Jason L. Riley
Air Date: 10/9/2021
Afghanistan Now That the US Has Left - Dr. Jim Carafano, The Third Commandment, Writings of Jason L. Riley

Today we take a look at Afghanistan, now that the United States has left. We talk with an expert in national security and foreign policy. We review the fact that the Taliban has not changed, and because they are not the only ethnic group in Afghanistan, unfortunately we are seeing once again, ethnic cleansing. We also discuss the dynamic that exists between Iran and Afghanistan. Our guest today is Dr. Jim Carafano, Vice President at the Heritage Foundation. Pastor Bill Shishko reviews the 3rd commandment of God’s moral law. He reminds us that we are commanded to a holy and reverent use of God’s names, titles, attributes, ordinances, word and works. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reviews the editorial work of Jason L. Riley, a Black American. Riley points out that prior to the Great Society programs that supercharged the welfare state in America, there was substantial economic progress in the black community, up to about 1973. After the Great Society programs became entrenched, things took a turn. Economic advancement was stymied, and black male homicide rates rose for the next 3 decades. Biblical teaching of work and productivity -- whether by citizens or government is always the best. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Executive Branch and Vaccine Mandates - Jarrett Stepman, No Other gods, Book Review: Stand To: Finding Masculine Courage in a Stand Down World
Air Date: 10/2/2021
The Executive Branch and Vaccine Mandates - Jarrett Stepman, No Other gods, Book Review: Stand To: Finding Masculine Courage in a Stand Down World

Our president recently issued a unilateral edict requiring COVID-19 vaccinations. The action gave OSHA the authority to enforce a national vaccine for larger employers. This basically forces two thirds of the workforce to have vaccinations or weekly testing. Many question the authority of the executive branch to create a national vaccine mandate and commandeer businesses to do it. One prominent senator, an expert in constitutional law, asserts that the federal government has NO authority to require businesses to do this. Interesting too, this major disruption to our businesses and economy- one that may well result in thousands of people losing their jobs- comes on the heels of two disastrous news stories for the White House. One, the criminal manner in which the Afghanistan withdrawal was orchestrated: providing kill lists to the enemy, giving $85Billion of high tech military hardware to the enemy, and handing over the only air base that could have been used effectively to evacuate Americans. And two, the calamitous situation on our southern border. Illegal aliens come in, are not tested for COVID, and many escape into the nation’s heartland. It’s a disaster on many fronts. The vaccine mandate won't have any impact on the border issue. Today we talk about this new policy which has the feel of a planned distraction. Our guest is Jarrett Stepman. Pastor Bill Shishko reviews God’s commandment to have no others gods. We are to worship the only true God. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz considers the book, Stand to: Finding Masculine Courage in a Stand Down World. The book shares the hallmarks of biblical manhood. The author, Dr. Shawn Brower unashamedly asserts that every man must know that he is to courageously follow God’s specifically designed purpose and plan for his life. Men are hardwired for action, and we learn best by doing. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Vaccine Mandates - Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin, God's Moral Law as Road Signs, Christian Renewal Article on COVID
Air Date: 9/25/2021
Vaccine Mandates - Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin, God's Moral Law as Road Signs, Christian Renewal Article on COVID

Our president has announced COVID-19 vaccine mandates. Generally, vaccines have helped us here in America. We no longer have small pox and polio to name two important diseases. However, surrounding the Covid debate are political forces that lead to a distortion of the science, or refusal to report all the truth. Some news outlets fabricate stories to further the fear. Early Covid models that were not peer reviewed predicted massive infection, yet the models turned out to be inaccurate and overly pessimistic. Now we have Covid vaccines – and while generally it’s believed that they have helped, there have been documented cases of adverse effects and even death per the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) a government run database. Most all of Israel’s population have been vaccinated and yet many cases are on the rise there. Is Covid serious? Yes it is. Yet if the state can mandate vaccines, which is constitutionally questionable, the natural question that is evoked is, where will it stop? What else will the state mandate re: Covid, or on other matters. For example, will we someday see family planning mandates? It happened in China. At this rate what’s to prevent it from happening here? Today we talk with the President of the Center for Cultural Leadership, Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin, on the mandates and other issues. Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to talk about the moral law of God, the 10 Commandments. He points out that the Moral law serves as road signs for our lives. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reviews the article, “From Wuhan to the World” – recently published in Christian Renewal Magazine. It strongly appears that the Wuhan lab intended to use its gain-of-function viruses as bio-weapons. Finally we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Seven Gray Swans - Chuck Bentley, Back to School, Bruising the Serpent's Head
Air Date: 9/18/2021
Seven Gray Swans - Chuck Bentley, Back to School, Bruising the Serpent's Head

We are in uncertain financial times, here in America. Small businesses find it hard to hire employees, in part, because the government is handing out checks to those who are not working. Apart from an old fashioned work ethic, there is little incentive to go back to work, when you can make so much money just sitting at home! In fact, some of America's leadership is pushing for so-called UBI, or Universal Basic Income. So, what does that entail and how does that contrast with a Christian worldview? A further complication - It’s very difficult to get accurate news on many topics because the large media outlets and the social media oligarchs cherry pick what we are allowed to read or watch. And cancel culture is in full swing. Fortunately, true Christians are wise and are listening to God’s word and forming their life decisions based on the timeless truths of the Bible. There is a new book available that is small and readable. It addresses seven of these dangerous trends, and proposes Christian solutions on how to live for God’s glory. Our guest today is author Chuck Bentley, CEO of Crown, who talks to us about his book, “Seven Gray Swans.” Pastor Bill Shishko discusses going back to school and what God says is the beginning and foundation of wisdom. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz looks at the Lord’s declaration in Genesis that the serpent will bruise the heel of the woman's seed (Christ), but that the seed of the woman will crush the serpent's head. This all portends to a marvelous promise of cosmic victory. Finally, we’ll take a another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Some Census Data Cannot be Correct - Hans von Spakovsky, Come Boldly Before God's Throne of Grace, Consequences of Adam's Fall and the 2nd Adam
Air Date: 9/11/2021
Some Census Data Cannot be Correct - Hans von Spakovsky, Come Boldly Before God's Throne of Grace, Consequences of Adam's Fall and the 2nd Adam

Last year, the US Census was taken. The goal was that every person living in the United States and the five US Territories would be counted. It was the 24th census in our nation’s history. These census numbers are important because they determine how new congressional and state legislative districts are drawn up. Because of the recent census, NY state has lost a congressional seat. However, the process was not nearly as clean as you may think. Because of some concerns over invasion of privacy, the Census Bureau has injected “noise” in the data for the cases of small areas. And as a result, some census blocks are showing up as having a negative number of people living in them! And yet, the Constitution requires a “actual Enumeration” of the “whole number of persons in each state.” Today we try and understand this manipulation, as we talk with Hans von Spakovsky, Senior Legal Fellow of the Meese Center for Legal and Judicial Studies. Pastor Bill Shishko talks about our free access to God, as we come boldly before God’s throne of grace, in Christ. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz continues to consider the consequences of Adam's fall with a look towards the redemption of the second Adam, Jesus Christ, who gives us the hope and promise of redemption in a fallen world. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: What Latest Inflation Numbers Mean for Your Wallet - Joel Griffith, Free from Eternal Damnation, Labor Day
Air Date: 9/4/2021
What Latest Inflation Numbers Mean for Your Wallet - Joel Griffith, Free from Eternal Damnation, Labor Day

I’m sure you’ve noticed that it’s costing us noticeably more to fill up our vehicles. Energy prices are up about 40% year over year, and there’s a lot of food items affected too. In fact, every area is being affected. Today we talk about inflation. It is dramatically higher than what we’ve been used to over many years. As compared to last year, we’re looking at increases that are 5.4% higher year over year – the highest, going back to 2008. Today we talk with an expert who is an attorney with a keen understanding of financial regulations including equities trading. More recently he was Director of the Center for State Fiscal Reform at the American Legislative Exchange Council. Our guest is Joel Griffith. Pastor Bill Shishko continues looking at freedom, and this week considers that Christians are now free from eternal damnation. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to take a look at the origin and meaning of Labor Day. He considers labor relations, unions, and what the scriptures have to say about the ethics involved in working as a Christian to the glory of God. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Dangers of the CCP to America - Klon Kitchen, Free from the Sting of Death, The Curse on Adam
Air Date: 8/28/2021
The Dangers of the CCP to America - Klon Kitchen, Free from the Sting of Death, The Curse on Adam

People are starting to wake up to the extreme danger that the Chinese Communist Party poses to America. Besides the issues of our porous border and lack of election integrity stateside, the CCP represents perhaps -THE- most pressing foreign policy issue to America. China’s ability to hack into our systems and their stealing of intellectual property and trade secrets is well known. America has been benefiting from deals that dramatically lower manufacturing costs via China’s powerful marketplace that provides cheap labor for our high tech goods. Yet the CCP has leveraged these relationships to the point that we have become overly dependent on China, so much so, it has now become a security threat. We even have pharmaceutical dependencies. The CCP uses coercive policies and they occupy a central role in the global marketplace. Another related concern - the United States is critically dependent on Taiwan for its silicon computer chips - yet now, we see that China may take over Taiwan. What then? Today we talk with Klon Kitchen, Senior Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. His recommendations include limiting Chinese access to American data. He also notes the dire human rights policies of the CCP. Pastor Bill Shishko continues his emphasis on freedom. Today he talks about freedom from the sting of death. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz looks at part two of the curse that God placed on Adam and Eve in the garden. That curse has passed down to us, and today he particularly looks at the curse on Adam. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Ill-Conceived Executive Order on Electric Vehicles - Katie Tubb, Free from the Evil of Affliction, The Curse of Sin in Genesis - Part 1
Air Date: 8/21/2021
The Ill-Conceived Executive Order on Electric Vehicles - Katie Tubb, Free from the Evil of Affliction, The Curse of Sin in Genesis - Part 1

Today we take a look at President Biden’s ill-conceived Executive Order on Electric Vehicles. The basis for our discussion is an article that appeared in a commentary piece on the environment from the Heritage Foundation. While high electricity demand results in high stress on the grid infrastructure, our utilities are issuing calls to reduce consumption, not increase it. Further, the president can’t make you buy an electric vehicle, but he can make it very difficult for car companies to manufacture and sell alternatives. Its this second piece that has a lot of us troubled. Should the federal government be the locus of supply and demand for cars? It would appear so under this administration. Our guest today is Katie Tubb, senior policy analyst for energy and environmental issues in the Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policies. Pastor Bill Shishko points out that we are born naturally enslaved, and yet because of the Lord Jesus Christ we are made free from the evil of affliction. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz considers the scene in the garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. This week he looks at God’s judgment on the woman. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: When Due Process is Not Upheld - Rick Manning, Freedom Under the Gospel, Review of American Harvest - God, Country and Framing in the Heartland
Air Date: 8/14/2021
When Due Process is Not Upheld - Rick Manning, Freedom Under the Gospel, Review of American Harvest - God, Country and Framing in the Heartland

Due Process. What does it entail? Cornell Law School describes due process this way: “The Constitution states only one command twice. The Fifth Amendment says to the federal government that no one shall be "deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law." The Fourteenth Amendment, ratified in 1868, uses the same eleven words, called the Due Process Clause, to describe a legal obligation of all states. These words have as their central promise an assurance that all levels of American government must operate within the law ("legality") and provide fair procedures.” Recently, we know of a group of American citizens who have been charged with a misdemeanor – typically carrying a $50 fine. Yet, these folks are held without bail, they have not appeared before a jury of their peers, there is no visitation allowed by their family, and some of them are held in solitary confinement! Is that due process? Today we talk with Rick Manning of Americans for Limited Government. Pastor Bill Shishko looks at freedom that comes from Christ under the Gospel, and which is the foundation of all our other freedoms. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reviews the book “American Harvest : God, Country, and Farming in the Heartland.” The book shows Christianity and secularism, two worldviews, in close quarters as they try to understand each other. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Youth and Rebellion - Bill Smith, Freedom of Conscience, A Feminist Who Doesn't fit the Mold
Air Date: 8/7/2021
Youth and Rebellion - Bill Smith, Freedom of Conscience, A Feminist Who Doesn't fit the Mold

How many times have you heard the story of a Christian family, raising their children, faithful in church attendance, going to Sunday School, and maybe even a midweek service. The children grow up and enter the teen years and start to rebel. One goes off to college and gets involved in things that are terribly hurtful to the family. He or she appears to have rejected the faith they were brought up with. The parents are shocked, hurt, saddened, and at times embarrassed. Does it have to be this way? Before you judge too quickly, try and appreciate the pain of the parent in such a case. Today we talk with a pastor who has written about such young adults who are sowing their “wild oats.” Is it appropriate for us to simply say, “oh well, this is just the way things are.” The question we must ask is this- Is the wild oats stage axiomatic? Today we talk with a man who has been married to his wife for 26 years. Together, they have six children and two grandchildren, and he pastors a church in Carbondale, Illinois. He talks about an article he penned, titled “The Wisdom of Youth.” Our guest is Pastor Bill Smith. Pastor Bill Shishko asks the question of whether we are really free or not. What does it mean to have liberty of conscience? Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz takes a look at the case of a popular author who is a feminist and who embraces natural law. BUt she has broken with the orthodoxy of the progressive left by siding with the conventional understanding of gender and sexuality. Most egregiously in thier eyes, she posts about it. Such betrayal of the leftist canon comes with a price. Perhaps to no one's surprise, the author has received death threats! These threats are posted on Twitter and are allowed to remain! Why not let the author have her views? Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Every Black Life Matters - Kevin McGary, Free in Christ, Sin and Shifting Blame
Air Date: 7/31/2021
Every Black Life Matters - Kevin McGary, Free in Christ, Sin and Shifting Blame

What is “Black Plight?” When there are systemic policies that are designed to disproportionately target black life in the womb, then it is evil and is an example of black plight. Today we talk with the President of a group that has a similar name to Black Lives Matter, but by contrast they are Christian, and hold to biblical principles. This group is named “Every Black Life Matters.” We learn about the group’s core principles, including real justice from womb to tomb, being strongly pro-life, and supporting the nuclear family. Educational choice and active fatherhood are key principles. Plus when it comes to economics, the group embraces free markets. They strongly promote non-violence. Our guest today is Kevin McGary. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that the drive for freedom begins within ourselves. We must obey God from the heart – living out a life that is free from sin. Later in the program, Gerry Wisz asks us to consider how Eve originally responded to the Lord’s inquiry. She shifted the blame. Same with Adam – more blame shifting. We do well to keep this in mind as God the Holy Spirit deals with our sin. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Teachers Unions Push Critical Race Theory While Some States Have Laws Against - Jarrett Stepman, Christian Liberty, Mankind's Fall into Sin and its Remedy
Air Date: 7/24/2021
Teachers Unions Push Critical Race Theory While Some States Have Laws Against - Jarrett Stepman, Christian Liberty, Mankind's Fall into Sin and its Remedy

Something healthy has been happening lately as normal citizens are getting involved in grassroots efforts to put a stop to Critical Race Theory (CRT) in their kid’s schools. So-called “Momma bears” are engaged. And not just them – many concerned citizens are aware of the radical ideas being foisted on our next generation of Americans, and are taking action. Teachers unions on the other hand, are pushing CRT in schools and even urging defiance of state laws against it. Today we learn more as we talk with Jarrett Stepman of The Daily Signal. Pastor Bill Shishko talks to us about Christian Liberty, referencing Martin Luther’s Book, “The Freedom of the Christian Man.” Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reminds us of man’s fall into sin. Tasting the forbidden fruit introduced perpetual ruin and misery as Adam and Eve felt shame after their fall into sin. They became strangers to a holy God. This sin nature has been passed to us, as we are all conceived and born in sin. The good news is that our sin has been atoned for. Jesus has taken the blame and the punishment for His people. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Freedom of Association Upheld - Thomas Jipping, Incorrectly Putting Life Above Labor, Genesis 3 and Satan's Temptations
Air Date: 7/17/2021
Freedom of Association Upheld - Thomas Jipping, Incorrectly Putting Life Above Labor, Genesis 3 and Satan's Temptations

The Supreme Court recently made a wise ruling in “Americans for Prosperity Foundation v. Bonta.” The Court held by a 6-3 majority that California violated the right to freedom of association, which is implicit in the First Amendment. California was demanding that charitable organizations disclose their major donors as a condition of fundraising in the state. Fortunately California got struck down. This ruling is important for Non-profits who want to keep their donor’s information confidential and thereby protect sensitive information from being leaked far and wide. Our guest today is Thomas Jipping, Senior Legal Fellow as the Heritage Foundation. Pastor Bill Shishko digests the sentiments expressed last year by some governors who said that we must put life above labor when it involved shutting down our economy. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz looks at Genesis 3 and how Satan deceives us. The thought of “how could something so beautiful be wrong?” And what about the benefit of the forbidden fruit… won’t that bring wisdom? We are reminded that giving in to sin - the breaking of God’s law – ultimately leads to death. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together - Trinity Digital New Film on John Wycliffe - Murdo Macleod, Radical Environmentalism, Jonah and the Great Fish
Air Date: 7/10/2021
Trinity Digital New Film on John Wycliffe - Murdo Macleod, Radical Environmentalism, Jonah and the Great Fish

What do you know about John Wycliffe? If you look him up online, you’ll find that Wycliffe was an English scholastic philosopher, theologian, biblical translator, reformer, priest, and a seminary professor at the University of Oxford. He became an influential dissident within the Roman Catholic priesthood during the 14th century and is considered an important predecessor to Protestantism. As such, he’s considered to be the “morning star” of the Reformation. There is a new docudrama feature film being created that explores the story of John Wycliffe. Today we talk with Murdo Macleod, founder of Trinity Digital, the Writer/Director of Morningstar. Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to discuss another cheap knockoff – this time, Radical Environmentalism. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz explores the life of Jonah and the great fish. While some people disbelieve God’s record of Jonah, there is good reason to have full confidence in the veracity of the account. How do we handle the naysayers who want to make the story of Jonah and others like it to be mere metaphorical? Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Stopping Communism One School District at a Time - Robert Knight, Our Nation's History and a Virtuous Citizenry, Independence Day
Air Date: 7/3/2021
Stopping Communism One School District at a Time - Robert Knight, Our Nation's History and a Virtuous Citizenry, Independence Day

We live in a Constitutional Republic here in America. Our nation's founding was heavily influenced by Christian principles. Prior to the American Revolution, “Dissenters” from the established Church of England, many of which were Presbyterians - mistrusted British colonial power. They were not afraid to assert a right to religious freedom when it was threatened. Presbyterian influence in the colonies grew markedly in the middle decades of the 1700s, profoundly shaped by the 1st Great Awakening and an influx of Scottish and Scotch-Irish immigrants. King George III and other highly placed Britons referred to the colonists’ rebellion as a “Presbyterian War.” Today, we are actively opposed by those seeking to convert the hearts of our children to atheism. This enemy seeks to destroy our Republic from within. It hates America. It is a rebranded form of Communism. Once in the shadows, this ideological war has actually been ongoing for several generations and is now coming to a head for all to see. Joyfully it has been identified and is now under counter attack. This new cold war is being fought by moms who are taking on the school boards in their children’s schools around the nation, Pastors who are becoming engaged, and Christians who are getting involved at the grass root levels in town governments. Parents are increasingly considering homeschooling and private Christian schools as a better alternative to the atheistic indoctrination found in much of public education these days. Today we talk with journalist Robert Knight, who writes for the Washington Times. Pastor Bill Shishko looks at our nation’s founding, and reminds us that our system of government requires a virtuous citizenry. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reviews what led up to the Declaration of Independence. Our resultant republic and its laws encourages us to take responsibility under God for our own wellbeing without the outside infringement of an overarching government telling us what we can or cannot do, say, or think. We may pursue our own course, circumscribed by the rule of law. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: China - Woman's Rights Without Frontiers - Reggie Littlejohn, Just Believe?, Thy Kingdom Come on Earth
Air Date: 6/26/2021
China - Woman's Rights Without Frontiers - Reggie Littlejohn, Just Believe?, Thy Kingdom Come on Earth

Communist China has a history of forced abortion, gendercide and sexual slavery. For a long time they had a one child policy which was finally upgraded to two children in 2016. This was intended to stave off risks to its economy from a rapidly aging population. But even that failed to result in enough births needed, as their fertility rate was still only 1.3 children per woman in 2020. Recently the Party issued a statement that their new policy is for up to three children for married Chinese couples. -- There is a group which is working to end forced abortions and gendercide in China. The group is Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, and it is headed by Attorney Reggie Littlejohn, founder and president. Reggie joins us today. Pastor Bill Shishko addresses the rationalistic idea of “just believe.” He asks: “believe in what?” Is one faith the same as another? He points out that all of us have a faith system and it must be grounded in Someone who can hold us, namely, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to talk about a contemporary example of a minister who is getting involved in civil government in our day. We are reminded of Jesus’ petition in the Lord’s Prayer of “Thy Kingdom Come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: BLM Leader Resigns - Mike Gonzalez, Redistribution of Wealth vs. Biblical Teaching, Father's Day
Air Date: 6/19/2021
BLM Leader Resigns - Mike Gonzalez, Redistribution of Wealth vs. Biblical Teaching, Father's Day

Black Lives Matter was founded by Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi. Patrisse Cullors has announced that she's transitioning out of her role as executive director. Yet, the organization does not appear to be moving from its Marxist presuppositions. In her YouTube video channel, Ms. Cullors says, “I do believe in Marxism.” Some activists have complained that the money BLM has raised in its more than seven years of existence, should have gone to black families. But apparently much hasn’t. The Post reported that Cullors had gone on a house-buying spree that saw her snap up four high-end houses worth $3.2 million in total. In typical fashion, the paper’s headline read “Black Lives Mansions.” Today we talk with someone who was fully immersed in Marxism as he spent the early part of his life growing up in Cuba. He interacts with the news of BLM with respect to Ms. Cullors. Our guest today is Mike Gonzalez. Pastor Bill Shishko addresses the error of redistribution of wealth, contrasting it to the biblical model. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz discusses Fatherhood. He points out that there are many fathers who are not at home and have absconded and shirked their responsibility. Godly Fathers by contrast, love their wives and bring up their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: COVID-19 Lab Leak Theory Back on the Table - Tim Murtaugh, The Cure for Racism, The Fall of Man into Sin
Air Date: 6/12/2021
COVID-19 Lab Leak Theory Back on the Table - Tim Murtaugh, The Cure for Racism, The Fall of Man into Sin

Our feelings and beliefs inform our opinion. A glaring example of that is the treatment by the media of the “Lab Leak Theory” for the Corona Virus. With a new administration in DC, the bitterness towards President Trump is no longer a factor and now, information once ignored or explained away is back in the public eye. The notion that COVID-19 was developed at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China was shared well over a year ago, but at the time, mainstream media chose not to accept the possibility. Dr. Fauci has recently admitted that he is not convinced that the virus developed naturally. This data has been around for a long time. What’s changed? Well, the main stream media just didn’t like the narrative. The fourth estate allowed personal opinions to guide coverage of the virus, suppressing the lab theory in order to make Conservative assertions look foolish. Sometimes, it’s not what you cover, but how you cover it- and what you are willing to omit and thereby offer half-truths. Pastor Bill Shishko takes a closer look at the phrase “Systemic Racism.” He points out that real racism is dealt with by Christian conversion. Later in the program, write Gerry Wisz takes a look at the fall of man in Genesis. This is key to our understanding of our relationship to God. As we see the original temptation play out, we see that Satan blended truth with falsehood as he tempted Adam and Eve. Satan controlled the narrative as the first couple went along. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: A Big Win for Freedom of Speech in Florida - S.T. Karnick, Investing in Kingdom-Related Projects, Christ has Kept God's Covenant and our Eternal Life
Air Date: 6/5/2021
A Big Win for Freedom of Speech in Florida - S.T. Karnick, Investing in Kingdom-Related Projects, Christ has Kept God's Covenant and our Eternal Life

For many today, Social Media platforms have become the modern day “Town Square.” People post their opinions and interact on issues that are important to them. However, along with the increased use of these media outlets, we have seen an effort by leftist media and big tech to silence, intimidate, and eliminate dissenting voices . There is no recourse given to the public when outlets mis-use section 230 of the Federal Communications Decency Act of 1996 which was intended to protect platforms from lawsuits as they moderate obscene, lewd, lasciviousness and filthy communications. We have seen big tech push their biased narrative at the expense of de-platforming anyone they disagree with, even though the platform has become essentially a common carrier like the phone company. And they cannot be touched! Fortunately, the state of Florida has put into law, Senate Bill 7072 to protect freedom of speech, and restore some sanity to how these platform operate. Our guest is S. T. Karnick of the Heartland Institute. Pastor Bill Shishko wraps up his comments about investments. Today he talks about Kingdom-related projects and raising up a harvest of righteousness. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz looks at the garden mentioned in Genesis. After the fall, Adam and Eve would no longer be allowed to eat of the Tree of Life. Yet joyfully in Jesus, this tree points to eternal life which is a gift of God to us redeemed sinners. Christ has kept God’s covenant, and we can know His full pardon for sin. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: News Stories That Caught Our Attention - Robert Knight, Investments - Tithing-Family-Bills-Sacrificial Giving, Sanctified Self-Improvement
Air Date: 5/29/2021
News Stories That Caught Our Attention - Robert Knight, Investments - Tithing-Family-Bills-Sacrificial Giving, Sanctified Self-Improvement

What news stories surface to the top of your mind lately? Certainly, the COVID story has taken much of our focus over the past year and more. Mask wearing is a point of dispute with a recent CDC directive that seems to follow the science more closely now. COVID passports are also of concern to many people, even to some on the left. Other stories have to do with the vaccine and its safety or lack thereof. Another story has to do with whether or not Big Tech should be broken up, with some advocates from both sides of the aisle. Increasingly, people are becoming hungry for what is true and it's very possible that God is beginning to work in our midst in revival. Today we talk with Robert Knight, a writer for the Washington Times. Pastor Bill Shishko continues discussing the treasure principle, and mentions providing for family, tithing, taxes, bills and sacrificial giving. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz continues to review the book Emotional Intelligence. Self-Improvement is good. He also notes that self-improvement for economic concerns only, misses the ultimate goal of a Christian life. Spiritual and temporal self-improvement do coexist and when they are regulated by scripture, it helps us to glorify God and to enjoy Him. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together - COVID and Real Numbers - Rick Manning, Thinking About Investments, Emotional Intelligence
Air Date: 5/22/2021
COVID and Real Numbers - Rick Manning, Thinking About Investments, Emotional Intelligence

Nationwide, the number of new COVID cases are greatly reduced. The 7 day moving average in terms of deaths continues going way down. In the state of Maryland for example, the number per day has recently gone down to somewhere around 10, while at one point it was at 50 deaths per day. Hospitalizations are dropping like a rock, and ICU units being used for COVID are also dropping like a rock. Yet, there is a metrics group in Washington State that appears to be guessing at the numbers and are now claiming that the numbers are 50% higher. What gives? Why the disparity? What do the numbers really tell us? Today we talk with Rick Manning, President of Americans for Limited Government. Pastor Bill Shishko begins a short study on the “best” investments. He mentions Faith, Worship and Service. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz looks at an older book titled “Emotional Intelligence.” He notes that it is good thing to exercise reason over emotions, which this book promotes. In keeping with Proverbs, we need to practice self-control, continue in good works, learn skill sets, have discipline, and practice dignity – all this as we live out the hope of the gospel. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together - Critical Race Theory - Jonathan Butcher, The Mustard Seed and the Story of John G. Paton, The Christian Sabbath
Air Date: 5/15/2021
Critical Race Theory - Jonathan Butcher, The Mustard Seed and the Story of John G. Paton, The Christian Sabbath

What is Critical Race Theory? Should all of life be seen through the lens of race? Is the world around us here in America systemically oppressive and racist? Is it appropriate to see ourselves as victims? Contrasted with this, isn’t it better to see a shared promise of America to all people? - Inclusion rather than division? Our Declaration of Independence is clear when it says “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Today we talk with Jonathan Butcher, the Will Skillman Fellow in Education at The Heritage Foundation. Pastor Bill Shishko concludes his commentary on the mustard seed. He shares a story about John G. Paton (Pay-ton) of Scotland. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz concludes his study on the early chapters of Genesis. He observes that the Sabbath still holds, and yet the New Testament sabbath comes at the beginning and initiates a week of activity. Jesus is Lord of this first day of the week on which he rose from the dead. The sabbath points to the fact that we must rest from our works and trust in Jesus who has fulfilled the sabbath in his person. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Worldwide Gospel Outreach - Humphrey Dobson, The Mustard Seed - Christ's Reign in Miniature, Male and Female and Our Roles
Air Date: 5/8/2021
Worldwide Gospel Outreach - Humphrey Dobson, The Mustard Seed - Christ's Reign in Miniature, Male and Female and Our Roles

Its easy to get discouraged as we consider the blatant attacks against Christianity. We are tempted to think that global gospel outreach has been severely truncated. Fact is, these are days of tremendous opportunity as Christ continues to reign and place every enemy under his feet - as we learn in 1 Corinthians 15:25. There are restrictions, and yet God is working in powerful ways. In the Middle east for example, there is increasing disillusion with Islam. There is a great eagerness for trustworthy Christian teaching. Ligonier Ministries has been working with the Arabic language as it translates the Reformation Study Bible, and books like “Everyone’s a Theologian: An Introduction to Systematic Theology.” This and other projects are one of the numerous international outreaches as the Great Commission is being carried out. Our guest today is Humphrey Dobson, Director, International Outreach at Ligonier. Pastor Bill Shishko explains that the parable of the Mustard Seed is Christ and His ministry in miniature. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz continues his study on creation and notes that God has set the pattern in the creation for man and woman – their identity, their relationship and their calling. Despite the entrance of sin, yet, through Christ, we see restoration and purpose. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Preserving our Supreme Court with Integrity - Attorney Kennerly Davis, The Mustard Seed and the Kingdom, Thy Will be Done on Earth
Air Date: 5/1/2021
Preserving our Supreme Court with Integrity - Attorney Kennerly Davis, The Mustard Seed and the Kingdom, Thy Will be Done on Earth

As we look at government leaders, it’s hard to fathom that so many have a total disregard for our Constitution and our laws. Perhaps you remember from your civics lessons years ago that we have three branches of government, thus assuring a balance of powers. There is a limited delegation of carefully enumerated powers. The Legislative branch makes laws. The Executive branch carries them out. The Judicial branch is not political and has the roll of evaluating laws in accord with our Constitution. You would never in your life want to dilute these branches, because you know what chaos would ensue if you did. Today we talk with the former deputy Attorney General of Virginia. He is now a Senior Fellow at the Federalist Society, and discusses the nefarious efforts to “pack” the Supreme Court and undermine this third branch, causing it to line up with radical political agendas. He also shares information about the book he has recently written. Our guest is Kennerly Davis. The book title is REVOLUTION: A Call to Turn Back the Lawless Left And Restore the Promise of America. Pastor Bill Shishko discusses the parable of the mustard seed in Mark chapter 5. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz discusses what is meant in the Lord’s Prayer when we pray that His will be done “on Earth as it is in Heaven.” We are taught to ask that God’s kingdom come, and keep coming - to earth - similar to the growth of the mustard seed mentioned by our Lord. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Why be Like Socialist Venezuela? - Jerrett Stepman, Make the Sabbath a Delight, Biblical Creation
Air Date: 4/24/2021
Why be Like Socialist Venezuela? - Jerrett Stepman, Make the Sabbath a Delight, Biblical Creation

Have you noticed that some folks have a seemingly irresistible urge to take America into the awful pit of Socialism? The history of Socialism is one of painful destruction for every society which has embraced it. Quite recently, Venezuela was a prosperous nation. Yet within about 14 years of life under the heavy hand of Socialist leaders, first Hugo Chavez and then Nicolas Maduro, most of the people have experienced utter ruin – all except the country’s elite, that is. Many Venezuelans are unable to put food on the table. Sometimes middle-class families are reduced to eating garbage. Today we consider the stories of two students who grew up in Venezuela as recounted by Jarrett Stepman, contributor to the Daily Signal, and Co-host of The Right Side of History Podcast. Pastor Bill Shishko continues looking at the sabbath. The scriptures remind us in Isaiah 58, to call the Lord’s Day Sabbath, a delight. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reviews the early chapters of the book of Genesis. We can be content with how God has made us, either male or female. God made Adam from the dust of the ground, and Eve from the side of Adam. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Accurate News Reporting - Joe Hoft, Remember the Sabbath, Made in God's Image
Air Date: 4/17/2021
Accurate News Reporting - Joe Hoft, Remember the Sabbath, Made in God's Image

What news sources do you often go to for honest, thorough reporting? Today we talk with the co-editor of the Gateway Pundit. Originally founded in 2004, the site was established for readers tired of limited options and a politicized establishment media. In 2011, the website modified its name and moved to its current location as www.thegatewaypundit.com. It’s audience grew rapidly and additional writers were added to the staff. Today over 2.5 million unique readers every day visit TGP. The Gateway Pundit is ranked as one of the top 150 websites in America, based on Alexa rankings. Our guest today, is Joe Hoft, the twin brother of the original founder Jim. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that we are to remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy. The Bible says that the sabbath was made for mankind. It is a mercy for us, both spiritually and physically. Also… "Male and female created He them." Whoever would have thought that this teaching in Scripture would be "politically incorrect," and on so many fronts? Today Gerry Wisz considers our first parents arriving on the scene, who they were, both to each other and the creation, and what that means for us. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Georgia's Election Law - Fred Lucas, The 4th Commandment and Work, The Bake Shop
Air Date: 4/10/2021
Georgia's Election Law - Fred Lucas, The 4th Commandment and Work, The Bake Shop

The State of Georgia has a new election law. The law expands Voter ID requirements to mail-in voting. This common sense law will help to assure voter integrity. It’s certainly not overly restrictive in our opinion. In fact, the Washington Post mentions that experts say the net effect was to expand the opportunities to vote for most Georgians. Yet, predictably, there are those who don’t want any restrictions at all, on casting absentee ballots - an area known to be very susceptible to fraud in the past. Six objections have been raised against this law. Today we talk with Fred Lucas, White House Correspondent for the Daily Signal. He addresses some of the objections. Pastor Bill Shishko considered the 4th commandment of the Moral Law. Today he focuses on doing work 6 days of the week. He observes that work is vital to human life and especially regarding the virus, that there was a great tragedy to shutting down businesses. Later in the program, Gerry Wisz comments on the baker Jack Phillips and his bakery Masterpiece Cake Shop. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Obamacare's High costs for Individuals - Ed Haislmaier, Do Not Take God's Name in Vain, Easter Meditation
Air Date: 4/3/2021
Obamacare's High costs for Individuals - Ed Haislmaier, Do Not Take God's Name in Vain, Easter Meditation

Today we look at individual health insurance costs. Many folks are part of a group plan, and that’s another discussion. But of the roughly 140 million Americans working full time, anywhere from 10 to 30 % are self-employed (depending on who you listen to). Today we consider the fact that Obamacare has doubled the cost of individual health insurance for these Americans. This should concern us, not only from a compassion perspective, but also because small business is the backbone of our economy. The Small Business Administration in 2019 reported that small businesses account for 44 percent of economic activity in the United States. Small businesses create two-thirds of new jobs and deliver 43.5 percent of the United States' gross domestic product (GDP). Many of these small business folks are self-employed and yet on average, their health insurance premium has increased 129% from 2013 to 2019. Today we talk with Ed Heislmaier of Heritage’s Center for Health Policy Studies. Pastor Bill Shishko discusses the third commandment and how we are not to take the name of the Lord in vain. We must be reverent toward God in all aspects. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz brings us an Easter meditation. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: H.R.1 Imperils Free and Fair Elections - Hans von Spakovsky, The Third Commandment, Passover
Air Date: 3/27/2021
H.R.1 Imperils Free and Fair Elections - Hans von Spakovsky, The Third Commandment, Passover

H.R.1, the deceptively entitled "For the People Act," was handed to the U.S. Senate after a party-line vote in the House of Representatives. (quote) “It is without doubt the most dangerous and irresponsible election bill I have ever seen,” so writes Hans von Spakovsky of the Heritage Foundation. Hans is an authority on a wide range of issues—including civil rights, civil justice, the First Amendment, immigration, including some years ago, having served as a member of the Federal Election Commission. Today he explains the key takeaways of this severely flawed bill. Pastor Bill Shishko reviews the Third Commandment, and how it requires the holy and reverent use of God’s names, titles, attributes, ordinances, Word, and works. Later in the program, Gerry Wisz joins us later with insights about Passover. He explains how this wonderful ceremony pointed forward to Jesus Christ. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Our Work is our Worship - Shane Morris, 2nd Commandment - No Idols, Bracing Ourselves for More Government Overreach
Air Date: 3/20/2021
Our Work is our Worship - Shane Morris, 2nd Commandment - No Idols, Bracing Ourselves for More Government Overreach

Does your work count? Does God consider your daily work to be worship? What if our daily work is sort of mundane busywork, but yet necessary? Does that count for the kingdom? Today we talk about work as worship. Our guest is Shane Morris of the Colson Center. He reminds us that God is not so interested in us doing “great things” for Him, as He is that we do the next right thing no matter where we are. We can glorify God in everything that we do as we enjoy Him. Our work counts, and the fact is, Christ is restoring and renewing that which was lost in the fall. Pastor Bill Shishko reflects on the 2nd commandment that deals with HOW we know God. God does not allow us to use idols in our worship. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz notes that we soon will have massive increases in our gas prices, and taxes forced to support campaigns for politicians for which we would never vote. Congress passed another so called COVID relief bill, much of which is not even for COVID relief! They plan to do away with all voter ID, and add government-guaranteed employment. The list goes on. Fortunately we have a standard of right and wrong which flows from God’s word, and we can be encouraged because God never changes and his rule and reign always wins out. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Jesus Really is Lord Over All - CrossPolitic - Pastor Toby Sumpter, The 2nd Commandment, Biblical Creation
Air Date: 3/13/2021
Jesus Really is Lord Over All - CrossPolitic - Pastor Toby Sumpter, The 2nd Commandment, Biblical Creation

How far reaching are the claims of Christ in your life and this world? Does Jesus have a claim over your spiritual life? What about your Bible reading? Does he have a prominent role in your family? What about further out? Does he care about how your town conducts its business? What about the county, state or nation of which we are a part? Are these things simply in the, quote, “common realm” and pretty much divorced from Jesus, or is He Lord over that as well? Or maybe you feel like the Congressman who recently said: “What any religious tradition describes as God’s will is no concern of this Congress.” Oh really?! Is that what our founders would have thought? Today we talk with Pastor Toby Sumpter, who besides his duties at church, also helps produce and distribute a podcast by the name of CrossPolitic. The show describes itself as mixing the taboo formula of faith, culture, and politics to bring the clarity of the gospel to “muddle” America. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that the moral law serves as road signs to remind us not to go off the road with our lives. Today he reviews the duties required in the 2nd commandment. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz continues his series on the book of Genesis. Who really, is the focus of biblical creation? The answer gets to the heart of not just origins, but worship itself. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The So-Called Equality Act - Emilie Kau, Sins forbidden in 1st Commandment, The Beginning of All Things
Air Date: 3/6/2021
The So-Called Equality Act - Emilie Kau, Sins forbidden in 1st Commandment, The Beginning of All Things

Washington DC has a way with words. Depending on the administration in power, sometimes you have to run the phrase being used, through a virtual inverter to understand the true meaning of the act or law. Such is the case with the so-called Equality Act. It really has nothing to do with equality. But it will create a lot of inequality for Christians. It will affect churches who want to hire like-minded people who believe in the moral law of God. The equality act will destroy women’s and girls’ sports in this country as we know it. It will erase women’s privacy in locker rooms, dressing rooms, homeless shelters, restrooms and more. Adding sexual orientation to the Title IV and Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act it will pressure K-12 schools and federally funded colleges and universities to adopt an anti-biblical stance concerning sexual orientation and preferred pronoun polices. Today we talk with Emilie Kau, of the Heritage Foundation. Here is a link to the website she mentions: https://promisetoamericaschildren.org/about-us/s and if you want to sign up, here is the form: https://promisetoamericaschildren.org/for-parents/#parent-sig Pastor Bill Shishko discusses the sins forbidden in the first commandment. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz discusses the beginning of all things. He begins a new series, looking at the book of Genesis. If you’re feeling a bit ungrounded and ill at ease, perhaps its time to look to our Triune creator God, and see what He says regarding your origins and life purpose. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Renewable Energy and Inclement Weather - Daniel Turner, Sins Forbidden in the First Commandment, Irreversible Damage Review
Air Date: 2/27/2021
Renewable Energy and Inclement Weather - Daniel Turner, Sins Forbidden in the First Commandment, Irreversible Damage Review

Renewable Energy and inclement weather. Have you noticed that they don’t always mesh? Over a week ago, a number of the wind turbines in Texas stopped working due to the freezing temperatures. This adversely affected the power grid and coupled with other problems, put many residents out of power. Yet it was during freezing weather that they especially needed reliable power. The Daily Signal repots that of the 46,000 megawatts that went offline in the cold snap, 28,000 megawatts are from conventional thermal energy sources (like coal and natural gas) and 18,000 megawatts are from wind and solar. That's 39% attributable to renewables. It appears that the Texas equipment was not suitably hardened for such cold temperatures. In the Hudson Valley of NY state there was a communications site that lost power, but successfully ran its diesel generator for most of the night, and provided essential power to two FM stations, their EAS systems and all emergency communications at the site, including a cell tower. There was obviously no sun, no wind, and a dangerous ice storm. Renewable energy would not have stood up under the power load. Yet, because of the diesel generator, that entire area had FM service, EAS alerts, emergency communications and cell phone coverage. Today we talk about the real world of reliable energy with Daniel Turner, Founder and Executive Director of Power the Future. Pastor Bill Shishko reviews the sins that are forbidden in the first commandment “You shall have no other God’s before Me.” Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz discusses the facts of the transgender craze in our society. He reviews the book “Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters” by Abigail Shrier. Gender dysphoria, as it turns out, is dangerous and is hurting teenaged girls. Needless to say, Ms. Shrier’s book has caused quite a storm. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history.

Holding All Things Together: International Treaties that Threaten American Sovereignty - Steve Groves, The First Commandment, Our First President
Air Date: 2/20/2021
International Treaties that Threaten American Sovereignty - Steve Groves, The First Commandment, Our First President

International Treaties are important, and yet they can bind us in ways that are detrimental to a free Republic. Is our new president getting us involved in a treaty and yet not admitting its really a treaty, so that he can bind us by mere executive order? You decide. Today we talk with Steve Groves. He works to protect and preserve American sovereignty, self-governance and independence at the Heritage Foundation. Steve has testified before Congress on international law, human rights, the United Nations and treaties such as the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. Today we consider treaties that threaten American sovereignty. Pastor Bill Shishko reviews the first of the 10 Commandments: “You shall have no other God’s before Me.” Later in the program, we reflect on this past President’s Day. Our first president of these United States, would preside over a Republic. Pressured to become King, yet taking the role of a servant leader of a representative government, George Washington would often side with Hamilton for the overall good of the nation. Today Zach Wisz joins us to discuss the history and legacy of President George Washington. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Equality vs. Equity - Mike Gonzalez, The Preface to the 10 Commandments, PETA and Monkeys in Thailand
Air Date: 2/13/2021
Equality vs. Equity - Mike Gonzalez, The Preface to the 10 Commandments, PETA and Monkeys in Thailand

In America, “Equity” has come to mean the functional opposite of equality. Equality means equal treatment to all citizens, such as the Constitution calls for in the clause of the 14th Amendment that deals with equal protection of laws. But “Equity” now means treating Americans unequally to ensure that outcomes are equalized — It’s the old tried (and failed) Marxian standard. Today we talk with Mike Gonzalez. Originally from Cuba, Mike left there at age 12 and eventually became a US citizen. He has seen Communism from the inside out. After many assignments ranging from reporting from around the globe for “Agence Frace-Presse,” to the Wall Street Journal, to speech writer for Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox, and finally now, Mike serves as Senior Fellow with the Heritage Foundation. He joins us today to discuss a recent executive order from our President.Pastor Bill Shishko discusses the preface to the 10 Commandments. He points out that Gentiles are grafted in to the benefits of God’s people. Later in the program writer Gerry Wisz joins us for a look at the latest influence of the activist group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Their latest demands are so outlandish, they come across as insanely humorous, and yet they are serious! Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: A Working Romance - Rev. Ben Miller, Grace Establishes Moral Law as Standard of Holiness, True Unity
Air Date: 2/6/2021
A Working Romance - Rev. Ben Miller, Grace Establishes Moral Law as Standard of Holiness, True Unity

What is romance? Is it limited to how we feel about each other and our personal time together, or is it more a vision of what a man and women can do together as they serve the Lord? Certainly children come about as a man and wife are joined together and are fruitful. Yet there are other aspects to deep romance. God has given us a task of subduing the world. We learn today that communities and labor and building together is another very rich dimension of a deeper romance. Our guest today is Pastor Ben Miller. We consider how working together on a mission enhances romantic relationship. Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to share how that grace establishes the moral law as a standard of holiness. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz considers the modern push for unity by some politicians. How does this unity compare with the unity among God’s people as they prepare to worship? Fact is, at this point, they are worlds apart! As a Wall Street Journal editorial recently asked: “are the differences between public policies the same as divisions between enlightenment and bigotry?” And what about censorship of views that we disagree with? Will censorship achieve a sort of make-believe unity? Today Gerry Wisz asks some probing questions. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Children in the Worship Service - Rev. Duane Garner, Encouragement from Spurgeon, The Election
Air Date: 1/30/2021
Children in the Worship Service - Rev. Duane Garner, Encouragement from Spurgeon, The Election

In the older King James Version, we read a statement of Jesus which says: “Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” How does Jesus’ saying apply to us today? Perhaps you have younger children. You attend church but feel awkward because you sense that the church doesn’t seem to accept your child being in the worship service. When your child is a bit noisy, it causes embarrassment. Today we have a discussion with a pastor who with his wife, has raised two children of their own. He helps us to better appreciate why children should be with their parents in the worship service. Our guest is Pastor Duane Garner, pastor of Christ Church in Cary, North Carolina. Pastor Bill Shishko shares with us a helpful quotation from Charles Spurgeon of the 19th century. His quotation sounds almost like it was written for us today. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz helps us sort out some thoughts about the recent election, particularly the huge divide that we are witnessing. Ultimately, our allegiance is to Christ and His authority. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Three Financial Suggestions for this New Year - Chuck Bentley, The New Birth, James on Prayer
Air Date: 1/23/2021
Three Financial Suggestions for this New Year - Chuck Bentley, The New Birth, James on Prayer

We all want to order our financial life in a way that glorifies God. He is Lord of all. Today we talk with Chuck Bentley, CEO of Crown. He gives us three pieces of advice for this new year, as we seek to have a godly attitude towards all of life, including our finances. Chuck hosts the short weekday feature “My MoneyLife,” heard on Redeemer Broadcasting and other stations. Pastor Bill Shishko completes his commentary about God having left us a witness of Himself. He addresses perhaps the most important aspect of your life, and that is, the new birth and the outworking and witness of your Christian life. New birth is an expression of the very power by which God raised His Son from the dead. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz looks further into prayer. You and I have a direct path to God’s ear, as we approach Him, confessing our sins, trusting Christ and praying by the power of the Holy Spirit. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Perspective - 2020 and its Blessings - Pastor Uri Brito, God's Witness to Us in Human Beings, Prayer
Air Date: 1/16/2021
Perspective - 2020 and its Blessings - Pastor Uri Brito, God's Witness to Us in Human Beings, Prayer

The year 2020 revealed what was at the heart of many folks in the United States. With the Coronavirus, we've seen death, experienced more quarantine than we thought imaginable, and observed a social divide orchestrated in part by the media and various political operatives. But for some, we saw a fruitful season of God’s blessings. Let us make sure that we bring into the picture how God looks at history! God is the Mastermind Who brings his purposes flawlessly and timely. He is eternally precise in the way He orchestrates history. We have seen God’s hand in separating the wheat from the chaff. He has actively been growing His church. Turns out, we have witnessed a purification in our churches and fellowships. We have gained a rich appreciation of what it means to be in the presence of our brothers and sisters in the Lord. Our guest today, is Rev. Uri Brito, pastor of Providence Church in Pensacola, FL. Pastor Bill Shishko continues his comments about God having left us a witness. His focuses today on human beings made in God’s image. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz returns to James. He looks at the fact that the prayer of a righteous man avails much! Fact is, our standing before God in Christ assures us that our prayers are heard and are effective. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Christians have a Virtual Target on their Backs - Catherine Mortenson, God's Fingerprint on Creation, Coronavirus and Church Leadership
Air Date: 1/9/2021
Christians have a Virtual Target on their Backs - Catherine Mortenson, God's Fingerprint on Creation, Coronavirus and Church Leadership

Are you a Christian who happens to live in America and you love our country? You believe in the Declaration of Independence when it asserts: “all men are CREATED equal, that they are endowed by their CREATOR with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness… etc. Did you know there is a group who is influencing our next president to declare you a “national security threat” because of your beliefs?! A memo from the Secular Democrats of America PAC is advising our next President to implement “de-radicalization” programs and have you go to them. And you thought such re-education only happened in Communist countries! Pray that it does not happen here. Today we talk with Catherine Mortenson, Vice President of Communications of Americans for Limited Government. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that God has left us NOT without a witness. This week he looks at God’s fingerprint on Creation including such things as our weather. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reviews a book titled “Coronavirus and the Leadership of the Christian Church.” We are encouraged to not uncritically yield to the decrees of the state in the matter of public worship. We must obey God. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: How Would Congress Handle a Contested Election - Fred Lucas, God Has Left us Not Without a Witness - Anno Domini, A New Year and Nicodemus
Air Date: 1/2/2021
How Would Congress Handle a Contested Election - Fred Lucas, God Has Left us Not Without a Witness - Anno Domini, A New Year and Nicodemus

We’ve just come through a chaotic national election two months ago. You couldn't have asked for a more fractious election process. Not only were there numerous irregularities but it's quite possible there was outright fraud, as hundreds of sworn affidavits attest to. What happens on January 6 if the electoral votes are contested by a member or members of the house? What happens if there is also a senate sponsor? Is there a history of this happening in the past? And is it true that numerous Republican Presidents-elect have been contested in the past? How does our Constitution handle the case of a contested election if Congress cannot reach 270 electoral votes for one candidate? Our guest today is Fred Lucas, author and national affairs correspondent for The Daily Signal. Also ahead, Pastor Bill Shishko considers how God places witnesses of his being and His work in all of creation. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to take a look at Nicodemus, who is mentioned in the pages of the New Testament. He is curious and comes to Jesus, and yet after talking with the Savior, Nicodemus seems to stay in the shadows. The crux of the matter is that mankind must be born again of the Spirit of God. After spiritual new birth, then we must boldly proclaim our allegiance to the Lord Jesus Christ. Christmas, like Easter, gives believers a chance to do so as our worldly friends focus on merriment. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Incarnation vs. Excarnation - Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin, The Gift of Atonement, Victory Amidst Slaughter
Air Date: 12/26/2020
Incarnation vs. Excarnation - Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin, The Gift of Atonement, Victory Amidst Slaughter

Do you relish the incarnational life? The body and the material world were not designed for our escape but for joy and victory. Jesus is Lord of all, and God is not ashamed to be born into a barn amid farm animals. Neither is He ashamed to care for and redeem every area of creation and culture presently under the dominion of sin. This Christmas we celebrated that incarnation that made possible atoning for sin and death and providing a victorious bodily resurrection. Our future hope is not a false medieval vision of angel babes and halos and harps in heaven but of the new heaven descended to a new earth purged from sin, where God will dwell eternally with us his people. Our guest today is Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin. Pastor Bill Shishko takes a further look at gifts. This week, the gift of atonement. Later in the program writer Gerry Wisz takes us back to the day of the Magi who visited the Christ child. It was a troublesome time with King Herod attempting to preserve his power base by murdering all baby boys who were of the age of Jesus. And yet, God had a victorious plan. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Christmas and National Security - James Carafano, The Unappreciated Gift of Jesus, The Promise of Immanuel
Air Date: 12/19/2020
Christmas and National Security - James Carafano, The Unappreciated Gift of Jesus, The Promise of Immanuel

It’s Christmastime, and we enjoy the tranquility of being home with our families, or perhaps talking on the phone with a friend. It’s important to consider that we have this peaceful situation because of good foreign policy and a strong national posture that we have witnessed over the past several years. There have been new wars started, and peace is being propagated in the Middle East. Its been an amazing time. Today we consider our national security and foreign policy with James Carafano of the Heritage foundation. Pastor Bill Shishko asks us to think about the unappreciated gift of Jesus. Jeremiah refers to Jesus as “the Lord our Righteousness.” The gift of Christ allows us to be righteous before God the Father. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reflects on Isaiah chapter 7, and the prophet’s comforting word to King Ahaz which included of protection from Judah’s enemies, and also the promise of Immanuel. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Election Integrity - Hans von Spakovsky, Jesus our Sympathetic High Priest, James and Prayer to God
Air Date: 12/12/2020
Election Integrity - Hans von Spakovsky, Jesus our Sympathetic High Priest, James and Prayer to God

We’ve just been through an election, and there have been numerous allegations of voter fraud from multiple first hand witnesses with sworn affidavits. This raises the issue of election integrity. Interestingly, there is a database that is kept up to date, once a case of election fraud has been decided in court, many with criminal charges levied. The database is available from the Heritage foundation. Our guest was previously on with us - and at that time, predicted that we were going to experience election chaos. Turns out, he was correct. Today we touch upon mail-in voting, observations from the recent fraud hearings, plus the upcoming January runoff election in Georgia and what would constitute criminal actions that are being advocated by some celebrities and politicians. We also mention the census and why illegal aliens must be excluded from the tallying. Our guest is a former FEC Commissioner, DOJ lawyer, and senior legal fellow of the Edwin Meese III Center – Hans von Spakovsky. Pastor Bill Shishko draws our attention to the God-Man, Christ Jesus. He is our sympathetic high priest. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz nears his conclusion on the Book of James. We are reminded to call on God in prayer when we are in trouble; call for the elders when we are sick. We should sing praises to God when we experience His blessings and are cheerful. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: COVID-19 and School Closings - Jonathan Butcher, Jesus is God's Gift to Us, The Sword and Self-Defense
Air Date: 12/5/2020
COVID-19 and School Closings - Jonathan Butcher, Jesus is God's Gift to Us, The Sword and Self-Defense

We continue to feel the societal effects of the COVID pandemic. We’ve all become weary of mask-wearing and the shutdowns. Many businesses have been shuttered, never to open again. Especially wearisome are actions that clearly are overreach by some mayors and governors. Today we take a look at schools that are forced to close. Particularly vulnerable to school closures are at-risk students, especially those who have a minimal home life and are not well cared for by their parents. Our guest is Jonathan Butcher, Senior Policy Analyst for the Center for Education Policy at The Heritage Foundation. Pastor Bill Shishko begins a new series and looks at the gift of Jesus – the ultimate gift given to us by God Himself. In Jesus, divinity is united to humanity. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to discuss a the often-ignored and misunderstood matter of self-defense for the Christian. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Election Integrity - Zach Smith, A Thank Offering, The 2nd Amendment
Air Date: 11/28/2020
Election Integrity - Zach Smith, A Thank Offering, The 2nd Amendment

The integrity of our voting system has been much in the news lately. We know that every election has some voter fraud, afterall humans are involved, but hopefully it’s minimal. This year however, there appears to be much more than in previous elections. This is not a partisan issue. Fraud can potentially affect the outcome of the immediate election, and as Christians, we should desire and demand complete transparency and honesty in our elections. In fact it can be argued that if we do not maintain such integrity, then we will lose our Constitutional Republic. The very freedoms we all enjoy - including freedom to worship publicly, freedom of free speech, freedom to assembly and even Christian Broadcasting for that matter, are hanging in the balance. If there is voter fraud, even in the smallest amount, it must be identified, the criminals tried in a court of law, and if proven guilty, then punished. Voter fraud hurts all of us. We cannot afford to allow fraud to change election results, nor can we allow even the appearance of it to call our system into question. Our guest today is Zach Smith, legal fellow in the Meese Center for Legal and Judicial Studies. Pastor Bill Shishko concludes his thoughts on Thanksgiving. He encourages us to give and to participate in a “Thank Offering.” Later in the program we return to a Constitutional theme, with writer Gerry Wisz taking a look at the very important 2nd amendment. How does it flesh out in the modern world, particularly the phrase mentioning a militia? Finally, we’ll take another look at This Week in History. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Energy Independence - Dr. Mark Hendrickson, Thanksgiving for God, Freedom of Speech
Air Date: 11/21/2020
Energy Independence - Dr. Mark Hendrickson, Thanksgiving for God, Freedom of Speech

Energy independence is a blessing for any nation. In America we reached the status of energy independence only recently. This change has resulted in savings for workers filling their tanks at the pumps, home heating costs, and the cost of electricity. Energy independence has reduced the perceived need to deploy military forces to unstable lands to ensure that their oil continues to flow. Horizontal drilling and other innovations now allow for the production of oil and natural gas from tight shale formations that previously were inaccessible. Today we talk with Dr. Mark Hendrickson, a retired adjunct faculty member, economist, and fellow for economic and social policy with the Institute for Faith and Freedom at Gove City College. Pastor Bill Shishko urges us towards a God-Centered thankfulness. We are meant to thank God for Himself. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz asks “what is free speech?” We know that it doesn’t include yelling fire in a theatre, and in a godly culture, neither does it protect pornography. The Constitution guarantees open discourse without fear of reprisal. Today, writer Gerry Wisz takes a fresh look at freedom of speech as protected by our 1st amendment. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Section 230 - Mend It - Don't End it - Klon Kitchen, What we are to be Thankful For, Freedom of Speech
Air Date: 11/14/2020
Section 230 - Mend It - Don't End it - Klon Kitchen, What we are to be Thankful For, Freedom of Speech

Where is the line between freedom of speech and protecting the rights of a company to delete information from its digital platform? There is growing distrust of some internet companies which are heavily influenced by leftist ideologues, and upon which Christians depend for their social interactions and news gathering. Facebook, Google and Twitter come to mind. Ideally, we want to see both markets and civil discourse remain free and fair. Recently a well-known newspaper was embroiled in a battle with Twitter which banned its links that reported on Hunter Biden’s business dealings and its ramifications on his father, Joe Biden, who may have been compromised in terms of national security. Such banning of a news story feels like inordinate involvement in controlling the outcome of a free election. Citizens are entitled to all news stories, even if they don’t fit a particular political narrative. The big companies and their lawyers rely on protection from Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. It now appears that some adjustment of this act may be needed to better fit the statute’s original intent while protecting a consumer’s right to getting the information they seek. Today we talk with Klon Kitchen, Director of the Center for Technology Policy at the Heritage Foundation. Klon previously worked in National Security as well as in US intelligence. Pastor Bill Shishko considers what we are to be thankful for during this season of Thanksgiving. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz discusses free speech in light of the law of the land, which is the Constitution. He notes that no governmental authority has the right to limit free speech. They cannot shut down people from expressing opinions – whether vocally, in print, or on the internet. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Our Calling - Dr. James Thrasher, Thanksgiving at the heart of our piety, The 1st amendment and our Churches
Air Date: 11/7/2020
Our Calling - Dr. James Thrasher, Thanksgiving at the heart of our piety, The 1st amendment and our Churches

What’s it mean to have a “calling” in life? Is it true that a God-given calling to work helps enhance our productivity, engagement, performance, and even our personal health? Our guest today is Dr. James Thrasher, Senior Advisor to the VP for Student Recruitment, at Grove City College. He reminds us that Calling is a heartfelt perspective that we are to be faithful stewards of our time, abilities, and employment opportunities as we serve our Creator and our fellowman. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that thanksgiving is the heart and drive of our piety. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz looks at the 1st amendment and how it relates to government overreach with respect to our churches. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Reformation Day - Rev. Ben Miller, Reformation and Voting, The Reformation and its Significance
Air Date: 10/31/2020
Reformation Day - Rev. Ben Miller, Reformation and Voting, The Reformation and its Significance

Its Reformation Day! Back on October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed his nighty-five thesis to the church door in Wittenberg, Germany. The Reformation emphasized that our salvation is by grace alone though faith alone. It was an old truth that had become forgotten and distorted. God deals with our rebellion and removes it through Christ and his atoning sacrifice. The implications of this reformation view are absolutely liberating. Instead of seeing the church as the sole custodian of grace, we are freed to go to God directly through Christ, and He deals with our rebellion and provides direct forgiveness for our sins. The grace of the Lord is much larger and more comprehensive than we ever imagined. Today we take a look at how this grace affects our daily work in a practical way, and how God is restoring all things in Christ. We have real purpose now, as we live our whole lives for God and work for Him, for His glory. Our guest is Pastor Ben Miller. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that our final authority is the scripture and in these last days before the election, as Christians, it’s ultimately the Scriptures that should help guide us how to vote. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reflects on Reformation Day and the historic reformation of the Church and its implications for believers. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The life of Abraham Kuyper - Dr. Craig G. Bartholomew, Voting for Biblical Marriage, Details of Abraham Kuyper's Life
Air Date: 10/24/2020
The life of Abraham Kuyper - Dr. Craig G. Bartholomew, Voting for Biblical Marriage, Details of Abraham Kuyper's Life

How would you characterize your Christian faith? Is it a limited, narrow sort of faith that remains secluded within the four walls of your church, and occasionally peeps its head out into the more diverse world, but then goes back into hiding? Do you have a sort of “safe” faith, that tends to retreat from other areas, such as education, the arts, medicine, politics, or science? The conviction and goal of Redeemer Broadcasting is to mirror that of Scripture, which encourages us in a wholistic faith which understands that Jesus Christ is Lord over all the earth. He is Lord of all, even if the world does not acknowledge it; and His Lordship includes some areas that may be considered off bounds by classical pietism. Next week we celebrate the birthday of theologian, pastor and Prime Minister Dr. Abraham Kuyper. He lived and died in the Netherlands and was involved in a wide array of areas. He articulated and demonstrated reasons for this comprehensive involvement. Our guest today is Dr. Craig Bartholomew, Director of the Kirby Laing Institute for Christian Ethics, in Cambridge. Pastor Bill Shishko challenges us to vote in such a way as to uphold the sanctity of biblical marriage. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz picks up on the theme of Kuyper’s birthday and shares with us more details about his life and contribution to the Christian faith. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: On Packing the Court - Thomas Jipping, How does the Sanctity of Human Life affect your Voting?, Free Markets and the Myth of Associated Income Inequality
Air Date: 10/17/2020
On Packing the Court - Thomas Jipping, How does the Sanctity of Human Life affect your Voting?, Free Markets and the Myth of Associated Income Inequality

Recently we have heard some sentiments from a few representatives that we should entertain the notion of “packing the court.” That is, increase the number of justices, so as to politically manipulate the Supreme Court in order to try to get more favorable rulings for a particular party. This has been tried before in American History and has been opposed so as to assure an independent Judiciary. What affect would essentially a hostile takeover of the Supreme Court have on America, given that we are a Constitutional Republic? Today our guest is Thomas Jipping, Deputy Director of the Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies. He also comments on the SCOTUS nominee, Judge Amy Coney Barrett. Pastor Bill Shishko considers the biblical perspective on the Sanctity of Human Life, and how that must play into how we vote as Christians. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz continues looking at the claim that income inequality is rising in Free Market Capitalistic societies. He shows from history, how this claim is not accurate. The bottom line is that wealth inequality has actually decreased between 2016 to 2019. Real medium income increased by 9% for Americans who have not completed high school during the same period of 2016 to 2019. Plus, we have seen business equity growth of 138% among blacks and 63% growth among Hispanics. So much for the Thomas Piketty income inequality modelling! Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Evangelical Survey - Dr. Stephen J. Nichols, Characteristics of a Good Judge, Income Inequality
Air Date: 10/10/2020
Evangelical Survey - Dr. Stephen J. Nichols, Characteristics of a Good Judge, Income Inequality

What does it mean to be an Evangelical? Does being an Evangelical include belief in the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ? You would think so, but a recent survey by Lifeway Research and released by Ligonier Ministries reveals that 30% of Evangelicals believe that Jesus was a good teacher but that he was not God! This raises the question of whether the Bible is the highest authority for life. And further, are we reading it? Today we talk with Dr. Stephen J. Nichols, President of Reformation Bible College, Chief Academic officer for Ligonier Ministries, and a Ligonier Ministries Teaching Fellow. Pastor Bill Shishko reviews the criterion for good judges. Our judges are supposed to make decisions that are in accord with the Constitution, but they are not supposed to legislate. And this affects our voting as we discern who will best uphold the Constitution. Some judges are selected by our elected representatives, and others we vote for directly. Either way, we are involved, and need to be well-informed Christians. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz considers so-called wealth inequality, looking at a work by Thomas Piketty and contrasting it with other scholarly works and a perspective that honors the 10 commandments. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Income Inequality and God's Economic Cycles - Chuck Bentley, Lex Rex, The Legacy of Dr. J.I. Packer
Air Date: 10/3/2020
Income Inequality and God's Economic Cycles - Chuck Bentley, Lex Rex, The Legacy of Dr. J.I. Packer

Did God intend for all people to be equal when it comes to wealth distribution? Why did God put the 10th commandment in his law that warns us against coveting what our neighbor has? How are we to understand the parable of the talents in Matthew 25? These questions and others are tackled today by our guest, Chuck Bentley, CEO of Crown. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us of the concept expressed by the Latin phrase “Lex Rex,” that is, the Law is King. This was explained originally by Scottish churchman and member of the Westminster Assembly, Samuel Rutherford. Pastor Bill makes the connection to our United States Constitution in our day. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz considers the contributions of the late Dr. J.I. Packer, who passed away in July of this year at the age of 93. Many have read Dr. Packer’s works including his well-known book, Knowing God. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Words Matter - Robert H. Knight, The Missionary Work of John Paton, Yom Kippur
Air Date: 9/26/2020
Words Matter - Robert H. Knight, The Missionary Work of John Paton, Yom Kippur

Have you considered the importance of words? Proverbs tell us “the lips of the wise disperse knowledge, but the heart of the fool does not do so.” It goes on to say that “a word spoken in due season, how good it is!” Your words matter. Yet often, words are misused. Phrases are used which mean something other then their face value. Today’s Marxists advance their agenda by changing how we talk about things. Clever wording is used to replace the truth. We are accused of “systemic racism” and yet an overwhelming majority of us are not racist. The phrase “reproductive health” is used to cover the murdering of babies. The physical, objective sex of a person is somehow redefined by word games. We are free to express ourselves, or so we think, until the cancel culture decides it will terminate our jobs, destroy our reputation and sometimes even our lives -- all because we used traditional language of which they disapprove. Words matter, and today we talk about that with Robert Knight, author and contributor to the Washington Times. Pastor Bill Shishko shares a story of missionary John Paton and his work in the south pacific. His life was terribly difficult, and yet as a result, today a large Christian body exists in what was known as the New Hebrides. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reflects on the celebration of Yom Kippur. Is there continuity between this older observance and the New Covenant reality as found in Christ? Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: How to Avoid Chaos for November Election - Hans von Spakovsky, The Parable of the Mustard Seed and Kingdom Growth, On Taking Oaths
Air Date: 9/19/2020
How to Avoid Chaos for November Election - Hans von Spakovsky, The Parable of the Mustard Seed and Kingdom Growth, On Taking Oaths

There is a move afoot, to maximize the number of mail-in ballots for the upcoming November 3rd election. The stated reason for this push is not the same as the actual reason that political operatives seek. Today we discuss the situation with Attorney Hans von Spakovsky. He served two years as a member of the Federal Election Commission, he also served on the Board of Advisors of the US Election Assistance Commission and the Fulton County Board of Registrations and Elections. Besides being a legal fellow for the Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies, he currently serves on the Policy Board of the American Civil Rights Union. Today Mr. Spakovsky discusses the upcoming election and the prospect of seeing chaos ensue IF we abandon our regular polling places. We must keep the regular polling places open. He advises that we conduct the November election in as normal a manner as possible. Fact is, it is by far, best to vote in person at your regular polling place; and he believes, it’s safe to do so. Pastor Bill Shishko explains that the Mustard Seed Parable provides a beautiful picture of Christ and the growth of His kingdom in miniature. Later in the program writer Gerry Wisz looks at what James means by oaths - and the difference between a spurious oath as compared to a godly one. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: COVID-19 Update and CDC Study Analysis - Dr. Kevin Pham, Kingdom Growth Depicted by Mustard Seed, A Growing Christian Outreach in Northern Iraq
Air Date: 9/12/2020
COVID-19 Update and CDC Study Analysis - Dr. Kevin Pham, Kingdom Growth Depicted by Mustard Seed, A Growing Christian Outreach in Northern Iraq

A recent report from the CDC noted that 94% of the COVID-19 fatalities from February 1 to August 22, included some comorbid factors. On the flip side, that leaves 6% of these roughly 161 thousand deaths as having COVID-19 listed as the sole cause of death. Social media was astir as some people interpreted this data that COVID-19 deaths have been overinflated. How do we sort this out? How does this report add to or confirm our body of knowledge? Today we talk with Dr. Kevin Pham, a medical doctor from Orange, California. Pastor Bill Shishko encourages us as he looks afresh at the parable of the mustard seed. The kingdom of God is expanding and the Bible teaches that all families of the earth will be blessed. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reviews an outreach into the Kurdish region of Northern Iraq, via the Classical School of the Medes. God’s kingdom is spreading there, as this private, Christian, English-based school continues to grow. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Moving Closer to Dominant Progressive Social and Governance Policies - Dr. George Barna, Faux Concern for Life and Shuttering Businesses, The Significance of Destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.
Air Date: 9/5/2020
Moving Closer to Dominant Progressive Social and Governance Policies - Dr. George Barna, Faux Concern for Life and Shuttering Businesses, The Significance of Destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.

What will be the dominant worldview in America for the foreseeable future? As a Christian living in our country, who do you see yourself as being? How do you want to live? What do you think is meaningful in life? And, how are you going to become the person that you know you should be? These questions and others were at the core of a study led by Dr. George Barna, of the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University. He joins us. Pastor Bill Shishko looks at the slogan – “If it saves one life, its worth it.” This became justification during COVID, for businesses being radically shut down in NY state - many never to return. All this, while the most vulnerable lives among us – unwanted babies in utero - were summarily executed. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to review a historical and biblical watershed event – the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Children Worshipping With Their Parents: Pastor Uri Brito, Radical Environmentalism, The Coming of the Lord - At Hand
Air Date: 8/29/2020
Children Worshipping With Their Parents: Pastor Uri Brito, Radical Environmentalism, The Coming of the Lord - At Hand

In the worship service, Evangelicals commonly send their children to another gathering away from Jesus’ central gathering in worship, thereby creating a separate class within Jesus’ earthly kingdom. The intentions are likely pure, but we see a different approach in the ministry of Jesus. The disciples sought to send the children away, but Jesus himself wanted to place his hands upon them and bless them with His love. He said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Have you ever considered keeping your children with you during the worship service? Our guest today is pastor Uri Brito. He proposes keeping children in the worship service from beginning, to the benediction, as the most biblically-satisfying and fruitful task you can embrace as a parent on the Lord’s Day. Pastor Bill Shishko looks at the popular notion of radical environmentalism, and compares it with the biblical approach of stewardship of the earth. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz looks at the phrase “At Hand,” as its often used in the scripture, and in particular, the book of James. What does it really mean? Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Necessity of History and Civics Education - Katherine Gorka, A Trite Just Believe, Patience and Joy
Air Date: 8/22/2020
Necessity of History and Civics Education - Katherine Gorka, A Trite Just Believe, Patience and Joy

How important is it to learn Civics and American History? Today we talk with Katherine Gorka about an article she wrote titled “What Lincoln Would Tell us About How to Preserve our Republic.” In her article she mentions a survey that found that only 24% of eighth-grade students perform at or above a proficient level in civics. At this time especially, with our protests, street riots, and the move towards so-called cancel culture, our kids need to be learning accurate history and civics, that is, if we hope to preserve our American republic. Here is a link the history book that she recommends: https://www.amazon.com/Land-Hope-Invitation-Great-American/dp/1594039372 . Pastor Bill Shishko reflects on the popular statement, that “you just got to have faith.” Or sometimes expressed as “just believe.” Pastor Bill asks us to go deeper and analyze our faith system. The question is IN WHAT do you believe? Do you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ? He alone is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to look at the book of James as it relates to having patience with joy. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Apostle Paul's Missionary Outreach as Our Example - Pastor Al Baker, Re-Distribution of Wealth and God's View, Other SCOTUS Decisions
Air Date: 8/15/2020
The Apostle Paul's Missionary Outreach as Our Example - Pastor Al Baker, Re-Distribution of Wealth and God's View, Other SCOTUS Decisions

Have you ever studied the missionary outreach of the Apostle Paul? From his conversion on the road to Damascus, he would go to Arabia, Cilicia, Syria, Antioch, and then later to south Galatia, and the list goes on and on. Today we briefly look at the productive life of the Apostle Paul as an example for our own outreach. It would please God if we got out of our comfort zones and went far and furious with the gospel of grace. Our guest is Pastor Al Baker. Pastor Bill Shishko joins us today to take a look at so-called redistribution of wealth, and how God sees it. Later in the program, Gerry Wisz continues to look at recent Supreme Court decisions. He observes that there is a good deal of political polytheism evident, with some decisions not being consistent with a biblical worldview. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Monuments and Social Unrest - Dr. Joseph Loconte, Racism, SCOTUS Ruling Affecting Schooling
Air Date: 8/8/2020
Monuments and Social Unrest - Dr. Joseph Loconte, Racism, SCOTUS Ruling Affecting Schooling

Why do we have monuments? Why do they mean so much to so many? In our attempt to understand these monuments, we have begun to rethink some of them. As a result, we have witnessed destructive mobs on our streets wreaking havoc as they destroy many of them. It’s helpful to analyze why we put symbols in place, because they represent our history, for good or for bad – and we must not forget that we are part of this history - and it affects us. Recorded history should be an objective accounting of what happened. Our history needs to be remembered and we should learn from it. We certainly don’t want to deal with our history as the Jacobins did during the violent French Revolution. Caution is needed to not launch an assault on the ideals that have built our Constitutional Republic. Today we talk with Dr. Joseph Loconte about monuments and also about a new movie coming out, based on his book A Hobbit, a Wardrobe, and a Great War.Pastor Bill Shishko takes a look at cheap knockoffs – a term used to describe various Christian heresies that have made it into the modern world. This week Pastor Bill looks at the phrase “systemic racism.” What is it, and how is it dealt with by our Lord? Later in the program, Gerry Wisz joins us to look at a recent court case: Espinoza vs. Montana Department of Revenue. The court found that if a state subsidizes private education, the Free Exercise Clause does not allow the state to deny that subsidy to a school because it is religious. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Georgia is Doing Just Fine, Thank You - Dr. Matt Strauss, Cultural Insanity, Myanmar Gold
Air Date: 8/1/2020
Georgia is Doing Just Fine, Thank You - Dr. Matt Strauss, Cultural Insanity, Myanmar Gold

COVID-19 we are learning, has a specific mortality profile. It tends to take the lives of elders and vulnerable people with particular medical problems. By and large, it has left young people unscathed. Today we talk with Dr. Matt Strauss from Canada. He’s the former medical director of the critical care unit at Guelph General Hospital, Canada. He is now assistant professor of medicine at Queen’s University. Dr. Strauss comments on the steps that the state of Georgia has taken to combat COVID-19 and the actual results, which are much better than commonly reported. Pastor Bill Shishko addresses the timely subject of cultural insanity, as he looks at Psalm 11. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reminds us of Pastor Mark Robinette and the ongoing missions work in Myanmar. Pastor Mark wrote a book titled Myanmar Gold. It details the incredible story of the conversion of an entire village of the Kaang Chin people from the dark holds of Animism. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Practice Nehemiads rather than Jeremiads - Dr. George Grant, Tied Together as we do the Will of God, How to Treat People in Your Business Dealings
Air Date: 7/25/2020
Practice Nehemiads rather than Jeremiads - Dr. George Grant, Tied Together as we do the Will of God, How to Treat People in Your Business Dealings

We are living through a difficult time. This year we’ve experienced a pandemic with its loss of life. There have been massive protests and riots with destruction of life and property. Social unrest and hatred has grown. As Christians, how do we respond? Should we spend our days identifying the brokenness, or is there a better use of our time? What is the path forward that would glorify God? What approach would God have us have, that embraces both repentance and the future building and rebuilding that’s needed? Is there a positive, God-glorifying vision that we can get behind? Our guest today is Dr. George Grant. Jeremiads are delivered as laments or woeful assessments by people (or prophets like Jeremiah who wrote Lamentations). A Nehemiad, by contrast, would be delivered as expressions of positive building up, good, spiritual and active work. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us of who our brother really is. As we both desire, and do, the will of God, then we are brothers and sisters reconciled by the gospel of Jesus Christ. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz continues looking at the book of James. We are reminded of how to treat people in our business dealings. There is a way that is right and that blesses the person we are dealing with and that glorifies God. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Update on North Korea - Bruce Klingner, Race - Of One Blood, Our Attitude Towards Money
Air Date: 7/18/2020
Update on North Korea - Bruce Klingner, Race - Of One Blood, Our Attitude Towards Money

You may not have thought much about North Korea lately. We’ve all been pretty consumed with the Novel Coronavirus, but world leaders must remain engaged in all topics, not just pandemics. North Korea hates us and has nuclear capability. They are able to launch nuclear tipped missiles. How far advanced is their capability? Are they able to hit the United States? And how does the kind of Communism in North Korea, compare with the Communism, of let’s say, China? What do we really know about North Korea? Are communication channels between our two countries in place, should a serious provocation develop? What should we do with respect to our allies and North Korea? And what about Christian persecution there? How bad is it? Our guest today is former CIA officer, Bruce Klingner, now Senior Research Fellow for Northeast Asia, with the Heritage Foundation. Pastor Bill Shishko reflects on our nation and ties in sound doctrine. He observes that our increased racial tension must be viewed through the lens of scripture, which sees every nation of the world as being of one blood. God made all of mankind in His image. Against this is sin that is at work with its polarization and subsequent destruction. Yet, there is marvelous hope in the gospel of Christ. Later in the program, Gerry Wisz continues looking at the book of James. What about rich people? Does God hate them? Certainly there is not much in their favor if we look at the words of Jesus. What do you do with your wealth, no matter how great it is? What about greed? Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: You Can Do It! - Dr. Marilyn Singleton, Out of the Heart are the Issues of Life, Supreme Court Justice
Air Date: 7/11/2020
You Can Do It! - Dr. Marilyn Singleton, Out of the Heart are the Issues of Life, Supreme Court Justice

Do you ever feel like a victim? Maybe you’ve grown up in a very poor neighborhood, or perhaps your parents divorced. You may have experienced poverty. Looking ahead, you see your life and you want to do what is right and as they say, “make something of yourself.” Did you know that this is a good trait? God says in his word, in 1 Cor. 10:31, “Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” It’s a good thing to take the opportunities that God gives to you and to make the most of them, and thus glorify God. It’s good to work hard and not expect handouts. Today our guest is Dr. Marilyn Singleton. She’s a board-certified anesthesiologist and past president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. She tells some of her life’s story with its struggles and successes. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that our nation was greatly influenced by Christian principles. And while we experience problems in culture today, it is vital to recognize that we must keep our heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reviews a recent Supreme Court ruling and the performance of Justice Neil Gorsuch. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Shut Down the Shut Down - Everywhere - Forever - Melissa Mackenzie, Our Nation's History and a Virtuous Citizenry, Independence Day
Air Date: 7/4/2020
Shut Down the Shut Down - Everywhere - Forever - Melissa Mackenzie, Our Nation's History and a Virtuous Citizenry, Independence Day

Over the past months, we’ve seen selective enforcement of coronavirus guidelines. Executive orders came and went, and many people felt the heavy hand of the state, while others were free to do anything – massive marches, riots, going to moving theatres for refreshment, up to and including pulling down of historical landmarks. By contrast, law abiding families had loved ones in the hospital, suffering, dying and yet not allowed to go see them. Seniors had to die in loneliness. Older COVID patients were placed into nursing homes, infecting even more seniors. Churches were shuttered. What gives? One writer put it this way: “If people can be trusted to march with 100,000 of their best friends and scream chants, they can be trusted to wear a mask and go to church, visit their elderly relatives, hold funerals, be with sick loved ones in the hospital, go shopping for clothes, play at playgrounds, and go anywhere.” So wrote Melissa Mackenzie, Publisher of The American Spectator. Pastor Bill Shishko looks at our nation’s founding and reminds us that our system of government requires a virtuous citizenry. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reviews what led up to the Declaration of Independence. Our resultant republic and its laws encourages us to take responsibility under God for our own wellbeing without the outside infringement of an overarching government telling us what we can or cannot do, say, or think. We may pursue our own course, circumscribed by the rule of law. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The First Amendment - Religious Liberty and Churches - Zach Smith,
Air Date: 6/27/2020
The First Amendment - Religious Liberty and Churches - Zach Smith,

Since the COVID pandemic, churches have finally begun opening up. However a Constitutional problem remains unresolved, and has been highlighted to many of us. Specifically, If local governments allow large scale protests and larger businesses to open, then at a minimum, they must also treat churches and religious institutions as favorably as they do non-religious institutions. This has not occurred however, and we have seen violations of our Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights does not cease to exist during a pandemic. Recently the Department of Justice sent a letter to Montgomery County Maryland officials, reminding them of their 1st amendment duties. Today we talk with attorney Zach Smith, legal fellow in the Meese Center for Legal and Judicial Studies. Pastor Bill Shishko continues to look at what God is doing through this pandemic. Today he reminds us that God is showing Himself in His people as they serve others. Later in the program, Gerry Wisz discusses the rioting and destruction of property that followed the protests over the George Floyd killing. That an injustice was committed is clear. Gerry highlights for us a deep problem that extends all the way back into our homes here in America. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Christian Father - Pastor Uri Brito, We Have Received an Eternal Kingdom, Modeling our fathering after our Heavenly Father
Air Date: 6/20/2020
The Christian Father - Pastor Uri Brito, We Have Received an Eternal Kingdom, Modeling our fathering after our Heavenly Father

Are you concerned about what happens in the public square? Many of us are. We see breakdowns: murders, riots, stealing, destruction of private property, abuse of our fellow human beings. Pornography, broken homes, hatred, and high levels of anxiety. And while we all long to see our culture fixed, there is nothing that comes close in its importance, as a stable Christian home. In fact, if our homes are in order, and Jesus is Lord over all, then we will experience a general well being that flows out into the public square. This Sunday is Father’s Day, and it’s helpful to see fatherhood as an earthly demonstration of our loving heavenly father. Our guest is Pastor Uri Brito of Pensacola Florida. Also ahead, we are still coming through this pandemic. Pastor Bill Shishko shares how important it is to have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. God is reminding us to be grateful that we have received an eternal kingdom. It starts now, as God increasingly covers the world in gospel grace as the waters cover the seas, and finally He carries us into the eschaton. What a marvelous inheritance! Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reminds us to honor our fathers, who model their lives after our heavenly father, and thereby provide a stable home. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Marriage and Finances - Chuck Bentley, Repentance and Everlasting Life, Cleanse me from secret faults
Air Date: 6/13/2020
Marriage and Finances - Chuck Bentley, Repentance and Everlasting Life, Cleanse me from secret faults

Are you “on the same page” as your spouse when it comes to financial matters? We all want a home that is filled with peace, yet finances often becomes a stumbling block in couple’s lives. Many new homes will be launched during the months of June through October, as young couples get married. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a meeting of the hearts on this matter of finances? Crown.org has developed an online course for couples that is called “Money Dates.” The couple works through becoming faithful stewards and seeing God as Provider. Ten course segments cover everything from thriving in tough times, to living within your means, to flourishing in generosity. Today we talk with Chuck Bentley, CEO of Crown. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that God makes us face misery and death that we might repent and find everlasting life in Christ. Later in the program, Zach Wisz joins us to further look at the Book of James. Have you ever known the right thing to do, and yet, you failed to do it? We sometimes sin against the light or knowledge. Zach encourages us to not disregard God’s providence. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thank you for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: A Human Interest Story - Life During Lockdown in South Africa - Dr. Peter Hammond, Replacing Your Idols with Christ, Technology During the Lockdown
Air Date: 6/6/2020
A Human Interest Story - Life During Lockdown in South Africa - Dr. Peter Hammond, Replacing Your Idols with Christ, Technology During the Lockdown

We hear about lockdowns all over the world, and to various extents. Some places have no lockdowns, while others are draconian and severely policed. It’s helpful to learn what people do at home during these times. Today we share a human interest interview with Dr. Peter Hammond who lives with his family in Cape Town, South Africa. He tells us what he and his family are doing with their time, during a severe and heavily policed lockdown. Pastor Bill Shishko challenges us to rid ourselves of our cherished idols at every level, and fully embrace the Lord Jesus Christ. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz thinks through the benefits of using technology as we are forced to do everything remotely. This is a great time to more deeply trust in God, to practice personal responsibility and hone the lost art of householding. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: A Look at Mail in Ballots - Hans von Spakovsky, Cherish Real Whole Person Community, On Boasting
Air Date: 5/30/2020
A Look at Mail in Ballots - Hans von Spakovsky, Cherish Real Whole Person Community, On Boasting

Should we allow mail-in ballots for voting, for the majority of Americans? We certainly allow absentee ballots for those who cannot be at a polling place on election day. And while there have been confirmed cases of fraud and also US mail problems, they nevertheless are allowed. Yet, mail-in ballots are voted outside the direct oversight of election officials and the opportunity for fraud is huge. One of the cases of voter fraud is documented from Troy NY, with four individuals convicted of absentee ballot fraud. They were targeting a low income housing neighborhood because it was felt that voters in that area were least likely to notice the fraud and least likely to complain about it. Since we are concerned for honest voting, the question also needs to be asked, “why don’t we require voter ID?” Our guest today is Hans von Spakovsky, an American attorney and a former member of the Federal Election Commission. Pastor Bill Shishko emphasizes community – home, neighbors and church. He acknowledges that there is an uncomfortable abnormality of virtual worship. God made us to cherish real, whole-person community. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reviews the book of James with respect to boasting. He encourages us to confidently look to God, who holds us in His capable hands, as we experience his good will. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Help During an Unplanned Pregnancy - Jennifer Lawlor, Solution for a Fear of Death, A Plague 350 Years Ago and Psalm 91
Air Date: 5/23/2020
Help During an Unplanned Pregnancy - Jennifer Lawlor, Solution for a Fear of Death, A Plague 350 Years Ago and Psalm 91

Have you ever met a woman who has an unplanned pregnancy and she is scared or worried? The uncertainty of what to do next has perhaps thrown her whole life into a tailspin. Maybe that woman is you. Today we talk with the Executive Director of the Alight Center in Hudson NY. They have helped thousands of pregnant women since first opening their doors in 1991. Alight strives to lovingly explain options that women face with an unplanned pregnancy and equip them to be able to make better choices for themselves and their children – choices that touch multiple generations. Our guest is Jennifer Lawlor. Also, in light of the pandemic, have you experienced the fear of dying? Pastor Bill Shishko has some very encouraging words for all of us. Later in the program, Gerry Wisz reflects on Daniel DeFoe’s uncle and what he did during the London plaque some 350 years ago. How did this uncle respond to that plague in light of the teaching of Psalm 91? Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Dealing with Communist China - Dr. James Carafano, Understanding the Times, On Being Charitable Towards Fellow Christians
Air Date: 5/16/2020
Dealing with Communist China - Dr. James Carafano, Understanding the Times, On Being Charitable Towards Fellow Christians

The Chinese Communist Party, or CCP, has done great harm to their own people. Freedom of expression is minimal as illustrated by the people who reported on the virus outbreak in Wuhan, and were summarily arrested. Religious freedom is severely compromised. According to a pastor by the name of Jian Zhu and reported by Fox, "The Chinese government has now placed severe restrictions and policies on the house churches asking neighbors to spy on one another, pressuring school teachers and college professors to betray and sign a statement to denounce their own faith as well [as] to do the same to students." The most recent coverup of truth about the coronavirus is another example in the long list of CCP narratives intentionally disregarding safety and transparency. As a result, the virus has spread more rapidly worldwide. On this Armed Forces Day, we talk with an expert in national security and foreign policy challenges, an historian, teacher, writer and researcher, Dr. James Carafano. Pastor Bill Shishko reflects on the pandemic with commentary on the sons of Issachar – “men who understood the times.” Later in the program, Zach Wisz looks at James’ admonition of not speaking evil against our Christian brothers, lest we speak evil of, and judge the law. This is a great reminder to not engage in slanderous speech and unwarranted judgment; especially when we try to understand essential doctrine -vs- the non-essential. Finally, we take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Dealing with Serious Financial Impact During the Coronavirus - Chuck Bentley, Sin is like a Plague, Kindness and Christian Grace
Air Date: 5/9/2020
Dealing with Serious Financial Impact During the Coronavirus - Chuck Bentley, Sin is like a Plague, Kindness and Christian Grace

Families experience anxiety during this time of coronavirus. Of particular concern are those who have lost their job, some even losing their entire career. But is there an upside to being unemployed? Unemployment benefits are available for a while. Further, this may be a time to re-assess your interests as regards to work and your calling. It may be an opportunity to get involved in work that you have always hoped to do. Perhaps you are on a crisis budget – just by virtue of the lockdown, roughly 25% of our normal expenditures are already being saved if we are not going out to eat, and have reduced traveling. Your crisis budget could be extended so that you can get yourself onto a more sound financial footing, even with less income. Today we talk with the CEO Crown Chuck Bentley. Crown’s mission is that of advancing God’s principles of stewardship and life, as people increasingly commit to managing all that they have for God’s glory. Pastor Bill Shishko draws our attention to the virus as being a picture of sin as a deadly plague. Our sin can be treated and cleansed by the Lord Jesus Christ. We must flee youthful lusts as we put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh. Later in the program, Zach Wisz continues looking at the book of James. James is not a kill joy, but focuses on our actions. What about the area of kindness and Christian grace? Is there a beam in our own eye? Do we have a tendency of magnifying the shortcomings of others? Do we tend to look too much at how people do not measure up to what God says in the Bible? James has much that can help us here. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Guidance When Restarting Church Services - Attorney David Gibbs, On Casting Down Idols, National Day of Prayer
Air Date: 5/2/2020
Guidance When Restarting Church Services - Attorney David Gibbs, On Casting Down Idols, National Day of Prayer

And I’m Calvin Carter. We look forward to the time when our churches reopen again, when we are well past the risk of spreading the coronavirus. But when we finally restart, there are some changes that we’ll have to observe to assure safety for all. Some rural churches will be able to open well before other churches that are in higher population “hot spots” of viral outbreak. Precautions will need to be observed, including more separations, no shaking hands, perhaps masks, etc. Seniors may be safer remaining at home for an extra month or two. Local county and state mandates will need to be taken into consideration. Today we talk with Attorney David C. Gibbs III, President and General Counsel of the National Center for Life and Liberty. He highlights some of the changes that we will likely experience. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us in the midst of this Coronavirus, that God’s purpose is to bring down idols and exalt His Name in all the earth. This includes among other things, the areas of education, sports, and our economy. Later in the program, Zach Wisz talks about the National Day of Prayer that is to be observed on May 7th. Christians will be praying in a wide variety of places. This year, one of our concerns is the pandemic; and while not able to meet in our churches, a vast army of Christians will be in prayer as we repent, and beseech God for his kind mercies and blessings. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: A Response to Social Distancing - Pastor Uri Brito, Christ is Furthering His Kingdom, Tending Towards Tyranny?
Air Date: 4/25/2020
A Response to Social Distancing - Pastor Uri Brito, Christ is Furthering His Kingdom, Tending Towards Tyranny?

Christianity is not some gnostic, spiritualized, ghostly religion. Our Lord Jesus rose from the dead physically. In the flesh! During his earthly ministry, He healed the sick, touched the lepers, engaged the outcast and finally reached down to us personally, drawing us to Himself by faith. When we ordinarily meet as a Christian church, we do so in community, with robust love and affection. Recently, due to the Coronavirus, we have had to change our style, and it’s not healthy. Neither emotionally, nor spiritually. Most of us can no longer congregate with God’s people. We no longer shake hands as brothers, or give one another a Christian hug or kiss. We have had to cease loving as we ought. Today we discuss this strange time in our history with Pastor Uri Brito, Senior pastor of Providence Church, in Pensacola, Florida. Pastor Bill Shishko looks again at the Coronavirus through the lens of God’s Word. We are assured that God is answering our prayers as Christ is furthering his Kingdom through this pandemic. All things, including viruses, are placed under His feet. Later in the program, Zach Wisz discusses the tyrannical tendencies of some leaders during this time of pandemic. Let’s remember not to put aside our Bill of Rights, especially hurting those most vulnerable. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history.

Holding All Things Together: Religious Freedom is More than Freedom to Worship - Emilie Kao, Coronavirus and the Sovereignty of God, The Epistle of James, Submission to God and Holy Joy
Air Date: 4/18/2020
Religious Freedom is More than Freedom to Worship - Emilie Kao, Coronavirus and the Sovereignty of God, The Epistle of James, Submission to God and Holy Joy

What’s at stake if we lose our religious freedom? Did you know that religious freedom is much more than freedom to worship at church? It also means that people shouldn’t be forced to go against their core beliefs in order to conform to culture or government. In America, people have the right to live, speak, and act according to their religious beliefs publicly, in a peaceful manner. But once a government starts going down the road of intruding on an individual’s conscience, it will not hesitate to intrude on our other freedoms. There are 350,000 religious congregations who operate schools, pregnancy resource centers, soup kitchens, drug addiction programs, homeless shelters and adoption agencies. And yet, without religious freedom, many of these ministries would be forced to stop giving help to their communities. Today we talk with Emilie Kao (“GOW”) of the Heritage Foundation. Emilie is an attorney who had defended religious freedom for the last 14 years. Pastor Bill Shishko considers the Sovereignty of God with respect to the Coronavirus, as we look at this pandemic through Christian eyes. Later in the program, Zach Wisz Looks at the epistle of James and particularly the portion that talks about deep repentance, that leads to a life turn. We are to submit to God in everything. We are promised that if we resist the devil, he will flee from us. We are engaged in a holy fight as we draw near to God. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Resurrection and the Virus - Dr. Kevin Chiarot, God has not give us a Spirit of Fear, Find Hope - Look to the true Savior of the world, the risen and reigning Lord Jesus Christ
Air Date: 4/11/2020
The Resurrection and the Virus - Dr. Kevin Chiarot, God has not give us a Spirit of Fear, Find Hope - Look to the true Savior of the world, the risen and reigning Lord Jesus Christ

This is Easter weekend. We just came through Good Friday, and Sunday is Resurrection Day. It is the first day of the week, when our Lord Jesus Christ rose from the dead. This is a time of great joy for the believer…. But you may not feel happy today. Perhaps you’re sick or being persecuted. Maybe you’ve caught the Coronavirus and are trying to recover. Despite our troubles in this life we have a blessed hope. The Apostle assures us that while our body “is sown in corruption, it is raised in incorruption. It is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness, it is raised in power. It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body.” Today our guest is Pastor Kevin Chiarot. Pastor Bill Shishko continues looking at the Coronavirus. He reminds us to be sober and that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz considers the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. His resurrection changed everything, including the Christian Sabbath day when Christians meet for corporate worship, to the promise of our own future resurrection. Do you want hope? Look to the true Savior of the world, the risen and reigning Lord Jesus Christ. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Practical Suggestions for the Coronavirus - Dr. Kevin Pham, Two principles for Christians dealing with Coronavirus, Worry and the Coronavirus
Air Date: 4/4/2020
Practical Suggestions for the Coronavirus - Dr. Kevin Pham, Two principles for Christians dealing with Coronavirus, Worry and the Coronavirus

Today’s broadcast considers the Coronavirus from different perspectives. We talk with a medical doctor who has been following the pandemic and has some observations and simple guidelines. Why were the numbers high for Seattle? Did the early travel ban help? What about New York and the spike we are seeing there? Will there be enough ICU beds to handle the sick? These questions and others will be considered by our guest, Dr. Kevin Pham. Pastor Bill Shishko gives us two important responses to the Coronavirus as Christians, one related to Romans 13 and the other, the Golden Rule. Later in the program, Zach Wisz joins us to discuss fears that we may experience as we go through this pandemic. He reminds us that God is near, He cares, and He redeems, saving us. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Essential Nature of Religious Freedom in our Republic - Thomas Jipping, Domestic Violence - Help for Leaders, Looking to God for His Goodness and Grace
Air Date: 3/28/2020
The Essential Nature of Religious Freedom in our Republic - Thomas Jipping, Domestic Violence - Help for Leaders, Looking to God for His Goodness and Grace

How important is religious liberty to the very fiber of our republic? If religious liberty were to disappear, could we survive? Recently there was an insightful article in Christian Renewal Magazine, titled “Liberty in its Historical Context Hanging by a Thread.” The article cited two speeches by our Attorney General William Barr. It included his comments, as he quoted our Founders regarding the necessity of a moral and religious framework in our nation. Our guest today is Thomas Jipping, an attorney who now works at the Heritage Foundation and who also penned the Christian Renewal Magazine piece. Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to conclude his series on domestic violence. He provides counsel to leaders who want to help those who have suffered domestic violence. Later in the program, Zach Wisz reminds us that God has done so very much for us, and yet we are inclined to take it for granted. We are not to look for our own versions of goodness and grace, as the risk of disdaining God’s grace is very real. And so we remain in the world, yet not of it. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: So-Called Medicare for All - Dr. Robert E. Moffit, Domestic Abuse - Part 3, The Cononavirus
Air Date: 3/21/2020
So-Called Medicare for All - Dr. Robert E. Moffit, Domestic Abuse - Part 2, The Cononavirus

We’ve all heard the phrase “Medicare for All.” But did you know that if this legislation passes, that it would do away with all private health insurance? Did you know that although it is called “Medicare for all,” that it is not really Medicare? Did you know that so-called “Medicare for All” would result in the government shutting down Medicare? Further, it would raise the United States’ budget by 100%. Can we really afford that, with a national debt that is over 23 Trillion dollars? “Medicare for All” is not Medicare. We’ve seen a similar play on words before. For example, the “Affordable Care Act,” turned out to be not too affordable and not too caring and some of us lost our doctor. Today we talk with an expert who specializes in health care, entitlement programs, and Medicare. Dr. Robert E Moffit is with the Heritage Foundation. Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to further discuss domestic abuse. He shares several book suggestions as he addresses counselors and church leaders in particular. Later in the program, Zach Wisz covers the coronavirus and its effects – both short term on our health and longer term on our economy and how investments have shifted in the stock market. Spiritually, the Lord has specific commands for us, especially applicable to what we are experiencing with this outbreak. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Life Under the Castro Communist Regime - Mike Gonzalez, The Oppressive Pattern of Domestic Abuse, St. Patrick
Air Date: 3/14/2020
Life Under the Castro Communist Regime - Mike Gonzalez, The Oppressive Pattern of Domestic Abuse, St. Patrick

From time to time we hear people wishing that the United States was not a Constitutional Republic. Some folks are working hard to convince us to embrace Socialism, or Communism. There are organizations here in America which are comprised of Communist activists. One presidential candidate who is running this year, was heard praising Castro’s Cuba and how literacy was enhanced under his reign. But what happens when we talk with folks who actually lived in these Socialist countries? Are these countries the nearly ideal paradise as they are often made out to be? Today we talk with Mike Gonzalez, who for 12 years of his life, lived in Cuba. What did he experience and what has he learned since he immigrated to America, that would help us better understand the oppression that Socialism breeds? Later in the program, we consider another type of oppression – that is, domestic abuse. There is a pattern that reveals itself in domestic abuse, and Pastor Bill Shishko explains it to us. Also ahead, St. Patrick’s Day is Tuesday, and writer Gerry Wisz reviews the life of St. Patrick and his outstanding evangelical outreach. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Population Growth in Relation to the Environment - Adam Houser, A New Series on Domestic Abuse, Biblical Law and the Border Wall
Air Date: 3/7/2020
Population Growth in Relation to the Environment - Adam Houser, A New Series on Domestic Abuse, Biblical Law and the Border Wall

In 1798, Thomas Malthus postulated in his essay on the Principle of Population, that population growth would quickly outstrip food supplies and we would be in effect, doomed. Has this happened? Two hundred and twenty-two years later there are over 7.7 billion people in the world, and food has never been more abundant and affordable. A recent book has been published that debunks Malthus’ argument. Today we talk with Adam Houser, Director of Collegians at the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT). Pastor Bill Shishko begins a series on domestic abuse. He reviews the shocking statistics of this modern day evil, referencing the root of this abuse that is explained in the scriptures. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz, looks at the biblical role of civil government. He points out that we are to give tribute and honor to whom it is due, and that the civil magistrate is duty bound to protect the people under his province. How does biblical law apply to the wall that is being built on our southern border? Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Crazy Little Thing Called Marriage - Dr. Greg Smalley, Final Treatment of Benedict Option, More on the Book of James
Air Date: 2/29/2020
Crazy Little Thing Called Marriage - Dr. Greg Smalley, Final Treatment of Benedict Option, More on the Book of James

When God tells us in Ephesians that He works all things according to the counsel of his will, it doesn’t mean that he takes our choices away. In fact our choices are often the proximate means of bringing about God’s higher purpose. So it is when we choose a spouse marry. We have complete freedom to choose our spouse and yet we should do so with wise counsel, in prayer, and within the fellowship of the saints. We chose freely and need to remain in that union “till death do us part.” Today we talk with Dr. Greg Smalley about a book that he and his wife Erin wrote. Its title is “Crazy Little Thing Called Marriage: 12 Secrets for a Lifelong Romance.” Pastor Bill Shishko takes a final look at the Benedict option. He reminds us that God wants us to exhibit righteous deeds even if done in the midst of an unrighteous culture. Later in the program, Zach Wisz joins us to further explore the book of James. He encourages us to examine our motives to be sure that they are pure and that we maintain friendship with God. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Human Trafficking - Andrea McHenry, Why the Benedict Option is not preferred, George Washington
Air Date: 2/22/2020
Human Trafficking - Andrea McHenry, Why the Benedict Option is not preferred, George Washington

Human trafficking is a big problem in our world. It may not be seem that way, but human trafficking is also very prevalent in these United States. Further, minors are regularly sexually exploited. Today we talk with Andrea McHenry, Executive Director of FREE – the acronym stands for: Freedom and Restoration for Everyone Enslaved. They work to provide restorative care to sexually exploited women and to break the cycle of Commercial Sexual exploitation. Pastor Bill Shishko continues to explore the downside of the Benedict option and reminds us that the Lord will judge evil in His time. Later in the program, we reflect on this past President’s Day. Our first president of these United States, would preside over a Republic. Pressured to become King, yet taking the role of a servant leader of a representative government, George Washington would often side with Hamilton for the overall good of the nation. Today Zach Wisz joins us to discuss the history and legacy of President George Washington. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Great Commission and the Family - Eric Owens, More on the Benedict Option, A Movie Review
Air Date: 2/15/2020
The Great Commission and the Family - Eric Owens, More on the Benedict Option, A Movie Review

Have you considered that one of the more effective ways of fulfilling the Great Commission is by simply raising and educating your own Covenant children? How many times have you seen a well-meaning younger family with lots of energy, get overly involved in a Christian ministry that compromises their young family? How many kids of preachers have turned out poorly? Why is this? Is there not a better way? Today we talk with the President of Highlands Ministries, Eric Owens. He is married and he and his wife have three daughters and two sons, and Eric and his wife are fully engaged in raising their children in godly ways. Pastor Bill Shishko continues to look at the Benedict option, peeling the layers of this onion as it were. This week he considers how Christians are in the world, and yet not of it. We don’t accept the worldly ways while remaining culturally engaged as God’s people. God tests the righteous and does not want us to flee from our culture. We win by saying “no” to compromise and “yes” to following the Lord faithfully. Later in the program, Zach Wisz shares a review about the movie Ad Astra. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Green New Deal - Bob Murphy, God Reigns - Do Not Hide, Christianity Today Article
Air Date: 2/8/2020
The Green New Deal - Bob Murphy, God Reigns - Do Not Hide, Christianity Today Article

We hear of a so-called Green New Deal. This utopian plan, while still in flux, calls for a Select Committee that would have authority to develop a detailed national, industrial and economic mobilization plan. The committee would seek to promote economic and environmental justice and equality. Our entire electric grid would no longer be powered by reliable fossil fuel or nuclear-based systems. While taxing anything that produces carbon dioxide, the green new deal also calls for a TRILLION dollar spending program, and would force us to retire all our gasoline-powered cars. In addition, it would require expensive modifications to our houses. And forget travel by planes – that also would be a thing of the past. Today we talk with economist Robert P. Murphy, a Senior Fellow with the Mises Institute. Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to take a further look at the so-called Benedict option. He reminds us that the scriptures assures us that the Lord is in His holy temple and he reigns until His enemies are made His footstool. Therefore, we are not to practice an escapism, even if well-intended. Later in the program, Zach Wisz analyzes the Christianity Today article that called for President Trump’s impeachment. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Trail Life USA - Mark Hancock, The Benedict Option, Jair Bolsonaro and Brazil
Air Date: 2/1/2020
Trail Life USA - Mark Hancock, The Benedict Option, Jair Bolsonaro and Brazil

Today we take a look at Trail Life USA. It’s a biblically-based national character development organization for young men which helps parents lay the foundations for producing godly and responsible husbands, fathers and citizens. Their mission is to guide generations of courageous young men to honor God, lead with integrity, serve others and experience outdoor adventure. Today we talk with the CEO of Trail Life USA, Mark Hancock. One of our listeners sent a note saying that there is a troop in Montville, NJ in the listening area of WYNE Wayne, and WNEQ near Green Pond. The Troop number is NJ-0777. Pastor Bill Shishko reflects on Rod Dreher’s book, “The Benedict Option.” He notes that the preservation of learning is happening in both Homeschools and private Christian schools, and that we must also reach out, rather than “flee to the mountains.” Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz takes a look at last year’s election in Brazil, of Jair Bolsonaro. Mr. Bolsonaro is a Christian and he has pledged to clean up the government corruption. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: San Francisco Homelessness - Katrina Trinko, The New Birth as God's Witness to Himself, Our Tongues as a Measure of our Hearts
Air Date: 1/25/2020
San Francisco Homelessness - Katrina Trinko, The New Birth as God's Witness to Himself, Our Tongues as a Measure of our Hearts

Today we take a look at a major city where homelessness has been on the rise. Tents are cluttering sidewalks in one area of the city, and you have to be careful where you step, so as to avoid human waste and sometimes used needles. In this city, more government programs are not helping. We consider a simple approach of how to truly help those in desperate need. Our guest is Editor in Chief of the Daily Signal, Katrina Trinko, and she walked the streets of the Tenderloin neighborhood in San Francisco and documented what she saw. Acts 17 assures us that God has not left Himself without a witness - today Pastor Bill Shishko looks at the new birth and your Christian life. Later in the program, Zach Wisz looks at the book of James and observes that the use of the tongue will only show what the source of its speech, the heart, actually is. It’s out of the abundance of the heart, that the mouth speaks. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Financial Planning - Chris Burns, God's Witness - Made in His Image, Little Things with a Huge Influence
Air Date: 1/18/2020
Financial Planning - Chris Burns, God's Witness - Made in His Image, Little Things with a Huge Influence

Financial Planning. How often we think about doing some planning, but then the distractions and hurried-ness of life keep us from making time for this important item on our to-do list. Are there any guidelines for a young couple in their 20 and 30’s, perhaps with a couple of children and a mom who stays at home? What about those with kids facing college? And what of the seniors who are facing future medical bills – is long term care insurance something to consider? Today we talk with Chris Burns, a Christian financial planning who serves as CEO of Dynamic Money. Pastor Bill Shishko continues to review how God has left us witnesses in the created order. Today he looks at human beings who are made in God’s image. Later in the program, Zach Wisz talks about little things that mean a lot. He points out that James refers to little, common things, that have an enormous influence as compared to their size. The application is made to our tongues. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Center for Urban Renewal and Education - Star Parker, God Has Not Left us Without a Witness, James and Christian Behavior
Air Date: 1/11/2020
The Center for Urban Renewal and Education - Star Parker, God Has Not Left us Without a Witness, James and Christian Behavior

Today we look at government-run welfare. The United States has a budget and the largest item on that budget is welfare. For the 80-plus federal welfare programs, this amounts to about 900 Billion dollars spent per year, and yet only about 20% of the money actually reaches the homes we are trying to help. This massive inefficiency of the so-called war on poverty illustrates that the system is broken. Many people in this government system find that it is not really working for them, and they want help in their personal lives so that they can be freed. Christianity often helps them to leave poverty, and discover that their hope is in the Lord and not government. Churches are playing an enormous role in this as people become free to pursue their callings and realize a life of dignity and purpose. Our guest today is Star Parker, President of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education in Washington DC. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that God has left us with a witness of His being and glory in everything that He made and governs. Later in the program, Zach Wisz joins us to continue looking at the book of James, and how faith and works interrelate as James focuses on our Christian behavior. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Chinese Control over Citizens - Dr. Lee Edwards, God's Witness to Us, Anno Domini
Air Date: 1/4/2020
Chinese Control over Citizens - Dr. Lee Edwards, God's Witness to Us, Anno Domini

Communist China has a terrible track record when it comes to God-given personal rights and freedoms. Not long ago, their one child policy resulted in forced sterilizations, forced abortions, and sometimes infanticides. There is nothing that seems to lie outside the Communist Party’s grasp. They not only suppress their people, they actually oppress them. Today we talk with Dr. Lee Edwards who wrote a recent opinion piece on how Beijing controls Chinese citizens through family, education and speech. We make the connection to efforts by some in our own country to do the same. Pastor Bill Shishko considers the way the Lord has put witnesses of His being and His work in all of creation. Later in the program, Zach Wisz looks at the implications of the phrase Anno Domini, the Year of Our Lord. Why was the first advent of the Lord Jesus Christ so important that history would adopt this phrase? Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Origins of Hobby Lobby and New Book - Steve Green, We are an Heir of God, Discrimination
Air Date: 12/28/2019
Origins of Hobby Lobby and New Book - Steve Green, We are an Heir of God, Discrimination

What’s it like to launch a retail store and try to do everything by the Book? That is, everything by God’s book the Bible? Today we have a human interest story of a Christian man who heads up a retail chain which has grown to more than 850 stores with over 37,500 employees. Each store in the chain attempts to honor the Lord by being closed on the Lord’s Day, and yet they keep on growing as God blesses them! Our guest is Steve Green, President of Hobby Lobby. Pastor Bill Shishko explores our new status in Christ, that “we are no longer slaves.” God saves us, He unites us to Christ, and we can say with Jesus: “My Father in Heaven.” Later in the program, Zach Wisz looks at a religious freedom case in Australia and helps us think through some tough issues, including the question of “Is discrimination always wrong?” Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Christmas vs. Excarnation - Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin, The Greatest Gift is Jesus Christ, The Carol: God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen
Air Date: 12/21/2019
Christmas vs. Excarnation - Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin, The Greatest Gift is Jesus Christ, The Carol: God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen

Next week is Christmas. Do you relish the incarnational life? The body and the material world were not designed for our escape but for joy and victory. Jesus is Lord of all, and God is not ashamed to be born into a barn amid farm animals. Neither is He ashamed to care for and redeem every area of creation and culture presently under the dominion of sin. This Christmas we celebrate that incarnation that made possible atoning for sin and death and providing a victorious bodily resurrection. Our future hope is not a false medieval vision of angel babes and halos and harps in heaven but of the new heaven descended to a new earth purged from sin, where God will dwell eternally with us his people. Our guest today is Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that Christ has given us a perfect righteousness that is reckoned to us and we receive adoption as sons. Later in the program, Zach Wisz takes a deeper look at the beautiful Christmas Carol, God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Advent - Pastor Uri Brito, Adoption as Sons, the US Commission on International Religious Freedom.
Air Date: 12/14/2019
Advent - Pastor Uri Brito, Adoption as Sons, the US Commission on International Religious Freedom.

It’s the season of Advent. This is a wonderful time of year, and yet, do you find yourself tending towards the abstract, or ethereal as you ponder the incarnation? In the hustle and bustle of life with its crass materialism, we are tempted to take the significance of Christ’s coming for granted. Some treat it with gnostic overtones. The season and time of the arrival of our Lord was no mere footnote – rather, in Advent we are reminded that this is the time that the King of glory should come. The scriptures calls this the “fullness of time.” And so, it was sovereignly determined to be at that time and no other. Today we consider the significance of this time and also note that our observance of Advent joyfully includes the celebration of our covenant children in the church. Joining us today is Pastor Uri Brito. Pastor Bill Shishko looks at the greatest of Christmas gifts, the Lord Jesus Christ. He reminds us that we have received adoption and that Christ has redeemed us who were under the law. Later in the program, Zach Wisz discusses the US Commission on International Religious freedom. Composed of volunteers, the Commission has the charter of advancing the US interest of religious freedom. Yet this Commission was the target of a Senate bill that expands the Commissioner’s charter into more of a policing mechanism of religious practice. Is this a bureaucratic nightmare in the making? Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Coming of Christ and Restoring All Things - John Stonestreet, The Incarnation and Transformation, A Book Review of 'When?'
Air Date: 12/7/2019
The Coming of Christ and Restoring All Things - John Stonestreet, The Incarnation and Transformation, A Book Review of 'When?'

Today, John Stonestreet talks about the cosmic significance of the incarnation of Christ. This is the defining moment of history. And in this event, all of reality is defined. John looks at the theme of creation, fall, redemption, restoration. What we do in this world matters. We must care about our neighbor and the cultural forces which destroy our neighbor. Love causes us to have tangible acts to benefit our neighbor. In a Visit to the Pastor's Study, we look at what is the central, defining moment in human history. With the coming of the God-man, the Lord Jesus Christ, wonderful things happen - just two examples: slavery ends, and women are treated properly as made in God's image. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that with the coming of this God-man, everything is different. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reminds us: "As your days, so shall your strength be," from Deuteronomy 33:25. Timing may not be everything, but it's likely more important than we think, according to Daniel Pink in his new book, When. He shows that there are uplifts, troughs, and uplifts again through our days and also through the seasons of our lives, and that knowing or anticipating these can make a big difference in how we respond to situations and events. The Lord helps us through the uncertainties of life, and even enables us to give more of ourselves to kingdom-related work. Finally, we take another look at this week in history. Thanks again for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Value of Human Life -vs- The Collective - John Dale Dunn MD, JD, Thankfulness, The Gospel of Grace in James
Air Date: 11/30/2019
The Value of Human Life -vs- The Collective - John Dale Dunn MD, JD, Thankfulness, The Gospel of Grace in James

There is a false religious sentiment that says certain individuals are not really all that important – they are but a cog in the wheel, one of the many parts of society without inherent value. And if such a person is deemed to have a quality of life that is not good, or if they’re considered sub-human in some way, and not contributing to the collective, then the so-called leaders in charge can justify the taking of such a life, in the form of euthanasia. However, Christians see it differently. We see the dignity and value of every human being. Today we talk with Medical doctor John Dale Dunn. He’s written an essay in American Thinker, where he reviews an older work written by Justice Neil M. Gorsuch titled “The Future of Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia. We’ve just come through the celebration of Thanksgiving in the United States. Today, Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that one of the marks of unbelief is exhibiting a lack of thankfulness. By contrast, Christians are thankful for all the blessings that God has bestowed upon us: our families, our churches, and our nation. Later in the program, Zach Wisz joins us to review James’ question of “was not Abraham justified by works when he offered up Isaac on the alter, or, was not Rahab justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them out another way?” On the surface this may seem to say that we are not justified by faith alone. Zach helps us understand what is behind James’ assertion and affirms the biblical theme that we are saved by grace alone, through faith alone. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Electoral College and the War on History - Jerrett Stepman, The Need for Revival, The Sin of Partiality
Air Date: 11/23/2019
The Electoral College and the War on History - Jerrett Stepman, The Need for Revival, The Sin of Partiality

In America, our Constitution was signed on September 17, 1787, with the Bill of Rights added in 1791, four years later. We have been operating as a relatively stable Constitutional Republic these past, well over 200 years. The Electoral College, established in Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution, is the formal body which elects the President and Vice President of the United States. We have much to be thankful for that it works this way. Yet, despite its long-standing success assuring political stability and a peaceful transfer of power between presidents, there is a move afoot to throw out the Electoral College and replace it with the Popular Vote. It’s our opinion that if this were implemented, it would have dire consequences for the future of our Republic. Today we talk with Jerrett Stepman, a contributor to the Daily Signal and author of a new book: The War on History: The Conspiracy to Rewrite America’s Past. Pastor Bill Shishko discusses the need for Revival in our land, and that we must be honest about this vital need. Later in the program, Zach Wisz discusses the sin of partiality, and how it violates the golden rule of doing to others whatever you would like them to do to you. God says we cannot show special favor - or disfavor - to others, based on their financial status, educational level, fancy clothes, etc. We are to treat all people with love. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Comprehensive Christian Health Care - Jonathan Schiller, Christianity Growing in Other Nations, James and the Law of Liberty
Air Date: 11/16/2019
Comprehensive Christian Health Care - Jonathan Schiller, Christianity Growing in Other Nations, James and the Law of Liberty

Christian health care is unique in its comprehensive nature. Not only does it provide for the physical care of the body, but it also addresses the spiritual reality. People are broken in various ways and need a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, where sins are forgiven, guilt lifted, and a new purpose in life realized. As this relationship with Christ is coupled with the physical healing afforded by modern medicine, people’s lives flourish. Today we talk with Jonathan Schiller, CEO of Catskill Regional Medical Center and a volunteer with the Hudson Valley Chapter of Christ Health Care Ministry. Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to review the growth of Christianity in countries outside the United States. Later in the program, Zach Wisz looks at what is meant by the perfect law of liberty in the book of James. He points out it is the law of Spirit and of life which grants liberty. The knower of this kind of law is a doer and not a mere hearer of the word. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: ISIS Leader a-Bagdadi's Death and Christian Persecution - Claire Evans, Examining the Beam in Our Own Eye, Climate Change Modeling
Air Date: 11/9/2019
ISIS Leader a-Bagdadi's Death and Christian Persecution - Claire Evans, Examining the Beam in Our Own Eye, Climate Change Modeling

We’ve heard about ISIS and the genocide that occurred at their hands in the plains of Nineveh in Iraq and elsewhere. The crimes were committed under the gruesome command of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who declared the establishment of a Caliphate in 2014. al-Baghdadi was considered a Specially Designated Global Terrorist by the United States, and yet he had alluded capture since 2010. Fortunately justice has been administered to this terrorist late last month, when US Joint Special Operations Command's (JSOC) 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (SFOD-D), commonly known as Delta Force, conducted a raid into the rebel-held Idlib province of Syria on the border with Turkey to capture al-Baghdadi. While being tracked by American military canines and after being cornered in a tunnel, al-Baghdadi died by self-detonating a suicide vest. Today we talk with Claire Evans of International Christian Concern about how this affects Christians and other religious minorities in the area going forward. Pastor Bill Shishko challenges us as Christians, to self-examination, as we pluck the beams out of our own eyes. We are to have what scriptures call, “saltiness.” Later in the program, Zach Wisz fills in for Gerry, as he continues with a summary of an interview with Dr. E. Calvin Beisner. He notes that the climate models project two to four times the warming actually observed! In other words, they are not matching empirical evidence. These models are then tweaked but the adjustments support predetermined conclusions. That’s just not honest science. Something is amiss. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Late-Term Abortionist Offers Mothers The Chance To Cuddle Their Dead Babies - Stella Morabito, The Decline of Christianity in these United States, Climate Change Alarmism
Air Date: 11/2/2019
Late-Term Abortionist Offers Mothers The Chance To Cuddle Their Dead Babies - Stella Morabito, The Decline of Christianity in these United States, Climate Change Alarmism

Christians are pro-life. We believe that God formed our inward parts and knitted us together in our mother’s womb. We are fearfully and wonderfully made by a loving, Triune God. And so, on the topic of whether of not to kill an innocent child in utero, we appeal to Proverbs 24:11 that says “Deliver those who are being taken away to death, and those who are staggering to slaughter.” In light of this, today we explore an article that appeared in the Federalist. It’s striking title was “Late-Term Abortionist Offers Mothers the Chance to Cuddle Their Dead Babies.” Our guest is Stella Morabito. Also ahead, Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to review the statistics which show that Christianity is on the decline here in these United States. Later in the program, we are joined by Zach Wisz, who looks at the facts and fantasies of Climate change, based on documentation from the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation. Turns out, there is not a scientific consensus that human-caused CO2 emissions are causing global warming. A far greater threat to mankind is poverty, and that does result in high rates of disease and premature death. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Finances for Young Couples - Chuck Bentley, Cultural Insanity and Psalm 11, Real Science and Climate Change
Air Date: 10/26/2019
Finances for Young Couples - Chuck Bentley, Cultural Insanity and Psalm 11, Real Science and Climate Change

Young families face many struggles. One of the larger challenges is figuring out how to make ends meet while at the same time saving for a home, or a replacement vehicle. Some are expecting their first child, and the pressures mount at the wife decides whether she will keep working, or be a stay-at-home Mom, or something in between. Today we talk with Chuck Bentley, CEO of Crown, a Christian financial organization with the mission of advancing God’s principles of stewardship and life. Pastor Bill Shishko concludes his observations on cultural insanity. Today he looks at Psalm 11, and why the so-called “Benedict option” is not to be preferred. He reminds us that the Lord reigns, and is testing His people to see that they stand firm in Him as we walk uprightly for His glory. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz discusses the latest rage concerning climate change. As it turns out, human activity contributes very minimally to climate change. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Pipelines and Their Importance - Brigham McCown, Cultural Insanity Examples, The Perfect Law of Liberty
Air Date: 10/19/2019
Pipelines and Their Importance - Brigham McCown, Cultural Insanity Examples, The Perfect Law of Liberty

How important are pipelines? In America, about 48 percent of our homes are heated with natural gas. The number grows if you consider electricity also used for heating, with 1/3 of this electric power coming from 1,793 natural gas-powered plants. These natural gas-powered plants generate about 34 percent of the nation's electricity. Further, any number of emergency backup generators operate on natural gas. And so, natural gas usage is pervasive and is a tremendous blessing to our country. But how does this clean natural gas get transported across the country so that it can be used in the cities and outlying municipalities? The safest and most effective way is by using pipe lines. Today we talk with Brigham McCown, Chairman and Founder of the Alliance for Innovation and Infrastructure. He talks about America’s increasing energy independence and considers the importance and safety of pipelines. Pastor Bill Shishko continues to explore cultural insanity and includes some practical examples for us. Later in the program, we reflect on liberty – we all love it, and did you know that James talks about the “The perfect law of liberty?” This week Gerry Wisz joins us to explain more. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Hurricane Formation and Tracking - Dr. Michael Brennan, Professing to be Wise yet being Foolish, Watch What You Say
Air Date: 10/12/2019
Hurricane Formation and Tracking - Dr. Michael Brennan, Professing to be Wise yet being Foolish, Watch What You Say

For the past two months, hurricanes were on our minds, especially with Dorian that severely hit the Bahamas on August 24. Hurricane season occurs from June 1st to November 30th, sharply peaking from late August through September; with the season's climatological peak of activity occurring around September 10 each season. Have you ever wondered how hurricanes form? If we focus on the east coast of the United States, is there one particular area from which they generate? And how are they measured and tracked? Today we talk with Dr. Michael Brennan, Senior Hurricane Specialist from the National Hurricane Center in Miami. Also, have you noticed the cultural insanity that exists? This week Pastor Bill Shishko directs us to a section of Romans to better understand God’s perspective on those who profess to be wise, while embracing foolishness. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to continue looking at the book of James. He explores the use of our tongues. Sometimes we bless a person from one side of our mouths but then curse them to others behind their backs. Is that Christian behavior? Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Single Payer - The Case Against - Chris Jacobs, The Civil Magistrate and its Role of Restraining Evil, The Book of James and Our Sins
Air Date: 10/5/2019
Single Payer - The Case Against - Chris Jacobs, The Civil Magistrate and its Role of Restraining Evil, The Book of James and Our Sins

There is a lot of talk about so-called Single Payer Health care. Most of the media is in favor of this Medicare for All idea. However what we don’t hear about is the associated poorer quality care, and expenses that are through the roof, thus driving a resultant massive increase in taxation. Less care, more government regulations, more waiting, and massive taxes. But do you hear about this from the main stream media? The current Medicare program would be abolished. Further if you need a hip replacement, and you are living under a Single Payer Health care system, most likely you will have an extremely long wait. That is, if the economy even survives the massive financial upheaval. Today we talk with Chris Jacobs, author of the new book: The Case Against Single Payer: How ‘Medicare for All’ Will Wreck America’s Health Care System - And Its Economy. Pastor Bill Shishko takes a look at how the Scriptures talk about civil government and its God given role of restraining evil. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz encourages us to read the book of James. This week he talks about the practical areas of overcoming anger, and getting control of our tongue. And what about self-deception, worldliness and a love of money? - Its all there in the this wonderful epistle. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Equal Justice Under Law - Hans von Spakovsky, Christian Education, Racial Tensions
Air Date: 9/28/2019
Equal Justice Under Law - Hans von Spakovsky, Christian Education, Racial Tensions

The legal concept of “equal justice under law” is very important. The phrase is found engraved on the front of the United States Supreme Court building in Washington DC. The principle is derived from the general equity of the judicial laws in the Bible. Today we discuss this ideal and apply it to a case at hand in recent American history. Our guest is Hans von Spakovsky of the Heritage Foundation. Pastor Bill Shishko discusses Christian education and the subjects of History and Geography. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reviews the purported build-up of racial tensions in America. Gerry takes a look at a recent Harvard study which indicates that people have “had enough” with the often media-fueled tensions. Not surprisingly, perhaps we are not being told the truth. Fact is, Americans seem to agree with Martin Luther King who asserted that people should not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Two Hot Buttons on the World Scene - James Carafano, Christian Education and Science, God's Ordination and Man's Sin
Air Date: 9/21/2019
Two Hot Buttons on the World Scene - James Carafano, Christian Education and Science, God's Ordination and Man's Sin

Do you follow world events? It’s frustrating to get a handle on what’s really happening now a days because so many news organizations politicize everything they report on. Nevertheless today we take an honest look at two areas in the world: China and Afghanistan. First, does China have a 50 year plan – a sort of world domination goal? Or are they in a more of an ad-hoc approach as they respond to the United States? And what about the tariffs? Typically those embracing free markets do not like tariffs, but what are the assumptions behind a pure free market approach? Then onto Afghanistan. What if the United States was not involved in that country? Has any good come from the effort? Today we talk about both of these areas with James Carafano of the Heritage Foundation. Pastor Bill Shishko talks about science and Christian education. What about the theory of evolution? How did life come from non-life? Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz deals with the apparent contradiction of the Triune God who ordains all things, and the temptations that we fall into. What do we make of the “natural man” to which the Apostle Paul refers? Is there a progression to sinning? And if so, how do we overcome our sin? Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Why is Healthcare so Bureaucratic? - Twila Brase, RN, Christian Education and Subject Matter, James and a Radical Re-orientation
Air Date: 9/14/2019
Why is Healthcare so Bureaucratic? - Twila Brase, RN, Christian Education and Subject Matter, James and a Radical Re-orientation

Health Care and Insurance. Have you been to the doctor lately? A common frustration among patients nowadays, is how to retain a good doctor who actually focuses on you more than their computer screen. Make no mistake, the added paperwork is a burden that doctors don’t like either, and the software applications are awkward at best. Our system of healthcare is so bureaucratic that both patients and doctors are frustrated. Today we analyze the “WHY” of this bureaucracy. Our guest is Twila Brase, founder of Citizen’s Council for Health Freedom. Pastor Bill Shishko looks at Subject Matter in Christian education. He shares several educational leads for you to track down if so inclined. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz returns to a discussion of the book of James. He points out that James pulls the camera back as it were, to show that what we see as urgent, is often quite insignificant in the vast scheme of things. We are called to a radical reorientation towards that which is eternal, while humbly enjoying the present and holding our wealth loosely. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: How to End Catch and Release of Illegal Migrants - Mary Ann Mendoza, The Importance of a Christian Education
Air Date: 9/7/2019
How to End Catch and Release of Illegal Migrants - Mary Ann Mendoza, The Importance of a Christian Education

Our Southern border is relatively porous here in the United States – at least to criminals. To date, we have a virtual ‘catch-and-release’ of illegal migrants because we are unable to hold children for more than 20 days. But it takes more than 20 days for the immigration proceedings, hence most illegal migrants with children are issued a court date to return for their hearing – but they often skip town and never show up. The current administration is proposing new rules that would replace the 2015 Flores Settlement court order that created this de facto catch-and-release policy. Various groups of people are cheering this effort, and one in particular is angel families – that is, those who had a family member murdered by an illegal immigrant. Today we talk with Angel Mom Mary Ann Mendoza. Here is her website: http://www.sgtbrandonmendoza.org/ Mary Ann's son, Sgt Brandon Mendoza, was killed on May 12, 2014 in a violent head on collision. He was killed by a 3 times the legal limit drunk and high on meth illegal criminal. For more information about Angel Families see: https://www.angelfamilies.org/ . Pastor Bill Shishko takes a look at education that is under the Lordship of Christ. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz describes schools using the metaphor of a greenhouse. Our children as tender sprouts are nurtured certainly at home, but in truth, also by the school setting of which they are a part. Christian parents want to be the greenhouse keepers, so that their children can begin to formulate their own Christian understanding of the world. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Planned Parenthood Sides with Abortion Over Title X Funds - Melanie Israel, Fighting the Battle of Pornography, Back to School
Air Date: 8/31/2019
Planned Parenthood Sides with Abortion Over Title X Funds - Melanie Israel, Fighting the Battle of Pornography, Back to School

There are new regulations, thanks to the Trump administration, regarding Title X funds. Title X is a federal program that focuses on providing family planning and related preventive services to low-income Americans at little or no cost. The new regulation says that none of the funds appropriated shall be used in programs where abortion is a method of family planning. Further, the new rule prohibits abortion referrals. This upsets Planned Parenthood and they have decided that instead of accepting the $60 million in annual Title 10 funds, that they will forgo the money so that they can continue killing babies. Today we talk with Melanie Israel, a research associate for the DeVos Center for Religion & Civil Society at The Heritage Foundation. Later in the program, Pastor Bill Shishko concludes his discussion of pornography addiction. He encourages us to have “a superior affection for God.” Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reflects on this time of year as children go back to school. He considers the questions of – are there purely objective facts? And, what’s the goal of education? Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Green New Deal and its Fallacies - Daniel Turner, Victory over Pornagraphy, Capital Punishment and the Bible
Air Date: 8/24/2019
The Green New Deal and its Fallacies - Daniel Turner, Victory over Pornagraphy, Capital Punishment and the Bible

There’s a lot of talk about so-called climate change. The harmless gas, Carbon Dioxide which is needed for life on earth, is misnamed “Carbon” and made out to be a vile pollutant. We hear a predicted “world ending in 12 years” fear mongering from some of our representatives. What would happen if we shut down all our nuke plants, coal-powered plants, and natural gas plants which generate the lion’s share of our electricity in the short space of 12 years? Has anyone done the needed scientific and engineering work to understand whether these plants are truly hurting us? Science should not be politically twisted to give results that do not mesh with reality. What’s the likelihood of seeing skyrocketing energy costs and power rationing in the next 15 years if these naïve “Green New Deal” plans are implemented? Today we talk with Daniel Turner, President of Power the Future. Pastor Bill Shishko continues a series dealing with overcoming pornography. This week he covers the area of confession and accountability. We are encouraged to agree with God and not rationalize our sins. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz discusses the death penalty and what the proper Christian response is. Finally, we take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Illegal Immigration and Resultant Child Abuse - Charlotte Cuthbertson, The Problem of Pornography and the Dangers of Isolation, Do You Desire Wisdom?
Air Date: 8/17/2019
Illegal Immigration and Resultant Child Abuse - Charlotte Cuthbertson, The Problem of Pornography and the Dangers of Isolation, Do You Desire Wisdom?

Border Security is a huge issue to the average American. We hear a lot these days about illegal immigration. Increasingly, children are being used by smugglers in order to gain illegal entrance into the United States. There’s a case of an illegal immigrant buying a 6-month-old baby for $80.00 in Guatemala so that he could easily get into the United States. Fact is, “children are being rented, bought, kidnapped and recycled so that single adults, mostly men from Central America, can gain quick release into the United States, after crossing the border illegally” – so writes Charlotte Cuthbertson, Senior Washington reporter with the Epoch Times. Charlotte joins us today by telephone. Pastor Bill Shishko discusses the problem of pornography and counsels us about the dangers of isolation, as opposed to having healthy interactions with other Christians, in fellowship and accountability. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz discusses the gift of wisdom that comes from God to Christians who sincerely ask God for it in faith. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Later in the program we ask the question: Do you need wisdom? Getting to the place of acknowledging that your own wisdom is insufficient is a good start. It's from that recognition, James tells us, that we go to God, asking Him for wisdom. James shows us that God welcomes us when we do this, and that He'll grant our request, without reproach. A famous example of exactly this is seen in the life of Solomon in the Old Testament, who when he inherited Israel's throne, knew he was in over his head. He went to God for wisdom, and God answered him far beyond what Solomon asked for. Today Gerry Wisz discusses this wonderful gift and the posture that's needed needed on our part as we ask for it. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Myth of the Dying Church - Glenn Stanton, Fighting Pornography, Trials - What's God Doing?
Air Date: 8/10/2019
The Myth of the Dying Church - Glenn Stanton, Fighting Pornography, James 2

How many times have you heard the notion that the church is dying? Especially as we experience short term turmoil in this world, it is easy to become overly pessimistic, and miss the fact of the growth of God’s kingdom in history. Did you know that if you look at a larger body of research over the past ten years that you come away with a much more positive view – one that reveals something else altogether? Fact is, faithful churches are doing just fine and in fact are growing. Today we talk with Glenn Stanton. Glen is Focus on the Family’s Director of Global Family Formation Studies. He’s also author of a new book, by the title of “The Myth of the Dying Church: How Christianity Is Actually Thriving in America and the World.” Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to discuss the ongoing battle against pornography. He encourages us to make no provision for the flesh to fulfill its lusts. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz notes that God is at work in all the events of our life, even the bad things. He reminds us that the book of James teaches that when you encounter a miserable situation, that at the same time, you can experience the joy of the Lord. Finally we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Fulfilling the Great Commission via our Family - Eric Owens, Fighting the Battle of Pornography by Faith, The Book of James
Air Date: 8/3/2019
Fulfilling the Great Commission via our Family - Eric Owens, Fighting the Battle of Pornography by Faith, The Book of James

Have you considered that one of the more effective ways of fulfilling the Great Commission is by simply raising and educating your own Covenant children? How many times have you seen a well-meaning younger family with lots of energy, get overly involved in a Christian ministry that compromises their young family? How many kids of preachers have turned out poorly? Why is this? Is there not a better way? Today we talk with the President of Highlands Ministries, Eric Owens. He is married and he and his wife have three daughters and two sons, and are fully engaged in raising their children in godly ways. Pastor Bill Shishko discusses the challenge of fighting the battle against pornography. He shows how this battle ties into walking by faith and not by sight. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz begins a series on the Book of James. We are reminded that sometimes God re-routes us for our good and for His glory as He takes us through trials. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Shortage of Doctors - Why? - Sally C. Pipes, Religious Freedom, Investing in God's Kingdom, Biblical Illiteracy
Air Date: 7/27/2019
Shortage of Doctors - Why? - Sally C. Pipes, Religious Freedom, Investing in God's Kingdom, Biblical Illiteracy

Did you know that we are starting to experience a medical doctor shortage here in America? The American Association of Medical Colleges predicts that by 2030, there will be a shortage of 121,000 doctors, and the disparity is rapidly growing. There also appears to be several causes leading to this problem, and the facts may shock you. Today we talk with Sally C. Pipes, President and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute. Pastor Bill Shishko challenges us to invest in Kingdom projects as we see God raise up a harvest of righteousness. God tells us to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and “all these things shall be added to you.” Sally has written a book, and its title is: The False Promise of Single-Payer Health Care (Encounter Broadsides) Paperback - you can find it on Amazon Smile. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz discusses the issue of biblical illiteracy. People in general have little idea of what the Bible really says. Sadly, even professed Christians have insufficient grounding in biblical content and often misunderstand the key basics of the Christian faith. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Bible Translation - Dan Kramer, Wealth that God Blesses, Modern Money Theory and its Weak Underbelly
Air Date: 7/20/2019
Bible Translation - Bible Translation - Dan Kramer, Wealth that God Blesses, Modern Money Theory and its Weak Underbelly

Bible translation work is important. It allows God’s word to be available to peoples who previously have not been able to have a Bible. In the past, the time to translate a New Testament would take from 9 to 13 years. However there are thousands of language communities with no Scripture and are in countries that forbid traditional missionaries. Some of the language communities live in the hardest to reach locations—high in mountain ranges, low in tropical jungles. So the need is huge and there has to be a way to more efficiently do the work so that the maximum number of people can be reached. Wycliffe Associates has a new strategy they have been developing and using over the past five years which reduces the translation time down to about 40 weeks in some cases. They partner together with local people who have language skills. Today we talk with Dan Kramer Director of Education services about this new strategy called Mobilized Assistance Supporting Translation, or MAST. Pastor Bill Shishko reviews the scripture that addresses what we should do with the wealth that God blesses us with. Within this context he covers the biblical tithe. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz responds to the relatively new heterodox macroeconomic theory called “Modern Money Theory” or MMT. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Re-Creative Praying - Pastor Bill Smith, The Treasure Principle, Thoughts and Prayers
Air Date: 7/13/2019
Re-Creative Praying - Pastor Bill Smith, The Treasure Principle, Thoughts and Prayers

God has blessed us with the privilege of working with Christ in this world as He re-arranges it. There is so much brokenness, and we are small and insignificant compared to the massive issues that seem to be controlling the world. But the reality is that weak men and women come together to confess, adore, intercede, and offer up our memorial in the Lord’s Supper. Through all this, our Sovereign God hears our prayers and uses these prayers to change the world. So much so, we can say that He is actively at work re-arranging. Today we talk about such re-creative praying with Rev. Bill Smith, pastor of Cornerstone Reformed Church in Carbondale, Illinois (http://cornerstonecrec.org/). Pastor Bill Shishko discusses our investments of faith, worship and service to God. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to discuss the oft-used phrase that surfaces in the context of disasters – that is, our “thoughts and prayers” are with you. Is it trite to use such language? What do the Scriptures teach? Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Dementia-Dualism-and what makes us Human - Dr Aaron Rothstein, On Coveting, Another Chink in the Armor of Evolution
Air Date: 7/6/2019
Dementia-Dualism-and what makes us Human - Dr Aaron Rothstein, On Coveting, Another Chink in the Armor of Evolution

All of us it seems, have been touched in some way by someone suffering from Dementia. When Alzheimer’s disease sets in, our loved one loses more and more of their memory. They start to withdraw. They may eventually forget who their family members are. Sometimes they begin struggling with talking and in some cases, walking. There are cases also where the person responds with violence. Today we talk with neurovascular fellow Dr. Aaron Rothstein. He describes the challenges of dealing with dementia as he shares a touching story of spousal care. He also addresses the question of “What Makes us Human?” Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to review the 10th commandment. We are to be content with our lot and not covet what others have. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz takes a look at the theory of evolution. He explores a recent example of the scientific record that doesn’t fit with the evolutionary narrative regarding monkeys. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Health Reimbursement Accounts Positive Changes - Dr. Robert Moffit, The Pentecostal Theme and Missions, A Modern Tower of Babel Contrasted with Christian Solutions
Air Date: 6/29/2019
Health Reimbursement Accounts Positive Changes - Dr. Robert Moffit, The Pentecostal Theme and Missions, A Modern Tower of Babel Contrasted with Christian Solutions

Are you familiar with Health Reimbursement Accounts? These accounts setup by an employer for their employees, can be used to pay for out of pocket expenses - things not covered by a medical plan – perhaps dental, vision, or medical supplies, etc. Now there is a new rule that will significantly expand the permitted uses of these tax-advantaged health reimbursement accounts. For the first time in the history of these accounts, this rule will allow employees to use them to pay premiums for individual health insurance, starting in 2020. This will change will expand health insurance coverage, and also lower health care costs. Today we talk with Dr. Robert Moffit, senior fellow in domestic policy studies at The Heritage Foundation. Pastor Bill Shishko continues the Pentecostal theme and talks about the leaven of the gospel and its pervasive nature in the world. He also ties in the use of missionary radio. We are encouraged to have a part with good ministries and with a special emphasis on local churches. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz looks back at the book of Genesis and observes that many in our day are repeating the error of Babel, thinking they have the answer to man's obliteration and all his woes. They turn to themselves, and not to God. By contrast, Christians serve others, providing what government welfare never can; that is, genuine Christian care and long-term solutions. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Unlikely Pillgrim - Al Regnery, God's Great Commission, How to respond to Clarion calls for Socialism’s “Social Justice”
Air Date: 6/22/2019
Unlikely Pillgrim - Al Regnery, God's Great Commission, How to respond to Clarion calls for Socialism’s “Social Justice”

Suppose you were to travel to the ancient places of the world in which Christianity had a profound influence. Imagine visiting the location of the 7 churches in the Book of Revelation in present day Turkey. Or imagine going into Northern Romania and finding a church where there is an artist who is carefully restoring old things, preserving an important slice of Christian history. Today we talk with Al Regnery – author of the new book Unlikely Pilgrim: A Journey into History and Faith. He describes his journey to unique parts of Europe and the Middle East as he visited places of early Christianity. Al makes it clear that not only did Christianity make a huge contribution to Western Culture, but in fact, Western Culture IS Christianity. Al's website is here: http://unlikelypilgrim.us/ Pastor Bill Shishko continues considering Pentecost and he encourages us to stop wringing our hands, and rather in the power of the Holy Spirit, go ahead and actually DO something! Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz advices how to respond to clarion calls for Socialism’s “social justice?” Are the problems real, and if they are, how should we address them? Gerry provides some practical examples. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists - Dr. Donna Harrison, A Father Regrets, Pentecost and Missions, Father's Day
Air Date: 6/15/2019
Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists - Dr. Donna Harrison, A Father Regrets, Pentecost and Missions, Father's Day

Tomorrow is Father’s Day. Father’s have a key role in protecting their families and that includes guarding the lives of the unborn. At this point in our history, the unborn are the most vulnerable among us here in America. Since 1973 there have been over 60 million elective abortions. An abortion snuffs out the innocent life of another human being as the doctor invades the safe space of the womb and intentionally kills the little baby. Body parts are later collected and accounted for – little arms, legs, torsos and heads. According to the CDC, one in three babies is aborted in the five boroughs of New York City. As if this barbarism is not enough, sometimes the fetal tissue is sold by Planned Parenthood for profit. Abortion is a grievous sin in America, and one for which we will be, if not already are, under the judgment of the Triune God of the Scriptures. Today we talk with board-certified obstetrician and gynecologist Dr. Donna Harrison. She serves as Executive Director of the American Association of Prolife Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to discuss the WHY of missions, particularly in light of Pentecost. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz discusses Fatherhood. He points out that there are many fathers who are not at home and have absconded and shirked their responsibility. Godly Fathers by contrast, love their wives and bring up their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Already-Not Yet Paradigm - Rev. Uri Brito, Pentecost, More on the New Socialism
Air Date: 6/8/2019
The Already-Not Yet Paradigm - Rev. Uri Britto, Pentecost, More on the New Socialism

Sometimes in theology we hear the phrase "Already/Not yet." It talks about the Kingdom of God being already here and yet reminds us that the perfection of this kingdom as it grows in history takes place at the end, that is in the eschaton. Often too, people tend to jump to the end and talk about the "not yet." But what about the "already?" Today we talk with Pastor Uri Brito, the Senior Pastor of Providence Church in Pensacola, FL. Born in Northeastern Brazil, he has lived in the United States for over 25 years. Pastor Brito earned a B.A. in Pastoral Studies from Clearwater Christian College, an M.Div. from Reformed Theological Seminary (RTS)/Orlando. He is currently pursuing a D.Min from RTS in the field of Reformed Theology and Ministry. A certified counselor through the Association of Biblical Counselors (ABC-Level 1), he also blogs at uribrito.com and kuyperian.com. During the segment "A Visit to the Pastor's Study," Rev. Bill Shishko takes a refreshing look at Pentecost, which we celebrate tomorrow. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to peel the onion as it were, as he looks further into the so called New Socialism. Finally we take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Religious Freedom, Broadcasting, Churches - Craig Parshall, The Outworkings of Pentecost, Alabama's New Abortion Law
Air Date: 6/1/2019
Religious Freedom, Broadcasting, Churches - Craig Parshall, The Outworkings of Pentecost, Alabama's New Abortion Law

Today we talk with an attorney who serves as General Counsel for the National Religious Broadcasters. He explains what he sees as the largest immediate threats to our religious freedom in the months ahead. There are some serious threats to not only Christian broadcasters but to Christian churches, Christian businesses and Christian schools. He also highlights some good developments that are moving in the direction of supporting our Bill of Rights as the flourishing of human life. Pastor Bill Shishko describes some of the outworkings of Pentecost. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz comments on the recent abortion law that was passed in the state of Alabama. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Religious Liberty and What's at Stake if We Lose It - Emilie Kao, Pentecost was the Undoing of the Curse on Babel, New Socialism Ignores Racial Progress and Job Growth
Air Date: 5/25/2019
Religious Liberty and What's at Stake if We Lose It - Emilie Kao, Pentecost was the Undoing of the Curse on Babel, New Socialism Ignores Racial Progress and Job Growth

What's at stake if we lose our religious freedom? Religious freedom is much more than simply being free to worship in your home. Under the United States' Bill of Rights, we have the right to live out our faith and for example, setup Christian pregnancy centers, Christian churches, Christian hospitals, Christian homes for troubled teens, hold evangelistic rallies, etc. We must stand up for our religious liberty, or it will be lost. Our guest is attorney Emilie Kao, Director of the Richard and Helen DeVos Center for Religion & Civil Society at The Heritage Foundation. Writer Gerry Wisz looks at the so-called "New Socialism." These Socialists seem to be controlled by the "justice Democrats." They fail to take on the noble work of how to improve the economy, and are ignoring bread and butter issues. Fact is, as Gerry aptly asserts, "there is plenty of bread and it is buttered." The idea is to continue to improve the economy and continue to remove burdensome regulations that prohibit our free market. Profits are growing, and fortunately, capital spending is increasing. Employment is good, and jobs for Blacks and Latinos are readily available. Unemployment is low - thank the Lord. According to one cited article, Blacks are determined to make it on their own abilities and and they are not impressed by the hiring quotas. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Equality Act - Star Parker, The Ascension, Just War
Air Date: 5/14/2019
The Equality Act - Star Parker, The Ascension, Just War

What is the so-called Equality Act all about? It sounds kind of good - until you start thinking about its ramifications. Listen carefully to the dangers that our guest identifies in this podcast. There are dangers for Christian small businesses, Christian broadcasters, Christian churches, Christian homeless shelters, etc. The act has gotten into the House, and has not yet gotten to the Senate. This act would re-define the civil rights law currently on the books. Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to review the wonderful implications of the Ascension. Many Christians celebrate the Ascension on May 30 of this year. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to talk about Armed Services Day and then segues to a review of Just War. Finally, we take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Christian Classical School Option - Derrick Max; The Resurrection of Christ, God's Moral Law as a Rule for Societal Peace
Air Date: 5/11/2019
Christian Classical School Option - Derrick Max; The Resurrection of Christ, God's Moral Law as a Rule for Societal Peace

Public education in America, also called government-run education, is increasingly feeding the children in its classrooms with a worldview antithetical to Christianity. Classes are more and more filled with ideologies that demean Christianity and which disallow the Bible. Perhaps you have a child in a government-run school. Have you noticed if the curriculum is crossing moral lines that violates your religious beliefs? What to do? Did you know that there are good alternatives to the government run schools, and alternatives that are very competitive in terms of educational rigor? Increasingly, Christian parents are choosing homeschooling, or charter schools, or co-ops and affordable private Christian schools. With the internet, now excellent courses are available online. Today we take a look at one of these alternatives. Cornerstone Schools in Washington DC offers pre-K through twelfth-grade to about 200 students in a disadvantaged part of the country. Once the students get to high school, the classes are most rigorous as they implement the "classical" educational model. Today we talk with the Executive Director/Principal of Cornerstone, Derrick Max. Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to discuss the significance of the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. The resurrection effectively broke the back of Satan’s power and was the beginning of a whole new age. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz notes that the percentage of Evangelicals in the American population is on the decline, and the 10 Commandments are losing their hold on Americans as a moral standard. Evangelicals, according to Pew Research, make up less than one quarter of our population. And so, in our day, new laws are being pushed which seek to protect what God says is sinful behavior. Gerry discusses this trend in connection with the revived interest in socialism. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Electoral College - Trent England, Highlights in the Church Calendar and Good Friday, The Beauty of Social order based upon Christ and His Law
Air Date: 5/4/2019
The Electoral College - Trent England, Highlights in the Church Calendar and Good Friday, The Beauty of Social order based upon Christ and His Law

Do you understand the Electoral College? It is a process that is a key part of our Constitutional Republic. According to the National Archives: There is something called the Electoral College, and “it is a process, not a place. The founding fathers established it in the Constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens. The Electoral College process consists of the selection of the electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for President and Vice President, and the counting of the electoral votes by Congress.” Trent England, is the Executive Vice President at the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs and director of the Save Our States project. In a Visit to the Pastor's Study, Bill Shishko begins a new series that looks at a few of the highlights of the church calendar. This week he reflects on Good Friday that we recently celebrated. Do you enjoy liberty? Have you considered what serves as liberty’s foundation? We have become used to liberty here in America, but this freedom we enjoy is not as common as we may think. Man and his sinful desires often get the upper hand, and it takes determination and vigilance to maintain a free society. The chequered history of rule is one of despots run by their own desires with no regard for inalienable rights given by God . By contrast, a social order based upon Christ and his law is the sure foundation for liberty and justice. Today Gerry Wisz continues to look at the general sweep of the so-called New Socialism, and investigates the foundation of our liberties we have here in America. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Illegal Aliens and Activist Judges - Hans von Spakovsky, Gender Dysphoria and the Gospel, the New Socialism and Christians
Air Date: 4/27/2019
Illegal Aliens and Activist Judges - Hans von Spakovsky, Gender Dysphoria and the Gospel, the New Socialism and Christians

Did you know that about 90% of the claims for asylum for the aliens from South America are fake claims? You don't hear about that in the news very often. The same people who traverse the entire length of Mexico could have applied for asylum in Mexico if they were really in need of it. But they are not - it is a false asylum claim for about 90%. The system here in America is overloaded, and so some of these (many actually) are released and given a court date to appear, but they usually do not appear, and get lost into the United States. Asylum is appropriate for cases of religious persecution and was an important option for those suffering under Communism, especially during the Cold War. Christians in particular have suffered enormously at the hands of those who hold to a consistent form of Islam. The United States and Mexico face a humanitarian and security crisis on their shared border. In recent months, hundreds of thousands of migrants have left their home countries in Central America to journey through Mexico and then across the southern border of the United States, where they often make meritless claims for asylum and yet—because of strains on our resources—frequently secure release into our country. The United States is attempting to enforce a specific provision in federal immigration law that would protect those who truly need asylum. However an activist judge is fighting attempts at implementing this law. Today we talk with a former DOJ attorney, and former FEC Commissioner, Hans von Spakovsky. Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to wrap up his discussion on gender dysphoria - his approach is to be gospel-centered. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz observes that Millennials are increasingly abandoning a free market economic approach and are embracing outcome-based social policies, and this unfortunately include evangelical Christians. Biblical requirements are summarily disregarded. Gerry continues looking at the so called New-Socialism. Finally, we’ll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Rich States - Poor States Report - Jonathan Williams, Sexual Dysphoria and God's Perspective, A Look at the Resurrection of Jesus Christ
Air Date: 4/20/2019
Rich States - Poor States Report - Jonathan Williams, Sexual Dysphoria and God's Perspective, A Look at the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

Today we delve into the subject of which states in our union are economically friendly to personal freedom and overall growth. We talk with Jonathan Williams who is the vice president for the Center for State Fiscal Reform and chief economist at the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). Find out how your state is doing and compare it with other states. Visit: www.richstatespoorstates.org/ Americans vote with their feet and move to more tax-friendly states. Pastor Bill Shishko looks at sexual dysphoria with respect to our spiritual side. Gerry Wisz considers the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This Jesus is now enthroned in the heavens and He is actively reigning. He will continue to reign until he has put all His enemies under his feet. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: North Korea Update - Bruce Klingner, Sin in our own bodies, Characteristics of the New Socialism and how it Spreads
Air Date: 4/13/2019
North Korea Update - Bruce Klingner, Sin in our own bodies, Characteristics of the New Socialism and how it Spreads

Its been a while since this program took a look at North Korea. What's been going on there? Our guest is an expert on North Korea and has testified before the House Foreign Affairs Committee, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. He is a frequent commentator in U.S. and foreign media. His articles and commentary have appeared in major American and foreign publications and he is a regular guest on broadcast and cable news outlets. Bruce Klinger may be followed on Twitter at: @bruceklingner Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to talk about sin in our own bodies, as it relates to the current issue of sexual dysphoria. Writer Gerry Wisz joins us to continue with observations on the so-called "New Socialism." Finally, we take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together - Christian Persecution in Nigeria - Will Stark, The Origin of our Sin, Socialism - Part II
Air Date: 4/6/2019
Christian Persecution in Nigeria - Will Stark, The Origin of our Sin, Socialism - Part II

Today we take a look at Nigeria and the persecution of Christians there. The truth of what is happening sometimes is covered up or hard to get at because of political biases, but in the middle belt area there has been a lot of persecution of Christians by the Muslim population, particularly the Fulani herders. There indeed is an effort up north to create a Muslim-only majority. Today we talk with a man who actually was there, feet on the ground, and who talked with Christian leaders in the area. Our guest is Will Stark, International Christian Concern's Regional Manager. Their website is found at: www.persecution.org - Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to remind us that in this world we are broken actors on a broken stage. This is because of the original fall into sin, in the garden. Sin is sin and yet, are there certain sins which come with special physical effects and consequences? Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us with his second installment of looking into what Socialism is and what it produces societally. Socialiam's goal is to own the means of prodution and views family inheritance as property of the state. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Sing Psalms - Ancient and Modern - Keith Getty, Biblical Femininity, The New Socialists
Air Date: 3/30/2019
Sing Psalms - Ancient and Modern - Keith Getty, Biblical Femininity, The New Socialists

God gave us the book of Psalms in the Scriptures. The Psalms are precious to the child of God and are often sung as part of the worship service in church. Today we talk with Keith Getty, a modern hymn writer. For more information about the Getty's music which we consider today, please visit this site: https://store.gettymusic.com/us/album/sing-psalms-ancient-modern/ We talk with Keith about his life and ow the Lord directed him into this line of work. He also shares about the upcoming conference for August 19-21, 2019. Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to talk about "femaleness" and what it looks like biblically. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to discuss the "New Socialism." This is a multi-part series. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Venezuela - its Power Grid and Socialism - Daniel Turner, Look to the Man Christ Jesus, Nuclear Power
Air Date: 3/23/2019
Venezuela - its Power Grid and Socialism - Daniel Turner, Look to the Man Christ Jesus, Nuclear Power

What is at the root cause of Venezuela's power grid blackouts? The bulk of the power generation originates from a hydro plant, which typically should be very reliable and able to be bootstrapped when it shuts down. What did Hugo Chavez do when he took over? After firing those who knew how to run the power system, he then put political operatives in place to run things. Why did this socialistic system not pay attention to the infrastructure and keep it in top shape? Venezuela is an oil rich nation and there is absolutely no excuse for the social depravity and breakdowns we see occurring there. Pastor Bill Shishko discusses manhood and encourages us to look to the Man, Christ Jesus. Later in the program, write Gerry Wisz joins us to take an objective look at nuclear energy, asking the question of why we don't more fully embrace it? He contrasts this with what is happening in the UK and their successful use of nuclear energy. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history.

Holding All Things Together: Dark Agenda - The War to Destroy Christian America - David Horowitz, Dishonoring our Bodies, St. Patrick
Air Date: 3/16/2019
Dark Agenda - The War to Destroy Christian America - David Horowitz, Dishonoring our Bodies, St. Patrick

There is an all out war by the left against the Christian faith and its influence in America. This despite the fact that America has strong Christian roots. Our guest today has written a new book on the subject. The title is: DARK AGENDA: The War to Destroy Christian America. Today we interview the author, David Horowitz. Here is an Amazon link to the book: https://www.amazon.com/DARK-AGENDA-Destroy-Christian-America/dp/163006114X Also see this: https://www.frontpagemag.com/ Pastor Bill Shishko deals with the subject of purity of our bodies and what the Lord requires. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to discuss St. Patrick and his evangelical outreach. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Alive From New York - Paul Batura, Being Counter Cultural in Sexual Purity, The Wall and the Civil Magistrate
Air Date: 3/9/2019
Alive From New York - Paul Batura, Being Counter Cultural in Sexual Purity, The Wall and the Civil Magistrate

The abortion debate has taken a turn. People are waking up to the horrors of killing babies as well as the infanticide supported by some of our representatives who are in office and who are running for president. It's a hard thing to understand how a baby born alive is summarily murdered by a "health care provider," and that NY State law allows this! A recent vote in the senate failed due to Democrats blocking the 'born alive' bill that would have provided medical care to infants who survive failed abortions. In response to the holocaust of abortion, Focus on the Family is putting on an event in Times Square. It will show a live third trimester baby in the womb, shown on the jumbotrons using a 4D Sonogram. Here is the link to the event: https://jimdaly.focusonthefamily.com/save-the-date-alive-from-new-york-on-may-4th/ In a Visit to the Pastor's Study, Bill Shishko calls us to be counter cultural in matters of sexuality. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reminds us of the scriptural guidance for civil leaders, from Romans 13. He applies this to the debate ongoing, about building a wall on the southern border of the United States. Finally, we close with another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Benefits of Pipelines and Natural Gas - Brigham McCown, Politicians Celebrating the Loss of Jobs and Revenue
Air Date: 3/2/2019
Benefits of Pipelines and Natural Gas - Brigham McCown, Politicians Celebrating the Loss of Jobs and Revenue

Pipelines - what a blessing they are! They are used to bring clean natural gas to millions in our country. If you live in a city, under the ground are many miles of pipes quietly doing their job to bring natural gas to homes, businesses, hospitals, etc. Today we talk with an expert in the field of pipelines and safety. Our guest is Brigham McCown, Chairman and Founder of the Alliance for Innovation and Infrastructure, a U.S. based non-profit Alliance dedicated to improving the safety and security of America’s national infrastructure. See: aii.org to follow him on Twitter, see: https://twitter.com/BAMcCown Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that we have free access to God and can come boldly to God's throne of grace because of the work of Christ on our behalf. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz takes a look at the recent decision of Amazon to not come to Queens. Why did this happen, and why are some politicians on the left doing a victory lap? Did not the 25,000 high paying jobs mean anything? What about the loss of billions of dollars of tax revenue? Things are not good in NY State. This is what happens when the principles of God's inerrant word are spurned. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: More on the Green New Deal -vs- Reality - Robert P. Murphy, Freedom from Eternal Damnation, A Book Review of Seven Types of Atheism
Air Date: 2/23/2019
More on the Green New Deal -vs- Reality - Robert P. Murphy, Freedom from Eternal Damnation, A Book Review of Seven Types of Atheism

We hear about the so-called "New Green Deal." Consider this episode a followup to the program that we did two weeks ago. Today we talk with Robert P. Murphy, Senior Fellow with the Mises Institute and Research Assistant Professor with the Free Market Institute at Texas Tech University. We take a look at the overwhelming costs of the proposal, which is so large, it would severely cripple our economy. Our guest also accurately pinpoints another motive behind this proposed New Deal - and it is not good at all. For further study, not covered in this interview, here is an executive summary that deals with the problem with the climate models: https://www.heartland.org/_template-assets/documents/CCR/CCR-II/Executive-Summary.pdf Also, in a Visit to the Pastor's Study, Bill Shishko looks at a rarely heard aspect of our faith, that of being saved from eternal damnation. Late in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins with a book review of "Seven Types of Atheism," by John Gray. Finally, Calvin Carter brings us another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: New York's War on Religious Education - Micah Morrison, No Sting of Death, Life-saving Alternatives for Mothers Considering Abortion
Air Date: 2/16/2019
New York's War on Religious Education - Micah Morrison, No Sting of Death, Life-saving Alternatives for Mothers Considering Abortion

New guidelines in New York State from the Department of Education apply to all "religious and independent schools." These guidelines revisit the "substantial equivalency" statute. Schools must provide samples of teaching samples, textbooks and lesson plans. The new mandates will be enforced by inspections from local school district officials. All this from a press release by Judicial Watch. Today we interview their Chief Investigative Reporter, Micah Morrison. Here is the link to his article on this topic: https://www.judicialwatch.org/bulletins/new-yorks-war-on-religious-education/ Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us of another aspect of the freedom of the Christian: freedom from the sting of death. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz calls our attention to alternatives for expecting mothers who may be considering aborting their pregnancy and killing their baby. It doesn't have to be that way - there are better alternatives. Finally, we take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Power the Future Responsibly - Daniel Turner, Christian Freedom, The Purity Movement
Air Date: 2/9/2019
Power the Future Responsibly - Daniel Turner, Christian Freedom, The Purity Movement

We hear about the "New Green Deal" from some of our newly elected representatives. Is carbon dioxide really -directly- tied to radical climate change? That connection has not been proven scientifically at this point. Many people disagree, and until there is a consensus, we have a major problem on our hands in terms of understanding cause and effect. And unless there is unquestionable consensus, then not a dime should be spent on something that is based on potentially flawed climate models. Most of the models are not adjusted to match reality. One, a Russian model, seems to have been calibrated, but that is in the minority. Perhaps *minor* climate swings are related in a small way to CO2. However there is another study published that shows that Temperature change LEADS in time, that of the increased concentration of CO2 and not the other way around! But if CO2 is affecting things, the big question is: does it lead to catastrophic effects? No it does not. It appears that a major over reaction is occurring, and one that has the likelihood of totally sinking our peaceful way of life. If we were to do what the Green New Deal advocates, we would not have a reliable power grid. What do we make of the ideas to eliminate power generation that depends on fossil fuel, including nuclear? Do solar powered systems produce power at night? What about when the solar panels are covered in snow? What is their output during overcast days? And if they don't produce usable output during these significantly large period of times, then of course that means that we must store their limited output - that is, buffer that energy for use later. But how is that done? Huge battery banks are typically put into service. Add to this the huge inverter systems that convert DC to AC and at the right frequency. More realistically, the system falls back to fossil fuel generation! That's exactly how it works and people don't stop to consider the reality of it all. In fact these other fossil-fueled systems have to be up and running AT THE SAME TIME (just with less excitation) so as to keep the switch-over smooth. So there is much more to this than meets the eye of the uninformed observer. And what about electric cars - where does their charging power come from? Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to continue to explore the freedom that we have in Christ. Finally, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to look at an older movement, known as the Purity Movement - while perhaps having good intent, what were the downsides to that? Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Seeing the World Through the Eyes of Faith - Pastor Uri Britto, The Liberty Purchased for us by Christ, A Changing of the Guard in Brazil
Air Date: 2/2/2019
Seeing the World Through the Eyes of Faith - Pastor Uri Britto, The Liberty Purchased for us by Christ, A Changing of the Guard in Brazil

What if we started viewing this world through the eyes of faith? Do you spend too much time worrying about world events, watching the latest news, and yet you have little time for worship on Sunday with God's people? Maybe you are looking for that "perfect" church, and just can't stomach going to a church that is far less than what you think it should be. Today we talk with Pastor Uri Britto. Also, Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that in the gospel, we know a liberty that Christ purchased for us - liberty from: the guilt of sin, the condemning wrath of God, and curse of the moral law. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to take a look at what God is doing in Brazil in the civil realm. Gerry discusses the recent election of Jair Bolsonaro. Mr. Bolsonaro is a Christian and he has pledged to clean up the government corruption. Of special interest is new standards for schooling that seek to make schools so that they are not instruments of Marxist ideology, but rather getting back to the basics of reading, writing and arithmetic. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Sanctity of Human Life and Down Syndrome Babies - Janet Stafford, Freedom of Conscience, The Spread of God's Kingdom in History
Air Date: 1/26/2019
The Sanctity of Human Life and Down Syndrome Babies - Janet Stafford, Freedom of Conscience, The Spread of God's Kingdom in History

Since the sad Supreme Court decision on January 22, 1973, there have been 55 Million babies killed by legal abortion. This is nothing less than a holocaust. Clearly, the law on the federal books is at odds with God's biblical law. Today we look at a subset of babies that are routinely murdered, and that is, those having Down Syndrome. Our guest is Janet Stafford, manager of Focus on the Family's sanctity of human life efforts. Pastor Bill Shishko joins us with some wonderful assurance regarding Christian Freedom. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us with a book review as he discusses the spread of the Kingdom of God in history. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: A Devotional Experience for Students - Rodney and Sarah Anderson, Liberty to Obey God, A Christian town in Africa
Air Date: 1/19/2019
A 4-Week Devotional Experience for Students - Rodney and Sarah Anderson, Liberty to Obey God, A Christian town in Africa

Teens often spend their time interacting with electronic devices, especially their smart phones. While these are not bad in themselves, they can have a negative downside when we consider what it takes to have communion with God. He invites us into His word, to have fellowship with Him, and it especially helps to get alone with God, in the quiet and read his word and pray. Today we talk with the co-authors of the book WIRED. Rodney and Sarah Anderson talk about their book and give us a highlight of its content. Here is more information about the book from the publisher: http://orangebooks.com/tribe-students/wired/ In a Visit to the Pastor's Study segment, Pastor Bill Shishko continues the theme of liberty. He reminds us that to really be free, we must become free from sin, and become slaves to righteousness. Later in the program, write Gerry Wisz joins us to talk about a small city in Nigeria. It is a Christian city! Imagine that, and its not a cult. What can we learn from this? And why can't we see something like this city develop in other places all over the world? Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Finances in the Christian Home - Chuck Bentley, Christian Liberty, Malaria and Science
Air Date: 1/12/2019
Finances in the Christian Home - Chuck Bentley, Christian Liberty, Malaria and Science

How are your finances? Most adults experience financial regrets. Today we discuss a hopeful approach to handling finances with Chuck Bentley, CEO of Crown. Why not invite God into the area of your finances? If you do, not only will God be glorified, but it will likely help your marriage. Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to talk about true liberty. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz considers Malaria and science. Finally, we take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Hope for a New Year - Dr. John Vance, Bible Reading in the New Year, Persecution in Response to Gospel Advance
Air Date: 1/5/2019
Hope for a New Year - Dr. John Vance, Bible Reading in the New Year, Persecution in Response to Gospel Advance

We are already 5 days into the New Year and people find themselves needing hope. There is no better place to look for hope than to the Person of Jesus Christ. But what if sin stands in the way? How is that handled? Tune in this week to learn more. The theme of redemption runs through the segments. Dr. John Vance looks at the New Year and opportunities. Pastor Bill Shishko encourages us to read God's word. What better way to hear from God, than to read His word as the Holy Spirit applies it to our hearts! Gerry Wisz discusses gospel advance and the persecution that often results in response to that kingdom growth. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Blood Donation During the Holidays - Patty Corvaia, New Year's Resolutions, Come Out of the Shadows
Air Date: 12/29/2018
Blood Donation During the Holidays - Patty Corvaia, New Year's Resolutions, Come Out of the Shadows

There is a real need for blood donors during the holidays. We are all busy, and yet tragedies don't stop this time of year, whether they are car accidents, cancer treatments and emergency supplies. Today we talk with Patty Corvaia, External Communications Manager, Biomedical Field Marketing and Communications, with the American Red Cross. Patty explains what is involved in giving blood so that others may be helped and blessed. Pastor Bill Shishko joins us with a great suggestion for a New Year's resolution. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to take a look at Nicodemus who is mentioned in the pages of the New Testament. He is curious and comes to Jesus, and yet after talking with the Savior, Nicodemus seems to stay in the shadows. The crux of the matter is that mankind must be born again of the Spirit of God. After spiritual new birth, then we must boldly proclaim our allegiance to the Lord Jesus Christ. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Christmas -vs- Excarnation - Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin, Christ's coming and Education, Christmas Hope
Air Date: 12/22/2018
Christmas -vs- Excarnation - Dr. P. Andrew Sandlin, Christ's coming and Education, Christmas Hope

With Christmas and Advent, we celebrate the incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ. That means He took on human flesh. Jesus was born in a barn essentially. Real stuff, real matter. There is a dynamic in some Protestant circles, where increasingly, Christian belief is treated as primarily an intellectual, propositional set of beliefs. Whereas, the embodied, visceral, tactile, communal and ritual aspects of worship – kind of drop out. You get this “excarnational” form of Christianity that frankly does not fit the incarnation account. We need biblical Christianity! Jesus is Lord over all. Pastor Bill Shishko discusses the influence of Christianity on pushing for education for all. The prevalence and importance of education is directly related to the coming of Christ. Here is the link to the link to The Center for Cultural Leadership: https://christianculture.com/ Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reviews the trek of Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem. Jesus was born. There was little fanfare for this king. Magi did come from the East. Yet the people in the "kingdom" did not recognize this child King. Rome and the Jewish leaders would providentially execute this man. Fortunately the story goes on and we have real hope because of the coming of Christ. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Ukraine and Russian Aggression - Alexis Mrachek, Because Christ Came, Isaiah 7 and King Ahaz and the Promise of Immanuel
Air Date: 12/15/2018
Ukraine and Russian Aggression - Alexis Mrachek, Because Christ Came, Isaiah 7 and King Ahaz and the Promise of Immanuel

Today we look at a current event that pertains to Russian aggression against Ukraine. A recent provocation in the Black Sea occurred when Russian Federal Security Service border patrol boats attacked and seized three Ukrainian maritime vessels. What's key is that this happened in international waters and Russia has broken a treaty by this action. Why do we care? Tune in to find out why. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us of the prophecy that in the Seed of Abraham, all the families of the world will be blessed. Christ came and the concept of the slave as non-human was changed, the poor were cared for, and women were elevated to the same dignity as men. These are all tied to the coming of Christ. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz looks at Isaiah who prophesized to King Ahaz, that the virgin "shall conceive and bear a son." Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Coming of Christ and Restoring All Things - John Stonestreet, The Incarnation and Transformation, A Book Review of 'When?'
Air Date: 12/8/2018
The Coming of Christ and Restoring All Things - John Stonestreet, The Incarnation and Transformation, A Book Review of 'When?'

Today, John Stonestreet talks about the cosmic significance of the incarnation of Christ. This is the defining moment of history. And in this event, all of reality is defined. John looks at the theme of creation, fall, redemption, restoration. What we do in this world matters. We must care about our neighbor and the cultural forces which destroy our neighbor. Love causes us to have tangible acts to benefit our neighbor. In a Visit to the Pastor's Study, we look at what is the central, defining moment in human history. With the coming of the God-man, the Lord Jesus Christ, wonderful things happen - just two examples: slavery ends, and women are treated properly as made in God's image. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that with the coming of this God-man, everything is different. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reminds us: "As your days, so shall your strength be," from Deuteronomy 33:25. Timing may not be everything, but it's likely more important than we think, according to Daniel Pink in his new book, When. He shows that there uplifts, troughs, and uplifts again through our days and also through the seasons of our lives, and that knowing or anticipating these can make a big difference in how we respond to situations and events. The Lord helps us through the uncertainties of life, and even enables us to give more of ourselves to kingdom-related work. Finally, we take another look at this week in history. Thanks again for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Advent Begins Tomorrow - Dr. Kevin Chiarot, The Wonder of the Incarnation, The Magnificat
Air Date: 12/1/2018
Advent Begins Tomorrow - Dr. Kevin Chiarot, The Wonder of the Incarnation, The Magnificat

Why do many Protestant churches celebrate the season of Advent? Certainly it is not required by Scripture. Does it imply that these Protestant churches are being overly "Roman Catholic?" The Advent calendar includes wonderful scripture readings. The scriptures include both the first and second coming. Today we are joined by Dr. Kevin Chiarot to discuss this important topic. In a visit to the Pastor's Study, Rev. Bill Shishko asks us to "wonder" about the incarnation. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz considers Mary's song, or Magnificat. Finally, we take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Voter Integrity - Jason Snead, Being Thankful for Redemption, Scientific Integrity When Studying Origins
Air Date: 11/24/2018
Voter Integrity - Jason Snead, Being Thankful for Redemption, Scientific Integrity When Studying Origins

Today we take a look at documented voter fraud with Jason Snead, policy analyst in the Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at The Heritage Foundation. Election integrity should be a non-partisan issue. Here is the link to the documented cases referred to: http://thf-legal.s3.amazonaws.com/VoterFraudCases.pdf Pastor Bill Shishko continues the Thanksgiving theme from earlier this week, and looks at our eternal redemption that has been purchased by Christ. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz explores another area dealing with integrity, and that is the area of human origins, and whether or not, scientists who work in this area truly apply the scientific method to their inquiry as they reach conclusions. Are preconceived notions overly influencing conclusions? Are objective scientific methodologies being followed? Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Thanks for Godly Parents and God's calling - Dr. Liam Goligher, Praising God for Himself and His Creation, Looking Back at the First Thanksgiving
Air Date: 11/17/2018
Thanks for Godly Parents and God's calling - Dr. Liam Goligher, Praising God for Himself and His Creation, Looking Back at the First Thanksgiving

Welcome to our Thanksgiving Special! Dr. Liam Goligher joins us to discuss how the Lord called him to the Christian ministry. He expresses his thanks for some special people in his life, and notes how God brought him to Himself at a very early age. Pastor Bill Shishko begins a short series on the subject of giving thanks. Writer Gerry Wisz takes a look at the First Thanksgiving in America. Finally, we take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Families Increasingly Opting out of Public Schools for their Children - Kerry McDonald, What All Christians Believe and Why
Air Date: 11/10/2018
Families Increasingly Opting out of Public Schools for their Children - Kerry McDonald, What All Christians Believe and Why

Years ago, the homeschooling movement was dominated primarily with a concern over morals and religious matters. While that still remains a powerful motivator, now there is a new top driver - that of safety in the schools, drugs and negative peer pressure. The movement has grown by leaps and bounds and it is becoming more diverse. The educational results are generally better than that of the public-school system and the students have many more options to pursue as they find a better match for their gifts. Today we talk with Kerry McDonald, who recently wrote an article in the City Journal. John Stonestreet comments on the basis for children flourishing in homes, and that includes the educational aspect. Pastor Bill Shishko comments on being thankful. Gerry Wisz joins us with a book review of a succinct work by H. David Schuringa - What all Christians Believe and Why. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Health Sharing Ministries - Anthony Hopp, Godly Participation in a Constitutional Republic, The Established Practice of Election Day Sermons
Air Date: 11/3/2018
Health Sharing Ministries - Anthony Hopp, Godly Participation in a Constitutional Republic, The Established Practice of Election Day Sermons

Do you understand the difference between health insurance and a health sharing ministry? The two systems are quite different. We talk with Anthony Hopp, Vice President of external relations of Samaritan ministries. He explains that their product is not insurance. It is Christians agreeing to assist one another through voluntary sharing. The system works well and is less expensive than typical insurance programs. John Stonestreet relates one example of many, of a boy groping a young girl in a bathroom, in a local public school - this due to transgender policies. The school did not deal with the offense and was indifferent to the parents of the girl complaining to the school. Legal counsel is involved now. In a visit to the pastor's study, Bill Shishko reminds us of the rule of law here in America - the ultimate in authority in our Constitutional Republic is the law, not our representatives. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to discuss the old concept of election day sermons. These sermons helped the Christian to better understand God's claim on morality and how people are to live. This helps us think about our voting, and how it can reflect righteousness in a nation. Why doesn't this happen today? Finally, we take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: A Faith that Works - Pastor Robert Robinson, God and Government, Stock Dividends and What's Behind Buybacks
Air Date: 10/27/2018
A Faith that Works - Pastor Robert Robinson, God and Government, Stock Dividends and What's Behind Buybacks

This week we interview an inner city pastor who helps others by securing food from local grocers and providing it for the poor. Whatever is left over, he then brings to another food bank so that nothing goes to waste. This is an example of the James passage: "What good is it, my brothers, if someone claims to have faith, but has no deeds? Can such faith save him? Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you tells him, “Go in peace; stay warm and well fed,” but does not provide for his physical needs, what good is that? So too, faith by itself, if it is not complemented by action, is dead. But someone will say, “You have faith and I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds." Our guest recounts his early years growing up without a Dad in the home, and going out to work early in life, so as to help his Mom. His mother had to work three jobs in order to make ends meet.

Holding All Things Together: America's Religion of Hedonism and People in Need of Gospel Transformation - Dr. Gary Welton, Government's role in promoting the good, Light a Candle
Air Date: 10/20/2018
America's Religion of Hedonism and People in Need of Gospel Transformation - Dr. Gary Welton, Government's role in promoting the good, Light a Candle

Increasingly people gauge their happiness by the metric of personal fulfillment and especially in the areas of drug and alcohol use, and the rampant sexual perversion on many college and university campuses. But does a libertine attitude in these areas really result in human flourishing? Today we talk with Dr. Gary Welton, Assistant Dean for institutional assessment, and Professor of psychology at Grove City College, and contributor to The Center for Vision & Values. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that government is ordained by God and one of its limited roles is to encourage what is good. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to talk about lighting a candle instead of cursing the darkness. He reminds us that our Lord wants us to shine the light of God’s word everywhere. It's not there for us to only keep for ourselves. There's no place in this world that is off limits to this searching, revealing, and transforming light of the gospel. Have you considered how you might brighten the corner where you are? Finally, we take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together - International Trade - Terry Miller, The Primary Role of Government to Restrain Evil, Gender Dysphoria Study from Brown University
Air Date: 10/13/2018
International Trade - Terry Miller, The Primary Role of Government to Restrain Evil, Gender Dysphoria Study from Brown University

International trade takes place frequently between businesses in various countries. The most efficient trades take place where there is minimal government involvement. Today we talk with Ambassador Terry Miller, who at one time headed the U.S. Delegation to the UN Conference on Trade and Development in 2004. He now works as Director, Center for International Trade and Economics and Mark A. Kolokotrones Fellow in Economic Freedom at Heritage. In a visit to the Pastor's Study, Pastor Bill Shishko discusses the good and biblical requirement for the Civil Magistrate to restrain evil. This is one of the few roles of civil government mandated by the scriptures. As opposed to welfare, that is *not* given to civil government by the scriptures (rather, scripture teaches that welfare is given to the individual, churches, fellowships, and the private sector). Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reviews a recent Brown University study by Dr. Lisa Littman on gender dysphoria. The study was censored for apparently not fitting the modern political correctness standard, that often operates independent of science and facts. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. The views expressed on Holding All Things Together are those of the participants. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Why the Shortage of Medical Doctors - Sally C. Pipes, God's Word and the Civil Sphere, MeToo
Air Date: 10/6/2018
Why the Shortage of Medical Doctors - Sally C. Pipes, God's Word and the Civil Sphere, MeToo

What does the so-called "Single Payer" healthcare welfare system look like? Did you know that we have a medical doctor shortage that is growing? Today we talk with Sally Pipes, President and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute. She previously served as the assistant director of the Fraser Institute in Canada. John Stonestreet joins us to look at the downside of video gaming and its obsessions. Real addictions are happening and they are dangerous. Pastor Bill Shishko covers the biblical standards for leaders and that they must rule in the fear of God. Every person must be subject to the governing authorities. In America, that first means the law set forth in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz examines what our policy should be when a female accuser comes forward and accuses a male of sexual misconduct. Are the biblical standards that inform us of the civil standards that should be used (which are consistent with the US Constitution)? Are there cases when the accuser is causing a just person to be falsely accused and life ruined? Does it matter whether an accusation is true or not? We are experiencing a breakdown of truth and justice. What to do? "Tune in" to learn more. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Hurricanes - Their formation, tracking and modeling - Dr. Michael Brennan, The Biblical Basis for Civil Government, The Fruit of Self-Control
Air Date: 9/29/2018
Hurricanes - Their formation, tracking and modeling - Dr. Michael Brennan, The Biblical Basis for Civil Government, The Fruit of Self-Control

What causes hurricanes? We discuss tropical waves which develop into thunderstorms, then tropical depressions, etc. Is there a particular area from which they typically originate? How do we track them? Today we talk with Dr. Michael Brennan, the Branch Chief of the Hurricane Specialist Unit at NOAA’s National Hurricane Center in Miami. In a Visit to the Pastor's Study, Pastor Bill Shishko counsels us from scripture, regarding the characteristics of a good leader. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz takes a look at the fruit of the Spirit and in particular the characteristic of self-control. How does self-control tie into joy and laughter? Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Grandparents and their godly influence - Larry Fowler, A lesson in civics, Revitalization of urban neighborhoods
Air Date: 9/22/2018
Grandparents and their godly influence - Larry Fowler, A lesson in civics, Revitalization of urban neighborhoods

Are you a grandparent? Further, are you a Christian grandparent? If so, do you understand your responsibility towards the second generation - your grandchildren - with respect to passing on the Christian faith? Today we talk with Larry Fowler of the Legacy Coalition. Deuteronomy 4:9b talks about teaching God's precepts to your children and to their children after them. Our guest encourages church leaders to keep ministering to Christian families (1st generation), but also work at ministering to the grandparents too, so that the faith is passed on effectively. If the grandparents are able to support the parents in discipline, you speak with one voice to the child and helps him or her tremendously. In a visit to the Pastor's study short segment, Pastor Bill Shishko begins a new series. Have you considered that civil rulers are addressed in the scriptures? God is concerned with civil government (Romans 12), among all other spheres. In America, we participate in a Constitutional Republic by our voting. So, while it may seem that the Christian gospel is only for the church and its matters in a so-called "two kingdom" view, the biblical reality is that Jesus is Lord over all spheres. Christ is glorified as his word affects and restores all things, and not only church life (as vitally important as the church is). Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz considers something called re-gentrification. He points out that generally speaking this is a very good thing. New churches have begun, crime has been reduced, jobs are created, and the entrenched poverty of an area is repaired. Now, this does not fit with identity politics, but it does improve local conditions and results in human flourishing. We should not be using the word "gentrification," as it is misleading. Revitalization or renaissance would be far more accurate. Finally, we take a look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Criminal Justice Reform and True Recovery - John Koufos, Biblical Marriage, Yom Kippur
Air Date: 9/15/2018
Criminal Justice Reform and True Recovery - John Koufos, Biblical Marriage, Yom Kippur

Today we consider the incarcerated, and a particular segment of those in prison. There are some non-violent offenders who are in prison and on a path to getting out. But what do they find upon exit from prison? Many run into problems finding work - it's understandable because on the surface, if you are an employer and have a choice between a man with a clean record and a man who has served time, who would you trust the most? Another aspect is that of getting a driver's license. Prisoners usually lose their license. Yet the license is needed to drive to work. Today we talk with John Koufos, National Director of Reentry Initiatives at Right on Crime. Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to consider biblical marriage, and how this contrasts with the hedonistic practices found in ancient Rome. Later in the program writer Gerry Wisz joins us to take a look at Yom Kippur. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Supporting Husband Through a Work Crisis - Erin Smalley, A Cooperative School Model, Unnecessary Government Overreach
Air Date: 9/8/2018
Supporting Husband Through a Work Crisis - Erin Smalley, A Cooperative School Model, Unnecessary Government Overreach

What to do? The husband comes home from work exhausted, discouraged and takes out his frustrations in the home. He snaps at his wife, or is irritable. What are some helpful responses that a wife can have? Our guest today is Eirn Smalley of Focus on the Family. In a visit to the Pastor's Study, Bill Shishko discusses a hybrid educational model that involves cooperation between families in a sort of homeschooling format, yet with plenty of interaction with other parents and students. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz stops by to talk about unnecessary government overreach. This theme often comes up, and is a great frustration to freedom-loving Americans. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: How does the Lord Save People? - Pastor Al Baker, Covetousness and labor, Labor Day
Air Date: 9/1/2018
How does the Lord Save People? - Pastor Al Baker, Covetousness and labor, Labor Day

The Bible tells us that all of mankind is dead in our trespasses and sins. Further it says that we don't seek God because we are spiritually dead. And yet there are pastors and evangelists urging us to repent and trust in Christ. Clearly, there has to be something profound that God does in the sinner's heart to awaken us to our sin and convict us, so that we call out to the Triune God to save us. This situation is especially interesting and helpful to evangelists who hold to the Reformed confessions. On the surface (esp. if we don't take the time to appreciate the often mysterious nuances of God's word) it would appear to be a glaring inconsistency. Today we talk with Pastor Al Baker. He is an Evangelist with the Presbyterian Evangelistic Fellowship. More information about Pastor Al and his work is here: http://pefministry.org/Home.html Also, today Pastor Bill Shishko concludes his covering of the 10th Commandment. That is the one which says we shall not covet. He ties this into labor. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to take a look at the origin and meaning of Labor Day. He considers labor relations, unions, and what the scriptures have to say about the ethics involved in working as a Christian, to the glory of God. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Who is Jesus? - Dr. Kevin Chiarot, Are you Satisfied with your Lot in Life?, The Benefits of Reading
Air Date: 8/25/2018
Who is Jesus? - Dr. Kevin Chiarot, Are you Satisfied with your Lot in Life?, The Benefits of Reading

Who is Jesus? Is He God? What does he claim? What do the Scriptures teach? What is the eternal identity of Jesus Christ and how can we know Him? Today we talk with Dr. Kevin Chiarot of Westminster Presbyterian Church in Rock Tavern, NY. His email address is kchiarot@twc.com -- Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to consider our lot in life and encourage us to be content. He looks at the 10th commandment that deals with covetousness. Later in the program writer Gerry Wisz joins us to talk about the benefits of reading. Yes, reading! Is there a relationship to reading and the severity of Alzheimer's? What about simple forgetfulness? It's been said, that "those who read, lead." There may be a good deal of truth in this. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Protecting our Nation - Brigitte Gabriel, Truth-telling, On the licensing of Kid's Lemonade Stands
Air Date: 8/18/2018
Protecting our Nation - Brigitte Gabriel, Truth-telling, On the licensing of Kid's Lemonade Stands

Are the foundations of Western Civilization at risk? Our guest today believes so. Her family's home was blown up by radical Islamists. She was buried alive under the rubble. It took 2.5 months in the hospital and she survived. For 7 years she and her family lived in an 8x10' bomb shelter. Finally, she would come to the United States legally, and become a citizen. She talks with us about the schemes used by radical Islam to take over our nation from within. These schemes have been used in other places. But what to do? That is what her new book discusses. Pastor Bill Shishko continues looking at the 9th commandment and the implications of truth telling. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz discusses the increasing overreach of government. Is it wise to harass little kids with a lemonade stand and require them to be licensed? It makes one feel like saying "Enough is enough - we need to wake up to these oppressive regulations." Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: A Socialistic Plan for Health Care - Robert Moffitt, Truth Telling, Suicide and what can be done about it
Air Date: 8/11/2018
A Socialistic Plan for Health Care - Robert Moffitt, Truth Telling, Suicide and what can be done about it

Did you know that the proposed health takeover posited by Senator Bernie Sanders would require just over 32 TRILLION dollars over 10 years? That is larger than the national debt. If this plan were to pass, it would drastically raise our taxes and would also make it a crime if you got your own private health insurance. This is nothing short of a Socialism run amok. Further, as part of his plan he would effectively reduce services by cutting about 40% of the monies going to doctors and hospitals. Under the Sanders' plan, 20% of your payroll would go to run his proposed program with all of the doctor and hospital cuts. By contrast, as of this writing, some people are moving into direct primary care options. They love it! Also this week, Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to consider God's command regarding truth telling. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to discuss the rising occurrence of suicide, and the hope that the gospel of Christ brings. He includes some practical considerations for those struggling. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Chores in the Home and Marriage Tranquility - Erin Smalley, Material Blessings and Covenant Faithfulness
Air Date: 8/4/2018
Chores in the Home and Marriage Tranquility - Erin Smalley, Material Blessings and Covenant Faithfulness

Why is it that we so easily miss the simple yet key things that help a marriage to thrive? Chores in the home seems so elementary, and yet when spouses help each other in these mundane things, it has a really good effect on marital peace and tranquility. Join us today to look at this almost embarrassingly simple area that can help transform your marriage. Our guest is Erin Smalley. Pastor Bill Shishko gives us a fresh perspective on tithing, not only as being obedient to God, but if practiced by all Christian would have the huge affect of funding the spread of the Kingdom of God. Later in the program, Gerry Wisz joins us to consider a case study on the Philippines. His study intersects with the biblical notion of covenant faithfulness and the blessings of God. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Leaving Cloud 9 Book - Ericka Andersen, On Robbing God, Cultural Jihad
Air Date: 7/28/2018
Leaving Cloud 9 Book - Ericka Andersen, On Robbing God, Cultural Jihad

Today we consider a boy named Rick who was abandoned by his father at age two. He lived with an abusive mother who used drugs and alcohol; she was involved in theft and prostitution--and eventually she attempted suicide. As the boy grew up he experienced depression, anxiety, and PTSD. In adulthood, he would experience unemployment and divorce. He used drugs and alcohol to numb the pain until he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. However, by God’s grace, Rick overcame the odds and today is a happy husband and father. How did this happen? Rick’s answer: "It was the Lord." Today we talk with Ericka Andersen, author of the book Leaving Cloud 9, that tells Rick’s story. She speaks to those who grew up poor, feeling ignored and hopeless, and who need the healing power of God. She discusses the message of hope that is built on a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to take a look at the 8th Commandment "You shall not steal." He draws our an interesting application - that of not robbing God. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to continue to look at the migration of Islam into the West and the sort of cultural Jihad that sometimes ensues. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us! This program is supported by gifts and we appreciate your help.

Holding All Things Together: What Makes for a Good Supreme Court Justice? - Amy Swearer, On Taking God's Name in Vain, Islam and the Cultural Replacement Tactic
Air Date: 7/21/2018
What Makes for a Good Supreme Court Justice? - Amy Swearer, On Taking God's Name in Vain, Islam and the Cultural Replacement Tactic

Good judges apply the rule of law even if they disagree with them. Their job is not to change the rule, but simply apply it. Good judges look at a statute and sometimes have to make a ruling as to whether a statute is constitutional. They have to determine what the meaning of that statute is. A faithful judge will understand that the law today, has the same meaning as when it was adopted. Pastor Bill Shishko covers the third commandment of not taking the Lord's name in vain. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz talks about Islam and one of the tactics used in achieving domination in a culture. Finally, we take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Honest News Reporting - Sharyl Attkisson, Christian Hospitality, Movie Review - Paul the Apostle
Air Date: 7/14/2018
Honest News Reporting - Sharyl Attkisson, Christian Hospitality, Movie Review - Paul the Apostle

Are you weary of news reporters that are more interested in political spin, than honestly reporting the story? Is there a way of reporting the news that is consistent with the biblical norms of integrity and accuracy? Today we talk with investigative correspondent Sharyl Attkisson, host of the weekly TV show Full Measure. She regularly explores untouchable topics without giving way to the political pressures. She discusses a couple of recent stories that she reported on. She also addresses how people frequently create fake internet identities to flood social media with propaganda. You can watch her program here: http://fullmeasure.news/ Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to discuss Christian Hospitality. Later in our program, writer Gerry Wisz brings us a movie review on "Paul, Apostle of Christ." Finally, we take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: How Immigration Officials Cooked the Books and Fooled Congress - Mark Metcalf, Thou Shalt Not Steal, Celebrating godly Women
Air Date: 7/7/2018
Holding All Things Together: How Immigration Officials Cooked the Books and Fooled Congress - Mark Metcalf, Thou Shalt Not Steal, Celebrating godly Women

Today we take a look at the illegal alien reporting by the U.S. Immigration Courts. Of the illegal aliens that are apprehended, some are released to be free, pending their court date. The problem is that a high percentage of these folks are skipping town and not showing up. The statistics used to report to congress have been intentionally skewed to make the problem not seem as bad as it really is. This is a pretty major issue. Later, Pastor Bill Shishko looks at the 8th Commandment, of Thou Shalt Not Steal. What are the implications of this moral law of God? What about private property? What about Socialism? Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz provides a refreshing book review of "Johanna and Henriette Kuyper - Daring to Change Their World." Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Christian Marriage - Rev. Ben Miller, July 4th and Dependence upon God, Energy Production and the Dominion Mandate
Air Date: 6/30/2018
Christian Marriage - Rev. Ben Miller, July 4th and Dependence upon God, Energy Production and the Dominion Mandate

Its that time of year when couples are getting married. June is a favorite, as are the months of August, September and October. Today we talk with Pastor Ben Miller about the wonderful topic of Christian marriage. God originally created man and woman and joined them together as one. He discusses the mystery Christ and His Bride, the church. How can we protect our marriages? What about the practice of family devotions? Next week is the 4th of July, an important date in American history. The Colonists declared independence from Great Britain. But what about the problem of declaring independence from God Himself, from Whom is derived true freedom? Today Pastor Bill Shishko discusses the spiritual side. Later in the program writer Gerry Wisz talks about having a God-glorifying energy policy. We need both responsible Christian stewardship and freedom to generate power from a diversity of sources. But how does this intersect with those who seem to be saying that the sky is falling in terms of the claimed "human-caused" climate change? Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Christian Education with Rigor - Derrick Max, More on the 7th Commandment, On Being Salt and Light
Air Date: 6/23/2018
Christian Education with Rigor - Derrick Max, More on the 7th Commandment, On Being Salt and Light

Public education in America, also called government-run education, is increasingly feeding the children in its classrooms with a worldview antithetical to Christianity. Classes are more and more filled with ideologies that demean Christianity and which disallow the Bible. Perhaps you have a child in a government-run school. Have you noticed if the curriculum is crossing moral lines that violates your religious beliefs? What to do? Did you know that there are good alternatives to the government run schools, and alternatives that are very competitive in terms of educational rigor? Increasingly, Christian parents are choosing homeschooling, or charter schools, or co-ops and affordable private Christian schools. With the internet, now excellent courses are available online. Today we take a look at one of these alternatives. Cornerstone Schools in Washington DC offers pre-K through twelfth-grade to about 200 students in a disadvantaged part of the country. Once the students get to high school, the classes are most rigorous as they implement the "classical" educational model. Today we talk with the Executive Director/Principal of Cornerstone, Derrick Max. In a visit to the Pastor's study, Rev. Bill Shishko continues to dive into the 7th commandment. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz talks about being salt and light as we "move past" persecution. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Social Security and the Trust Fund - Romina Boccia, Marital Faithfulness, Father's Day
Air Date: 6/16/2018
Social Security and the Trust Fund - Romina Boccia, Marital Faithfulness, Father's Day

Did you know that the Social Security Trust fund is basically an accounting fiction? There is no money in it. It is "funded" by IOU's. The money that comes in, which you and I contribute towards our Social Security, is all spent. The "trust" fund at this point is now being tapped - and these IOU's are being called upon to pay out and cover the obligations. The current rate of spend down of this system will last only 16 more years if nothing else is done. After that, per law, there may be reductions in the amount of your Social Security check (about 21%), or taxes will need to be substantially raised so that this (socialistic) scheme can remain afloat. We have a real problem on our hands. Today we interview an expert on this whole matter. In a Visit to the Pastor's Study, Bill Shishko explains more on the 7th commandment. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to talk about Fathers. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us! (The views expressed are those of the participants).

Holding All Things Together: Christian Persecution - David Curry, The Seventh Commandment, Being Persecuted for Righteousness' Sake
Air Date: 6/9/2018
Christian Persecution - David Curry, The Seventh Commandment, Being Persecuted for Righteousness' Sake

Today we take a closer look at Christian persecution. Interwoven with that theme, is a look at the 7th commandment. Pastor Bill Shishko explains the command "You shall not commit adultery." What a timeless command this is! It speaks of sexual purity. There are so many implications of this command. Two of our segments this week deal with persecution. First, David Curry from Open Doors USA covers the abduction of Pastor Raymond Koh in Malaysia. David also comments on North Korea. This pastor was receiving threats for talking about Jesus and helping people with his charity. It looks like the government itself, kidnapped this kind and faithful Pastor. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us with a second installment of his treatment of the beatitude, "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake." Finally we conclude with another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: A Way out of Welfare - Living with Dignity with Dependence Upon God - Star Parker, End of Life Issues, Blessed are Those Who are Persecuted for Righteousness' Sake
Air Date: 6/2/2018
A Way out of Welfare - Living with Dignity with Dependence Upon God - Star Parker, End of Life Issues, Blessed are Those Who are Persecuted for Righteousness' Sake

What if there were a way out of the welfare web? Did you know that some folks refer to this lifestyle as living on "the plantation?" That description comes from some in the black community. This week we have a refreshing interview with the president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education, Star Parker. She describes what her life was like, and then how the Lord turned her life around. Now she looks to God, rather than government, to provide her every need. She has experienced dignity and a sense of well being in her new life. Her organization exists to help others off the welfare roles and to learn to find their God-given talent and to get actively serving the Lord by making a living. Churches have an integral role in all this. In a visit to the Pastor's study, Rev. Bill Shishko tackles another tough subject - end of life issues. He doesn't just give us his personal opinion, but frames his answer based on the moral law of God. Gerry Wisz joins us to look at the last of the beatitudes: "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake... Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks again for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Gospel Advance via Missions - Dr. Peter Hammond, God's Law and Capital Punishment, Blessed are the Peacemakers
Air Date: 5/26/2018
Gospel Advance via Missions - Dr. Peter Hammond, God's Law and Capital Punishment, Blessed are the Peacemakers

Is the gospel advancing or are we in a holding pattern until Jesus returns? What have we seen in the past in terms of missionary endeavors and conversions to Christ? Actually we have seen tremendous advances for the Christian faith. The Westminster Larger Catechism says: "In the second petition (which is, Thy kingdom come), acknowledging ourselves and all mankind to be by nature under the dominion of sin and Satan, we pray, that the kingdom of sin and Satan may be destroyed, the gospel propagated throughout the world, the Jews called, the fullness of the Gentiles brought in; the church furnished with all gospel officers and ordinances, purged from corruption, countenanced and maintained by the civil magistrate: that the ordinances of Christ may be purely dispensed, and made effectual to the converting of those that are yet in their sins, and the confirming, comforting, and building up of those that are already converted: that Christ would rule in our hearts here, and hasten the time of his second coming, and our reigning with him forever: and that he would be pleased so to exercise the kingdom of his power in all the world, as may best conduce to these ends." It seems that the Westminster divines were of a different mold than many in the church today! Our guest, Dr. Peter Hammond has risked his life behind enemy lines, smuggling Bibles to people and he is familiar with great suffering while at the same time, seeing large advances for the Christian faith. In this week's visit to the pastor's study, Rev. Bill Shishko takes up the question of capital punishment within the framework of the moral law of God. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz looks at the beatitude "Blessed are the Peacemakers." Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: North Korea Update - Dr. James Carafano, Civil Disobedience, Blessed are the Pure in Heart
Air Date: 5/19/2018
North Korea Update - Dr. James Carafano, Civil Disobedience, Blessed are the Pure in Heart

Talks with North Korea have been happening. Three detainees have been released. But can we trust the North Korean regime? North Korea tops the list of 50 countries ranked for the worst persecution of Christians in the world, according to the Christian watchdog organization Open Doors USA. How can you trust a country that is a known persecutor of Christians? Today we talk with Dr. James Carafano about the dilemma. In a visit to the Pastor's study, Bill Shishko looks at the difficult area of civil disobedience with respect to the Moral Law of God. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz helps explain the beatitude, Blessed are the Pure in Heart... Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Influence of our Mothers - Stephen Mansfield, Honoring Authority, Mothers in the Bible
Air Date: 5/12/2018
The Influence of our Mothers - Stephen Mansfield, Honoring Authority, Mothers in the Bible

This edition of Holding All Things Together is our Mother's Day special. Please share the link with your friends. When the audio starts playing, just go to the address bar at the top, and hit CTRL-C to copy the URL! Stephen Mansfield joins us to talk about soldiers in battle and how they inevitably talk of their mothers if they get close to death. We talk about how to honor our mothers if they are still alive. In a Visit to the Pastor's Study, Bill Shishko reminds us of our obligation to honor those in authority. A special poem is included this week. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reviews mothers who are mentioned in the Bible. Finally we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together - Sex Trafficking and Healing in Christ - Bobbi Starr, The Moral Law of God, Excessive Licensing
Air Date: 5/5/2018
Sex Trafficking and Healing in Christ - Bobbi Starr, The Moral Law of God, Excessive Licensing

You may not think that life in America includes sex trafficking and emotionally scarred children. Unfortunately it does. Christians are helping on the healing front of this epidemic. Today we talk with Bobbi Starr about her group Micah's Promise. They are working on building a residential treatment facility for kids who have been devastated by this second largest criminal enterprise. In a visit to the Pastor's Study, Bill Shishko begins a new series on the Moral Law of God. Perhaps you have thought in the past that the law no longer applies. Well, the Moral law does apply, as shown by many New Testament scriptures. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz explores the frustrating area of excessive licensing in our nation. Even the simplest of services seem to require some form of licensing. Many licenses serve no purpose, other then gumming up the works, and raising the tax burden on hard working Americans. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: More Problems Related to the Parkland Shooting - Jarrett Stepman, Christian Influence in Healthcare, Blessed are the Merciful
Air Date: 4/28/2018
More Problems Related to the Parkland Shooting - Jarrett Stepman, Christian Influence in Healthcare, Blessed are the Merciful

Prior to the Parkland shooting, the school safety policies in the Broward County School system changed. They were changed in response to the "Dear Colleague" letter received from the Obama administration. The program implemented was called the "Promise" program. Further, this school was sitting on top $100 Million specifically intended to be used for school safety, i.e., protecting the people of the school. Only 5% had been used since 2014. This information was brought to light when a student journalist (Kenneth Preston) looked into this and brought attention of it to the school board, he was summarily shut down. His fact-finding made the leadership uncomfortable, and they gave him the run around. In a Visit to the Pastor's Study, Pastor Bill Shishko reviews the positive influence of the Christian faith in the realm of public healthcare. This sort of thing happens as the gospel of Christ spreads, and people obey God's law as they love Him and love their fellow man. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz looks at the beatitude "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall be shown mercy." This is in contrast to "always looking out for number one." To be merciful means to extend oneself because it is the right thing to do. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Neil Gorsuch and How He is Doing - Tiffany Bates, Gospel Influence, The fourth beatitude
Air Date: 4/21/2018
Neil Gorsuch and How He is Doing - Tiffany Bates, Gospel Influence, The fourth beatitude

Neil Gorsuch is serving as our most recently appointed Supreme Court Justice. His legal philosophy is that of a textualist. That is, he discerns what the original intent of the constitution was and is, and applies that perspective to his opinions. As expected, those who want to treat the Constitution as a wax nose, are not happy with the Justice. They see the Constitution as a living document. Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to discuss the gospel influence. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz takes a look at the fourth beatitude. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. We appreciate your joining us this week!

Holding All Things Together: The Muslim Brotherhood Echo Chamber - Ben Weingarten, The Spread of the Good News, Blessed are the Meek
Air Date: 4/14/2018
The Muslim Brotherhood Echo Chamber - Ben Weingarten, The Spread of the Good News, Blessed are the Meek

The designation of John Bolton as National Security Advisor of the United States set off predictable hysteria from a large sector of the media. One writer has described the phenomenon as the "Muslim Brotherhood Echo Chamber," as relates to Mr. Bolton. This terminology harkens back to the apparent media ploy for pushing the Iran deal as they worked hand in hand with the previous administration. Our guest today is Ben Weingarten, Senior Contributor at The Federalist, and Senior Fellow at the London Center for Policy Research. In a short visit to the Pastor's Study, Bill Shishko helps us see the power of the gospel in terms of its spread in the world. He makes the point that the world is not getting worse and worse, as is often asserted. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz takes a careful look at the Beatitude "Blessed are the Meek. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: School Policy and the Parkland Shooting - Haley Holik, Are Things Getting Worse and Worse?, Blessed are They That Mourn
Air Date: 4/7/2018
School Policy and the Parkland Shooting - Haley Holik, Are Things Getting Worse and Worse?, Blessed are They That Mourn

We've heard about the murderous rampage in Parkland Florida. We've also heard from those more concerned about making this into a political football than really solving the problem with crime. Is there a reason that the written school policy did not require handing over felons to the criminal justice system? What was at stake? We are joined by Attorney Haley Holik. In a visit to the pastor's study, Bill Shishko encourages us to look at the Bible to better understand if the world is really getting worse and worse. Writer Gerry Wisz joins us to consider the beatitude Blessed are They That Mourn. How can this be true? Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Resurrection - Dr. Liam Goligher, The 4th Commandment, An Easter Meditation
Air Date: 3/31/2018
The Resurrection - Dr. Liam Goligher, The 4th Commandment, An Easter Meditation

What was the resurrection of Christ? How did it differ from resuscitation? We learn that Jesus' resurrected body was a glorified, real body. When we as Christians die in this life, the Bible teaches that someday future, our bodies also will be resurrected. That is true even if our body has been totally destroyed. Our guest is Dr. Liam Goligher. in a visit to the Pastor's study, Pastor Bill Shishko helps us better understand the 4th commandment concerning the sabbath, and how it is transformed into the New Testament Lord's Day, or sometimes called the Christian Sabbath. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz brings us an Easter Meditation. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Addressing the Active Shooter Threat in Schools - Kelsey Harkness, The 3rd Commandment, Palm Sunday
Air Date: 3/24/2018
Addressing the Active Shooter Threat in Schools - Kelsey Harkness, The 3rd Commandment, Palm Sunday

If your children attend a public school, are they really safe from an active shooter situation? School campuses are what's known as "soft targets." The left is pushing hard on gun control. However we know that the facts show that gun free zones are no more safe than other places. The problem is with the perpetrator, not the implement that he or she uses. Today's guest discusses what some schools are starting to embrace, namely, allowing some of their staff to voluntarily carry a firearm in class. These teachers and administrators are highly trained and they carry concealed. The net effect is to protect the school and be able to quickly respond to a situation. Kelsey Harkness is a senior news producer at The Daily Signal. In a Visit to the Pastor's Study, Bill Shishko discusses the 3rd commandment and its prohibition to images in worship. Writer Gerry Wisz joins us to discuss Palm Sunday. Finally, another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Religious Freedom in the Military - Dr. W. Scott MaGill, God's 2nd Commandment, St. Patrick's Day
Air Date: 3/12/2018
Religious Freedom in the Military - Dr. W. Scott MaGill, God's 2nd Commandment, St. Patrick's Day

Religious freedom in the military is very important to the well being of our troops. Under the last administration it appears that this freedom was under repeated attack. Our guest served in the Marines, and later Dr. Magill matriculated his residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Tripler Army Medical Center in Honolulu, and served as the Chief of Ob/Gyn at Irwin Army Hospital Ft. Riley Kansas. He has founded and directs a group that seeks to restore religious liberty in the military: Veterans in Defense of Liberty (VIDOL). Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to talk about the 10 Commandments and what they have to say about the worship of God. We are not to use images in our worship of God. God is Spirit and He requires that we worship Him in Spirit and truth. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to discuss St. Patrick. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Responding to the Transgender Moment - Dr. Ryan T. Anderson, The First Commandment, On Being Poor in Spirit 2
Air Date: 3/10/2018
Responding to the Transgender Moment - Dr. Ryan T. Anderson, The First Commandment, On Being Poor in Spirit 2

Today we take a look at the treatment in the public square when the topic of transgenderism arises. We talk with the author of a new book. We acknowledge that people who struggle with their gender identity should receive compassion and respect, even though we may disagree with their life choices. Christians increasingly receive attacks from people who have not done their homework. For example in a recent op-ed in the NY Times, they inaccurately described Dr. Anderson's book. This illustrates that the author of the op-ed had not read the book, or was intentionally misleading the reader. Christians know what God says about the topic of transgenderism, and we desire to respond to all people in love. We love, and yet may try and persuade them that they are making a choice that God says is sinful. During a visit to the Pastor's study, Bill Shishko looks at the beginning of the 10 Commandments. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz continues to look at the Beatitudes. This week, he explores poverty of spirit. We are to lose our lives in order to gain them. Once we see the real limitations of our own resources, then we can start walking in a way that delights in the Lord. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: America's Infrastructure Plan and Spending - Michael Sargent, Preface to 10 Commandments, Blessed are the Poor in Spirit
Air Date: 3/3/2018
America's Infrastructure Plan and Spending - Michael Sargent, Preface to 10 Commandments, Blessed are the Poor in Spirit

The President has a goal of improving the infrastructure in our country. But how do we pay for all this? Also, is the infrastructure really "crumbling" as some pundits claim? Today we talk with Michael Sargent, Policy Analyst in the Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at The Heritage Foundation. This week on a Visit to the Pastor's Study, Bill Shishko examines the Preface to the Ten Commandments. True liberation is available as we come under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, and live consistent with these reasonable commands. Writer Gerry Wisz analyzes what is meant by the phrase in the beatitudes, "Blessed is the poor in spirit." Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Media Myths About Gun Control - Jerrett Stepman, The Moral Law of God, The Beatitudes
Air Date: 2/24/2018
Media Myths About Gun Control - Jerrett Stepman, The Moral Law of God, The Beatitudes

It appears that the media has been using the recent mass murder in Florida to further their anti-gun narrative, as they have foisted some myths upon us in an apparent attempt to stir up fear in Americans that can lead to infringement of our 2nd amendment Constitutional right to bear arms. Today we look at a number of their assertions and see if they hold up. Our guest is Jerrett Stepman, editor of the Daily Signal. In a visit to the Pastor's study, Bill Shishko begins a new series on the Moral Law of God. What is it's purpose? Does it still hold today? Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz begins a new series on the Beatitudes of Christ. Are they antithetical to the Moral Law of God, or support them? Finally we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The 2020 Census Minimizes Racism - Mike Gonzalez, Sanctity of Life, On Scamming Seniors
Air Date: 2/17/2018
The 2020 Census Minimizes Racism - Mike Gonzalez, Sanctity of Life, On Scamming Seniors

Today we consider the human race as compared with pan-ethnic categorization. The Census Bureau has decided to not implement the wishes of the previous administration, in creating new pan-ethnic categories. We like this move because it is consistent with the scriptural teaching that there is one race, and it is the human race. But to continue to divide people into a sort of arbitrary pan-ethnic groups is simply a way of politically controlling groups of people and causing division. Unscrupulous politicians do this and do it often. They will seek to pit people against each other in order to secure votes. This is a nasty business and violates our Savior's teaching to love our neighbor. Pitting one segment of our nation against another fans the flames of hatred and racism. New pan-ethnic categories do nothing towards a godly unity of any people. Today's guest is Mike Gonzalez. His family has roots in Spain and then later Cuba. Pastor Bill Shishko talks with us about the sacredness of human life. Writer Gerry Wisz joins us to discuss serious economic scams that target seniors. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Net Neutrality Redefined with Title II - why it had to be jettisoned - Berin Szoka, Procreation, Truth Telling in Children
Air Date: 2/10/2018
Net Neutrality Redefined with Title II - why it had to be jettisoned - Berin Szoka, Procreation, Truth Telling in Children

Did you know that Net Neutrality originally was a good idea and had bi-partisan support? However under the Obama administration, the definition of Net Neutrality was tinkered with and what came out as FCC Order in 2015, was a heavy handed government control of the internet with so-called "Title II" added in! That's why Net Neutrality (so-called) became a bad thing. Today we talk with someone in the know - Berin Szoka. He is President of TechFreedom, a tech policy think tank based on pragmatic optimism about technology. In a visit to the Pastor's study today, Pastor Bill Shishko discusses procreation and how the human race is threatened if there is insufficient babies being born. This may sound a bit odd to our 21st century ears, but it is needed medicine. Contrary to some, this world is not overpopulated. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz discusses truth telling. He uses as a launching point, a recent NY Times op ed piece. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Human Tragedy in Biblical Perspective - Dr. Kevin Chiarot, Marriage - A Creation Ordinance, A Christian Town
Air Date: 2/3/2018
Human Tragedy in Biblical Perspective - Dr. Kevin Chiarot, Marriage - A Creation Ordinance, A Christian Town

How do we deal with tragedies as Christians? When bad things happen to us, it is tempting to change the theology of the Bible into something that has Him letting things spin out of control - much like the helpless "god" of Deism. You know, like the watchmaker who assembles the pieces, winds up the mechanism, but then just lets the watch run without interfering in its operation. Problem is, we know that an impersonal deistic god is not the God of the Bible. Fact is, we serve a Sovereign God Who ordains all that happens. OK, good theology, but what about the tragedies? See the difficulty? Today we talk with a pastor, teacher, and author who has dealt in depth with this subject. Dr. Kevin Chiarot is Senior Pastor at Westminster Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Rock Tavern, NY. In a Visit to the Pastor's study, Rev. Bill Shishko discusses marriage as a fundamental creation ordinance. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz takes a look at a real Christian town in America, and what characterizes it. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Classic Learning Test - Mary Clare Amselem, A Final New Year's Resolution Suggestion, Bolshevik-inspired Economics
Air Date: 1/27/2018
The Classic Learning Test - Mary Clare Anselem, A Final New Year's Resolution Suggestion, Bolshevik-inspired Economics

Remember the days in high school when you had to take the SAT and ACT tests? These are supposedly measures of the student's readiness for college. But are they as helpful as they purport? And are they tied in some way to Common Core? There is a new test on the horizon that is being accepted by more and more colleges and it is the Classic Learning Test (CLT). Today we talk with Mary Clare Amselem about this new and likely better way of judging a student's readiness for university. Also joining us today is Pastor Bill Shishko who looks at a wonderful New Year's Resolution suggestion. It entails writing notes of encouragement. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to take a look at the misguided economics of socialism. Why do some leaders continue down this road that has been proven not to work? Is there a biblical alternative? Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Nuclear Button - Dr. Earl Tilford, Another New Year's Resolution, Roe v. Wade
Air Date: 1/20/2018
The Nuclear Button - Dr. Earl Tilford, Another New Year's Resolution, Roe v. Wade

We hear words about a "nuclear button" on the desk of Kim Jong-un of North Korea, and on the desk of President Donald Trump. While there is overstatement in this, nevertheless North Korea is clearly positioning themselves to be a nuclear power. Today we talk with military historian Dr. Earl Tilford. His background includes having worked in the Strategic Air Command during the Cold War. Dr. Tilford reminds us that wars are not started by blunt talk; more likely, appeasement is at the root. Such was the case in World War 2 with Hitler. In a Visit to the Pastor's study, Bill Shishko talks about exercising hospitality in our homes. This is a great goal as a New Year's resolution. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to soberly consider the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade. The outcome of this evil law is nothing short of a modern day holocaust. We labor as a nation, under the judgment of God. God's law teaches that the killing of a baby in utero is murder. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Lamplighter Guild - Mark Hamby, The Lord's Day, Immigration
Air Date: 1/13/2018
The Lamplighter Guild - Mark Hamby, The Lord's Day, Immigration

As we strive to glorify God in all areas of life, what about the arts? The Lamplighter Guild is described as a "renaissance of creative excellence that inspires one to know God intimately, proclaim Him passionately and enjoy Him infinitely." We are joined by the Founder and President of Lamplighter, Mark Hamby. Also on this program, Pastor Bill Shishko considers the wonderful blessing of the Lord's Day - also known as the Christian Sabbath. One day in seven is a gift from God to His people. If we honor the whole day, we will find that God restores us in wonderful ways! Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to take a much needed look at immigration policy from a biblical perspective. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Social Justice Warriors -vs- Truth at Universities - Dr. Thomas Lindsay, A New Year's Resolution, Taking Credit -vs- Giving Glory to God
Air Date: 1/6/2018
Social Justice Warriors -vs- Truth at Universities - Dr. Thomas Lindsay, A New Year's Resolution, Taking Credit -vs- Giving Glory to God

What is happening at our universities? Why is truth given short shrift in the name of political correctness and so-called "social justice warriors?" Doesn't the very notion of a university of necessity embrace truth, pursuing it wherever it leads? Why are enrollments down, and budgets being cut? At one point, universities were impartial dispensers of knowledge. Can modern universities be trusted? A website was given for prospective university students, and it is https://www.thefire.org/ Also today we are joined again by Pastor Bill Shisko who talks to us about an important New Year's resolution. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to talk about the very basic and essential practice of bringing glory to God. How many times have you seen even Christians proudly taking credit for their accomplishments? Instead, we should be pointing to Christ and His gifts in our lives. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Looking Ahead to the New Year and its Opportunities - Dr. John Vance, Reading Revelation, On becoming Born Again
Air Date: 12/30/2017
Looking Ahead to the New Year and its Opportunities - Dr. John Vance, Reading Revelation, On becoming Born Again

In this New Year, we need to focus on our relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. But what if sin stands in the way? How is that handled? Tune in this week to learn more. The theme of redemption runs through the segments. Dr. John Vance looks at the New Year and opportunities, Pastor Bill Shishko reflects on the message of Revelation. Writer Gerry Wisz takes a look at the New Testament character of Nicodemus - a well-trained religious man, who was in need of the new birth. Finally, another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Christmas and Restoration - John Stonestreet; Christ the God-man; Christ and Antithesis
Air Date: 12/23/2017
Christmas and Restoration - John Stonestreet; Christ the God-man; Christ and Antithesis

What is the central, defining moment in human history? It is the coming of the God-man, the Lord Jesus Christ. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that this God-man forms little temples to His own glory. Families are transformed, hospitals are founded, and the view of state is transformed among many other things. Today, John Stonestreet talks about the cosmic significance of the incarnation of Christ. This is the defining moment of history. In this event, all of reality is defined. John looks at the theme of creation, fall, redemption, restoration. What we do in this world matters. We must care about our neighbor and the cultural forces which destroy our neighbor. Love causes us to have tangible acts to benefit our neighbor. This week, writer Gerry Wisz continues our Christmas theme with a look at Christ and antithesis. The incarnation of Christ, while having profound significance long term, at the time, was a seemingly small event. Mary and Joseph went to a stable for the birth of Christ. Christ comes to what should be His kingdom, but it doesn't recognize Him. Shepherds and Magi come, Angelic hosts celebrate, yet Herod could not see past the threat to his own temporal rule. Herod slaughters the young children in a failed attempt to kill the new king. The religious establishment would lose their temple before the end of the century. Christ's rule grew and is growing still. It's a profound rule that establishes itself in the hearts of God's people. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Tax Relief - Steve Moore, Christ brings value to human life, Lord of the Rings and church and state
Air Date: 12/16/2017
Tax Relief - Steve Moore, Christ brings value to human life, Lord of the Rings and church and state

Finally, tax relief appears to be on the horizon for America. The current tax rate of 40% on businesses is driving businesses and jobs overseas. If the legislation passes, most likely there will be more healthy businesses with the associated jobs. The tax cut should benefit middle class families. There is also repatriation - companies have alot of money overseas and cannot bring it back - under this new plan their tax would be substantially reduced so that the businesses would be more inclined to reinvest their money here rather than overseas. There is a provision so that people sending their children to private schools can get a tax credit. This also benefits homeschoolers. Our guest is Steve Moore, economic policy analyst. Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to talk about the improved view of life as a result of the coming of Christ. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to further look at The Lord of the Rings. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Net Neutrality - Robert Tracinski, Christ Came and Lives are Transformed, Lord of the Rings
Air Date: 12/9/2017
Net Neutrality - Robert Tracinski, Christ Came and Lives are Transformed, Lord of the Rings

What is net neutrality all about? If we took the phrase literally, it would seem that it is a good thing! Well, not so fast. Our guest today, points out that something similar was already done and it didn't work out well. Our guest Robert Tracinski is a senior editor at The Federalist. In a Visit to the Pastor's Study, Pastor Bill Shishko illustrates how the outworking of the coming of Christ has resulted in the transformation of millions of people. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz discusses the Lord of the Rings movies and how his family enjoys watching them during Christmastime. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together - The Season of Advent - Dr. Kevin Chiarot, Because Christ Came, The Roots of Violence and Hatred
Air Date: 12/2/2017
The Season of Advent - Dr. Kevin Chiarot, Because Christ Came, The Roots of Violence and Hatred

Do Protestants celebrate the season of Advent? Is Advent mostly a Roman Catholic observance? What does Advent mean? How do churches celebrate it? Today we are joined by Dr. Kevin Chiarot to discuss. Rev. Bill Shishko begins a new series called Because Christ Came - this week, looking at Grace and Truth that came by Jesus. Writer Gerry Wisz takes a look at the explosive increase in murderous attacks in our society - what is really at the root of these attacks? Is it conspiracy-based? Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Wise Spending During Holidays - Chuck Bentley, Thanksgiving Wrap up, Thine is the Power
Air Date: 11/25/2017
Wise Spending During Holidays - Chuck Bentley, Thanksgiving Wrap up, Thine is the Power

The time for Christmas shopping is already upon us! Earlier this week was so-called "Black Friday." With the season is also pressure. Pressure to do everything that people expect of us. Perhaps there is pressure to spend too much money, and worse, many times, money that we don't have. If not careful, our personal debt can rise, and with more debt is more emotional pressure. Today we are joined by Chuck Bentley, CEO of Crown Financial Ministries. The Crown website is at www.crown.org In a short Visit to the Pastor's Study, Pastor Bill Shishko discusses the discipline of joy and giving of thanks. He answers the question of how do we give thanks? Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz discusses the power of Christ. The context is the phrase in the Lord's Prayer, "Thine is the Power." Finally, another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Tax Reform - Dan Hollar, Thanksgiving Historically and as a Way of Life
Air Date: 11/18/2017
Tax Reform - Dan Hollar, Thanksgiving Historically and as a Way of Life

What is the latest on tax reform going on in Washington? Today, Dan Hollar gives us his insights. Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to discuss Thanksgiving and he quotes some of President Lincoln's proclamation. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us. How is it possible to give thanks, knowing the effects of sin? Well, its not really possible without the redeeming work of the Lord Jesus Christ. His work started in Old Testament days and was fully realized once he came, died, was resurrected and enthroned on high. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: North Korea Update - Steve Bucci, A Presidential Thanksgiving Address, Thine be the Kingdom
Air Date: 11/11/2017
North Korea Update - Steve Bucci, A Presidential Thanksgiving Address, For Thine is the Kingdom

This week we get an update on the North Korea situation. Our guest formerly served as an Army Special Forces officer and as a top Pentagon official. He has also worked with IBM on cyber security. Steven P. Bucci is now a visiting fellow in the Heritage's Foundation's Allison Center for Foreign Policy Studies. Also, with Thanksgiving fast approaching, Pastor Bill Shishko quotes part of Lincoln's Thanksgiving proclamation. Writer Gerry Wisz joins us to discuss the phrase For Thine is the Kingdom. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Is College in your Future? - Dr. Walter E. Williams, Book Review, On Election Day Sermons
Air Date: 11/4/2017
Is College in your Future? - Dr. Walter E. Williams, Book Review, On Election Day Sermons

Did you know that some college kids really should not be pursuing college? This opinion from a college professor! What are some alternate approaches for those for whom college would be a mis-fit? Our guest is Dr. Walter E. Williams from George Mason University. Today we had time to include a book review! Dr. Kevin Chiarot joins us to review RC Sproul's book "Are We Together?" - it highlights the distinctives between Roman Catholicism and the Protestant Faiths. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to probe an interesting question, and that is, why don't we hear of many election day sermons anymore? You know, where the minister explains to his congregation the biblical requirements for godly leaders, consistent with the description and prescription contained in Romans 13? Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Today's broadcast is jam-packed and we hope you enjoy it!

Holding All Things Together: Homeschooling and Advocacy - Bill Heuer, The Priesthood of Believer, Dr. Abraham Kuyper
Air Date: 10/28/2017
Homeschooling and Advocacy - Bill Heuer, The Priesthood of Believer, Dr. Abraham Kuyper

Homeschooling is an excellent choice for some parents. In today's interview our guest Bill Heuer, discusses some of the helps that are available to homeschooling families. Sometimes advocacy is needed and that is what the Massachusetts Home Learning Association provides (http://www.mhla.org/). Bill mentioned an article "Homeschooling: The Ultimate School Choice," that is posted on http://pioneerinstitute.org/download/homeschooling-ultimate-school-choice/ Also, Pastor Bill Shishko covers another important aspect of the Reformation - that of The Priesthood of the Believer, Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to discuss the amazing legacy of Dr. Abraham Kuyper. Finally, we take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Second Amendment - Jarrett Stepman, The Reformation, Your Fair Share and what does that mean
Air Date: 10/21/2017
The Second Amendment - Jarrett Stepman, The Reformation, Your Fair Share and what does that mean

The vicious attack in Las Vegas a couple of weeks ago is exceedingly tragic. The number of people gunned down in this one attack is new high and yet was roughly equal to the number of gun-related homicides in Chicago in the span of merely one month in that crime laden city. Chicago, a city with known restrictive gun laws. As anticipated, many on the left have issued renewed calls against the 2nd amendment in our Bill of Rights. Our right to bear arms is based on a God-given right of self-defense. In a Visit to the Pastor's Study, Rev. Bill Shishko looks at the Protestant Reformation, which began nearly 500 years ago. He answers the question of "How are people made right with God?" - pointing us to the Scriptures. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz takes a closer look at the oft-used phrase "fair share." What is really meant by this phrase when used by shifty politicians, trying to buy themselves votes on the backs of the voters? Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Protecting the Unborn - Carrie Earll, Sola Scriptura, Deliver us from Evil
Air Date: 10/14/2017
Protecting the Unborn - Carrie Earll, Sola Scriptura, Deliver us from Evil

On October 3, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (H.R. 36) by a vote of 237-189, which would end late-term abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy, when scientists have determined that unborn babies are able to feel pain inside the womb. Today we talk with Carrie Earll, vice president of government and public policy at Focus on the Family, about this important bill. Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to talk about "sola scriptura." Writer Gerry Wisz is here to discuss the phrase in the Lord's prayer: "deliver us from evil." Finally, another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Documented Voter Fraud and its Problems - Jason Snead, The Reformation Five Solas, Lead us Not into Temptation
Air Date: 10/7/2017
Documented Voter Fraud and its Problems - Jason Snead, The Reformation Five Solas, Lead us Not into Temptation

Today we take a look at documented voter fraud with Jason Snead, policy analyst in the Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at The Heritage Foundation. Election integrity should be a non-partisan issue. Here is the link to the documented cases referred to: http://thf-legal.s3.amazonaws.com/VoterFraudCases.pdf Later this month we celebrate the 500 year anniversary of the Reformation. Today, Pastor Bill Shishko takes a look at the five solas of the Reformation. What about the Lord's Prayer and the phrase "lead us not into temptation?" Does that seem a bit strange to you? What does it really mean? Gerry Wisz explains. Finally, Calvin Carter brings us another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Chore-Sharing in the Home - Erin Smalley, A Hybrid Home School Model, Yom Kippur
Air Date: 9/30/2017
Chore-Sharing in the Home - Erin Smalley, A Hybrid Home School Model, Yom Kippur

How can you show your spouse that you really care for them? What about sharing chores in the home?! It doesn't seem obvious but this is really a key matter to marital peace. We are joined by Erin Smalley of Focus on the Family. Pastor Bill Shishko stops by to talk about a hybrid model for schooling - it is homeschooling and yet shared and utilizing the strengths of others to help parents carry the load. Gerry Wisz explains Yom Kippur, and how this Day of Atonement points to something very important. Finally, Calvin Carter takes another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: No Go Zones - Raheem Kassam, Home Schooling, The Life of Alco Sutton
Air Date: 9/23/2017
No Go Zones - Raheem Kassam, Home Schooling, The Life of Alco Sutton

What are so-called "No Go Zones?" We have been receiving immigrants from Muslim countries, and sadly, some terrorists have been getting into our country with the goal of transforming our culture to no longer be a Constitutional Republic, but rather to embrace Sharia Law, which is seditious. Our politicians are mostly hopeless and have no backbone at all when it comes to upholding our Constitution. But what is a no go zone? Today we talk with Raheem Kassam. He has made it his practice of walking into areas of social unrest due to radical (consistent) Islam, and has interviewed people and done real journalism. The modern media avoids many stories and leads when they do not play into their preconceived notions. Our guest points out that what we are seeing is not real journalism. Later we talk with Pastor Bill Shishko, who points out the advantages of Home Schooling and not falling prey to the assembly line approach of the government schools. He also points out the warning of "weariness" that sets in. Later in the program we look at a social welfare program that grew out of Christian concern and was private and it really worked! This is an actual success story, brought to us by writer Gerry Wisz. Finally, Calvin Carter brings us another look at This Week in History. Thanks for joining us! Remember, this program can only stay on the air and internet based on your support. Please help us!

Holding All Things Together: What makes a good student - Dr. Kevin Chiarot, Education Options, Statues
Air Date: 9/16/2017
What makes a good student - Dr. Kevin Chiarot, Education Options, Statues

What makes for a good student? What qualities characterizes students who excel? Today we talk with pastor and educator, Dr. Kevin Chiarot. John Stonestreet checks in to share a story that illustrates how God is restoring all things. Pastor Bill Shishko talks about educational options - this week its the public school. Writer Gerry Wisz takes a look at the hotly debated removal of statues situation. He also takes a step back from all the wrangling and talks about the nuances of the issues surrounding the war between the states. Finally, we take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Taking care of Orphans and Movie Debut - Paul Batura, Back to School, Forgiving Others and the Lord's Prayer
Air Date: 9/9/2017
Taking care of Orphans and Movie Debut - Paul Batura, Back to School, Forgiving Others and the Lord's Prayer

What happens when a boy in Kenya is abandoned at age six? How likely is it that he would amass great wealth? Find out how God worked in amazing ways in this life given over to God, for His glory. Here is a link to the movie trailer for this story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3HGRf4noSU Also ahead, the children are back in school now. What is the basic, fundamental foundation of wisdom? It is the fear of the Lord! Learn more as Pastor Bill Shishko invites us into his study. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz takes a closer look at the Lord's Prayer, and in particular the requirement that we forgive others. Find out how this leads to well-being, productivity and human flourishing. Finally, another look at this week in history with Calvin Carter. Thanks for joining us this week!

Holding All Things Together: Anarchism and its Solution - Dr. Harry Reeder, The Gospel Spreads, Forgive us our Debts
Air Date: 8/27/2017
Anarchism and its Solution - Dr. Harry Reeder, The Gospel Spreads, Forgive us our Debts

We see some social upheavals in our American society now. In fact it harkens back to an earlier time in the 1960's, and perhaps there are some similarities to just before the civil war in the 1860's. There is a small group of people who are anarchists, whose ranks seem to be growing. Our guest today talks about the problem and provides a remedy for it. Dr. Harry Reeder is Senior Pastor of Briarwood Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, AL. In a short visit to the Pastor's Study, Rev. Bill Shishko joins us with some very encouraging words on the spread of the Gospel and how it intersects with our work. Writer Gerry Wisz comments about the Lord's Prayer and where it says "Forgive us our Debts." Finally we'll have another look at this week in History with Calvin Carter. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Grassroots Involvement - Slade O'Brien, The Gospel and Medicine, Give us this Day
Air Date: 8/26/2017
Grassroots Involvement, The Gospel and Medicine, Give us this Day

Today we talk with Slade O'Brien, Vice President, Grassroots Leadership Academy. We talk about folks having a voice at the local level, and affecting communities for good and therefore, for the glory of God. Also, in our short visit to the pastor's study, Rev. Bill Shishko continues discussing the theme that the world is NOT getting worse and worse. This week he looks at the gospel's effect on human health and medicine. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to review the phrase "Give us this day, or daily bread." Finally, Calvin Carter brings us another look at this week in history. Thanks again for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Transgender Issues - Jeff Johnston, The growth of Christianity, On Earth as it is in Heaven
Air Date: 8/19/2017
Transgender Issues - Jeff Johnston, The growth of Christianity, On Earth as it is in Heaven

What are the basics of the transgender issue? How does it affect our culture? What is the ideology of the transgender movement? Our guest is Issues Analyst at Focus on the Family. During our segment with Pastor Bill Shishko, we are encouraged by what the Lord is doing throughout our world. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz covers the thinking at the heart of a weighty statement in the Lord's Prayer: "On Earth, as it is in Heaven." Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Ticks and Lyme Disease - Dr. Joyce Knestrick, Is the World Getting Worse?, The Lord's Prayer
Air Date: 8/12/2017
Ticks and Lyme Disease - Dr. Joyce Knestrick, Is the World Getting Worse?, The Lord's Prayer

During Summertime many of us are outside enjoying the nice weather. Our kids like to wear their shorts, go barefoot and often roll around in the grass. But while this is a lot of fun, it also exposes folks to picking up ticks. Deer ticks can be carriers of Lyme disease. This week we talk with Nurse Practitioner Dr. Joyce Knestrick. In a Visit to the Pastor's Study, Rev. Bill Shishko reminds us of what is meant by the gospel - its side benefits which come in this life, are making the world better and better. The gospel is going to all the nations. It first affected 3000 people and yet now it is a global religion. Somewhere around 33% of the world's population falls into the "Christian" category. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to talk about the pregnant phrase "Thy Will be Done," in the Lord's Prayer. Finally, Calvin Carter will wrap things up with another edition of This Week in History. Thanks for joining us this week!

Holding All Things Together: Social Security Fiscal Problem - Romina Boccia, Is the World Getting Worse?, Summer Reading List
Air Date: 8/5/2017
Social Security Fiscal Problem - Romina Boccia, Is the World Getting Worse?, Summer Reading List

The Social Security program has been running a cash flow deficit since 2010. They are able to continue paying full benefits because of the surpluses that were paid from 1983 to 2010. But the assets are in the form of US bonds, which are debt obligations for the American tax payers. The Social Security trust fund runs out of money 18 years from now. If nothing is done, what happens to the benefits at that time? Our guest is Romina Boccia of the Heritage Foundation. Also, we are joined by Pastor Bill Shishko today. He addresses the common mantra of "the world is getting worse and worse." But is it? Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to discuss a Summer reading list - particularly appropriate for college students. Finally, another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Christian and Dying - Rev. Al Baker; Older Women to Younger Women Hospitality, Vladimir Putin
Air Date: 7/29/2017
The Christian and Dying - Rev. Al Baker; Older Women to Younger Women Hospitality, Vladimir Putin

What happens to the Christian at death? The Bible has many pieces of information in it that describes all that we need to know about this important transition. We will all go through this experience, so it is good to think about it - and do so biblically. We are joined today by Pastor and Evangelist Al Baker. Also, Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to encourage older women in a specific ministry that they can have. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reflects on some of the interesting statements by Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Fighting Voter Fraud - John Malcom, The Joy of Christ, The Lord's Prayer and Thy Kingdom Come
Air Date: 7/22/2017
Fighting Voter Fraud - John Malcolm, The Joy of Christ, The Lord's Prayer and Thy Kingdom Come

How can we fight against voter fraud? First of all, does it really exist? What steps are being taken to investigate and fix it, if it does truly exist? This week we are joined by John Malcolm. He points out that every time a fraudulent vote is cast, it negates a vote by a legitimate voter and effectively disenfranchises that voter. In a short Visit to the Pastor's Study Rev. Bill Shishko encourages us to have the Joy of Christ as we bless others. Writer Gerry Wisz takes a look at the phrase in the Lord's Prayer "Thy Kingdom Come." What is implied by this phrase? Older Christian confessions help give us a clue. Finally, we take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us! A reminder that this show is expensive to produce and deliver - we could really use your support! Thank you.

Holding All Things Together - Energy Costs - Dr. E. Calvin Beisner, Hospitality, Hallowed be Thy Name
Air Date: 7/15/2017
Energy Costs - Dr. E. Calvin Beisner, Hospitality, Hallowed be Thy Name

There are many ways of generating electricity. Some of these are older technologies and yet are very efficient. Some are quite expensive, especially when we account for the government funding that flows to some of them - that is, funding that you and I pay for via our taxes, so that others can benefit. Today we step back from all the talk and look at facts regarding energy production. What is one objective measure of the cost effectiveness of the various methods? Our guest is Dr. E. Calvin Beisner, Founder and spokesman for the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation. In a Visit to the Pastor's Study, Rev. Bill Shishko encourages us to practice hospitality. Writer Gerry Wisz takes a look at what's involved in the phrase "Hallowed by Thy Name," in the Lord's Prayer. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history with Calvin Carter. Thanks for joining us! Please consider supporting this program, as it is expensive to produce. Thank you.

Holding All Things Together: EPA Power grab - Daren Bakst, Marriage and Shining as Lights, Refugees and the Bible
Air Date: 7/8/2017
EPA Power grab - Daren Bakst, Marriage and Shining as Lights, Refugees and the Bible

Can water puddles in your back yard be considered as US waters and therefore be regulated by the Federal government? You may be surprised. What about a drainage ditch on a farm, or an agricultural pond? Today we talk with Daren Bakst, an attorney who is an expert on agriculture subsidies, property rights, environmental policy, food labeling and related issues. We take a look at how the EPA is poised to undo President Obama’s Federal power Grab. The Farm Bureau shares the same concerns as what we cover today. Gerry Wisz joins us to comment on "World Refugee Day." Finally, another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Independence and Home Schooling - Andrea Schwartz; Sexual purity; Independence Day
Air Date: 7/1/2017
Independence and Home Schooling - Andrea Schwartz; Sexual purity; Independence Day

This weekend, many families will take a little extra time off and celebrate Independence Day which is only 3 days away. As part of our independence theme, we look at some key topics, not the least of which is freedom in our homes to educate our covenant children. We are joined by educator and family advocate Andrea Schwartz from Chalcedon. Pastor Bill Shishko invites us into his study to talk about sexual purity. Early on, John Stonestreet encourages us to stay with our marriages and not give up! Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to look at Independence Day in the United States, and its relation to the law of God. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Food Stamps and work requirements - Robert Rechter; Womanhood; Our Father Who Art in Heaven
Air Date: 6/24/2017
Food Stamps and work requirements - Robert Rechter; Womanhood; Our Father Who Art in Heaven

Is it reasonable to give out food stamps to able-bodied adults, who are not seniors and don't have children? About 90% of Americans believe that the privilege of getting food stamps must be accompanied by accountability and a willingness to work or do community service, etc. That is, the distribution of such assistance is not fair to tax payers if the recipients have no intentions of responding with some kind of giving of themselves to the society which so graciously is supporting them. Today we talk with Robert Rechter, a leading authority on poverty, welfare programs and immigration in America. In a Visit to the Pastor's Study, Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to discuss "Womanhood." Later in the program writer Gerry Wisz continues with his insights on The Lord's Prayer. This week he looks at the phrase: "Our Father Who Art in Heaven." Finally another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Father's Day Special - Dad's recovering from war - Andy Mylin; Manhood and Sexuality; Fathers in the Home
Air Date: 6/17/2017
Father's Day Special - Dad's recovering from war; Manhood and Sexuality; Fathers in the Home

Many fathers have experienced the trauma of going to war. War changes a person and some while not wounded physically, are wounded in their souls. They need healing, and often do not know where to find it. Today we talk with Andy Mylin. He talks about the Reboot program which helps combat veterans heal in the company of peers. Pastor Bill Shishko continues to discuss aspects of the sexual revolution and in particular, manhood and sexuality. Writer Gerry Wisz takes a look at Father's Day. Fathers who model their lives after our Heavenly Father, bring much stability to their homes. Finally, another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Paris Climate Withdrawal - Katie Tubb; God created mankind and sex; The Lord's Prayer
Air Date: 6/10/2017
Paris Climate Withdrawal; God created mankind and sex; The Lord's Prayer

Today we are joined by Katie Tubb, a policy analyst for energy and environmental issues in the Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies. What was the Paris Climate Agreement and how did it obligate us? Was it good governance to pull out of it? Katie discusses how the agreement actually targeted in particular, the energy sector and that would have had a ripple effect for every individual in the US. If carried out, the energy regulations agreed to in Paris by the past administration would have destroyed hundreds of thousands of jobs, harmed American manufacturing, and destroyed $2.5 trillion in gross domestic product (GDP) by the year 2035. On average, it would have cost every family in the US, $20,000 each. What is astonishing, is that this agreement if fully implemented, would have decreased CO2 in the atmosphere by a mere 0.02%, which is virtually unmeasurable. Here are two articles for further reading: http://cornwallalliance.org/2017/06/why-did-some-u-s-firms-support-paris-agreement/ http://cornwallalliance.org/2017/06/the-gory-facts-about-solar-vs-coal-energy-employment/ In a visit to the Pastor's Study, this week Rev. Bill Shishko reminds us of how we were created in the image of God. He is the One who created sex for a monogamous relation within the bonds of marriage. Writer Gerry Wisz discusses the "Our Father" in the Lord's Prayer. Finally, another look at This Week in History. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Creation and Scientists - Rev. Glen Bayly; Sex Change Dangers; Our Father in The Lord's Prayer
Air Date: 6/3/2017
Creation and Scientists; Sex Change Dangers; Our Father in The Lord's Prayer

Are there scientists who hold to the account of creation as documented in the Scriptures? Today we talk with Rev. Glen Bayly of Creation Ministries International. He's been involved with setting up seminars in the Pennsylvania area, bringing together scientists to discuss this topic. The Rev. Bill Shishko joins us to discuss the downside to sex change surgery and hormonal treatments as it relates to transgender issues. And later in the program writer Gerry Wisz joins us to discuss the first phrase of the Lord's Prayer - "Our Father." Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history, with our very own history buff - Calvin Carter. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Teaching Finances to Kids - Chuck Bentley; More on the Transgender Revolution; The Paranormal
Air Date: 5/27/2017
Teaching Finances to Kids; Transgender Revolution; The Paranormal

This week Chuck Bentley explains principles for each stage of your child's life. He wrote an article about this here: http://blog.crown.org/handwritingonthewall/the-best-way-to-prepare-your-kids-for-the-workforce Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to further reflect on the so-called gender revolution. Gerry Wisz looks at our unhealthy interest in the paranormal. Even our government has gotten trapped in this interest, particularly during the cold war years. Finally, another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Border Wall - Kelsey Harkness, Transgender Revolution, Gene Splicing
Air Date: 5/20/2017
The Border Wall, Transgender Revolution, Gene Splicing

There is much discussion about building a wall on our southern border. If only we had more data points to see if such a wall would help people on both sides of the wall. Such an example exists with San Diego. We are joined by Kelsey Harkness who visited the area, talked with people from both sides and then shares her observations. John Stonestreet drops in to talk about the language of abortion supporters. Pastor Bill Shishko continues to explore the transgender revolution, explaining it against the backdrop of God's word. Writer Gerry Wisz explores the topic of cloning/gene splicing. We'll wrap things up with another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: God's Song Book - Pastor Brad Johnston; The Transgender Revolution, Mother's Day
Air Date: 5/13/2017
God's Song Book - Pastor Brad Johnston; The Transgender Revolution, Mother's Day

God's church will be blessed if it dives into the sweetness of God's hymnbook. The Psalms are God-breathed and meant to be sung by the church, for the glory of God and for her well-being. So-called metrical psalms are versified in a syllabic meter and can be sung. Over 100 times in the Psalter, we are commanded to sing. Today we talk with a pastor whose church regularly sings the Psalms. He reminds us that Psalm singing can be an ecumenical glue that transcends denominational differences and serves to bind God's people together. Participants: Rev. Brad Johnston, Dan Elmendorf

Holding All Things Together: Paris Climate Agreement - Dr. E. Calvin Beisner; Prison Work Programs and Recidivism
Air Date: 5/6/2017
Paris Climate Agreement; Prison Work Programs and Recidivism

What did we get ourselves into as a nation with the Paris Climate agreement? What are the costs and what are the benefits? Today we take a look at the facts. Our guest is Dr. E. Calvin Beisner. Also, since God has put eternity in the hearts of mankind, there exists a commonality we have with our fellow man, in terms of sharing the gospel. Pastor Bill Shishko talks about this. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz looks at prison work programs and their benefits. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Government making the Poor Poorer - Stephen Moore; A Better Way; Science and Faith
Air Date: 4/29/2017
Government making the Poor Poorer; A Better Way; Science and Faith

How does government policy actually make poor people even poorer? Today we talk with economist Stephen Moore. We explore the question of whether or not welfare has helped the poor. Pastor Bill Shishko explains how "the gospel does, what the United Nations cannot!" Later we are joined by writer Gerry Wisz who looks at science and faith. Finally, another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Persecuted Christians - Dr. David Curry; True fulfillment; Technology and Distractions
Air Date: 4/22/2017
Persecuted Christians; True fulfillment; Technology and Distractions

Today we talk with the President of Open Doors USA, Dr. David Curry. Two weeks ago, there were two terrorist attacks targeting Christians in Egypt. Islamic State terrorists chose to attack two Coptic churches on Palm Sunday. Pastor Bill Shishko continues his discussion of subversive fulfillment. Writer Gerry Wisz takes a look at how we are constantly interrupted by technology. Finally, another look at this week in history. Thank you for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Faithful Service and Huge Impact - Stephen Mansfield; The Resurrection of Christ
Air Date: 4/15/2017
Faithful Service and Huge Impact; The Resurrection of Christ

Do you feel that your life is seemingly unimportant, and "small?" You just put one foot in front of another as it were, and faithfully work the daily grind. Be encouraged. The life of faithful service, lived one day at a time in unremarkable ways, is often just the formula that God uses to do really great things for Him. Today we listen to a story of a Nanny who simply served a family and yet, had a profound influence on a young boy, who later became Prime Minister of England. Her influence affected the world! Sunday is Resurrection Day. Pastor Bill Shishko talks about eternity that is in the heart of every person. Writer Gerry Wisz reflects on the profound importance of this historical event. Finally, another look at this week in history - all this and more - thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Sanctuary Cities - Hans von Spakovsky; Centrality of the Church; Jesus enters Jerusalem
Air Date: 4/8/2017
Sanctuary Cities - Hans von Spakovsky; Centrality of the Church; Jesus enters Jerusalem

The notion of Sanctuary Cities has been in the news lately. In one area in NY that is a sanctuary city, the violent crime rate of that city is the highest in NY State! That area is Newburgh, NY. 80% of Americans are against the designation "Sanctuary City," and yet politicians keep pushing for them. Our guest points out that Sanctuary cities give special rights to illegal aliens that citizens do not have. Today we are joined by Hans von Spakovsky, an authority on a wide range of issues – including civil rights, civil justice, the First Amendment, immigration. In a Visit to the Pastor's Study, Rev. Bill Shishko joins us to discuss the church as contrasted with false news. The church is the pillar and ground of the truth. The church shows how truth is lived out. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reviews the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thank you for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Partiality and Education - Dr. Walter E. Williams, Utopianism;
Air Date: 4/1/2017
Partiality and Utopianism

The Bible teaches us that partiality is sin. As we apply this teaching, we find that racism falls into this category of partiality. Racism is a sin. Many modern universities are going through this form of partiality and our guest Dr. Walter E. Williams shines the light on these failures. Later in the program writer Gerry Wisz takes a look at Utopianism and shows its failures. Pastor Bill Shishko continues to look at Subversive Fulfillment. Finally, another look at This Week in History. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Truth and fact finding in reporting - Sharyl Attkisson; True Love, A truthful theologian worth reading
Air Date: 3/25/2017
Truth and fact finding in reporting; True Love, A truthful theologian worth reading

What is "fake news?" How rampant is it? What does the old fashioned news reporter job look like and how is that different from what we often see today on cable TV? When was the last time you had confidence that a reporter laid aside his or her bias and followed the fact-trail to wherever it led? Wouldn't that approach be refreshing, as opposed to constantly hearing from political operatives, who pose as objective reporters? Today we talk with veteran investigative reporter, Sharyl Attkisson. In a Visit to the Pastor's Study, Rev. Bill Shishko talks about true love. What is it that people are looking for, but often employ the wrong starting point? Christian thought and practice in this area as well as others, provides true fulfillment. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to review the writings of an older theologian whose work is well worth reading. Finally, Calvin Carter wraps things up with another look at This Week in History. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Making Moral Choices - Dr. Scott B. Rae; Against Idols; St. Patrick
Air Date: 3/18/2017
Making Moral Choices; Against Idols; St. Patrick

This week, Pastor Bill Shishko talks about the world's misplaced faith and how it needs to be directed to Jesus Christ. Dr. Scott B. Rae discusses his book "Doing the Right thing: Making Moral Choices in a World Full of Options." Writer Gerry Wisz discusses the life of St. Patrick. Calvin Carter brings us another edition of This Week in History.

Holding All Things Together: Ministering to Muslims - An Arab minister; Longing for Peace; How to help people in other countries
Air Date: 3/11/2017
Ministering to Muslims; Longing for Peace; How to help people in other countries

This week we have an international focus. We talk with an Arab minister of the gospel. He remains unnamed and at an undisclosed location. We talk about ministering the gospel of Christ to Muslims. In a Visit to the Pastor's Study, Pastor Bill Shishko talks to us about how Christ fulfills the deepest of human needs. Gerry Wisz reviews a practical work program that helps people in other countries. Finally, another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Spouses supporting each other - Paul Batura; Help for Church planter's wives, Speaking to culture
Air Date: 3/4/2017
Spouses supporting each other; Help for Church planter's wives, Speaking to culture

Today we are joined by Paul Batura, Vice President of Communications, Focus on the Family. We take a look at how spouses support each other. How often have you seen a spouse who stands out as you look at a ministry, but behind the scenes is the other spouse working very hard and they make for a team, even while one is not nearly as visible in the public eye. In a visit to the Pastor's Study, Rev. Bill Shishko talks about how to speak to culture. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz reviews a special ministry to the wives of church planters. It is known as "Parakaleo." Finally another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Replacing Obamacare update - Melissa Quinn; Bible for all of life, The LBJ amendment
Air Date: 2/25/2017
Replacing Obamacare update; Bible for all of life, The LBJ amendment

This week, Pastor Bill Shishko invites us into his study to consider how to deal with a rapidly changing world. He points us to making use of a Bible "Atlas" so we can see the terrain and know where we are going - surprisingly, one of these tools is better known as a a catechism! The Bible applies to all of life and catechisms help us make those applications. We will gladly send you a free Shorter Catechism - feel free to contact us. What about the subject of government enforced health insurance? Are you feeling the pain of increased premiums, higher deductibles and few choices? Do you desire to get control of your own healthcare and thereby know more freedom and save money? Well we can relate. This week we are joined by senior news reporter for the Daily Signal, Melissa Quinn. She explains some of the refreshing ideas that are forming in Congress. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to discuss the so called LBJ amendment. Remember that one? That's the one which squashes free speech for 501c3 organizations, especially churches that must speak prophetically to the morals of our day. Finally we conclude with another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Welfare Problem - Robert Rector; The Christian Sabbath; Christianity and its Influence
Air Date: 2/18/2017
The Welfare Problem; The Christian Sabbath; Christianity and its Influence

Welfare has become a huge problem for American Society. Not just in terms of funding, but also in the destruction of marriage and family stability. Today we are joined by Robert Rector, a leading authority on poverty, welfare programs in America. Gerry Wisz joins us to look at what Christ meant by His words: "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me." Finally, another look at This Week in History. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Secularism and Irrationality - Dr. Steve Turley, Future Shock
Air Date: 2/11/2017
Secularism and Irrationality, Future Shock, Angry Young Man

Today we look at the rationality of secularism. Dr. Steve Turley is our guest and he looks at secularism and its core tenets upon which it is based. Pastor Bill Shishko gives us a book review of an older work by Toffler. A short update today from John Stonestreet and the false narrative Planned Parenthood gives of providing "care." Ultrasound monitors are often turned away from the patient in order to hide the living child from its mother so that it can be summarily killed with no emotional attachment. Finally, another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Praying for You Right Now - Dr. Gary L. Welton; Four suggestions for stability; Enjoying and Glorifying God
Air Date: 2/4/2017
Praying for You Right Now; Four suggestions for stability, Enjoying and glorifying God

Facebook is a popular social media service. Today our guest explains how the Lord used it in his wife's life as she goes through cancer and chemotherapy. Dr. Gary L. Welton is assistant dean for institutional assessment, professor of psychology at Grove City College. IN a Visit to the Pastor's Study, past Bill Shishko shares his advice with four things that you can be doing to have a sense of calm and stability in your home. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to talk about the misused term "Human Flourishing," and how to look at the subject from a biblical point of view. Finally, Calvin Carter brings us another look at This Week in History. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Human Trafficking - David Nederhood; Holding to the Changeless; NY State and more immorality
Air Date: 1/28/2017
Human Trafficking; Holding to the Changeless; NY State and more immorality

Did you know that human slavery still exists? It's called by other terms, but it exists. Today we are joined by David Nederhood. He works in this field of saving girls from the results of human trafficking in the San Francisco area. Also, have you experience emotional duress over the past year? You need to hold to the changeless, so as to regain balance and peace. Find out more as Rev. Bill Shishko discusses the solution. Also joining us this week is writer Gerry Wisz. Gerry discusses some recent legislation in NY State, which very quickly passed the Assembly and Governor Cuomo signed it. One more step down the slippery slope of government overreach and societal moral deterioration. Finally, another look at this week in History with Cal Carter. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: College graduates and jobs - Dr. James Thrasher; Change and how to cope; Value of Human Life
Air Date: 1/21/2017
College graduates and jobs; Change and how to cope; Value of Human Life

Before too long, colleges will be looking at commencements and another graduating class will be seeking jobs. But are they adequately prepared for a competitive market place? What steps can students take now, to get ready? Our guest is Dr. James Thrasher, the Director of Career Services, Grove City College. This week in our segment "A Visit to the Pastor's Study," the Rev. Bill Shishko deals with our anxiety in a world of rapid change - how to hold to the changeless. Later in our program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to interact with the writings of Peter Singer. Gerry holds to the biblical concept of the value of human life. It is interesting to hear him work through the thinking of Singer, who is an Australian "moral" philosopher who doesn't hold to the Judea-Christian concept of human value. Finally, another look at This Week in History with our very own history prof, Cal Carter. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The First 100 Days - Genevieve Wood, The Inauguration and the Christian, The Economy
Air Date: 1/14/2017
The First 100 Days, The Inauguration and the Christian, The Economy

The Inauguration is less than one week away now. If you had to guess, what may be accomplished in the first 100 days of this new administration? Genevieve Wood from the Daily Signal joins us to discuss. In a Visit to the Pastor's Study, the Rev. Bill Shishko encourages us with Biblical teaching as to our duties as Christian citizens. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz talks about the economy and gives some suggestions. Finally, another look at This Week in History. Thanks again, for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Defeating the Jihadists - Dr. Sebastian Gorka; Getting smart by studying God; The Church of Laodicea
Air Date: 1/7/2017
Defeating the Jihadists; Getting smart by studying God; The Church of Laodicea

We look at one of the largest threats to our national security. The Jihadists are increasing their coffers by two to four million dollars a DAY. There are well over 80,000 Jihadists and some are in the United States. We talk with Dr. Sebastian Gorka about his work as he teaches the military how to deal with this enemy. He has a suggestion how to defeat them. Later, Pastor Bill Shishko admonishes us to "get smart" as we study God and do it with an obedient hearts. Writer Gerry Wisz looks at the church of Laodicea in the book of Revelation. Finally, Calvin Carter reviews this week in History. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The New Year Ahead - Dr. John Vance, The Message of Revelation, Nicodemus
Air Date: 12/31/2016
The New Year Ahead

In this New Year, we need to focus on our relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. But what if sin stands in the way? How is that handled? Tune in this week to learn more. The theme of redemption runs through the segments. Dr. John Vance looks at the New Year and opportunities, Pastor Bill Shishko reflects on the message of Revelation. Writer Gerry Wisz takes a look at the New Testament character of Nicodemus - a well-trained religious man, who was in need of the new birth. Finally, another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Christmas and Restoration - John Stonestreet; Christ the God-man; Christ and Antithesis
Air Date: 12/24/2016
Christmas and Restoration; Christ the God-man; Christ and Antithesis

What is the central, defining moment in human history? It is the coming of the God-man, the Lord Jesus Christ. Pastor Bill Shishko reminds us that this God-man forms little temples to His own glory. Families are transformed, hospitals are founded, and the view of state is transformed among many other things. Today, John Stonestreet talks about the cosmic significance of the incarnation of Christ. This is the defining moment of history. In this event, all of reality is defined. John looks at the theme of creation, fall, redemption, restoration. What we do in this world matters. We must care about our neighbor and the cultural forces which destroy our neighbor. Love causes us to have tangible acts to benefit our neighbor. This week, writer Gerry Wisz continues our Christmas theme with a look at Christ and antithesis. The incarnation of Christ, while having profound significance long term, at the time, was a seemingly small event. Mary and Joseph went to a stable for the birth of Christ. Christ comes to what should be His kingdom, but it doesn't recognize Him. Shepherds and Magi come, Angelic hosts celebrate, yet Herod could not see past the threat to his own temporal rule. Herod slaughters the young children in a failed attempt to kill the new king. The religious establishment would lose their temple before the end of the century. Christ's rule grew and is growing still. It's a profound rule that establishes itself in the hearts of God's people. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Giving at Christmas - Chuck Bentley; What if Christ had not come?; Smyrna and Philadelphia in Revelation
Air Date: 12/17/2016
Giving at Christmas; What if Christ had not come?; Smyrna and Philadelphia in Revelation

How do we honor God with our money? Is there a tension between saving and giving? Both are required, but is there a limit? Chuck Bentley joins us with his advice. In a visit to the pastor's study, Rev. Bill Shishko points out the importance of Christ's coming and asks the question: "what if Christ had not come?" Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz considers two faithful churches that are mentioned in the Book of Revelation. Finally, Calvin Carter takes a look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Remembering Pearl Harbor - Lt. Downing; Praying for our leaders; A Good Reputation
Air Date: 12/10/2016
Remembering Pearl Harbor; Praying for our leaders; A Good Reputation

Imagine you are at Pearl Harbor, back when Japan attacked. Our guest today was there and helped those who were injured. Retired Navy Lieutenant Downing, now age 103, shares his story. In a Visit to the Pastor's Study, Rev. Bill Shishko calls upon Christians to pray for our leaders. Writer Gerry Wisz talks about having a good reputation and the book of Revelation. Finally, another look at this week in history, with Cal Carter.

Holding All Things Together: The Election and Religious Freedom - Dr. Jerry Johnson, Messiah Jesus, Church at Ephesus in Revelation
Air Date: 12/3/2016
The Election and Religious Freedom, putting our hope in Messiah Jesus, the Church at Ephesus in Revelation

How does the recent election result intersect with our religious freedoms? Today we are joined by Dr. Jerry Johnson, the president of the National Religious Broadcasters. What is the primary focus for Christian broadcasters and churches? In a Visit to the Pastor's Study, Rev. Bill Shishko reminds us of the importance of continuing to place our faith in Messiah Jesus and not government. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to discuss the church at Ephesus in the book of Revelation and its applicability to us today. Finally, Cal Carter brings us another look at This Week in History.

Holding All Things Together: The lack of Christians among Syrian Refugees - Hans A. von Spakovsky; Giving Thanks and the Election; Revelation
Air Date: 11/26/2016
The lack of Christians among Syrian Refugees; Giving Thanks and the Election; Revelation

We have accepted Syrian refugees into America, but something is fishy. The percentage of Christians in Syria is about 10%, but the percentage of Christians that the Obama administration have allowed into our country is about 1/2 of 1 %! What's going on? Today we are joined by Hans A. von Spakovsky, senior legal fellow in The Heritage Foundation’s Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies. In a visit to the Pastor's Study, Rev. Bill Shishko ties in the two themes of thankfulness and the recent election. Later, writer Gerry Wisz discusses the letters to the churches in the book of Revelation. Finally, another look at this week in history.

Holding All Things Together: On Raising Young Children - Rachel Jankovic; The election; Thanksgiving
Air Date: 11/19/2016
On Raising Young Children; The election; Thanksgiving

Are you a mother of young children? Your task is one of the most important callings in the world! Thank you for serving our Lord in this way. This week we talk with Rachel Jankovic, author of the book "Loving the Little Years - Motherhood in the Trenches." She talks about real life with young children and how to not only cope, but to thrive as you look to a sovereign God for help and strength. In a Visit to the Pastor's study, Rev. Bill Shishko looks back on the election results with insightful comments. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to take a look at the Thanksgiving and its meaning. Finally, we take another look at This Week in History. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Trinity - Dr. Kevin Chiarot; Worship and culture; The Churches in Revelation
Air Date: 11/12/2016
The Trinity; Worship and culture; The Churches in Revelation

What is the Trinity? How important is it biblically speaking? Can you be a Christian and not believe in the Trinity? Today Dr. Kevin Chiarot helps us better appreciate this cornerstone of Christian doctrine. In a visit to the Pastor's study, Rev. Bill Shishko touches upon worship and how that intersects with culture. Gerry Wisz begins a new series, looking at the churches in the book of Revelation. Finally, another look at This Week in History with Redeemer host, Cal Carter. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Obamacare - Drew Gonshorowski; Principles for the civil magistrate; On voting
Air Date: 11/5/2016
Obamacare; Principles for the civil magistrate; On voting

Obamacare rate increase averages are 22-25% for 2017. In some states the percentage is much higher. People are not happy with this very unpopular law. Today we talk about Obamacare with Drew Gonshorowski, policy analyst in the Center for Data Analysis at The Heritage Foundation. Pastor Bill Shishko discusses "how to vote," without telling us who to vote for. Gerry Wisz adds more insights on voting in his piece. Finally, another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Loss of a Child - Erin Smalley, Protecting our Borders, the Reformation
Air Date: 10/24/2016
Loss of a Child, Protecting our Borders, the Reformation

Do you know someone who has lost a child? Perhaps you yourself have suffered with such a tragic loss. Today we turn our attention to those parents who have gone through this valley of the shadow of death. Joining us is Erin Smalley, program manager for Focus on the Family's marriage ministry. In a Visit to the Pastor's Study this week, Pastor Bill Shishko continues to explore the responsibilities that God prescribes for the civil magistrate. What responsibility does he have with respect to our borders? Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to review the Reformation, the observation of which is just two days away. Finally, Cal Carter will review this week in history.

Holding All Things Together: Mothers in Prison and an alternative; The Civil Magistrate; Abraham Kuyper
Air Date: 10/22/2016
Mothers in Prison and an alternative; The Civil Magistrate; Abraham Kuyper

This week we look at the issue of women in prison. Some of these are put in prison because of their involvement with illegal drugs. Some of these women are mothers. Is there a better approach that deals with the root cause of the addiction and helps the mothers free themselves from the addiction and get folded back into society? A private faith based model is what we look at. Josh Siegel is our guest and he is news editor with the Daily Signal. Cal Carter brings us another look at this week in history. Pastor Bill Shishko invites us into his study where he explains the biblical perspective on the Civil Magistrate and his or her responsibility in terms of law and order. Writer Gerry Wisz joins us to take a look at the theologioan/statesman Abraham Kuyper. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Estate Taxes and their unjust nature; The moral perspective; Reformation Riches
Air Date: 10/15/2016
Estate Taxes and their unjust nature; The moral perspective; Reformation Riches

Are Estate taxes good? Suppose your parents own a business that is worth ten million dollars, and they hire, say 15 workers. They may not have much cash, but the value is in the business. Now they die. The estate passes to the heirs. However, that's when estate taxes kick in. Why is it that politicians push for very high estate taxes? For the case just mentioned, your parents' business may have to shut down in order to pay these unjust estate taxes. One of the politicians running for office wants a top rate of 65%. Is that good for the workers? Estate taxes are against the biblical law forbidding covetousness. It is also against the biblical principles regarding private property. Today we are joined by Dr. Mark Hendrickson who is a fellow with the Center for Vision and Values. Also this week, Pastor Bill Shishko looks at moral principles that can be a helpful guide to our voting. Gerry Wisz reviews a new book - Reformation Riches for the Contemporary Church. Finally, another edition of This Week in History.

Holding All Things Together: ISIS-inspired attacks; The Christian, finances and voting; God's Not Dead 2
Air Date: 10/8/2016
ISIS-inspired attacks; The Christian, finances and voting, God's Not Dead 2

ISIS-inspired attacks are real. Our leaders seem to minimize this category of attacks however. If the attack can be written off to a "lone wolf" attack, it's like it doesn't matter and the leaders are off the hook. Today we talk with Fred Lucas who takes a closer look at this huge problem that threatens us and our families. Pastor Bill Shishko explains the important area of finances and how that affects Christian families as related to our elected leaders. He reminds us that the borrower becomes the lender's slave. A balanced budget is a godly goal and a reasonable goal that our leaders should embrace. National debt is a serious issue and it is evil. Later in the program, Gerry Wisz joins us to review the movie God's Not Dead 2. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Classical Education; Principles for Voting; Eid al-Adha and the White House
Air Date: 10/1/2016
Classical Education; Principles for Voting; Eid al-Adha and the White House

Have you ever heard of "Classical Education?" By now, many in the Christian community have, but many probably don't really know what it is. Why is it, that kids educated with this model are far out-performing their public school counterparts? What about competitive debates? Well, even at a level of Yale, wins are going to the classical students. Our guest is Dr. Steve Turley. This week Pastor Bill Shishko begins a new series - that on voting. We don't tell you who to vote for - never have, never will. But how about principles that will guide you? Yes, those are fair game. Also joining us is writer Gerry Wisz. He considers the recent Islamic celebration of Eid al-Adha and the White House pronouncement associated with it. Finally we'll take another look at This Week in History. Thanks for Joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Future Supreme Court Appointees; From Fear to Faith, More on Muslim Conversion
Air Date: 9/24/2016
Future Supreme Court Appointees; From Fear to Faith, More on Muslim Conversion

The Supreme Court lost a friend of the Constitution, when Justice Antonin Scalia passed. The concern of those who seek religious freedom and the upholding of all our Bill of Rights, is that now there will be a massive effort by Progressives, to pull the court in a direction which is not consistent with the "original intent" of the Constitution. Today we are joined by John G. Malcolm, director of the think tank’s Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies. Pastor Bill Shishko later joins us to conclude his consideration of the Book of Habakkuk, and the theme of moving from fear to faith. Gerry Wisz joins us to consider in more depth, the Muslim convert Nabeel Qureshi. Finally, another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Bible and Property; God's Judgment; Christ draws a Muslim to Himself
Air Date: 9/17/2016
The Bible and Property; God's Judgment; Christ draws a Muslim to Himself

Is there a biblical justification for private property? What is the proper role of the state in taxation? Many are the questions but few are the answers which square with Scripture. Today we are joined by the President of the Chalcedon Foundation. Also, in a Visit to the Pastor's Study, Rev. Bill Shishko continues to encourage and challenge us as we move from fear to faith. Gerry Wisz discusses the marvelous conversion of a Muslim man to Christianity. Finally, Cal Carter wraps things up with another edition of This Week in History. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Civil Forfeiture abuse; A Life of faith; on the Sin of taking bribes
Air Date: 9/10/2016
Civil Forfeiture abuse; A Life of faith; on the Sin of taking Bribes

What is civil forfeiture and is it abused? We interview Melissa Quinn, Senior News Reporter for the Daily Signal. Pastor Bill Shishko urges us to live by faith and thereby leave fear behind. Later, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to discuss the nature of taken bribes and its tendency to pervert justice. Finally, another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Financial challenges; From Fear to Faith; When God uses a less than godly leader
Air Date: 9/3/2016
Financial challenges; From Fear to Faith; When God uses a less than godly leader

The Middle class in America is getting hit hard financially. They are not the ones typically looking for government handouts. They dutifully pay their taxes and find that there is just no margin left at the end of each week. Today, Chuck Bentley of Crown Financial Ministries joins us to discuss this whole area, including the spiritual aspect. Pastor Bill Shishko discusses the book of Habakkuk and how God used judgment to bring about His perfect will. Writer Gerry Wisz joins us to take a look at the Old Testament figure of Jehu. He was not considered exceptionally godly, and yet God used him for good. Finally, another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Church and Family
Air Date: 8/27/2016
Church and Family

Today we focus on health. Health for our family and health for our churches. Dr. Harry Reeder joins us to discuss these matters. And what about fear? Is there a path from fear to faith? Pastor Bill Shishko begins a new series based on the book of Habakkuk. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to talk about schooling for our children and how to maneuver the options that parents face. Finally, another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Creeds and Confessions of the Church, Hospitality, The Apostles' Creed
Air Date: 8/20/2016
Creeds and Confessions of the Church, Hospitality, The Apostles' Creed

Are Christian creeds and confessions helpful? Do we need the past? What is the advantage of writing down what you believe as a church? These questions are not nearly as trivial as they may appear. Today we are joined by Dr. Carl Trueman from Westminster Theological Seminary. Also we are joined by writer Gerry Wisz, as he looks specifically at the Apostles' Creed. In our visit to the Pastor's Study, Rev. Bill Shishko encourages us to practice Christian hospitality. Finally, another look at This Week in History. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Manly Men, Christian Friendship, The Real Jesus
Air Date: 8/13/2016
Manly Men, Christian Friendship, The Real Jesus

This week we are joined by author Stephen Mansfield. He talks about what it means to be a manly man. Pastor Bill Shishko discusses Christian friendship. Writer Gerry Wisz admonishes us to believe on the real Jesus of the Bible. Finally, another look at this week in history! Thanks for joining us.

Holding All Things Together: God's Law and its applicability today; Lying while under oath; Engaging our culture
Air Date: 8/6/2016
God's Law and its applicability today; Lying while under oath; Engaging our culture

What is the Moral Law of God? Does it still apply to Christians? Does it apply to all people? Join us today as Dr. Kevin Chiarot looks in some detail at the continuing applicability of God's Moral Law, and how it is not antithetical to life in the Spirit. Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to encourage us to continue engaging culture. Writer Gerry Wisz continues on the theme of God's law with taking a look at the commandment of not bearing false witness. How serious is it when our leaders lie under oath? Finally, another look at this week in history.

Holding All Things Together: Missions to South Africa; Home Education, Free Market and Shareholder value
Air Date: 7/30/2016
Missions to South Africa; Home Education, Free Market and Shareholder value

Join us today as we talk with missionary Dr. Peter Hammond, about a trip he took with fellow missionaries as they preached the gospel in 6 provinces in South Africa. What is happening in that country with respect to government overreach sounds similar to what's happening here in America. This week, Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to encourage Christians to stay engaged in outreach to the culture in which we find ourselves. Writer Gerry Wisz joins us to discus the nuances of "Shareholder Value." We close with another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Transgender policy that hurts; Engaging culture; Entrepreneurs and discoveries
Air Date: 7/23/2016
Transgender policy that hurts; Engaging culture; Entrepreneurs and discoveries

New transgender policy has swept the country thanks in large part to our current administration in Washington. There are safety concerns for heterosexual children that this policy presents. Do you know that the administration's policy opens access to girl's showers and dressing rooms, so that a boy claiming to identify as a girl, may now freely walk in to them? This is not right. The "door" is also now open for child molesters temporarily identifying as the opposite sex, to do the same. In a visit to the Pastor's Study this week, Rev. Bill Shishko joins us to continue his answer to a listener's detailed question about whether or not we should "give up" on culture. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to look at entrepreneurs and their fantastic projects, some of which have value and some not. Finally, another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Planes to Iran; Brexit, Books; Culture involvement; Clean Energy
Air Date: 7/16/2016
Planes to Iran; Brexit; Books; Culture involvement; Clean Energy

We have a full platter of subjects this week. Dr. Herb London joins us to discuss Boeing's plan to sell over 100 large planes to Iran. Does this present a security threat to the United States? Also we include comments about the Brexit vote and why it was a good thing. What about books to read if you wanted to train yourself to preserve excellent culture? Speaking of culture, should we abandon it because of some last-days reading of the Bible? And what about clean, safe energy production? This week, writer Gerry Wisz comments about two hot button topics - nuclear energy and fracking. Finally another look at This Week in History. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: The Second Amendment; Optimistic on culture; Brexit
Air Date: 7/9/2016
The Second Amendment; Optimistic on culture; Brexit

In America we have a Constitution and a Bill of Rights. In today's program we look at the 2nd amendment of these Bill of Rights in particular. What does it mean to "not infringe?" Are there advantages to a populace (if they so chose) being able to defend themselves? What did the founders intend? Later, Rev. Bill Shishko joins us to continue his discussion of interacting with culture and not giving up on it. Even if things seem to be collapsing - are we to abandon culture? We think not. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to discuss "Brexit." In the days following this historic vote, some pundits predicted that stock markets would tank and that this vote for sovereignty would have dire consequences. Those who were more freedom-minded however, realized that yes, there was some risk, but things would be just fine, and Britain would enjoy more freedom. Freedom to control your trading and borders is a good thing. Gerry looks at this. Finally we take another look at This Week in History. Thanks for tuning in!

Holding All Things Together: True Liberty and the Centrality of Christ; Do not abandon Culture; Independence Day
Air Date: 7/2/2016
True Liberty and the Centrality of Christ; Do not abandon Culture; Independence Day

What is true liberty? This week we have a book review of "According to Plan." This book helps us to see the unity of Scripture and the centrality of Christ in all of Scripture. In a Visit to the Pastor's Study, this week Rev. Bill Shishko begins answering a listener's question of whether we should abandon culture. Writer Gerry Wisz reviews some of nation's history. Man's liberty is circumscribed by law. The question is "whose law?" Finally, another look at This Week in History.

Holding All Things Together: The Immense Rise in Federal Red Tape; Labor; Orlando Shooting and Whose at Fault
Air Date: 6/25/2016
The Immense Rise in Federal Red Tape; Labor; Orlando Shooting and Whose at Fault

The rise in Federal Red Tape in the past 7 years is immense. Today we talk about that with Genevieve Wood, as senior fellow in communications at the Heritage Foundation, and senior contributor to The Daily Signal. In today's A Visit to the Pastor's Study, Pastor Bill Shishko discusses the creation ordinance of labor. Writer Gerry Wisz joins us later, to discuss the question of "who is to blame?" for the Orlando shooting. Finally we take another look at This Week in History! Thanks for joining us.

Holding All Things Together: The Constitution's Original Intent, The Fifth Commandment, Father's Day
Air Date: 6/18/2016
The Constitution's Original Intent, The Fifth Commandment, Father's Day

Today we explore two diverging views of the Constitution. The views are based on two differing readings of the words "we the people." The result is either a majority rule understanding, or an understanding that supports individuals who are endowed by their Creator with rights. Should government be the servants of the people, or the other way around? Should government protect people's individual rights and limit itself? Join us as Professor Randy Barnett explains. Professor Barnett is a law professor at Georgetown University Law Center, where he teaches constitutional law, contracts, and legal theory. Today, on a visit to the pastor's Study, we take a look at the 5th commandment (Honor your Father and your Mother). Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us to take a deeper dive into families and in particular the Father of the family. Finally, we'll have another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Child Rearing, Optimism in history, The Lord over Economics
Air Date: 6/11/2016
Child Rearing, Optimism in history, The Lord over Economics

How did the typical Puritan family look at raising godly children? Today, we take a walk back in history and recover some of the important principles that used to be at the center of child rearing in early America. This week, Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to complete his look at this world through "good news glasses." Writer Gerry Wisz looks at economics through the lens of a Christian worldview. Finally, Cal Carter wraps up our program with another look at this week in history.

Holding All Things Together: Free Speech and Religious Liberty; Advance of the Gospel; Is the Economy our Religion?
Air Date: 6/4/2016
Free Speech and Religious Liberty; Advance of the Gospel; Is the Economy our Religion?

This week we are joined by Dr. Jerry Johnson, the President and CEO of the National Religious Broadcasters. We discuss the issue of religious liberty in America. Pastor Bill Shishko joins us this week to discuss the reasons for optimism for the Christian. Gerry Wisz reviews a book written by Scott Gustafson. Gerry interacts with and critiques the book and then shows from Scripture what our view of economic ethics should be. Finally, another look at this Week in History!

Holding All Things Together: Being Faithful in Small Things, The Good News, How a Non-Christian Sees the World
Air Date: 5/28/2016
Being Faithful in Small Things, The Good News, How a Non-Christian Sees the World

Today we are joined by author Stephen Mansfield. He talks about a little known person who faithfully served the Lord in her calling and the profound effect it had upon the world. Stephen's website is: http://stephenmansfield.tv/ Pastor Bill Shishko joins us and points out that bad news sells, and so, we hear about bad news all the time. But there are good stories out there, and plenty of them. Gerry Wisz continues looking at the simple incident of losing eye drops and looking for them. Last week he explained how a Christian views the event, and this week he shifts gears and looks at the same event through the lens of an unbeliever. It is a helpful contrast. Finally, another look at This Week in History with Cal Carter

Holding All Things Together: Socialized Medicine; Optimism and the Future; God's Providence and Prayer
Air Date: 5/21/2016
Socialized Medicine; Optimism and the Future; God's Providence and Prayer

We hear voices that are pushing for "socialized medicine." In fact we see reference to it in shows like "Call the Midwife" on PBS. What is behind this whole push? How has it worked out in countries which have implemented a full-blown socialized approach? Today we are joined by Dr. Gerard J Gianoli, a surgeon who explains that system and compares it to one that is focused on doctor patient relationship and not controlled by the government. Which is more merciful and meets the needs of people better? Which better shows the love of Christ? Also on the program, Pastor Bill Shishko begins a new series of discussions about the topic of gospel optimism. Later in the program, Gerry wish joins us to share about an experience he has in looking for his lost eye drops. While it sounds almost trivial, Gerry explains some profound thoughts that tie into the God who answers the prayers of His people. Finally, we'll wrap things up with another edition of This Week in History. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Revival and Reformation; A Day of Rest; Small Businesses
Air Date: 5/14/2016
Revival and Reformation; A Day of Rest; Small Businesses

We desperately need God in America. If we don't see a mighty revival, we will continue to head down the slippery slope that leads to slavery at all levels. This week we are joined by Pastor Al Baker, an evangelist from Alabama. By the way, how are you doing with your freedom to obey God regarding working 6 days rather than 7? The Sabbath was made for man, Jesus said. This week, Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to close out his discussion of the Lord's Day. Writer Gerry Wisz joins us again with insights into small business and the profoundly important role it plays in our land. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history. Thanks for joining us!

Holding All Things Together: Mother's Day, Preparing for Lord's Day worship, Looking at Mothers in the Bible
Air Date: 5/7/2016
Mother's Day, Preparing for Lord's Day worship, Looking at Mothers in the Bible

Tomorrow is Mother's day. This week, Dr. John Vance joins us to discuss the Christian family, and Mothers in particular. Pastor Bill Shishko continues taking a look at the Christian Sabbath. Writer Gerry Wisz looks at Mothers in the Bible. We conclude with another edition of This Week in History.

Holding All Things Together: The Minimum Wage at a Federal level; Book Review; Christian Sabbath and our well being
Air Date: 4/30/2016
The Minimum Wage at a Federal level; Book Review; Christian Sabbath and our well being

Have you thought through the issues associated with the push for a federal minimum wage? Will people lose their jobs as a result and what does the Congressional Budget office say? Will some people benefit? What about the overall effect? Dr. Tracy C. Miller joins us to discuss. This week we have a short book review with Dr. Kevin Chiarot. He looks at RC Sproul's book: Are We Together? A Protestant Analyzes Roman Catholicism. Pastor Bill Shishko continues to discuss the Christian Sabbath. Jesus said it was made for man. As such, there are practical benefits of observing one day in seven as a day of rest and Christian service. Finally, another edition of This Week in History with Cal Carter.

Holding All Things Together: Missions in the 19th Century; Passover and what it points to; The Christian Sabbath
Air Date: 4/23/2016
Missions in the 19th Century; Passover and what it points to; The Christian Sabbath

Missions in the 19th century was wonderful because of the tremendous advancement of the gospel in the world. Today our guest is Dr. Peter Hammond who has written a book about this important time in our Christian history. The book is: The Greatest Century of Missions. In our Visit to the Pastor's Study this week, Rev. Bill Shishko continues to help us understand the 4th commandment, which is part of the moral law of God. He shows how Jesus taught on this commandment and how it is for us today. Passover is today. What can we learn from it which applies to us in our day? Well, there is very much! Gerry Wisz explains. Cal Carter concludes our time together with another look at this week in history.

Holding All Things Together: Missions in violent areas, The Christian Sabbath, Uniqueness of Christ's sacrifice for sin
Air Date: 4/16/2016
Missions in violent areas, The Christian Sabbath, Uniqueness of Christ's sacrifice for sin

What was it like to do missions work behind what was once called the Iron Curtain? Today we talk with Ron Koehler who works with the Navigators. Pastor Bill Shishko begins a study of the Christian Sabbath. Gerry Wisz discusses sharing the gospel of Christ with two Muslim women and their response. Finally, another look at This Week in History.

Holding All Things Together: Restoring all Things; Corporate Worship; How to deal with Social Corruption
Air Date: 4/9/2016
Restoring all Things; Corporate Worship; How to deal with Social Corruption

This week we talk with Warren Cole Smith about the book he co-authored with John Stonestreet, titled "Restoring All Things: God's Audacious Plan to Change the World through Everyday People." Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to discuss corporate worship. Gerry Wisz discusses how to deal with corruption. Finally, we'll take another look at this week in history.

Holding All Things Together: Honest reporting of the news; Family worship, Missions that really works
Air Date: 4/2/2016
Honest reporting of the news; Family worship, Missions that really works

Have you ever noticed that news reports are no longer reporting news, but rather foisting upon you someone's agenda? Today we interview veteran investigative reporter Sharyl Atkisson. She explains how she approaches stories with integrity. She briefly recounts some of her days at CBS news. She has written a book entitled "Stonewalled." Later we hear from Pastor Bill Shishko who talks about family worship. Writer Gerry Wisz joins us to discuss two church plants in other countries that really are blessed of the Lord. Finally, we'll have another look at this week in History.

Holding All Things Together: The Persecuted Church; Acceptable Worship, An Easter meditation
Air Date: 3/26/2016
The Persecuted Church; Acceptable Worship, An Easter meditation

This Easter weekend, we take a look at the persecuted church around the world. Christians who die have a firm confidence of everlasting life and will experience a future resurrection. If you were to list the top ten areas in the world where Christian persecution is the worst, what would your answer be? Open Doors maintains such a list and we need to be aware of it so that we can pray for our brothers and sisters in the Lord. Also, have you thought about the whole area of worship? Is your worship "acceptable" in the biblical sense of the word? Pastor Bill Shishko helps us think about this area. Later in the program, writer Gerry Wisz joins us with an Easter meditation. Finally, Cal Carter closes the program with another episode of This Week in History.

Holding All Things Together: God - the foundation for rational thought and education; Worship; More on missions
Air Date: 3/19/2016
God - the foundation for rational thought and education; Worship; More on missions

What is the source of wisdom and knowledge? Would it not make sense that our educational model be based on this? What books are there which can help inform us in this sort of thing? Dr. John Frame explains. What about worship - how does that tie into cultural transformation? Pastor Bill Shishko helps explain. We'll have another edition of This Week in History.

Holding All Things Together: Passing along the essentials of our faith; Worship; Indigenous missions
Air Date: 3/12/2016
Passing along the essentials of our faith; Worship; Indigenous missions

What if you were to think about passing only three things to your children, or to your church - what would they be? Today, Dr. Liam Goligher joins us to discuss this very thing. What about worship? How does it profoundly change us and society? Today, Rev. Bill Shishko joins us with another Visit to the Pastor's study. Gerry Wisz reviews two missionary works in other countries that naturally and effectively engage the people of the culture and that God is blessing. Finally, another look at This Week in History.

Holding All Things Together: Supreme Court selection, Sanctity of marriage, Missions that works
Air Date: 3/5/2016
Supreme Court selection, Sanctity of marriage, Missions that works

This week we are joined by Peter Wolfgang, of the Family Institute of Connecticut. He discusses the necessity to wait for the next president before trying to fill the Supreme Court vacancy. He explains why this is a legal and reasonable action. Gerry Wisz joins us today to discuss a missions work in Myanmar - one that really works. Bill Shishko discusses the sanctity of marriage and the marriage act. Finally we look again at this week in history!

Holding All Things Together: Spiritual warfare, the sanctity of human life, and evangelism
Air Date: 2/27/2016
Spiritual warfare, the sanctity of human life, and evangelism

Today, we talk with Dr. George Grant about spiritual warfare. He talks about what the Bible calls: the world, the flesh and the Devil. He also gives some practical illustrations of what spiritual warfare looks like. These are terribly simple, yet important things. We practice a life of holiness in our families and in our churches. Pastor Bill Shishko joins us again with another look at the Christian in politics. This week he comments about the sanctity of human life. Gerry Wisz joins us to explain what evangelism looks like when it is done God's way. Finally, another look at this week in history.

Holding All Things Together: A Protestant view of the season of Lent; Sanctity of private property; We Cannot be Silent
Air Date: 2/20/2016
A Protestant view of the season of Lent; Sanctity of private property; We Cannot be Silent

How do we handle the season of Lent at Protestants? Join us today as Dr. Kevin Chiarot explains. What about the notion of private property - is that a biblical concept? Bill Shishko explores that and the implications for political systems such as socialism. Gerry Wisz joins us this week completing his review of the book We Cannot be Silent by Al Mohler. Finally another look at This Week in History.

Holding All Things Together: Our nation's real need is Revival, the national debt, what's legal may not be moral
Air Date: 2/13/2016
Our nation's real need is Revival, the national debt, what's legal may not be moral

This week we take a look at the real need for our nation - that of a God-sent spiritual revival with its subsequent obedience to the law of God. Cal Carter interviews Pastor Al Baker of Alabama. On a Visit to the Pastor's Study, this week Rev. Bill Shishko discusses the national debt and the Christian. Gerry Wisz joins us again this week, to discuss the distinction between what the state lists as legal, vs. what God says is forbidden. Finally we'll take another look at This Week in History.

Holding All Things Together: What's missing in our Public Schools? Poland's Culture War; the Christian and politics
Air Date: 2/6/2016
What's missing in our Public Schools? Poland's Culture War; the Christian and politics

This week, we interview Dawn Hoagland, a public school teacher who also writes an education column for the Woodbury Gazette. She discusses the need for teaching God's truth in school. Gerry Wisz discusses Poland's culture war and the push back they are getting from the European Union. Bill Shishko joins with another Visit to the Pastor's Study. Finally we conclude with This Week in History.

Holding All Things Together: Reigning in government overreach, The Christian and the civil realm, Al Mohler's book
Air Date: 1/30/2016
Reigning in government overreach, The Christian and the civil realm, Al Mohler's book

Today we talk with Genevieve Wood, senior fellow in communications and senior contributor to The Daily Signal, of the Heritage Foundation. She talks about the case when the executive branch overreaches and takes on functions reserved for the legislative branch. She has a suggestion on how to reign in such actions. Gerry Wisz joins us to discuss Al Mohler's book, "We Cannot be Silent." Pastor Bill Shishko opens God's word to explain some principles that direct us when Christians are involved in politics. Finally, Cal Carter brings us another look at This Week in History.

Holding All Things Together: Update on Iraqi Christians, the Christian and politics, The Wheaton College Case
Air Date: 1/23/2016
Update on Iraqi Christians, the Christian and politics, The Wheaton College Case

We interview Canon Andrew White, popularly called "The Vicar of Baghdad. He describes the church in Baghdad, and gives us an update on the situation there. Pastor Bill Shishko continues to provide insights into the Christian and politics. Gerry Wisz discusses the Wheaton College situation with Larycia Hawkins and her assertion that Christians and Muslims worship the same God. Finally, another edition of This Week in History.

Holding All Things Together: The art of Christian persuasion; Understanding the times: Christians and politics
Air Date: 1/16/2016
The art of Christian persuasion; Understanding the times: Christians and politics

We are joined today by Dr. Os Guinness, who explains what his recent book is about: "Fool's Talk..." In a visit to the Pastor's Study, Rev. Bill Shishko begins a new series on the Christian and politics. Gerry Wisz joins us to discuss the theme of understanding the times. Finally we take a look at This Week in History with Cal Carter.

Holding All Things Together: A missionary couple shares their story, optimism for the gospel, understanding the times
Air Date: 1/9/2016
A missionary couple shares their story, optimism for the gospel, understanding the times

Have you ever thought about the prospects of doing missions work on a full time basis? We interview Caleb & Melissa Gibello who are going to Papua New Guinea as missionaries. What is the main thing they are concerned about? Here is a link to their blog: http://www.pngorbust.blogspot.com/ This week on A Visit to the Pastor's Study, Bill Shishko wraps up his series on Christian optimism. Gerry Wisz joins us to discuss how we are to be men who understand the times. Finally, another edition of this week in history. Please invite others to this podcast! Just click on the listen link, and then copy and paste the link into a note and send it to a friend!

Holding All Things Together: A New Year - Leadership, understanding the times and the advance of the gospel
Air Date: 1/2/2016
A New Year - Leadership, understanding the times and the advance of the gospel

Its the new year, and we take a closer look today at a leader who lived in the 1940's. What characterized his life? What can we learn from him for us today? Stephen Mansfield talks with us about Winston Churchill. What about the gospel of Christ advancing in the face of persecution? Pastor Bill Shishko encourages us to think back to the Apostle John and his writings in the book of Revelation. Gerry Wisz joins us with a fresh consideration for the new year - one that is rooted in the sacred pages of Scripture. Finally, we close out the program with another look at This Week in History.

Holding All Things Together: Finances for the new year, how God shakes all things and His gift of the gospel
Air Date: 12/26/2015
Finances for the new year, how God shakes all things and His gift of the gospel

The New Year is almost upon us. Many folks think about how to improve their lives, and make resolutions. This week we talk with the CEO of Crown, Chuck Bentley. He shares with us so practical pointers to consider, that will help our lives in general and finances in particular in 2016. Pastor Bill Shishko joins us for another Visit to the Pastor's Study. This week talking about the encouraging gift of the gospel. Gerry Wisz is here to talk about God "shaking" all things. It is a fascinating thing to consider, and not only sobering but most encouraging. Finally another rendition of This Week in History.

Holding All Things Together: A Special Christmas edition
Air Date: 12/19/2015
A Special Christmas eidtion - Carols and Lessons of Christmas, On being optimistic, The Birth of Christ

Join us this week for a special edition of the program. Dr. Edd Cathey explains the background of lessons and carols that many churches use this time of year. He explains the movements of the service. Gerry Wisz discusses the birth of King Jesus. Pastor Bill Shishko encourages us with more considerations for optimistic hope in the gospel. Finally, another rendition of This Week in History.

Holding All Things Together: Advent explained, more on optimism, God's Covenant of Grace
Air Date: 12/12/2015
Advent explained, more on optimism, God's Covenant of Grace

What does Advent really mean? Have you thought more deeply about it? Today, Dr. Kevin Chiarot joins us to explain this wonderful time of year. Last week we began to just touch on the subject of optimism. Pastor Bill Shishko joins us again to encourage us to listen to what God has said in his word regarding God building His kingdom in this world. We also have a tremendous discussion this week on the subject of covenant - we know you will enjoy it as Gerry Wisz discusses this theme that is warp and woof of the whole of Scripture - it is like a mini seminary course! Finally, another look at This Week in History.

Holding All Things Together: Christian persecution at the hands of Islam and realistic optimism
Air Date: 12/5/2015
Christian persecution at the hands of Islam and realistic (ie, biblical) optimism

Today we are joined by Raymond Ibrahim, a widely published author, public speaker, and Middle East and Islam specialist. He discusses the persecution of Christians at the hands of moderate and radical Islam. We have a couple of segments that in spite of these tragedies and warnings also give us great hope in Christ, our Sovereign Lord. We close out the program with another look at this week in history.

Holding All Things Together: Operation Christmas Child, Free speech and the military, the 8th Commandment
Air Date: 11/28/2015
Operation Christmas Child, Free speech and the military, the 8th Commandment, This Week in History

Today Franklin Graham joins us to discuss Operation Christmas Child. He shares touching stories of how the Lord has used the ministry in children's lives. Instructions for mailing a box are here: http://www.samaritanspurse.org/operation-christmas-child/follow-your-box/ Gerry Wisz tackles religious freedom and the 1st Amendment with respect to our military. Pastor Bill Shishko explains the 8th Commandment. Finally, another look at this week in history.

Holding All Things Together: A Thanksgiving edition
Air Date: 11/17/2015
How God called a man to serve him as a minister, A look at Thanksgiving, Hospitality, This week in History

Join us for a special Thanksgiving edition. Pastor Bill Shishko discusses Christian hospitality. Gerry Wisz reviews thankfulness and though it certainly can be commemorated on a special day, it is much more: it’s a way of life that arises from understanding that we have received a gift beyond any other. Dr. Liam Goligher joins us to discuss how the Lord called him to the Christian ministry. He expresses his thanks for some special people in his life. Finally, another look at This Week in History!

Holding All Things Together: The Christian and Philosophy, Christian Community, Movie review
Air Date: 11/14/2015
Philosophy and how to view it, Christian community, a movie review, this week in history

God is the creator of all things. He is behind all that is good, including human relationships. Rev. Bill Shishko joins us this week to discuss community. Also theologian and book author Dr. John Frame discusses his book: A History of Western Philosophy and Theology. What is the basis for all rational thought? Tune in to this week's podcast to learn more. Gerry Wisz joins us this week with a movie review of Cinderella, which was released this past March. Finally, another edition of This Week in History.

Holding All Things Together: Prayer, Friendship, and the Poverty of Nations
Air Date: 11/7/2015
Prayer, Friendship, and the Poverty of Nations

Join us this week as Dr. Peter Hammond shares with us about the necessity of prayer in our churches and homes. Ever wonder why we don't see a mighty revival in America? Perhaps it is tied to our lack of prayer before the face of God. This week on A Visit to the Pastor's study, Rev. Bill Shishko talks about Christian friendship. Gerry Wisz later joins us as he completes his review of the book The Poverty of Nations. Finally, we wrap up the program with another look at This Week in History.

Holding All Things Together: The Reformation
Air Date: 10/31/2015
The Reformation and how its principles still apply today

Today we celebrate the Protestant Reformation. Gerry Wisz covers the foundational influence of Martin Luther. Dr. Joel McDurmon covers the influence of the Puritans, first in Elizabethan England and then coming to America. The Puritan influence predates the "enlightenment" as McDurmon points out. This week, Pastor Bill Shishko discusses an oft forgotten life style - that of singleness. Finally we close the program with another edition of This Week in History

Holding All Things Together: The Bible and Assisted Suicide; the Bible and the Poor; the Bible and Marriage.
Air Date: 10/24/2015
The Bible and Assisted Suicide; the Bible and the Poor; the Bible and Marriage.

We look to God's word for how to live our lives. It is the guide for sanctification once God sovereignly saves us, filling us with His Spirit. Have you ever thought about Physician assisted suicide - what's the difference between that and Euthanasia? This week, Carrie Earll joins us from Focus on the Family, to discuss this timely subject. And how about marriage? What has God said about it? Bill Shishko joins us with another visit to the Pastor's Study. And how does the Bible instruct us to help the poor? Gerry Wisz shares with us the 2nd installment of his series on the Poverty of Nations. Finally another look at This Week in History.

Holding All Things Together: The Battle of Lepanto, the Crusades, Helping countries out of poverty
Air Date: 10/17/2015
The Battle of Lepanto, the Crusades, Helping countries out of poverty, and Christian Counterculture

Today, missionary Dr. Peter Hammond recounts some history about the Battle of Lepanto, and how Christians repelled the onslaught of Muslims against Europe against incredible odds. We discuss the Crusades. Gerry Wisz begins a three part series on how to help a poor country and not further their poverty. Rev. Bill Shishko discusses Christian counterculture. Finally we close with another look at This Week in History with Cal Carter.

Holding All Things Together: Tragedy and God's sovereignty, the economics of Socialism, the 10th Commandment
Air Date: 10/10/2015
Human tragedy and God's sovereignty, the economics of Socialism, the 10th Commandment

How do we think about the tragedies of life? Are you tempted to doubt the goodness and sovereignty of God? Today, Dr. Kevin Chiarot joins us to offer some pastoral perspective. Another issue that is coming to the foreground is the old idea of Socialism. That is, government taking our money and giving it to others in a redistribution of wealth. Is this a form of legalized thievery? Join us as Gerry Wisz discusses the topic. What does the 10th commandment require? Pastor Bill Shishko helps us understand.

Holding All Things Together: Finances in our families, the uniqueness of church and the invasion of Muslims
Air Date: 10/3/2015
Finances in our families, the uniqueness of church and the invasion of Muslims

Today, Chuck Bentley, CEO of Crown, joins us to talk about families and their finances. Families are really struggling in America and Chuck has some specific advice. Gerry Wisz joins us to cover the massive influx of Muslims into Europe and soon into America. For both cases, many of these immigrants will secure handsome handouts from the governments. This will be destructive to the national economies, plus there is a huge risk of some radicalized Muslims as being part of the stream of refugees. This is a huge threat to both Europe and America. Rev. Bill Shishko joins us to talk about the 9th commandment.

Holding All Things Together: Syndicated Columnist Cal Thomas shares his life's story, and the 8th commandment
Air Date: 9/26/2015
Cal Thomas shares his life story; How the 8th commandment applies today; Staying close to God in good times

A syndicated columnist shares his life's story of how the Lord providentially worked in his life, ultimately bringing him to faith in Christ. Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to explain the 8th commandment. Gerry Wisz shares an insightful essay entitled "Riding Roughshod, while Riding High." We close out our program with another This Week in History.

Holding All Things Together: A Missionary captured by Communists preaches the gospel and God blesses
Air Date: 9/19/2015
Missions behind enemy lines, commentary about the 1st amendment, the 7th commandment, and a SCOTUS ruling

What is it like to smuggle Bibles into enemy territory and then be caught by Communists? Our human interest story this week is with Dr. Peter Hammond. He was captured and tortured, but God gave him and his fellow missionaries the grace to keep going and they preached the gospel in their situation. Cal Carter has a short commentary this week about the 1st amendment. This theme continues with Gerry Wisz explaining a little known SCOTUS ruling from this summer. A visit to the Pastor's study covers the 7th commandment. This week in History closes us out as we look back at how God ordained all things after the counsel of his mysterious will.

Holding All Things Together: A song writer shares his life story, the 6th commandment, and commentary about time
Air Date: 9/12/2015
An interview with Michael Card, a visit to the Pastor's study, and thinking about time

Today we interview song writer and author Michael Card. He talks about the Lord's work in his life. He also covers the idea of lament for the people of God. He comments on racial reconciliation as well. Gerry Wisz joins us this week for some reflections on the subject of time. Pastor Bill Shishko is here to discuss the 6th commandment. Finally, Cal Carter wraps up the week with another episode of This Week in History.

Holding All Things Together: This is my Father's World
Air Date: 9/5/2015
This is My Father's World - a look at the stewardship of creation, plus the 5th commandment on honoring our parents

This week on Holding All Things together, we talk with Dr. E. Calvin Beisner, the founder and national spokesman for the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation. He discusses the recent Clean Power Plan, and its downside. Pastor Bill Shishko explains the 5th commandment, and Gerry Wisz discusses an archeological find in the Republic of Georgia that may change the thinking about so-called early human evolution. Gerry discusses this find, and it’s consistency with the biblical record. Finally, Cal Carter brings us another This Week in History.

Holding All Things Together: A Missionary couple and son discuss their work
Air Date: 8/29/2015
A Missionary couple and son discuss their work, plus more on the 4th commandment

What is it like to be a missionary to a developed country, learn their language, and plant churches? Are there commonalities with that work that bridge to our own culture? The Great Commission speaks to this situation and reminds us that we must have a comprehensive outreach, that is, "teaching them to observe all things" that Christ has commanded. Today we also look at one of the moral commands of God, that of the 4th commandment. It is touchy in a way, because not all Christians agree on this particular commandment. Finally we wrap things up with another "This Week in History."

Holding All Things Together: The 1st Amendment Defense Act and thoughts about one day of rest
Air Date: 8/22/2015
The 1st Amendment Defense Act and thoughts about one day of rest

Today we look at the possible future challenges to our 501c3 status for churches, non-profits, Non-Commercial broadcasters, and others. Dr. Jerry Johnson, President and CEO of The National Religious Broadcasters joins us. Further information is found here: http://nrb.org/news_room/press_center/nrb-urges-congress-to-defend-freedom-to-believe-in-marriage/ Also we take some time and consider the 4th commandment. In particular the command to labor six days, but then rest for one out of seven. Gerry Wisz reminds us to call the Sabbath a Delight. Finally we close with another look at this week in history.

Holding All Things Together: Christian Education
Air Date: 8/15/2015
Education - How one family started a private Christian school, and the Lord as our Teacher

What does it take to start from scratch, a private Christian school? Join us to hear Bill Spanjer discuss the trials and blessings his family had endured as they launched Chapel Field Christian School. Also this week, Gerry Wisz joins us to discuss another kind of Christian education – the kind in which the Lord Himself is our teacher. In this sense, we’re all students, learning how to endure in faithfulness. Cal Carter shares another "This Week in History."

Holding All Things Together: Work, Worship and Life
Air Date: 8/8/2015
Work, Worship and Life - Why work is good for society, guidance on worship and more on pro-life

Today we take a closer look at work and why it is good for people and for society. We address the entitlement mentality. Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to discuss the 2nd commandment, which deals with worship. We have a special interview that Cal Carter conducts that further looks into the harvesting of baby parts by Planned Parenthood. Gerry Wisz joins us to discuss Cecil the lion and the lack of proportionality with respect to the murder of innocent human life by comparison. Finally a wrap up with another rendition of This Week in History.

Holding All Things Together: Higher education, God's law, apologetics in a movie review, more on SCOTUS
Air Date: 8/1/2015
How God shaped and called a man to gospel service, more about God's law, movie review, more on SCOTUS

This week we interview Dr. David Garner of Westminster Theological Seminary. He shares with us how the Lord brought him to Himself, and then how the Lord led him into Christian service. Also joining us this week is Pastor Bill Shishko. Bill reviews the 1st commandment. We have a short visit with Attorney Mike Farris who includes more comments about the June 26th SCOTUS decision. Gerry Wisz joins us with a review of the movie: God's Not Dead. Finally, Cal Carter wraps up this week, with another rendition of This Week in History

Holding All Things Together: A special pro-life edition
Air Date: 7/22/2015
A special pro-life edition that includes information about Planned Parenthood

Today we feature a special interview with Anika Smith, associate editor at The Stream. She shares information about last week's breaking news regarding Planned Parenthood's selling of human body parts harvested from aborted babies. Gerry Wisz joins us to probe the parlance "human flourishing." Pastor Bill Shishko provides an introduction to the 10 commandments.

Holding All Things Together - Suffering Christians and ISIS, comments on loss of loved ones
Air Date: 7/18/2015
A Human interest interview with Canon Andrew White, plus commentary about loss of loved ones

Some time ago, Redeemer Broadcasting interviewed the Rev. Canon Andrew White. He was considered the "Vicar of Baghdad." Dr. White suffers with Multiple Sclerosis, and yet he keeps working, helping the people of Iraq. Now he has moved his operations to Jordan and this week we interview him. Also, Gerry Wisz joins us with some insights on losing loved ones. Also weaved into the broadcast, are comments from a pastor in Queens, NY about the marriage debate occurring here in the states.

Holding All Things Together - Economics, human interest and more on biblical marriage
Air Date: 7/8/2015
Economics, the Austrian school, human interest and biblical marriage

This week's episode includes a human interest piece about a college professor who now teaches at Grove City College, Dr. Shawn Ritenour. Learn how the Lord directed his paths to his profession. You may find his comments too, about economics to be fascinating and worthy of further reading. Also this week, commentary about biblical marriage from Carrie Gordon Earll from Focus on the Family. Also, a fascinating essay by Gerry Wisz, entitled No Gilded Age After All. Finally, a wrap up with This Week in History.

Holding All Things Together: A Special July 4th Edition
Air Date: 6/29/2015
The Fourth of July - A special edition

On this special edition today, we feature an interview with a veteran of World War II who was there when Pearl Harbor was bombed - Lt. James Downing. Also some comments about the recent SCOTUS legislative ruling from attorney Michael Farris. We take a look at the word "independence" as we have a visit to the Pastor's Study with Pastor Bill Shishko. Gerry Wisz reminds us of a little known document today, with with far-reaching influence - the Magna Carta. Finally we close out the program with a brief review of events leading up to the Declaration of Independence, and include some applications for us today.

Holding All Things Together: Human interest, the environment, development for the poor and evolution
Air Date: 6/27/2015
How should we view our environment - comments about Pope Francis' recent encylical

Pope Francis recently came out with an encyclical that was supportive of the environmental movement. However some of the science behind these statements is doubtful at best. Today we feature a human interest interview with Dr. E. Calvin Beisner

Holding All Things Together: Father's Day
Air Date: 6/20/2015
A Father's day special of Holding All Things Together

A special Father's Day edition of the program today. Included is an interview with author Os Guinness. Gerry Wisz comments on disciplining our children. Pastor Bill Shishko covers the creation ordinance of procreation. We close with a look at this week in history and some scripture pertaining to fatherhood.

Holding All Things Together: Change by the Holy Spirit
Air Date: 6/13/2015
Change by the Holy Spirit

This week on Holding All Things together we reflect on real change as wrought by the Holy Spirit. People become Christians because of the Spirit's work in drawing them to Himself, and giving them faith to believe the gospel. We find our rest in Christ, and He even gives us a day of rest to be used for His glory and our good. What about our relation to the world after we are converted? We find that we are truly free men and women who want to live for Christ. Another interesting interview this week is concerning the NSA spying powers. Attorney John Whitehead joins us to discuss this important matter that relates to our freedoms. Finally, what's the difference between human-designed metamorphosis -vs- true spiritual new birth. Gerry Wisz discusses this. We close out the program with This Week in History.

Holding All Things Together: The church's prophetic role and the real Jesus
Air Date: 6/6/2015
The uniqueness of the church, her prophetic role and our commitment to the real Jesus

Is the church unique and what about her prophetic role of proclaiming God's truth? Is every gathering "church?" Also a human interest interview with a retired senior pastor who faithfully served for many years at a church in the Hudson Valley area. Foreign missionary Dr. Peter Hammond joins us to a give a short challenge to our American churches. Cal Carter shares another edition of This Week in History.

Holding All Things Together: Family, Marriage and Society
Air Date: 5/30/2015
Family, Marriage and Society

This week we talk about the family and in particular the marriage of one man to one woman. John Stonestreet comments on the advantage that children have who are raised in a solid family with a Mom and Dad. Pastor Bill Shishko joins us to explain the Creation Ordinance of marriage. John Stonestreet comes back with an exclusive interview in which he recounts how the Lord led him to eventually become a part of the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Gerry Wisz covers "50 Shades of Grey." Attorney Mike Farris joins us to explain the threats on the horizon to our religious freedom and to the tax exempt status of Christian churches. Finally, Cal Carter wraps up the week with another edition of This Week in History.

Holding All Things Together: Memorial Day
Air Date: 5/23/2015
A Memorial Day Special

Today Cal Carter interviews Alton Tabor, a WWII veteran, author, and actor. Gerry Wisz concludes his study of the minimum wage, taking applications from Scripture. A visit to the Pastor's study takes a Memorial Day detour and Dr. Kevin Chiarot discusses how a Christian soldier can view his situation in light of God's word. Finally, this week in history. Join us!

Holding All Things Together: Economics and Labor
Air Date: 5/16/2015
Economics and Labor - glorifying God with our resources

In this episode we talk with the CEO of Crown Financial Ministries, Chuck Bentley. Chuck shares with us a more personal look at what he went through in his own life, as God led him to make some changes that resulted in glorifying God and eventually taking the job of CEO of Crown. Also Gerry Wisz dives into the minimum wage debate and looks at facts that help us see the situation more clearly. Pastor Bill Shishko continues with Creation ordinances, and covers labor.

Holding All Things Together: Mother's Day
Air Date: 5/9/2015
Mother's Day - a special edition of Holding All Things Together

On this edition, R.C. Sproul, Jr. shares what Mother's Day is like in his family now that his precious wife Denise has passed. Gerry Wisz covers the Ascension of Christ. John Stonestreet joins us with a recent edition of The Point. Michael Farris comments about Mother's Day in his household. Pastor Bill Shishko answers the question, "What are Creation Ordinances?" Deb Elmendorf reads Hannah's prayer, and Cal Carter covers this week in history.

Holding All Things Together: Grandparents and their godly influence - John Koufos, A lesson in civics, Revitalization of urban neighborhoods
Air Date: 0/0/0000
Grandparents and their godly influence - John Koufos, A lesson in civics, Revitalization of urban neighborhoods